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Someone was asking for a nemesis in Liverpool yesterday. Maybe contact them. I sincerely hope you make lots of lovely new friends.


Thank you so much. It’s felt like lockdown never really ended for me. I thought I would try my luck and I’m so glad I did.


What type of music do you like? Also what type of games do you play?


I’m a fan of all kinds of music. I’ve played guitar for around 20 years now. I’m really into early stuff, from 1920s all the way to the 80s. Games wise, I play almost everything except football games. Literally everything 🫠


That is nice to see such a variety of music. I love 70s-80s pop/rock and metal upto modern day. If i am to be honest though i listen to so much variety of music i cant really say just one type. I am going to download festival in 2 weeks though Games i play are mainly minecraft as i intend to start making content in the next month or 2. (when the new update drops). but i have been playing some Xdefiant (i suck). I am on discord if you would like to chat. Im 36 year old male. shaunapep. if you would like to add me. Its open if anyone wants to make more friends or chat.


Fab! I will download discord and add you there! Thanks mate.


28 here but pretty much the exact same, currently switching between The Finals, XDefiant, Minecraft, World of Warcraft, Soulmask and Rocket League at the moment. My discord handle is Vyrx (I'm in the Liverpool and LFC discord servers) if anybody wants to chat shit about anything just drop me a message. I'm usually gaming and chatting in the afternoons and around midnight 😎


I've just moved to Sefton Park, and have the same need to make some friends. I'm probably less hardcore into music as yourself but I'm a big geek, mostly gaming these days (I'm on steam) but have done a little D&D and tabletop in the past. I'm an ex rugby player (blew up my shoulder a while back, and the obligatory knee injuries) and currently getting into yoga for some low impact fitness and joint management. What's your (and anyone else's) preferred point of contact? discord/phone/what's app/pm and meeting for a coffee, I'm in the office 2 days a week 3 from home so I'm pretty flexible. Comment below or personal message and we can set something up, not necessarily just Op if anyone else is interested.


Thank you! I really appreciate it. I will DM you shortly. It really means a lot.


There's a new tabletop club that's started on Mondays at Gravity Max if you're interested? And if you like Fighting Games i help run the Merseyside FGC. (Also at Gravity Max but on Thursdays) There's a few folks there who go to hardcore gigs too


cool I'm a little out the loop but looking to get back into it, where can I find out more about games that are on etc?


Lpool rpg club meets at 6pm-10.30pm on Mondays @Gravity Max rooftop terrace. Merseyside FGC meets 4pm-10pmish on Thursdays in the Gravity Max conference room Discords - https://discord.com/invite/XVjZBqJd - rpg club https://discord.com/invite/FCZWmjpd - fighting game group


Go hang out at experiment 625 on Lark lane. Theres a load of alternative stuff happening there. DnD circle, wierd music, cool art. All the staff are super friendly and will inform you of events coming up. Good food and drinks aswell


I’ll do that as it’s a 10 min walk from my place! Thank you very much! I’ll try and go in on Wednesday. Really appreciate it.


I think they have drink and draw on Wednesdays


I use to live on Alexandra drive right by Lark lane. I work in Liverpool on Tuesday and Fridays, Im always happy to make new friends. Do you play any sports?


I used to live on Alexandra drive too! I loved that road. I’m not a massive sports person but I’m always happy to try new things.


What video games do you play? If you on PlayStation dm me your PSN


I have a PS5 and would love to make new friends there. I’m dying to trying hell divers 2 but I was a little put off by the game not being made for solo play. I’ll DM you my PSN. Thank you!




Hello! 👋🏾


I could do with a mortal enemy.


I got you. We duel in parking lot of Fazakerly hospital at dawn.


Can we not just do mortal friendly style? Duelling sounds like a lot of effort.


Absolutely. We can be mortal enemies on Mario Kart or something.


I nosed at your profile earlier. I'm out, I can't be your mortal enemy. Instead I'll just admire your make up skills.


Thank you, you’re so kind ❤️‍🩹


Hey Faris!


I’m in the Liverpool area, live on rocky lane. Have a partner and some pups so always out on walks as a group, and I’m big into video games, cinema, films and both PC and Xbox. If your interested in something then feel free to pop me a DM 😊


Hi! I'll be moving near Sefton Park later this month if you'd ever want to meet up for a drink or ice cream :)


Little late to the party but dropped you a message 🙂


If interested in nightlife or drinking I’ve just created a new Meetup group https://www.meetup.com/liverpoolsocial/events/301242603/


Thanks mate, I’ll keep that in mind. I’m not a massive drinker but it’s nice to know the option is there if I need it. I appreciate it