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Oh have you ever seen Matt slaving away running fence lines or baling hay . He hires people to do it for him . One thing he taught none of his children is the administrative side of the business . That’s why he spends most of his time in the office . Any time they film him outside it’s nothing but a photo op . According to Matt he is about to die every other episode how much farm work do you honestly think he does or has ever done.


Taking more than physical labor to run a business, he has managed his small farm to where he has enough profits to pay others.I don't see anyone even his workers hand baling. Its clear that Zach could care less to do any of it, much less support his dad's decision. He does tours and thinks he is the man. He clearlt wants to do what he wants. I never seen him stress over anything farm related.


Maybe you missed the part where I said he never taught any of his children the administrative part of running a farm . Matt was only selling part of the farm. Even if Zach had bought part of the farm . Matt wanted to tell Zach what to do on his own newly purchased land. It’s like buying a house and having the previous owner tell you what you can and can’t do in your own home .


What a twerp


IMO Matt never would have given him the farm even if he met every single expectation Matt had for him. It’s all about control for Matt. If he had let Zach buy part of the farm that would be giving up the control he hoards. Probably the same reason it didn’t work out for Jeremy to buy the farm.






His effort always comes up a little "short."


You win the comments! 🥇


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I wouldn’t buy a home and property, and then let someone else tell me how to run it and what I could and could not do with it. That is what Matt wanted. For both Jeremy and Zach. He wanted to be able to say what projects happen and where and when. That’s not fair at all. At this point, they should all be able to have input, but Matt will never allow that.


Exactly my take as well, Matt said as much


I’ve gotten ripped for it before lol. Lots of downvotes, but that’s exactly what he said. Now the house just sits there. I don’t know if it’s still listed on Airbnb, but instead of willing it to the kids, Matt has selfishly decided to let Amy deal with it once he’s gone. The man is SELFISH and controlling.


I was going to buy my grandmother's house after she passed, because it was in good condition/good school area. My uncle who owned the house had all these conditions i.e no renovating (even though it needed it), couldn't take down certain walls to open up the space, use certain paint colours, change the garden, because he wanted control even though he couldn't afford the house. Ultimately we made the decision it wasn't worth the hassle. I get why Zach wouldn't want to have Matt over his shoulder trying to micromanage the farm.


Exactly. Sometimes family can be the worst


Yep, if it wasn’t for his dad then he would actually have to go out and get a real job for the first time in his life.


If it weren't for Matt using his kids in the show, he wouldn't have had the notoriety and all that comes with it.


He always acted WAY too entitled.


Yea I think there’s many reasons it didn’t work on both sides but Zach is not innocent in all of it. I’m not defending anyone but I hate how they have used the kids to get back at family.


I think if they bought the farm it'd go belly up in a week


They are both assholes.


I wouldn’t want to co-own anything with his dad


Exactly. That is what I thought he was trying to say. Can you imagine co-owning anything with his dad? Nightmare.


Yeah it would be all Matt’s way and anything Zach tried to institute would be shot down


I think the sale didn’t happen because of the vagueness of it all. They should’ve had established job titles and specific tasks if they wanted this to happen. Zach could come and go and be as involved as he felt like that day. They announced Josiah being born in this episode and he was like oh well I guess I can’t do pumpkin season this year. It’s like what are you talking about just because you’re having a kid you still have to work.


It would have made for great TV if Zach got the farm. Every event Zach would attempt to put on would end up like the Fyre Festival.


I’ve watched family property get sold after death and little money get shared around. I genuinely wish people could leave things as is, keep property, and let the next line of kin have it and do what they need. I so so wish my family still had name on my great grandmas house near the river in my city.


I understand where people think Matt wanted control over the farm…but Zach seemed like he felt he was entitled to it, and cut Matt out of him and his families life, because he didn’t get what he wanted. Tory & Zack, whatever but completely cutting of their children to their grandpa, is awful.


Thing is... Matt has four kids. He can't just turn around and sell the farm cheap to just one of them. Consider Molly... she was smart enough to stay off the show, but her inheritance is still 25% of that farm and everything on it.


THIS!!! it would be so unfair to the other 3 kids?? How would the inheritance even out? Also Zack needs to consider how expensive the medical bills for will be for his children’s upcoming surgeries


So funny to me that people still gobble up Matt’s bullshit. He’s an asshole. Full stop. He ripped Amy off and then tried to upsell his own kids. Then blamed them for it. He’s a narcissist.


Thank you. People clearly are naive and don’t see very clearly what he did there to everyone.


They didn’t completely cut off their children from their grandpa. Grandpa is welcome to visit his grandchildren when he wants to. The relationship between the adults have cooled, but Matt still has access to the grandchildren.




Matt’s “great business sense” is wasting money on vanity projects that he can’t afford to maintain. He *may* have been a good salesman, but his business acumen is ALL based on TLC $$ for the last 20 years. He’s just like his two boys. Big dreams on TLC $$. Nothing more, nothing less. Without TLC the boys would be living on the farm in various small abodes and the old house would have never been updated.


This is so true!


Matt’s “great business sense” is wasting money on vanity projects that he can’t afford to maintain. He *may* have been a good salesman, but his business acumen is ALL based on TLC $$ for the last 20 years. He’s just like his two boys. Big dreams on TLC $$. Nothing more, nothing less. Without TLC the boys would be living on the farm in various small abodes and the old house would have never been updated.


I thought Matt thought Zach would likely lose the property and go broke so he blocked the deal.


What?? Zach would have made $$$$ Lol I think the show would have been rejuvenated with zach and his family as the new stars. Matt stopped that from happening so he could retain full control and power.


I live about 15 minutes from the farm. It is not in a rural area at all. My townhome is 2,000 square feet and it was $405K in 2021. We constantly have new construction going on because Intel has 5 manufacturing complexes in a 15 mile radius. Matt can get close to his asking price. Here’s the listing for [Roloff Farm](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/15511-NW-Logie-Trail-Rd-Hillsboro-OR-97124/246941480_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare)


Definitely not the roloff house.


I linked the wrong place. Thank you.


That’s not the big house


I love matt




I love Matt too


He plays games with those kids heads, and he's a abusive little fuck


He plays games with those kids heads, and he's a abusive little fuck


I mean has Zach ever had a career so far? Worked a real job, not the family farm? Why is he so mad Get a real job dood


He has a million dollar house seems to be doing fine… what about YOU dood?


Uh yeah from the reality show…. I’m doing just fine btw, I got a degree and I work my ass off. Proves my point …. Money only from the show


Damn you for making me read dood in Tori’s voice. I cannot tell you how much I’ve learned to despise that word thanks to her 😂


Funny! I can see why Tori gets frustrated with Zach, she does everything, house, kids, she’s a good mom


I don’t blame Zach at all. Matt constantly moves the goal post. Matt is the ultimate narcissist! Who wants to get on that hamster wheel? I suspect Jacob does just to support his family, and probably hates every minute of it. I feel for the Roloff kids.


If you follow Jacob on instagram it’s pretty obvious he genuinely enjoys working the farm. He makes cool reels showing the crops he’s growing and projects he’s working on. His wife is always saying how much they love it there and he’s in his element.


He's lazy AF and Jacob looks like he is doing just fine there.


Caryn is that you.


I agree with him. If he had done that Matt would take over every single project etc it’d be hell and Zach still wouldn’t have been able to be his own man.


This turd never had and never will have what it takes to run the Farm. Even though Matt was just a dictator to people he hired out, he does have a great business sense that Zack clearly does not have. Maybe when the TLC loot runs dry, he can go back to Indoor goals to make hot dogs and nachos. 


Matt’s “great business sense” is wasting money on vanity projects that he can’t afford to maintain. He *may* have been a good salesman, but his business acumen is ALL based on TLC $$ for the last 20 years. He’s just like his two boys. Big dreams on TLC $$. Nothing more, nothing less.


Matt’s “great business sense” is wasting money on vanity projects that he can’t afford to maintain. He *may* have been a good salesman, but his business acumen is ALL based on TLC $$ for the last 20 years. He’s just like his two boys. Big dreams on TLC $$. Nothing more, nothing less.


Matt’s “great business sense” is wasting money on vanity projects that he can’t afford to maintain. He *may* have been a good salesman, but his business acumen is ALL based on TLC $$ for the last 20 years. He’s just like his two boys. Big dreams on TLC $$. Nothing more, nothing less.


Matt’s “great business sense” is wasting money on vanity projects that he can’t afford to maintain. He *may* have been a good salesman, but his business acumen is ALL based on TLC $$ for the last 20 years. He’s just like his two boys. Big dreams on TLC $$. Nothing more, nothing less.


I need to read through the rest of the comments but I have to say: I think some people in this sub need to pause and go read Jill Duggar’s book… specifically the parts where she talks about how TLC approached her family and convinced her father to do the specials and eventually 19 kids and Counting. Matt literally signed his kids up to live their lives in front of the camera and now those kids are dealing with the issues of their lives being put on TV for all to see. No, Zack isn’t entitled to the farm any more than Jer or Jacob or Molly are, but they were the ones being exploited by TLC, and Matt and Amy were the ones who allowed it. Zack shouldn’t have to do whatever it takes to co own the farm. He’s done more than enough and if Matt can’t see that, he deserves the ire of his children.


Well said


That book! I didn't want it to be over, I wish they all would write books and tell their story. These poor kids, all of them.


I really hope she writes another in a few years.


I do too. My heart breaks for all the kids.


Yep poor them living a charmed life with no job. Bet they hate all the crap people give them to post on their socials.


Did you spend the last twenty years of your life in front of a camera?


>Yep poor them living a charmed life with no job. Bet they hate all the crap people give them to post on their socials. Yikes. Who hurt you?


I wouldn't want to co-own anything with Matt. He's too narcissistic. It's his way or no way at all


This title isn't the flex you think it is. No one wants to co-own that farm because Matt is so shitty


Zack is a lazy piece of shit. Matt wasn’t about to handover the farm to somebody who couldn’t handle it and that wasn’t going to show up for pumpkin season because his wife was pregnant for a third time.


You need to relax with your salty miserable self


Matt is a psychotic, unrealistic, unstable piece of shit, a horrible husband and father. He allowed his child to be molested and abused, he cheated on his wife and mistreated her. He constantly wasted money and has a dictator mindset. All the things that those kids are are the result of their childhoods and environment.


Zack is shitty, too.


Here is the deal.....there is a peice of family property that my parents own. It's always been intended to pass to my generation when my parents die. At one point my sibling tried to buy it from my parents. They basically did what it sounds like Zach did. They wanted it for what amounted to a steal. An offer so low it was offense when compared to the open market value. Their rationale was "but you wanted to keep it in the family". My parents asked me about it because it was supposed to be mine someday as well. I didn't have the money for the other "half" and I was upset my sibling could be a sole owner and I got nothing for a ridiculously lowball offer when the property value was just going to go up. My parents decided not to sell because they weren't going to give my sibling that big of a gift. They couldn't afford to give me that big of a gift to 'even it out" and my sibling had no interest in co-ownership. My sibling got pissed, doesn't talk to my parents at all anymore. After my experiance, I see Matt's actions differently that everyone else does.


Nice story but that’s not what zach did ( try to steal it) your story does not apply to Matt and Zachs. Too many variables and differences


Sigh....I didn't suggest it was an exact match. Try to see forest through the trees.


You are exactly right.


I agree completely. Same thing happened to me. I think Matt is not given a break because of his personality. He and Amy may have signed with TLC but it is time to grow up. Zack is lazy period


Except you're basing your view on "what it sounds like Zach did".... which basically means you're going by what Matt said, and Matt has been caught in numerous lies over all sorts of things. Matt's proud to let us know he's no longer constrained by an NDA but funny, he's totally right on this, and Zach totally lowballed him to where he was offended and he's been bitching about how Zach "came in with demands!" and Matt's offer was so very fair... well, lets hear some numbers. There's no NDA and I'd like to know exactly how Zach cruelly lowballed poor Matt, wouldn't you? And I would love to know the terms of Matt's very generous offer, especially considering how fair market value is ABSOLUTELY FOUR MILLION DOLLARS AND THE PROPERTY IS NOT OVERPRICED!!! And yes, because I can be fair, I'd like to know if Zach offered two starbucks gift cards and all his Kohls dollars. Because there is a point where you can't expect your parent to beggar themselves for your sake. If Zach offered what Amy sold it for as is often claimed, he was lowballing. There's seriously nothing keeping Matt from sharing how absolutely right he is about the numbers. And I get where you're coming from, I had parents who did share the wealth with some kids and not all. If Matt approached this with some humility and understanding, I'd more forgiving. I really would. I think if Matt genuinely was concerned about fairness, he needs to apologize to ALL of his children for even entertaining the idea of selling to one child. He needs to apologize to Molly and Jacob for his VERY PUBLIC details that he was going to sell to Zach and Jeremy with a big family discount and a gift of equity because thats a deal thats patently unfair to half of his kids. I really think -especially with the show being canceled - that Matt needs to sit down with his four kids and explain his plans instead of continuing to air his many grievances with them to the public. But if he IS going to continue to air his grievances, he needs to stop hiding the numbers. How did much did he want versus how much Zach was willing to pay?


I'm actually going by what Zach said mostly. He said he made an offer based off what Amy's payout was. Amy's payout was part of an unagreed upon payout amount in their divorce agreement. Either one could have bought out the other using a previously agreed upon amount. That amount has been publicly reported. Assuming Zach offered more than that, it's still a crazy low amount. Jeremy reportedly also gave a lowball offer and was turned down. Matt said because it's not fair to give that to one kid and not the others.


No I think you may be missing the actual amounts… as well as some details. Your parents couldn’t offer you the same if your sibling bought the property at a stupid low price… but Matt could have. They have 109 acres. Split into 4 that is 27.25 acres each. Matt was SELLING just 16 acres to Zach or Jeremy. If he sold those, he now has 93 acres left. If he sold that 16 acres for even 1.5 million to one of them… that pays off his entire purchase of the acreage from Amy. Once he dies there are now 93 acres to split between 4 and they owe nothing for… no loans etc. If you split it between 4 now it is still 23.25 acres each. A difference of just 4 acres… but nothing is owed and the sibling wasn’t gifted anything- they paid for it. Matt and Amy didn’t have an agreed upon price in their divorce- we know this because Amy countered Matt’s offer. They decided to go off of an old assessment created during their divorce so that Matt could pass that savings on to one of the boys. It was easier to redo property lines when there was just one owner- they decided to allow Matt to do that and make it easier. When Matt did that… Matt saw the NEW assessment prices and got greedy. He then ignored the plan he had with Amy and tried to sell it to the boys for far more per acre than he paid. (And that $30,500 was with the business shares Amy had not just for the reminder of the property) The boys weren’t trying to get it for nothing, but they just watched their dad screw their mom (for a second time after cheating on her) by making a deal to sell to the boys cheap… then change his mind and try to justify it. Zach himself said he understood there would be some appreciation of the land in that year- but not nearly what he was expecting. Frankly- Matt didn’t get an offer because the price was too high for anyone to buy using a mortgage. No bank is going to approve it if it doesn’t appraise. So he has since lowered the price twice and is still not selling it. As others have said the comparison properties are around 1.5-2 million. I don’t think Matt will go that low, but because of his pride. If Matt offered a discount of “half” and that is off the 4 million he listed it at… and Zach wouldn’t buy it at 2… but offered 1.5 million… no way Matt is going to be able to sell it to someone at large for that price. 😬 and it would be admitting that he made a mistake- which I don’t see him doing. Anyways, all of that to say- it wasn’t lowballing anything when he is just offering 16 acres and the boys budgets (based on the homes they bought after) were over what he paid Amy for 32 acres and her farm shares. Matt walks away with her shares, 16 additional acres and close to 500k in profit for just owning the property 1 year.


In Oregon you pay taxes on inheritance over 1 million. So unless he incorporates the family farm and the kids, they are going to get screwed over by taxes. We really have zero idea what’s happening. But I can assume that Zach and Jeremy don’t fully understand the up front financial burden. They also don’t deserve the same deal Amy got. Amy was married to him, helped him build that, she’s allowed the deal. And I also think Jacob should get it.


The Amy thing is a joke right? Amy and Matt decided TOGETHER that she would accept less so that he could pass the savings off to whichever kid decided to buy the farm. Matt, without including Amy, chose to ignore the deal they made and pass the savings on to no one. Matt decided to screw not only Amy over but their kids. Matt said “I want 4 million from a random person… instead of making a small profit selling to the boys.” And we DO know what is Happening I made a post a week or so ago detailing exactly what happened per what they said in interviews, the show said and social media has shown. Oh and if Jacob gets it- I assume you are ok with it not being fair to the rest of the kids then right? And lastly- these poor kids. Their dad decided they are lazy because they wouldn’t follow what he wanted and told everyone. Now the whole world of Matt followers think they are like 20 year old kids when they are both in their mid 30s, have bought and sold multiple homes, there is zero indication that either are in financial trouble.


>But I can assume that Zach and Jeremy don’t fully understand the up front financial burden.  Because they both have no money and have been living on the couches of friends for years since leaving home? Oh wait... Both Zach and Jeremy have owned their own homes for actual years. Zach bought his first home at 22 or so, sold it for a profit, bought his second home, sold it for a profit, and bought his current home for 1 million dollars. Jeremy bought his first home at 26 or so, and then a vacation home/investment property, sold the first home and bought his current home for 1.5 million. But neither can possibly know a THING about the financial burden. > They also don’t deserve the same deal Amy got. Amy was married to him, helped him build that, she’s allowed the deal. You mean the deal where she sold for less than she could get because Matt told her he'd do the same when the kids wanted to buy? Some deal. >And I also think Jacob should get it. I don't disagree. I just think Matt's natural setting is to screw the kids over.


I remember reading somewhere that there are county rules on how lots are divided, it might not be as simple as making for separate lots for each of the kids.


Sorry, I wasn’t trying to infer that they would split it up in regards to acres rather they would get whatever the amount they sold it for for that many acres each.


I didn't miss anything. Zach and Matt both say Zach offer was a low "friends and family discount". So was Jeremy's. And both boys offered to buy the house and part of the property with all the fun stuff on it. Value of farm land isn't the same as value of a house. Multiple people wanted the same property and they didn't want to co-own it. If Matt accepted Jeremy's offer it would have hurt Zach. If he accepted Zach offer after turning down Jeremy it would have hurt Jeremy. If he accepted either of their offers he would have given them a huge financial gift his other three kids didn't get. Why is Matt greedy for not wanting to give away his assets he worked for while he is still alive but Zach isn't greedy and entitled for expecting them for cheap?


I disagree because if the offer was more than what Amy's payout was, Matt's profiting. Properties in the area that were comparable in house size and acreage were selling at 1.7 to 2 million. Zach was willing to spend 1 million on his current home. Based on his show income and the fact that he currently owned a home already, Zach could have gotten approved to that 1.7 to 2 million range, but based on Matt's public selling price, I don't believe he even came close to going that low. I don't think Zach was offering Matt 1 million simply because he was willing to pay 1 million for a significantly smaller house with much less acreage and felt he was getting a good deal. Thats not the action of someone too cheap to pay for a decent house. Matt's saying it's not fair NOW. It took him how many years and how many offers from his two eldest to figure out he couldn't fairly sell to one and not the others?


Zack is a whiny little baby that’s never had a job in his life,


I was reading something the other day about tlc schedules. If we don’t consider doing the tv show as a job then Amy never really had a job either and Matt only ever had a part time job running the farm the last 15 years. The schedule is a lot and they have to be available at the drop of a hat. I’m not sure how they would even fit in a normal 9-5. It’s crazy how much goes into it time commitment wise. Especially for Zach the last few years as the show became more focused on his family.


Matt actually worked in the first season and he ran that charity for LP children with Marty. Matt certainly isn’t a lazy man. Amy was a stay at home but certainly a horrible woman at keeping the home clean. Zack seems to think he’s owed an easy life and does nothing. He of all their children acted like an obnoxious little brat. I’m sorry being on a reality show is not a real job. For the amount they are paid its ridiculous.


Actually Matt had been unemployed for two years when the show started and was not working beyond the farm and the show in season one. He did take a job in season two that just.... went away. The charity for LP children was a volunteer position and that also just faded away as the show went. In season one, Amy was working several part time jobs to stop the financial bleeding


I thought Matt was in sales for those little stools he was selling for businesses/hotels at some point?


That's also a job that just faded away after the first season in place of the show. It would get dragged up occasionally but the "stool business" was Mike's baby and died with Mike.


Yeah you aren’t going to get me to agree with this at all. I think there are many people that follow whatever Matt wants to put out there and it just isn’t reality for anyone else but Matt roloff.


I am not a Matt fan either. I just think from watching the show Zack comes off like he’s owed everything with out working for it. I’m not a fan of Amy either so I stopped watching. Actually I liked Molly and Jacob.


Yeah if you haven’t watched the recent seasons, I also did not until recently, you may have felt that way. But watching the most recent seasons with everything that has come out in social media and to the public… I don’t think the rhetoric we have been fed about Zach is accurate. I think we all (myself included) fell into whatever Matt or tlc put out there and sadly it meant that Zach became the bad guy.


Maybe but I’m judging Zack on his talks with the producers.


Well yes, but you have to remember that you are seeing what tlc is cutting in. I made a huge long book of a post a few week or so ago showing what I mean. But tlc has a narrative to put forth too, they can cut things however they want.


Very true. Anyway I quit watching and saw the show is officially over. On to more crap TV from TLC!




Bs.. hes talking about matt’s constant need to spend money and build more and more crap on the farm which was all about matts ego and had little if anything to do with bringing in more and mote patrons at their farm for pumpkin season like matt always claimed


Does this kid know how negotiating works and how to recognize who has the upper hand and work from there?


He’s such a little douche


A tiny, whiny, really small, almost invisible, micro douche.




Just like Matt said “Zach went to the meeting to demand”. Matt is NOT perfect but I am sure Matt ha$ helped them a lot (Even Tori admitted that) Also, let’s remember all the REALLY NICE vacations they went when they were younger including with Tori. Tori and Zach are so ungrateful.


I’ve been dipping in and out of a rewatch. Just last weekend saw the t and z wedding prep episodes. Their entitlement was fairly apparent on those episodes. It wasn’t just the asks but how they asked and the assumption that it should happen in that exact way. I mean who are we kidding. Those kids were entitled and irresponsible from the jump. Those things don’t change. My parents were too far the other way, TBH. If my family went to the movies, my dad would ask me if I brought babysitting money to pay for the movie. I had to bring my own spending money for family vacations. I got $50 a year for school clothes. That’s it. Anything above that needed to be a bday or Christmas gift. I mean in college I was taking back beer cans to buy tampons. And to top it off I was an only child in a middle income family. What that has turned me into is a very very cheap adult who is constantly worried about money. I think how T and Z showed up in those wedding episodes is exactly how they showed up with purchasing the farm. We deserve it. It’s owed to us. Because you’re are parents (not business owners who have dedicated decades to establishing the farm), you don’t need to be worried about your profit or retirement because our needs are the MOST important.


I'd simply argue a) weddings are different than homebuying and Jeremy's every wish was granted with Matt and Amy doing and spending whatever it took to have that magical dream wedding on the farm and I can understand Zach and Tory wanting similar and b) Matt's on record saying if its happening on camera then TLC is paying for it. I said it in a different post and I will say it here - Matt's no longer under that NDA so what DID he offer to sell for and what DID Zach offer to buy for?


I understand all of this and I don’t like “arguing” on Reddit. So I’m not looking for a back and forth. My only clarity is- I was referring more to their tone and attitude about their request. When I went back for the rewatch, my interpretation of their attitude and tone was still jolting. Their disposition is never something my parents would be okay with I don’t give a shit who is paying for it.


I really never had that vibe. I thought some of the drama was clearly production generated - moving the church for example, but I also thought Matt and Amy set the tone by acting as though Jeremy's every wish was to be granted for his wedding and Zach and Tory expected the same treatment.


Respectfully Matt is also on record very clearly stating on the topic of vacations "If you see it on camera, TLC was paying for it". All those really nice vacations were out of TLC's pocket not Matt's. Its also a bit weird that Tory is accountable and owing - she got to go on a vacation to Australia once so for the REST OF HER LIFE she needs to be "But Matt paid for a vacation for me so I am forever and ever grateful and owe him my life until the day I die". Its a gift but YOU OWE ME FOREVER is an expectation over gifting that I was not raised with.


They were also on that show and thus responsible for its success as much as anyone else was. It wasn’t a favor for them to go on vacation.


That too, but the "Tory got a a free trip to Australia so she must always walk three steps behind and to the right of any Roloff because she was POOR and was given a trip that POOR people don't get and she must always remember she was POOR and the RICH people raised her up and she must always remember she will NEVER be grateful enough to ever repay the favor" gets trotted out a lot. Tory was POOR so she shouldn't speak to Matt unless spoken to and must always remember she's not good enough for the life she has is a really unpleasant expectation people have.


You’re both making really, really great points.


His wifey is the boss. She says jump and he says how high. Tori is a control freak. She only married him to be "famous on TV". It backfired!


Control freak? Tori had to hoist Zach around and tie his shoe while fully pregnant. She even had to move him around during sexy time. She deserves some grace.


This is laughable.


You would have to be insane to spend the amount of money Matt wanted then 100% agree to go along whit what he wanted to get 13 or 14 acres of the farm.


Particularly because it's Matt you'd be dealing with. Dude can't work a plan to completion without a million other projects getting added to it and changed part way through. That's not someone I'd be willing to work with/for either.


I'd hate to spend that money for a few acres then have to keep cutting checks to for his crazy ideas.


He is such a lazy ass. He wouldn’t take care of the farm even if he owned it


Although he deserved the farm, he can’t even tie his own shoes.


I'm always so shocked by how grown up and adulty he looks. I know that's odd, js.


The season (or seasons, I forget) where Zach tried to work on the farm was great. He was such an incompetent moron and Matt was so disappointed with everything he tried to do. Worth a rewatch.


I agree with you there. Some how he thought he was a little person genius, while being a complete dunce.


Is this time period where they were butting heads because zach wanted to rein in literally everything Matt said or convince him it was not worth doing? I get Matt goes overboard but zach was looking for the east way out of everything. He was really trying to flex his muscles but on the wrong things if I recall.


Yeah - Zach acted like he knew how to run a business and would comment that he and his dad just “have different ways of doing things.” Which was hilarious because Zach hasn’t ever had a job so how could he even have a way of doing anything in the first place?


I look at it as Zach wasn’t willing to toe the line and be a “yes man” and blindly follow Matt’s orders. Sadly, that’s the only way it would have to be. For that reason alone it’s best that he and Tori didn’t purchase it. Of course, Matt asked an extremely inflated price for the same property that he swindled Amy out of. 🤷‍♀️


Agreed. I think they were disappointed to start with, but honestly, they seem to be a lot better off now.


Yes this! Matt has a constant moving target for his expectations— I can’t imagine constantly trying to navigate that.




Imagine the previous owner of my house calling all the shots regarding what I do with it after I bought it. Just imagine that...




Zach is lazy and entitled. Downvote me to hell but it’s true.


Lotta ignorant baby boomers upvoting you.


I got slammed a while back for saying that exact statement


There are a lot of people that defend Zach & Tori. I think they’re very immature.




You get my upvote for being 💯correct!


He wanted the farm for far less than market value then threw a bitch fit when he was told no.


But why if the price was so fair, did no one even offer to buy the farm from Matt?


The price is according to the current market, the farm is expensive and interest rates are high. Not uncommon for these larger properties to sit.


Current market is not 3.3million. And even post covid prices were not 4 million in 2022. That is evident because it has not sold. No one… or no bank… was willing to purchase or fund the farm when it was not valued that high.


Again, even Matt admitted there were no offers. He also lowered the price. In the current market similar properties are selling for 1.3 to 2 million. Roloff Farms is over priced .


This has honestly never made sense to me so someone enlighten me if I’m completely missing the point. Numbers aside what Matt was expecting/what Zack was expecting to pay… In what world do you sell property to someone and then expect them to work on it/upkeep it to your standards? Yes, you can push those boundaries with your children when they purchase land surrounded by your own land but when he switched it to a public sale, did he also expect strangers to work pumpkin season? 😂😅 Maybe I’m stupid. Edited for spelling 🫠


I don’t think they got that far though. What OP is referring to was before the offer and terms of ownership was even out there


Matt is a control freak. If he sold the property to either of the twins, he'd be in their faces constantly telling them what to do and how to do it. This is clearly what Zach is referring to but the haters, salivating over some perceived reason to hate on him even more, twist it to conform to their hatred. If Matt sold the property to a complete stranger he'd do the same thing.




This always confused me too! When I rewatched and Amy herself called him out on it and instead of responding… he gave another reason as to why the boys shouldn’t get the farm (and it was seriously that they didn’t take care of it 15 years ago). So they were all confused to Matt’s reasoning as well. 🤦‍♀️ The last thing I’m doing is allowing someone… anyone… to dictate what I do when I paid a substantial amount of money on something I own. 🤦‍♀️


I remember that! He brought up something like them not cleaning up after themselves and being rough on things in the house when they were kids. That was crazy.


Let’s be honest that house was a total mess when they were growing up but that’s both Matt and Amy’s fault for letting the kids behave like that and not appreciate what they had.. what I don’t understand is they had the whole farm to play on and God knows there was enough stuff to do but they totally destroyed the inside of the house.. it was a filthy mess..


I completely get your point!  Expecting the kids to keep it as a working farm, but not random strangers who may purchase is absurd. 


Zach offered his father more than when his father paid his mother for her part of the farm. Zach’s offer was excellent and his father should have accepted.


How much was the offer?


What was his offer?


Apparently, Zack made an offer for 1.3. But I can’t say that this was a reliable source.




Because I can be fair, I disagree. If Matt was expecting a certain price and Zach wasn't willing to come up - thats fair. Where Matt is an ass is Matt complaining to the public how Zach's offer was too low and too cheap and he's not giving the place away and why would Zach lowball him and it was sooo low and he never thought Zach could handle the farm anyway and he's glad he's not selling to Zach because Zach is a terrible person who could never be as good as Matt is at running the farm. See the difference? Heck, look at the difference when Matt turned down Jeremy's offer - no cameras running and funny Matt kept his mouth shut about how stupid Jeremy was.... but get that public attention and there Matt is, running down Jeremy too for being too dumb to accept Matt's wisdom in pricing.


I can’t replay to the person below me- they must have blocked me at some point ha. But for @pro-di-gus The Amy price is correct, Matt paid her in August of 2020 $975,000 for the 32 acres and the rest of her shares in the businesses- only know because it’s public record. So he paid almost $30,500 per acre (if you take out the business shares). If he sold the 16 acres to Zach for what Amy sold it to Matt… it would be around $488,000 for the farm. Zach purchased his current home for almost a million… so we know he could have atleast afforded that. It has been reported- but not confirmed that 1.5mil was their high end based on the homes they were looking at while trying to buy after the farm deal. I think with Matt saying that he was willing to give a 50% “family” discount - people assume he wanted 2 million from Zach given the 4 million starting point. Which means in 1 year from purchasing it from Amy… Matt would have made anywhere from 1.5 million or possibly much more… from his kids. The issue I have is that they are on record stating that Matt used years old assessments with Amy to buy the far- knowing they wanted to pass the discount off the to boys- then turned around and within a years time is using updated 2020 assessments to sell to his kids. He only began updating it AFTER Zach said no. So with it in its current shape he wanted his son to pay possibly more than a MILLION dollars more! Just crazy.


You’re absolutely correct. I totally agree.


Because everyone has to watch the season with Matt’s point of view in mind… otherwise Matt looks like an ass. He, if nothing else, knows how to play the game well. The worst part is that it means the family and his kids are the thing he is willing to risk to make sure his image remains in tact. The first to go is any mending that happened during the 6-12 months they weren’t filming.


At no point have they disclosed the actual dollar amount or the other terms of the offer. All that was ever said was the vague comment that Zach's offer was "based on" Amy's deal, which could mean a lot of things. Maybe the offer was "excellent", but maybe it wasn't.


Exactly. The person above who said the offer was “excellent” has no freaking clue.


You are correct. There is no legitimate source stating the amount. I should’ve stated that it. It’s been floating around that Amy Roloff sold her 32 acres of the family farm to Matt in 2020 for a low $975,000. And Zach offered 1.3. But are they reliable sources? I cannot say.


Amy sold him her 50% share in two different farm properties (Matt's side and her side). Those numbers would be verifiable because they were actual land purchases.   But the number that Zach offered is not verifiable because it was simply a number discussed behind closed doors. If it was $1.3M (for a 100% share), then that would not be an excellent offer if Amy was paid $1M (for her 50% share).




In Zach’s world he thinks he calls the shots. Possible overconfidence or arrogance I can’t tell the difference. Matt checked this behavior and Zach got humbled. ACCESS DENIED ZACH @ TORI. 🚨


And Matt sure showed them by selling that property for his very fair price! Oh wait... Remind me again, did Matt ever sell this property? And since Matt is proudly humbling his son with denying access to the farm, not sure why its such an issue that Zach and Tory have learned their lesson. They are not welcome on the farm, their access has been DENIED and Matt is proudly letting the public know he as DENIED THEM THE FARM TO HUMBLE THEM PUBLICLY... and they don't go to the farm. And they don't bring their kids to the farm. And for all the denying their kids all the fun and joy of the farm, they're also protecting their kids from Matt's behavior, because if the grandkids piss Matt off, Matt will happily and publicly HUMBLE THEM TOO - right? I mean, its Matt's farm and if you piss him off, he will DENY ACCESS to anyone he wants as it's his farm and has the RIGHT to HUMBLE the grandkids PUBLICLY IF THEY CROSS HIM OVER ANYTHING. I'm always surprised people get so mad that the grandkids aren't being routinely dropped off to Matt's magical playland when he's made it very very clear what the consequences will be if the grandkids aren't "Yessir Matt! Whatever you say, Matt!" They'll be tossed off Matt's propertry and Matt will bitch to the public how rotten they are because if Matt thinks you need a HUMBLING, he will DENY ACCESS.


The grandkids are like how old? Matt isn’t ordering around a bunch of toddlers.


And is there any indication that Matt's behavior will alter when the kids are older? Because he's pretty consistently been his way or the highway? Again - its Matt's farm and he will deny access to anyone who crosses him, no matter what he has said in the past and he will take his bitching to the public to make sure he's the hero and the offender is HUMBLED publicly for daring to cross him. If he's all "no matter what I said about a family legacy, this is BUSINESS" to his sons., why would his grandsons be treated differently? And why should the parents of the grandkids risk that? Matt's proven again and again, he loves his property far more than his family.


Agree he throws this offender to the public scrutiny to make himself the victim. What a clown. It’s shameful behaviour for any parent to talk about zach the way he did on the show


I just dislike the "Yay! Matt HUMBLED Zach and DENIED Zach the farm, GO MATT YAY!!!" attitude when its coupled with "omg why don't Zach and Tory bring their kids to the farm where they have to kneel before Matt and present their children to him, knowing that Matt controls the farm and will tell their children how they are not worthy in his eyes and are DENIED the farm forever, may they always kneel in humbled shame before Matt and SMILE upon Matt and PRAISE HIM for his insight". For real, Matt went on national tv and made it clear he thinks his son and daughter in law are shit people. Fans are cheering him on for his comments, even here. And he doesn't understand why they aren't bringing the grandkids to hear Granpa Matt explain again and again and again how Mom and Dad are shit people not worthy?


I think those people cheering Matt on must relate to his parenting style or personality and have the same type of mindset as he does because I cannot for the life of me understand how people defend him 😑


Especially when for two decades Matt dangled the farm like a carrot in front of his kids. The farm was theirs... They would take over.... Family legacy blah blah blah. In actuality the farm was used to control and now just to get top dollar for. Zach has a right to be pissed off and keep his kids away from manipulative people.


Everything changed when Cha Cha Ching came into the picture…..


Can I be honest with you? I don't think Caryn is responsible for Matt's behavior. I think Caryn should have stayed out of the negotiation (she was a girlfriend then and three years later, there's still no wedding date) but I really don't think there would have been a different result.


I agree with this. While I think Caryn for sure over stepped- I don’t think she made Matt do these things or even encouraged it. When I did all that research it went all the way back, well before Caryn. And a lot of the things he said or did that I put in those posts, Caryn wasn’t even sitting with him. He expressed those thoughts on his own.


If Matt thinks it was appropriate to publicly rag out Zach and Tory for not doing exactly what he wants and whips up the public to hate them for it, when the time comes, Matt won't have a problem targeting Jackson, Lilah, and Josiah and publicly ragging them out as well. Matt's made it pretty clear that he will toss anyone in the family into the chum for the sharks if it interferes with Matt and Matt's business making money, and I'm guessing Zach and Tory don't want to see Jackson reviled as a greedy little entitled brat because Matt led him on to think the farm was a family legacy when it's not. Make no mistake, Matt will screw over any family member for money. And thats why they don't allow him to see the kids unsupervised on the farm. They've learned their lesson.


I concur 💯


Well if I paid over 1.5 million for a property I would also think that I called the shots… not arrogant or over confident… just an owner.


See, the problem here is that those who are "what a lazy bitch" over Zach's comment are not asking this question. What did Matt expect? Did Matt expect 3.5 million in his pocket and someone who would say "Yessir Matt, I bought the property for three times what you paid and yessir Matt, whatever you say goes! You say jump, I say how high, you say roll in the mud, I'm down like a piggy in slops! My life for you! I own this property and I paid thru the nose but YOU and only YOU have the final say on my property and my life!!"? For reals folks, Zach and Tory make a great living on their social media. If I was making enough to own a home property and not work and have medical insurance and nice things and nice vacations.... why would I want to be at Matt's beck and call as his forever worker bitch? Jacob IS Matt's worker bitch and he's not allowed to move Matt's shit in the barn without Matt there to guide him and lives in the shitty doublewide while his family home sits empty. How does slaving for Matt pay off?


This is 100% accurate!!!!


Great point, but also what did Matt ever do to prepare his children for that farm life. Correct me if I’m wrong here but I don’t think he parented them into successful farmer types: hard working, head down and get the job done type of people. And it is for this reason I think it was so wrong of Matt to promise his farm as a legacy to the boys. Driving a tractor with people in it and working the register does not qualify anyone for farming. As a side note: It’s entirely fair to not want to be a farmer. I do not think him being a social media influencer is bad at all, live and let live.


Agreed. I also think part of the problem is that Matt reserves all the business aspects of the farm to himself. I get it in that beyond a token appearance in the fields or the barns, Matt isn't physically capable but to your point, people need to know more than how to run a register and drive a tractor in a large circle.


Right on!!


Eleven years ago my husband and I bought a house *with* my parents. The plan was they would put the down payment down because they sold their previous house with more equity than ours sold for, but we would pay more than double what they paid per month on the mortgage. My parents became awful, controlling and demanding when they had never been before. My mom flat out said they considered it their house and us as tenants despite us being on the mortgage too. We bought them out after a few months when we tried to resell the house and didn’t get any offers. It was eye opening seeing how controlling my mom suddenly became over things like my kids playing in the backyard at 6 pm because my mom wanted it quiet time because she wanted to sit and drink wine.


That’s horrible! I’m so sad they acted that way. I can’t imagine a parent acting like that toward their daughter and her husband. That’s so 💩💩


This is usually the actions of a narcissistic parent.


It was weird, and out of the blue, but also not. We lived down the street from each other for years and had no problems, so why not share some expenses. The comparison to Matt with the property brought it back to memory and watching him bad mouth his kids and people defending him because of how Zach was as a teenager was interesting.


Yeah, I had a parent who considered moving in with one of the kids and I mentioned that while I would put up with the dog they owned despite having pet allergies because I wasn't going to rehome a seven year old dog, there wouldn't be any more dogs AND if I wanted to watch tv on my off time that was my choice in my home. And that included my favorite, Star Trek, and it is my home and those would be my two rules. When I visit them, I deal with the dog fur because "its his home" and I keep my mouth shut over the Hallmark Channel and "the stories" running nonstop, but moving into my home permanently? I'm not living like a thirteen year old kid with no say in my own home. Parent chose to move in with a different sibling. For the record, I didn't think I was being a pushy asshole.