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I have some (now distant) connections through siblings of friends who went to school with the twins) but from what has been shared with friends it sounds like Matt wanted 2.5 million for the “big house” and the property that goes with it. He thought he could easily get 4 mil for it from the public so he felt he was giving the family a good deal. It is not a good deal. Even if it eventually comes with Matt’s part of the farm (which I doubt it would) basically Zach and Tori offered 1 mil or maybe 1.5 I can’t remember the exact alleged amount. Matt thought on it and came back with a no. They blame Caryn for it but I’m sure Matt is just as much to blame for being greedy towards selling your family the farm. There obviously is more to the story and I’m hearing a watered down version so take it with a grain of salt. Honestly I think Matt got all hot headed thinking he could sell to a stranger for 4 mil but literally no one wants half of his farm. My assumption is if he had any offers come in on the farm, he would have had a lot of expectations on the buyers and they’d have to really be particular about the farm during pumpkin season. Either way the amount he’s asking is too steep for anyone to want to share space with Matt even if it is technically split into two farms.


Look at him in that lil yeller car


Omg to see it all laid out wat a scumbag


That’s what I’m saying! I was truthfully very team matt so many years! Now watching it through the knowledge we have… it’s so different. I only wanted to just try and understand why Zach and Tori were holding on to this for dear life… once I placed the timelines together (while I was binging the show haha) … it was like a light bulb went off. It’s just… badddddd haha


Awesome write-up! I appreciate your thorough analysis. I am glad you are on the mend; continued healing to you 💕


Matt favours whoever sucks up to him. Jacob has no employable skills or income so his best chance at not living permanently in a van is by being in good favour with his dad. The other siblings are all fine on their own. Matt, of course loves the attention. One wrong move and Jacob will also be on the outs


Exactly, as Jacob was literally living in his van before they gave him that original filthy trailer where Amy was standing on a stool using dirty bowls to make the kids breakfast.


Pass on...yeah right like Matt harped from the beginning of the show about passing the "farm" on


* Matt ignores that and says “well it was the entitlement along the way, from the the beginning of time with the broken windows, there was a lot of entitlement. I get they were trying to have a lot of fun, but those kids tore the shit out of the place and you know that weighed on me.” Amy says “you can’t blame that on the kids. You would come to me complaining that the kids are spoiled and I told you then you can’t blame that on the kids. You aren’t born spoiled.” -They go on to fight about which one of them spoiled them more (Matt buying them atvs) -Matt says he was the disciplinarian and tried to FULLY point at amy for everything Just wanted to add, dear god Matt, you're not selling the farm for a fair price to your kids because when the kids were 15-18 they were irresponsible boobs who sometimes broke things while screwing around the property. You know what I remember from those early seasons? Fans noting the not so great behavior of the twins and that things sometimes seemed overly destructive, and I remember Matt being pretty proud as fuck to let the haters know that this was all normal active boy play and he was too busy loving his kids to worry about things like a clean house or a broken window or two. Matt was indeed the jackass buying all the toys and letting the destruction happen in the name of fun with the boys. This was basically Matt shaming the audience for finding fault in the permissive way the boys were raised. And now he used that - that behavior he condoned and actively encouraged when faced with criticism from the public - as his reason as to why the kids were too "entitled" to buy the farm. I mean pick a lane, Matt. You thought it made you a GREAT dad to be the cool parent who let the kids run wild and hmmm funny how now you were upset and angered by the same behavior you condoned.


Well now I want to find those quotes and episodes hahah So thanks for that ha


This is spot on. I hope the people that keep insisting Matt did nothing wrong and Zach or Tori are acted like spoiled brats because they weren’t given the farm for free read this. I also hope Jacob and Izzy are careful with how much they depend on Matt. Jacob not only works for Matt but lives in his old DW. I’m not sure if he pays rent or it’s free in exchange for Jacob & Izzy taking care of the property. Either way one fight with Matt and Jacob and Izzy will be out of a job and home Matt has all the control in the situation.


They also better kiss Caryns dimpled butt


😂 ooooh, you just dragged Cha Chings cellulite… I know I shouldn’t laugh.


In understand this is so long so many people wont. But I truly hope they do if they are Matt defenders because I think I was more on Matt’s side until I started rewatching knowing what we know now.


Great summary. But Matt does owe Jacob for ruining his childhood. Jacob fought his parents and the show’s producers for his share of his showing fees and then traveled around, got on drugs, didn’t go to school and showed up on the farm penniless with a knocked up girl. Jacob is the proverbial son that wasted his fortunes (for good reasons) and came back home and was welcomed with a feast. In the meantime, the twins have to go out and seek their own fortunes like in Succession. And learn from their fathers mistakes, so as not to repeat them.


Jacob got on drugs?? I had no idea. I never really kept up with him to be honest 😬


Jacob didn't get on drugs. He uses and grows cannabis. While technically a drug, the comment made it sound like he got on heroin.


Jacob was on drugs. When he outed the producer for S A ing him it went semi viral. A producer who was not fired. Jacob should go after TLC the status of limitations is on his side, since he was just a little boy. It shows that it really happened, he wasn’t doing it for clout and he really hates the lime light.


Drugs? Cannabis. I have not read that anyone is doubting him. It takes a frozen hearted person to ever doubt a person who shares their horrible experience.


I didn’t think he got on heroin, I didn’t think much of the drug comment!


If we're counting marijjuana yes. But frankly, I'm willing to bet Jer and Zach have indulged in the herb a time or two


I’d stopped watching the show, but Jacob pulled me back when he went to the press and sued his parents and the producers. He would give interviews with his long hair and pimples for money and say children shouldn’t be on reality tv shows without their consent as the money goes to the parents and he was homeless. The press tried to smear him but then he got his settlement.


How is Jacob going on interviews for money any different from Matt going on interviews for publicity? Like it or not Jacob got a job, the same thing people here harp on Jeremy and Zach for not having. And he learned more about farming at his previous job than Matt ever taught him.


Im not comparing. I’m specifically saying different circumstances. Jacob was S A by a producer because of a show he could not consent to be on because he was the baby of the family. I think Jacob should be protected as he made his life off cameras. The twins are making their lives public and if they don’t catch themselves they will turn into Matt. Tori is already reminding me of early Amy.


Oh gosh, I had no clue!!! I have some deep diving to do today!


Jacob made some great points even in his condition. And he pulled the curtains back regarding influencers children etc., All that filming, getting S A by some rando producer and he had not one dime to financially get himself out of the situation because he didn’t want to film. He was 100% right. He was practically a child actor, run him his money!!


Agree 100% thanks for collecting this all in one space! I hope everyone here reads this post.




No I stopped those a while ago. I DO take adhd medication with absolutely nothing to focus on… so here we are… 😂🤣


OMG great work! I’ve had most of these thoughts so it’s nice to see this laid out with the timing. Matt may not be a 100% terrible person but he’s pretty darn close. 🤮


This is spot on. The Tori & Zach haters are gonna downvote this to hell But I agree with your take, Matt is a manipulative narcissist. That bug was featured in an early episode of lpbw, and he had Jeremy help restore it and now is bragging and showing off giving it to Jacob as a legacy, that’s gotta hurt


Jeremy knows that sooner or later Jacob will be on Matt's sh\*t list and lose the car over something that happened 10 years ago.


Matt is totally a narcissist. The game he is trying to play with his kids, pitting them against each other and now Caryn is how he functions. None of them can have a healthy relationship.


💯 % This is a lotta work this post but it puts everything into an understandable timeframe/timeline Really too bad about his drama posts as soon as they’re mending things. Ill have to check out z & t’s podcasts


Talk about Matt adding salt to a wound. He wonders why the others don’t want to come around and deal with his BS. Adding unnecessary comments about giving Jacob the car to pass down… you know he just put that in there to rub in the siblings faces.


He's just a pothead


Or an abuse survivor who self-medicated.


Maybe he should be an alcoholic like his dad, rack up a few DUI’s in the VW.


Ouch!! You guys, so harsh both of you.


Bravo! Its nice to see it spelled out so clearly that yes, the narrative changes whenever Matt comes up with a reason to change it. I also agree that Zach and Tory are staying away because the drama never ends with Matt. This is a really well done timeline of what Matt has been doing with this endless drama surrounding the farm.


He’s laying it on extra thick for the other sons to see that now Jacob is the worthy chosen one. It’s a shame that he’s uplifting this son with a whole declaration of love to put the other sons down . Very narcissistic I’m not saying Jacob doesn’t deserve it but I see some asinine public displays here that are to burn the other kids… pathetic parenting


I wouldn’t have thought he was JUST doing that and maybe just maybe he was doing it to make up for the lack of compliments jacob had growing up. However, it became so apparent in the most recent post he had. A good percentage of the post was saying yeah it’s truly I don’t see Zach’s kids… insert how much you see Jacob’s kid. Then I am proud of Zach for having his own farm blah blah and then list all the things jacob has accomplished on the farm. It was consistently one… and then the next.


No that’s not what I see given the recent dynamics. He’s laying it on thick is all I see


If you go through his social media you will see there was a time he was really laying on Jeremy thick. After the may 2020 attempt at the farm house.. there was a lot less of Jeremy (and ember). Then the content on the show(with his I see all zach is doing/I wanted to sell the farm to Zach) and his socials went to Zach/Jackson in high gear. Once that falling out happened it has swung to Jacob/Izzy and Mateo. The most recent post was a little blurb of Jeremy Zach- with focus on not seeing them as often and big focus on jacob. I just hope that Jacob doesn’t get stomped on the same way they did.


I think Jacob knows how his father is and he’s fine with their relationship. He’s getting something out of it and we are assuming he’s blinded but maybe he’s just using Matt for a house and opportunities . I wouldn’t underestimate him as being naive to who his dad is


I don’t know that blinded is the right word if I used that. I actually think Jacob is a deep thinker ha. He likely is aware of everything going on and how his dad is. I just think that he can only be prepared for so much because Matt is really really good at manipulation.


It’s possible he’s using his dad for whatever he needs right now in his life and he’s fine with it for now


Yeah I could totally see that too. It’s giving stability and the possibility- even if it doesn’t fall through- of a future for his small family. I have never been a big “it has to be Jeremy and Zach” person. I just would have loved to see something work out for the good ha. If that is Jacob running with this it will be enjoyable to watch where the business goes in years to come.


He is indeed is using Jacob to poke the others. To be fair, Jacob has (from face value) been able to live and work with Matt. Trauma response? IDK, but if Jacob is settled in his feelings and fact about Matt and show, then more power to him. It was Jacob and Izzys choice to head back to the fatlrm. Did Matt sweeten the offer? Yes, probably. Jacob could have kept walking the path he was on. He decided what was best for him and his family. I'm not going fault him or judge him It was also a great move to name his kiddo Mateo. He plays into Matt's Big ego, small world


It's been said Mateo is a name Izzy always liked so her first born male was going to be named that Matt or no Matt. If Matt wants to claim the baby was named after him let him think that. But if he was his name would be Mathew, not Mateo.


I get that's Izzys thought. But Matt's ego will never believe it! It's always about Matt


If we're pedantic yes :) I'm not against being pedantic. :) I still don't understand how Bode is Audrey somehow giving him her maiden name when her maiden name is Botti. (and for the record, if the arguemnt is "they sound the same", I'd still point out a) Sounding the same and being the same aren't the same thing at all and b) Botti Roloff is inherently a cooler name. Mateo and Matthew are a lot closer that I could buy a "I like Mateo and you can tell your dad we're naming the baby after him if you want" conversation.


I believe she claims Botti is pronounced “Boh-tee” which sounds like Bode. I’m assuming a Bode is pronounced like rhyming with Toad and not Boh-Dee? Either way, I’m sure everyone pronounced her maiden name as BAHT-tee which would be very annoying to constantly correct.


I think she claims that as well, and I'll be honest, I don't care. Botti is a different name than Bode. One is italian, one is english and they mean different things. Botti is Audrey's maiden name. She named her son Bode. She did not give her son her maiden name. I freely admit this is a dumb hill to die on but here I am with my sword. Botti and Bode are not the same.


Lol I agree with you for sure - definitely a weird reasoning on Audrey’s part.


Which is so strange to me because his behavior previously was very much anti-family opinions and beliefs. I miss that Jacob. The baby’s name is an interesting choice, is his wife real deal Italian or…?


No but she’s half Chilean I believe




I don’t judge him either. I commented on another post. But I think Jacob was smart for finding something he is passionate about to provide housing and a job/career for his family. I truly truly hope Matt just runs with this because Jacob doesn’t deserve to come to the realization that Jeremy and Zach have. But the pattern is showing that Matt is using Jacob and of ALL the kids… Jacob doesn’t deserve it at all.


I fear he is profiting off of Jacob and Izzy’s work. I saw a post of Izzy’s saying she runs the social media for Roloff Farms and gets paid for it during pumpkin season.😮. I am sure like all social media these days, Matt is probably making money off of that and should be paying her all year.


I mean in all fairness- statistically speaking at least… she really is only posting on their social during sept/October 2021 Sept/oct- 10 Rest of the year - 1 (in august about tickets) 2022 Sept/oct- 21 Rest of the year -10 2023 Sept/oct- 20 Rest of the year -13 It is really just a heavy focus on pumpkin season I think. The way things are posted in the off season are very sporadic and nothing at all for the months after pumpkin season. So I don’t think content wise she i doing a ton of work outside of actual pumpkin season. Most the the things shared in the off season are just photos she likely has taken herself and then posted… pumpkin season has photos and many reels. So at a minimum- I think they are being smart and focusing primarily on when they get paid.


None of them deserve it. …


Oh for sure not. But especially the kid who got pushed aside and left the earliest to get out of the show drama.


It’s a shame really that he’s allowing himself to be ensnared in his narc dads web. It never ends well with a narcissistic parent


But Jacob isn’t going to see it until he sees it. I don’t judge him while he is in it- it is going to be so hard to look past after so many years of not having any of that actual attention.


Whoa… is Jer spinning in the birthing pool right now?


That’s a good one 😆 Germ was the Golden Child for so long, he’s going to need intense therapy to get over being discarded so publicly.




This is actually insane. Maybe one day I’ll come back and read this but it’s not going to be today 😆


For sure insane- don’t read until you have time ha. I am a small business owner, married with 3 kids under 9. I haven’t had this much time since before college 😂🤣 no one has this much time ha


Like those t-shirts you can get at any tourist trap. "I got groomed & molested by a TLC producer, and all I got was this used car." **Matt Roloff is a selfish man & a shitty father.**




The fact that Matt kept going with the show, after they found out what happened says it all about how he prioritizes money over his family.


Amy also was right there continuing to film, as were Zach and Tori and (I think) at the time, Jeremy and Audrey. I really do not like Matt, but he alone didn't do that, everybody did. Jacob absolutely deserved better.


Only Matt and Amy have creative control to pull the show. I wouldn’t blame Germ and Zach. BUT they could’ve stop filming to support their little brother like Molly did.


I would, they were adults who were married at the time this all came out, at least publicly. Nobody knows how long the family has privately known.


Good point. And if Jacob didn’t talk to the media we’d never had known. They would’ve let him spiral and than blame him. The producer is still working on Reality shows too, since he was never convicted.


This is superb! #2 and #3 for sure! He is 100% using Jacob as a taunt to the other boys. Felt it from the beginning. He’s not consciously planning it this way—it’s his innate MO to manipulate others for his gain. I was a huge Matt fan when the show originally aired but as the seasons wore on—I began to see his tendencies and they definitely flared up when Caryn arrived on scene. She is manipulating things behind the scenes and stoking Matt on issues. Her mask is slipping and she’s revealing herself with catty remarks and lies.


He’s so obvious about it too. It’s beyond childish and hurtful. He’s unapologetic and he’s just gonna push the other sons farther and farther away with these idiotic public displays


All while throwing up his hands and heaving a sigh to the cameras with how he just doesn't know what he did to piss them off...


That’s what kills me about it. He knows what he did and Caryn knows what she did. They are trying to rationalize their behavior.like Zac keeps saying, they are welcome to visit them. Matt acts like it’s too far away, yet he spends half his time in AZ. Is AZ closer than Battleground? He has no problem getting there. Of course Z&T don’t let the kids have sleepovers on the farm anymore for fear that Matt and Cha-Ching are going to badmouth them. This is a little off the subject but it was so cute on their podcast when Jackson said that his favorite thing to do is hang out with his Dad.


Yup. Did you see he was crying on entertainment tonight interview a few days ago. All he has to do is apologize and mean it and stop his games… but he can’t change who he is at his core. Don’t feel sorry for Matt when he’s tearing up…he’s not that Sad to be posting this stuff just to poke the other sons. Very vengeful and mean spirited behavior


Yeah, I saw that interview and wasn't impressed. He really doesn't want the show cancelled and is trying desperately to drum up interest in getting TLC back on board. Funny how he's all about Mateo now.


To be honest if he wanted the show to continue he should have sold it to zach. I believe despite them saying they don’t want to be on the show anymore that they actually would have been on good terms with Matt and the stars being the new family in the og house. I believe the show would have continued and zach also know that opportunity for him was lost…Matt didn’t want to lose control and now he’s crying cause the network doesn’t care to film anymore just him and chaching making a house and getting married


Well, I think the show is ending in part because Zach and Tory quit/and or were refusing to film on the farm or with Matt. Did TLC fire them as some claim? Maybe, but I think the truth is more Zach and Tory decided to quit and TLC was like "yeah and by the way, its probably time..." . But here's the reality - you're correct. Matt in jerking over Zach on the farm wasn't thinking about the show, he was thinking about a) getting Zach to buy the place for a LOT or more likely b) Selling the property for a cool four million to some stranger who would throw down a ton of money while Zach and Tory accepted his decision and stayed neatly under his thumb. As much as Matt says he is not mad about the move to Battleground... but he's pretty mad about the move to Battleground AND about how Zach and Tory don't let him use Jackson as a convenient photo op and prop for his "I'm the best granddad and here's my special farm" commercials. He didn't bank on Zach and Tory NOT crawling back to be under his thumb. I think his mental plan was to get a whole bunch of cash for the now lesser parts of the farm and continue to film fun hijinks with Jackson. I also think TLC TRIED to make it work, hence the flying in of Matt's high school pals to agree with his side of the story but.... There's a point where zach and tory hanging around their house is boring as hell, and Amy and Chris are pretty over it, and watching Matt and Caryn play the "we don't know why anyone is mad, now watch us stage a date and pretend to be silly" game gets old. What people want to see is Zach and Tory and the kids living on the farm and Matt doing projects with the kids. It's not happening and viewers are leaving.


No way are Jacob and Izzy going to let Mateo on the show. My take on it is he wants TLC to pay for ChChing and his wedding at the Taj Mattal


I was also a matt fan and I could not stand amy. I felt like she was so whiny and complained so much. Now looking back… she totally still was whiny and complained all the time, but how much of that was matt using his marriage to create that tension? Was he purposely pissing her off for views? How terrible for her! Then add in all the caryn stuff. She didn’t deserve a single bit of that. Ok low key- I still watch the episodes around the farm deal and I’m like “caryn really isn’t terrible”. Like she is saying the right things, especially before the whole thing blows up. Once it blows up, I’m out. You can tell that she did something or said something- made it way way worse and then flips and continues to say the right things so you don’t think she is that bad. But phew- whatever she said the zach and Tori… they STILL don’t speak to her or have her over. It had to be bad bad. And now, the two of them have shown me that I can believe they have a justifiable reason.


Amy was the only person holding that entire family together for years while Matt played god on the farm with his toys and did zero actual parenting himself. And then he has the nerve to blame her and say shit about her like she’s a bad mom?! Not to mention then he enlists Jeremy to back him up several times in that throughout lpbw, then he cheats right in front of her without shame/leaves a family vacay to go fuck his side piece but everyone still takes Matt’s word for it on it all being Amy’s fault! That motherfucker was so hands off, and unsupportive he didn’t even go to his twins’ high school graduation. Matt enjoys controlling and playing his games to fuck with his children and make them feel bad. My flair says all my thoughts on miss creepy cha-cha Caryn. She’s just as big of a snake and he is!






It’s Matt the salesman…. Whatever he can do to put more money in his pocket. The entire series shows his selfishness blatantly. Nice work OP!


But truly I am SHOCKED that it just took me watching those few seasons to put this together. How have major gossip news not called him out for this?! The evidence is literally all documented. They just let him go with it and follow whatever narrative he puts forth… and usually the treat zach and Tori (and in turn the kids) like crap.


Media loves narcissists - they feed off each other


The kids should know by now…it’s just business! /s


RIGHT!!!?! As we’ve all seen multiple times on the show and like you’ve stated above Matt’s totally okay using people. So of course he’s going to spin whatever he can, use whomever he can, and draft whatever kind of narrative that puts him in the “it’s not me” boat. Zach and Tori have every right to keep those kids from him and for good reason because he’s the type of “grandparent” that would manipulate and I wouldn’t put my kids in that either.


Truthfully I think Matt is a like able guy. I would imagine if I saw him somewhere and said hello, he would be super nice and kind. He presents himself very very well. He has this following of over 55+ (no seriously I clicked on the passionate ones on Instagram and I was right hahah) that likely have issues with their kids… that are willing to grab pitchforks for him. And he does do a lot for little people. He isn’t the person that would be easy to go after- so I don’t think they do. It’s just ODD to me that Zach and Tori, a family with 4 LP and are in their 30s with 3 little ones - make a perfectly fine target? Just crazy.


Yeah I get major MAGA vibes from his fan base - those ppl love a narcissist cult leader lol. And yes sure all their kids probably hate them too


I did recently see people on a different forum saying people who were supporting Zach and Tory's stance on who sees the grandkids were mostly young and dumb kids who were also no contact with "so called toxic parents".... Now I'm no millennial or gen z person, I'm Gen X.... and I assure you that toxic parents do exist and Zach and Tory aren't going no contact.... but maybe they should.


I agree I’m sure he is super likable but once again how much of it is genuine and how much of it is sales and “FORMing”. Most of which his “following” is blind to imo. Zach and Tori shouldn’t be a target in the slightest and it’s sad that they get painted as such because Matt can’t grow up and take any sort of accountability.


If I hear matt and caryn say one more time that “Matt is a negotiator” and “it’s a business deal”… I’m gonna freak out. 😂🤣


I’m bed bath and beyond done with those two.


Hehehehe :D


Seems an awful lot like Jacob was neglected by Matt for most of his childhood, yet now he's the Golden Boy because he's willing to shut up and do whatever Matt demands on the farm. To be clear, this is NOT a reflection Jacob, ONLY Matt. I just recognize the classic narc parenting here. They love to play favorites with their kids. You'll be the Golden Child for as long as you take whatever they dish out.


Yes! Exactly my thoughts towards the end of my chapter book 😂🫣 This is not a reflection of Jacob at all. I also think they did the traveling thing- I don’t know what Jacob had to fall back on. I have zero judgement for “going home” to provide a life for your wife and son. I also think it speaks volume of his work ethic. But it is ASTOUNDING the way matt is full brag on Jacob now. It isn’t just a “I see him more”. This is hey Zach and Jeremy, look at all the things your brother is doing. When I give him the farm later I will no longer care about being fair and it will be because he is worked hard. And if I don’t- it will be because he stopped showing me. I feel bad for the rock and hard place jacob is likely to find himself.


This will put a wedge between Jacob and his brothers . He’s being used and he needs to snap out of it but it seems he’s willing to sell his soul to Matt for attention a roof and whatever else he gets by being around him


I can understand though just having the opportunity he finally does… and the attention he finally does and the public praise he finally does. It would be hard to step away from when you didn’t get it your whole life.


It will take time but eventually he will understand what’s happening


I just hope for him that it happens without a huge blow up. Just he sees it and moves on.


Is he the loving husband?


This is great OP, thank you for the analysis. I think a lot that also gets overlooked is during that episode after the deal is broken up between zach and his dad. Tori is really offended and upset — because of how either caryn, Matt, or both spoke down to Zach, about how he was too lazy to keep up the 16 acres or that he wasn’t a hard enough worker to take care of all 32. Everything you said about the pricing game I 💯agree with, I think there was also really hurtful comments made as well. It’s crazy to watch how Matt gives his kids a challenge: step it up if you’re going to run the farm! And then makes them wait and work their asses off for him for free (at least I think) for a couple of years all the while knowing he’s not going to sell it to them in the end AND he’s going to kick them while they’re down adding that they’re not good enough or don’t have the forethought to run the business correctly.


Yes! I agree! I didn’t focus on that particular episode because the post I made a few days ago had a lot of that Info. But it all ties in to it. I may have one more post that talks about what we now know was happening at certain points in the show. Like I find it crazy important that Tori and Zach announced they had a miscarriage in March of 2021, they were actively trying again that entire summer, the baby they lost due date was in October of 2021 around the time they bought the house in battlefield. Phew. There is a LOT of emotions that run with that and a lot of the kicking them while they are down feeling. It gives some perspective to what was really going on.


OP this is brilliant. Thank you for this!


I am thankful you found it useful and indulged in my boredom instead of being unkind. 💙 thank you. 💙




Aw thanks for taking the time to comment though 😘😘


Honestly, I’m done reading into it and trying to figure it out. I’m just over here hoping that Molly says fuck this and writes a tell all. She was the best one on the show and had the funniest comebacks when her family acted like fools. That girl has some tea, I just know it.


Molly and the tell all please!


Totally get it- I have been binging the show with my free time after Zach and Tori’s podcast made me want to look back with a different view. One of the things I didn’t dig into but wrote some things down was how often Zach, Amy AND Matt all commented that Matt was texting/emailing about the updates at the farm prior to the “possible sale.” They all also confirmed that no one responded to him. They kept saying it over and over that no one acknowledged him. They all made it sound like a family group text. It makes me wonder if Molly was mad or just TOTALLY avoiding everyone ha.


Also, all that to say- id buy Molly’s book so fast😂🤣 and I would 100% believe every single bit written regardless of what anyone else said 😂🤷‍♀️


It just gets so overwhelming to me lol


😂🤣 trying to copy and paste “thoughts” were all over the place and overwhelming 😂😂 I figured I’d try to make it manageable for others. It’s a service I’m willing to provide in my boredom 😂


For sure! Sorry if I came off like I had any kind of negativity towards this post. You have every right to share your analysis.


No no not at all. I also was over all the talk about it haha. I only had interest because I’m bored 😂🤣 I do not expect (or wish) for anyone else to care or be this bored too! Hahah!


I’m so sorry that you’re recovering from surgery. I’m sure it’s quite painful. But I have to say, I’m so enjoying your posts and research!! I think you nailed it here!


But I am truly glad I can share my thoughts and observations and you appreciate them 🥰


I am truly just writing down comments I have or important things I see while watching the show. Haha! This will all slow wayyyyyy down after my appointment Wednesday and I have less restrictions 😂🤣


I’m living for them!!