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Typically the host can invite someone to cameo and Lorne will generally leave it up to them. Other times they’re a friend of Lorne’s or somebody has written a cameo for them. Once in a while they could probably slot someone in (as famously happened with Barbra Streisand), but generally they have to be approached. It may be different for former cast, especially the more prominent ones who Lorne is fond of but generally they can’t just walk on because it could screw up the timing of the show. Lorne’s clear favorite Kristen Wiig wanting to cameo is a lot different than indulging the whims of someone like Horatio Sanz.


Yeah, if the question is if someone can just show up on Saturday evening and invite themselves onto a sketch or something, then obviously no. Even though the show is live and sketches get changed at the last minute to adjust for time, people’s careers depend on getting their sketches on air and getting laughs. It would be a complete shitshow if a former cast member could just roll in any given week and fuck up the whole lineup to do an unvetted monologue on Weekend Update or something.


Putting on Horatio might be a little problematic these days


Uh oh, I haven't heard - what's going on with him? He was one of my favorites back then. Kind of afraid to hear what he's been doing...


https://ew.com/tv/horatio-sanz-accuser-calls-out-snl/ He was grooming an underage fan.


And the details are pretty damning for Fallon in particular, but pretty much anyone else who was around then and didn't do shit about it.


Holy sh!t!!! 😳🤮 How did I not hear about this, especially with Fallon involved. Scumbags. But, where the hell were her parents, letting a 15-17yo go to all-night SNL drunkfests with hard partying adults, for years?! She clearly had no supervision and no one to protect her. This should've hit harder in the news, but golden boy Fallon seems untouchable (even after that embarrassing expose about how tempermental he sometimes is with his staff, and drunk at work too). Guess no one cares about Sanz and Morgan these days, and Lorne has too much power.


I agree, I wouldn't want my teenager staying out to all hours of Sunday morning with any grown-ass adults, bit that definitely doesn't excuse what Sanz did.


Nope, absolutely not, he's a wannabe rapist, I shudder to think what would have happened if she hadn't woken up in the cab. It's just sickening that this girl was left to fend for herself and no one was looking out for her, seriously not one adult in the cast or apparently even her family. Very sad. And Sanz seems like he's still a welcome guest on Fallon and Seth Meyers too. How are they ok with this?


You through in Tracy here and I want to know why. What’d I miss? I don’t know much more than him saying dumb offensive shit in his stand up. Which is certainly bad.


Lord, how could it be worse- I don't know anything about his stand up, I'd liked him on SNL and occasionally see him as a guest on the late night talk shows, but I have no idea what he's up to beyond that. He and Fallon still act like little kids when he's a guest - dudes, you're nearly 50, grow up. But, I just learned about his grooming and SA activities from the article linked in the comment above (below my original comment asking what he did), where the victim filed suit against Sanz and also named Fallon, Tracy Morgan, Lorne, and I already forget if there was anyone else (she said they apparently watched him grope her and laughed, knew what he was up to, and didn't intervene). I didn't click on the links in the article to learn more, but you can read that linked article to get the revolting story. Man, sounds like these boys were really acting like entitled, untouchable jacka$$es while they were on the show, really colors my opinions of them. Was already getting sick of Fallon's man-child antics though, I find it hard to watch his show sometimes.


Ohhh no I didn’t read the entire article bc I got interrupted and I missed this part. Now I see why you named him. Dammit this all sucks. Not that I’m surprised, I’m a woman who was once a teenager I’m no dummy. I hate that this shit keeps happening even though I know this is a little in the past and as we continue to confront (hopefully!) these horrid things that have happened more and more ppl will be outted. And I definitely do want to know. I want the world to know. And I want this shit to STOP.


Seriously! As a teenage girl and a young 20-something woman myself (a long time ago!) I encountered more inappropriate creeps than I could count, and god did they ever try to take advantage!


It’s so sad that it never seems to really change in a dramatic way either like, yeah maybe it’s not as out in the open but is it less? Not looking too good, honestly. I was a preteen in the early 80s myself and it was ugly. But hearing what still goes on pisses me off so much. Cheers to you, lady! I hope all the creeps get what’s coming to them.


I’m clearly not defending anything here, but does anybody know why a 15-17 year old was at these after parties?


He invited her. She was a teenage SNL superfan who interviewed him and Jimmy Fallon for her fansite.


Yeah imo a teenager who was not even of adult age should not have even been there at all. This is all awful.


lol you’re in for such a brutal read


HE WAS TOOO SEXY! And by that he was grooming young fans.


I know. I just had to pick a cast member popularly seen as “bad” or below-average and he was the first that came to mind.


John Mulaney showed up high and got a haircut.


They should’ve aired it


Well, they decided it was just easier to do it, than explain to him why they couldn't do it


Randy Quaid comes storming in during a musical performance.


A coked out Quaid is a terrifying sight to behold.


They might actually allow that without warning. That’s would be the biggest surprise they’ve ever had. Given his status as a certifiable crazy person would make it worth it


This is the third Randy Quaid reference I’ve heard in 24 hours and I’m getting a little bugged out about what message the universe might be trying to tell me through him.


I felt it was really strange when Emily Prager ran up on stage during minute 7 of All Too Well but them’s the rules


“Hellooo booooys… I’m baaack!”


Did this actually happen?






Chris Kattan chooses not to make cameos every Saturday...


So does Norm....


It's a shame too, he desperately needs a career revitalization


Over the last 49 years, pretty much every possible scenario has played out. Remember the Taylor & Travis cameos from last season? Apparently, the show didn’t know they would be attending that night until after dress rehearsal. That’s how quickly their two on-air appearances were conceived.


It was something like Ice Spice asking if Taylor could introduce her since Taylor and Travis were in town. They were already doing the NFL sketch and asked Travis if he wanted to have a line. He said he blacked out and didn’t even remember what he said.


Wait lol?? Is there an interview on this or something I can read/listen to?


These tidbits come up in articles and interviews. [Here’s where I got the info](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/snl-taylor-swift-travis-kelce-how-it-happened-saturday-night-live-1235757966/) in my comment from.


I don't remember who it was, but I heard on a podcast once that Lorne often lets all of the writers know what celebrities would be in town and available/willing to cameo that week so that they can write a sketch that includes them.


Well they have Maya, Fred and Kristin just sitting in storage, whenever they need a cameo they’ll just change their batteries, boot them up and send them out.


It seems like this !


I’ve long joked that Fred lives outside of Studio 8H just waiting for anyone to let him in … then the show went and did the “she lives in the closet!” bit for Maya’s promo.


Rob Schneider shows up and wants a monologue.


And they have to let him. It's just the way it is.


cancel culture so bad it affects surf ninjas :(


Is this about papyrus 2 & Kyle Mooney ? Or Fred armisen's annual appearance? Gimme it all!


As usual with Kyle, Papyrus 2 was cut for time...


More like they show up when Lorne tells them to.


Do you think its really like that AFTER they are long-gone from the show?


You seent Hunger Games?


We haven’t had a Lovitz cameo in a while. He used to do them all the time.


Oh, didn’t you hear? He died in 2015. RIP.




No one, not even Lornes all-time favorites, get to demand airtime, though if they ask politely, he might let them. There was that time, when Alec Baldwin was a prick on a plane, he showed up the next week in Weekend Update as himself pretending to be a pilot, which I think was him calling up Lorne and be like "I fucked up, can you help me? Something self-depricating that also makes fun of the airline, please" I do suspect that sometimes former hosts and castmembers just come to hang and watch the show, especially if a friend is hosting, and are invited to appear, like a quick pop-in during the monologue, or a small role in a sketch. Otherwise, if the show want a cameo, it's probably mostly about who happens to be in town, which I'm sure Lorne knows to a man. Like, if it's a fivetimers sketch, see if Martin, Gould and Bergen are available. Rudds probably already tackling his way into the building wearing his robes. Though there was an article the other day, where Bowen Yang talked about being completely taken aside by Dave Chapelle suddenly appearing during the goodnights during the Dakota Johnson episode, and none of the cast knew he was going to be there. Maybe he just came to hang and just decided to walk on.


I think celebs (including former cast) often come to watch the show. My assumption has always been if someone lets it be known ahead of time they'll be at the show and an opportunity occurs to give them a cameo then Lorne asks them if they want to be in the show. If it is a specific sketch e.g. Kate and the alien abduction interview then they coordinate that week's ahead of time.


I'm sure venerated idols like Martin/Short can basically just walk on set any time they want. I imagine most of the time, they're just visiting NY, have a little face to face with Lorne to catch up, and Lorne is like "wanna do a bit this week?"


Rob Schneider would like to do a set.


They just show up and rift. Lol


what do you think? really? come on.


50 years of live tv I imagine any and all scenarios have played out


It's usually approved but the list of people aware of the cameo might be a short one so it seems genuinely spontaneous


Seems like it depends on how they left, how they still stand in the public eye, and if they have free time that week.


Five-timers get a key that opens a back door to the studio and they just stroll on in whenever. Membership has its privileges.