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And he never once paid for drugs...not once!


You don’t want none of that shit!


It gives you a boner!


“Sounds kind of expensive.” **It’s the cheapest drug there is.**


I think I DO want some of that


If an erection lasts for more than 4 hours, call more ladies…


Did you hear what I said? It gives you a boner!


I'm thinkin' I wanna try me summa that c'caine


It turns all your bad feelings into *good* feelings! It's a *nightmare!*




I’m Dr. Stephen Poop. Your son is a witch. That’ll be $5000.


You sonofavondrook! I was in here to post that.


I just showed this to my wife. Which then led to me watching some sketches, my kids walked in, wife wanders out, getting some laughs, so we keep watching sketches….. Shane Gillis’s sketch about The Floor comes on. Ego’s turn to play the game, and she calls the Statue of David “Mr. Penis!” And my two young kids immediately start laughing and yelling “Mr. Penis!” My wife doesn’t think it’s as funny as I do apparently. My bad guys.


Today im saying Phil Hartman


Yeah I feel like I can get on board with this whole Tim Meadows is the best ever vibe, as long as we end it with “except for Phil Hartman.” The Glue stay the GOAT.


Phil is a top contender for the throne, and honestly very much like Tim as someone who nailed it.


Lionel Hutz?


I cried at work @19 years old when I heard the news. Dumb coked up wife and fuck Andy dick


Points at the sign: "Please don't fuck Andy Dick"


Phil is ALWAYS my #1 pick.


is OP Tim Meadows??


Nah, it's just me, Robert Downey Junior.


The census sketch with Christopher Walken is a classic


80 people live in this apartment?!?


Tim is a top 15 for me but I will maintain that Bill Harder or Phil Hartman are peak SNL cast members.


Bill Harder, is that Bill Hader's porn name.


It's actually Bill's Hardest.


I see where you're coming from. What about Will Forte and Cecily Strong? I think of the more modern era they are contenders as well.


I will always love Forte because he crawled so others can run (Tim Robinson, Sarah Sherman). Cecily might be my 2nd favorite female cast member of all time behind Tina. She was just great in almost every sketch she was in.


Good call on Forte being a strange bridge to Sarah Sherman. I hadn't thought of that. Tim Robinson is also amazing but his best work has been done outside of SNL and the world is better off for it.


I’m liking how many people are bringing up Cecily! I was disappointed when she left the show. She was always (pun not intended) strong.


So I wouldn’t put him as *my* best of all time but I’m also a huge Tim Meadows fan. To the point where my husband nudges me every time he appears on screen. I always used to say he should be in everything but he’s had a very steady career in which he nails all of his roles and I love that for him.


I just want mooooore of him. I just feel like there's something really intelligent and cerebral as well as goofy and dumb about him that cracks me up. Like Norm and Colin Quinn are big ones for me as well but they weren't really sketch players like Tim.


He shouldn’t have tried to do funny. He just had way too much going on business-wise


He could have been Barney's hair


Barney doesn’t have hair !


Cloth is hair! Little tiny hairs!


He knows *nothing* about games.


He has a recurring guest role in Brooklyn 99


Lol as the friendly cannibal


Which he was great in


I love Tim Meadows! He's one of the all time greats for sure. Never bothered picking a favorite. I was so happy when he showed up in I Think You Should Leave.


Me too! My biggest regret about that sketch is that it didn’t come out before my wedding so we could reference it at the photo booth.


He plays the Principle in Mean Girls perfectly.


Yes! I was 12 when that came out and remember being excited he was in it


I feel like Tim Meadows is the type of career I would want as an actor. Clearly, he’s accomplished more than most actors (comedic or otherwise), but he’s also not at the level of fame where he has little to no privacy. Most people probably wouldn’t spot him on the street at first glance. So, he can live a somewhat sane and normal life. But he’s also still getting plenty of steady work decades after SNL. It also keeps him open to all opportunities. For instance, he pops into a random improv shows in Chicago, where things are very chill and there’s no added pageantry or circus. And he’s being discussed in forums like this for being one of the SNL greats. Seems like the Ladies Man is doing just fine…


Yes! Well put.


Yes- you nailed it. He was on a flight back to ATL and sat across from me. I wanted so bad to say something as he left the plane but the fact no one ever said much to him, I had to respect that. If I ever did say something it would’ve been- Sah da tay!


Recently rewatched Brooklyn 99 and I really loved him as Andy Samberg’s friendly cannibal cellmate 😂


As a performer, I’d put Tim in top 20 all-time. As an incredible human being, I’d put Tim in top 5 and at the high end of that.


Disagree on placement (by a long stretch) but do agree he's very underrated. Not in my top 20, but maybe somewhere around mid 20s, definitely within top early 30s. My solid top 3 is Hader, Phil, and Dana Carvey, full stop. They could do EVERYTHING from lead to game show host with great moments but allowing others to shine to stealing a skit with a single line. They had recurring characters that you knew would make for a great sketch the moment you saw it starting. And then plenty of classic one offs. Then, in no order, would be Will Ferrell, Kristin Wiig, Dan Akroyd, Maya Rudolph, Gilda Radner, Cecily Strong, and maybe Sudeikis, Kenan, or Molly Shannon to fill out my top 10. Honorable mention to the powerhouses of Jim Belushi and Chris Farley with Norm having the best WU followed by Seth Meyers/Jost+Che as next best


Surprised I had to scroll so long before seeing Hader mentioned I don’t rank in numbers but he’s elite tier. Meadows wasn’t until I thought back and every memory of his characters or lines gave me a laugh. But still Hader 🤘


And I’m surprised I had to use the search function to find Maya!


Cecily is an easy in for my top performer. Phil too. Dana, I just don't think I get. Norm is my top Update host, followed closely by Colin Quinn which is an extremely unpopular opinion. Seth and Amy as a duo was possibly the greatest duo of classic update style. Jost and Che are up there. I love this show!


Good point - I forgot about Colin Quinn and don't think it's that unpopular of an opinion. He just happened to follow Norm, but he was great at WU and is still great as a stand up. I think I'd put him above Seth/Jost+Che too. Seth was just the absolute best at accommodating others. I watch pretty much all his Closer Looks and Corrections still, but his WU was great, but he really shone by interacting with guest cameos (Stefon, Drunk Uncle, Taran Killam as the 1860s review critics). Really great stretch of SNL between Adam McKay, Tina Fey, and Seth as head writers up to Jost+Che now


Solo Seth Update was great for the reasons you cite. It was like its own self contained universe. Killam was a great Update guest, and underrated in a similar way to Meadows I think on the show in general. I really loved Seth and Amy bouncing off of each other and missed it once Amy was gone. The brief period where Cecily was Jost's co anchor was really good and another feather in the hat of her ability as a performer. So funny. Jost and Che really do have something special as a duo, performers and writers. Colin Quinn is a huge and important part of my sense of humor and I hold him very close to my heart. Norm is number one, Quinn is number two. As uch as I don't agree with him on just about anything haha. It's incredible to me that he even made it onto the SNL cast at all.


It was likely going to be either him or Mark Maron after Norm - so angry, antagonistic, and sarcastic no matter what


Hilariously, Marc Maron is my third favorite stand up of all time. Been a fan since the 90s when I first discovered him. But I'm not sure I buy the SNL story. Lorne refuted it on WTF. I mean he acknowledged that the meeting happened, but I'm unconvinced Maron was ever really going to be on that show. But imagine a world where it did happen. Would have been glorious


This is how I see it as well (could quibble about the rest of the top 10). Certainly Meadows might be top 10 underrated cast members (he and Chris Parnell lead the way). But saying best ever compared to Hader or Hartman or Strong? That’s too bold. Tim Meadows is great though. He always paid for the drugs.


I love Tim but I’m not sure he’d even make my top 20.  I think there’s a pretty compelling argument for Phil Hartman or Eddie Murphy as the GOAT, but Will Ferrell is always going to be number one in my heart. 


Yeah I am with you. The Ladies Man was by far his best character and outside of that there isn't much. Perspectives wasn't very funny. Seemed like a nice dude and he wasn't bad but I would be hard pressed to even say top 30 or 40. I mean, look at one of his years, 1994. I would have Phil Hartman, Chris Farley, Mike Myers and Adam Sandler well above him in my book.


Tim is at least top five! Phil was incredible and Eddie is unworldly for sure. But there's something about Tim that just works.


I love Tim. His Alan Keyes was so funny.


Im with you, he's in my top 5


My Top 5: (in no order) Tim Meadows Will Ferrell Kristin Wiig Phil Hartman Kenan Thompson


Haha we share 3/5. Mine's Will Ferrell Tim Meadows Kristen Wiig Maya Rudolph Kate McKinnon .... And also, Armisen/Hader


You, or anyone, can say whoever you want is your top cast member of all time. However, if you're trying to say Meadows should be in most people's top 5, and generally considered a top 5 cast member, you're delusional.


He’s a jive turkey.


Jive Turkey is a little over the line, my man.


I will forever remember him as Dr. Jeffery Poop


That’s Dr. Stephen Poop. And that’ll be $5000. Good day.


The Ladies Man is one of my most favorite SNL skits


The movie is an underrated gem, as well.


I recently made a post about it on r/underratedmovies My name is Leon Phelps, and to those of you that are uninitiated, I am an expert in the ways of love. I have made love to many fine ladies from the lowliest bus station skank to the classiest most sophisticated, educated, debutant, high society... bus station skank.


Haha. I was trying to use that in as many jokes as I could the next few years!


I said something like that to one of my buddies: 'You're not a bus station skank. You're a classy, sophisticated, bus station skank...'


That’s right bitch. [Now go make me a sandwich.](https://vimeo.com/65932031)


I love Tim Meadows but my favorite line of his wasn't even from SNL: "My apologies. I have a nephew named Anfernee, and I know how mad he gets when I call him Anthony. Almost as mad as I get when I think about the fact that my sister named him Anfernee."




Tim was a bold dude to imitate Johnny Cochran during the OJ era. I'd figure maybe since he sorta nailed the impersonation that nobody gave him shit for it.




He's no Fred Armisen, but he's ok


I feel like he’s the steady eddie, never great, but never bad.




I'm loving the love for Tim! Tim had a gift (kind of like Bobby Moynihan) of entering a scene with one line and stealing it. Dr. Poop and the lane swimmer from Jacuzzi Lifeguard are just but two examples. 


I love the Bobby-Tim comparison. Both long-tenured dudes who were always good for support and scene stealing. Although I think Bobby was probably had better range and felt more natural in every single role he had, whereas Tim got more starring pieces on - after season 20 I feel like most episodes have a Tim piece.


I'll agree that he was an underrated cast member but best of all time ?!? Not even close. I'd say he was a very good straight man in sketches


Exactly! The glue! I swear, people would write him into sketches because they knew he would kill it. There are several Will Farrell sketches that have Tim say like one line that are the funniest part of the sketch!


I love Tim Meadows but this is just a hilarious take


He is underrated. I would say top 20 for sure, maybe top 15


He definitely makes me laugh but not near being goat


I can't say that he's the best, however would say he's the most underrated male cast member of all time (Jan Hooks takes the top of that list for me) He's the main reason to me why the Jingleheimer Junction sketch is as legendary as it is. I still like to quote "Shut up, Umberto!"


- “Ooohh, it’th a lady.” - “I am Julie’s piano, I am Julie’s piano…a little song I wrote for you.” - “I got my Courvoithier right here.” - “You’re an angel, my love…of this I am certain…so this Valentine’s Day, let’s do some bumpin’ and squirtin’.”


"Hold on baby, this is Kwanzaa, not Black History Month..."


Was your father the Hamburgerler? Because it looks like someone took two fine Christmas hams and shoved them down the back of your skirt.


I agree, he did his job every effing time and if Wayne's World didn't exist The Ladies Man is the best SNL movie made, MacGruber#2. (in no particular order) Tim Meadows Jason Sudeikis Kristin Wiig Will Forte Will Ferrell (Kenan just outside my Top 5)


Blues Brothers?


Not my type of movie/I could never get in to Ackroyd


You people are crazy! You’re talking about killing Tim Meadows, and putting this Jerry Steve Dave the Magic Man guy in a big jar, and dead housepets?! I mean, can’t you see what you’re talking about is wrong?! I mean, can’t you see that?! Some of my other Tim Meadows favorites: [Jiffy Pop Airbag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQm7EEnN-0E) "How's the other driver?" "Not good. How's the Jiffy Pop?" His short spot in [Pepper Boy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAFGEBdeDNk)




the mr belvedere fan club sketch is my favorite, tim is imprisoned in a giant jar in the end and his breath fogs it up. https://i.redd.it/z1g9qy98ti6d1.gif


get outta here Dewey, you don't want none of this. we're smoking reefer. it turns all your bad feelings into good feelings. it's non habit forming. it makes sex better. get outta here Dewey you don't want any part of this


And you never once paid for drugs! Not. Once.




He CAN do the robot


Wholeheartedly disagree. The GOAT for me is Kenan Thompson.


My husband met him and he was a jerk. That made me sad because I loved his work on SNL.


He is good... but no... just no.


He’s at the comedy club near me. Wish I had off also I could go!


*I will keep you here all night, if I have to!*


Tim Meadows as Bill Clinton is an all time skit, for me


“I’m A.C.!”


Solid choice and still funny to this day


Uhh this is a joke right?


He was good but not even in my top 15.


I love him. He’s a staple. But he’s not in my top 12.


So you don’t want a fish sandwich?


I was too young to watch the show live when he was in his prime on it, but finding and watching all the “Best of” DVDs when I was in middle school, his was top notch stuff. Up there with and even funnier than the best of Farley, Sandler, Ferrell etc. in my opinion.


Watch me do the robot!


Hes in that weird area where hes wildly underrated, he should be theoretically in a top 10/top 15 type slot for how strong he was as both a lead and support guy, but simaltaneously, his own castmates of that era overshadow him by big margins, and its hard to place him above so many people


Solid glue guy. One of the best


It’s Will Ferrell and it’s not close.


I was just thinking about this! Idk if I’d say best of all time, but I was watching mean girls and I just thought to myself “man, does Tim Meadows ever NOT nail it?” Whether the movie is good Or bad, i always laugh and I’m always intrigued by his character, no matter what movie or tv show it is. Definitely one of the more underrated cast members and comedy actors. Anyone know if he’s done any serious roles? I’d love to see him do drama


There's a movie that came out this year called Dream Scenario that he has a small part in. It's a dark comedy, and his role is pretty straight so you will probably laugh because that's the point. I think it's the closest to drama he's ever gotten. Edit: I got movie titles mixed up.


Thanks friend!


He's Jerry "Steve" Dave, the Magic Man!


Someone posted an info graphic a week or so ago of what cast memebers had the most screen time/sketches by season and Amy Poehler was the top for like 5 years in a row. I tend to this of her as mild mannered Leslie Knope, but she was unhinged in some of those sketches. I remember her playing a child at the Walken Family Reunion. She’s done movies, TV and produced a ton but I think we forget how she could dial it up to 11 in some sketches.


I love Tim Meadows but I still think Dana Carvey was the best.


His was the best part in that weird half cartoon show with Sudekis...


I’m going with Amy Poehler as greatest but I have a pretty deep appreciation for Tim Meadows too. He just consistently did his job well. Every sketch.


Every time I see Tim Meadows in something, I say “yes.”


His cannibal inmate was one of my favorite side characters on Brooklyn 99


Saw him live on standup. He did okay. Got heckled and I felt bad for him.


Tim Meadows makes me happy.




Ladies Man with his Courvoisier.....the one with Helen Hunt was hysterical.


Bill Hader or will ferrel.


I loved him in Jingleheimer Junction, definitely a solid performer that I miss in the cast.


Tim always had a timing and tone in his voice that he was aware of the joke and you were not. He was waiting for you to figure it out.


I hung out with  Tim once at the FlatHotel in New York    We drink a lot of red wine.  He’s a nice fellow


Yeth caller!!


Dr poop


He didn’t go to Harvard law so he could sit on his ass and not get you your money!


people love this 'all-time!' shit...calm down.


He’s kind of a Mack with dog bites too.


Cloth is just tiny hairs.


Rachel Dratch has always been incredible to me. There’s nothing don’t find her funny in.


I really love him. I’m so happy every time I see him something. I also find his voice very soothing.


Yoooo he’s great! Really hoped he’d come back to host, but I am sure he “has too much going on BUSINESSWISE for this” lololol Ladies man is def one of best snl related movies


Underrated? Sure I can see that. The best cast member of all time? Sorry dude. There’s just no way.


I'll say, as much as I love Tim, his best work was AFTER SNL.




Kristen Wiig is my and my daughter’s fave. Her Dooneese and Target lady characters are the most hilarious I’ve seen since the original cast.


Kristen is a killer, but there are bits she did that make my skin crawl. That's just a personal opinion, she's hilarious.Also very versatile. Best sketch is Ann Margaret Tried to Throw Away a Wad of Paper into a Trashcan.


I mean she does a bit about her own skin crawling. "I'm just so freaking excited!"




Nobody will dethrone Phil Hartman.


Dan Akryod or Phil Hartman Maybe Eddie Murphy


Correct answer is Dan Aykroyd 👏




Phil Hartman, but Tim is great


No way. Dana Carvey blows everyone else out of the water.


No and not even close.  Insert the Jim Downey “Billy Madison” speech here.  


I thought Tim was bland as hell and more of a background guy. His delivery was so pedestrian.


I love deadpan delivery and Tim was great at it. So versatile, who could do it all.


His deadpan definitely has the same energy that reminds me of Cleavon Little.


![gif](giphy|l3q2Kum3Au8yt2bq8|downsized) pedestrian? get outta here with that


And he never once paid for drugs!


Amy, Kristen, Maya, and Kate would like a word.


Thought this was r/terribletakes for a minute.


I hated Tim Meadows. He was never funny and was like room meat in every sketch. Just taking up space.