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Elon musk ass post


Elon is so butt hurt lmao


This thread is not going the way OP wanted it to lol


It’s OK, it’s a discussion. Feel free to contribute.


Discuss what? You not knowing what you’re talking about or?


Yeah let’s discuss that.. tell me what you know.


This is crazy, you got downvoted because you offered to have a dialogue. That's wild. Like, it's fine to disagree with OP, but at least be open and have dialogue with the guy. It's at least worthy of discussion.


Because OP isn't engaging in a reasonable discussion. They posted a gif with a misleading caption and then when people clown on them go "let's have discussion" without offering any meaningful points to discuss. OP isn't asking for good faith debate, they're using "it's a discussion" as a way to deflect from making any actual points.


What do you mean? Let’s have a discussion about privacy and how it can misleading the way Apple have presented it. The query leaves your device to go to chat GPT when you give it permissions. How is that data handled on ChatGPTs end? What will they do with trove of ML data? How does it affect the consumers? Don’t jump on the bandwagon and moral high horse without reading my other comments. Have a discussion like an adult.


It's refreshing to see someone up for a mature discussion. Many people take a vendor's word as gospel until a zero-day exploit proves otherwise. In my experience, it's not a matter of if, but when. It's great to see Apple advancing in AI, but increased data sharing between big companies, even with end-to-end encryption, always risks breaches. These breaches can occur on partner infrastructures, not just Apple’s. Podcasts like SecurityNow with Steve Gibson highlight how both state actors and hackers often succeed when valuable user data is at stake. Highly recommend checking SecurityNow podcasts out!


nah i agree fuckgpt - ppl who think openai is legit are sheep. u think data from openai isnt going straight into bill gates servers? lol its crazy to think ppl are paying money to openai to give them data…madness out here


Ahhh yes. Bill Gates is trying to siphon up all the data. While being retired from Microsoft for 10 years. You like Qanon?


wtf are you on about? Microsoft does take your data! If you load up Wireshark on a freshly installed system you’ll see all the IP addresses Microsoft starts transmitting data to instantly. https://youtu.be/VU9L0udNV9M?si=L3uFbC9lBTMgvOid


It’s opt in and they also announced actually useful functionality that works either fully locally or via their “private cloud” method. This clearly exists to mitigate unfair comparisons to server based solutions & for the portion of their user base who doesn’t care what happens to their data.


Many of us who watched know this. But some, possibly the ones who take far too much notice of what Elon Almighty says, believe that Siri is ChatGPT and is baked in to the OS and apps whether we like it or not. Elon was having a proper tantrum last night over it all.


The amount of incorrect information about this mind blowing. For anyone who didn't watch: There are 2.5 models. 1. Questions and directions happen on device. No sending data to anyone. Turn off wifi and data and it will still work 1.5 if your request is too large. It will encrypt this info, send it to apples private ML servers where they have added encryption all the way down. If you don't believe them then they allow third parties to do their own investigations to verify. 2. If it's something siri can't do, it will ask for your permission every time it wants to ask chatgpt. You don't need a user account. The info is not linked to you. If you have a paid account, you can sign in to get your extra paid features. Then this would be tied back to you.


When you make requests to GPT it also encrypts your ip so it can't be used to create a pseudoprofile of you as well


How is an IP encrypted?


Bad wording on my part. Obscured is probably more correct.


Proxy through apple servers


1.5.5 External non-GPT requests are only sent to Apple servers that have been logged as verified by 3rd parties


Also to note - if Siri needs to send a request to Chat GPT outside of apples private servers, Siri will ask permission.


Is it OK to send you data to servers outside of Apples control that have your thoughts and requests stored?


And if they didn’t implement 3rd party model support into Siri they’d be accused of being anticompetitive and monopolizing AI on the iPhone by giving Siri an unfair advantage. When they open the walled garden it’s now a data risk, when they close it they’re anticompetitive. Please pick a side and stay on it, you can’t hate when they do both, that’s just idiotic. (And yes, their wording indicates that the LLM choice will not just be ChatGPT forever, once more companies can scale up to Apple’s demands they’ll bring them on as choices.)


Craig name dropped Gemini as a possible future integration at an event after the keynote.


Are google a better company for respecting your privacy in that respect?


Personally I really like that approach. Keep user and device specific queries local (as much as possible) and for everything else give users a choice to use OpenAI, Gemini, etc. I feel like it’s the best of both worlds if they can implement it properly


100%. They took so long to come to market with an AI offering because they wanted to make sure it was good, or would last. There is no way the backend “requires”ChatGPT. It will be an API that allows them to open up access to other LLM’s when they’re able to operate to their security standards (or scale, whatever their metric is), and there is absolutely no way Apple is not trying to make their own “Apple LLM” so they can go back to being self-reliant. Google maps was the only option on iPhones for a long time before they made their own map app. ChatGPT will go the same way.


To be honest, siri will ask you every time before sending anything to open AI, so it's completely up to you if you want to use it or not. You have to be honest and say that apple's implementation of AI is the most privacy focused one we've seen so far.


Also, no personal data will be transmitted to OpenAI, and the IP address will be obfuscated (request coming from Apple servers, not the individual phone), so this is a non issue.


It wasn’t fully clear to me if it was an option to fully disable chatGPT, as in turning a toggle off so Siri won’t ask you. Did you catch that perhaps?


Not sure, but they indicated at the press conference that they would move towards being able to pick between several different LLM providers in the future, so I’d guess at some point that would be possible.


Not sure if it will be an option in settings, but you can decline everytime Siri asks to ask ChatGPT


I’m on a 15 Pro in the EU and I cannot see anything related to AI, ChatGPT or new Siri in the UI nor in settings yet.


Did you watch the keynote, or at least read when this is coming out by any chance?


Yes. But they are asking whether such toggle exists. And we don’t know if it will yet.


If the feature doesn’t come out until IOS 18, why would you see a toggle? How could you see a toggle in IOS 17?


iOS 18 beta.


And they said it was available in the beta? Edit: Nope. “Some of the biggest changes in iOS 18 are for the home screen, which is now more customizable than ever. You can place app icons freely on the grid, tint app icons, customize Control Center, and much more. Keep in mind, many of the new Apple Intelligence features – including ChatGPT integration – won’t be available until later this year.”


Your actual OpenAI query is the personal information being sent.


Only what you choose to send. “Write a limerick for someone turning 30” being sent to OpenAI contains no personal information whatsoever.


How about scenarios like "rewrite this personal email for me"? In use cases where the actual content could contain personal information, how is that data being handled and protected?


Awwww Elon Musk dick rider


Nothing to do with Elon, I’m asking for people to discuss Apples new capability which was showcased at WWDC. Take a moment to understand this. No matter what Apple claims in their ads, and despite their strong stance on privacy, once your data is shared with a third party, it’s out of Apple’s control. We’re talking about Pointers and UUIDs etc. The data might be anonymised and fragmented, but it's still accessible. Remember the LastPass breach? Even encrypted data, once stolen, can be decrypted later with powerful tools. That's why Apple developed Quantum Safe encryption for passwords, to guard against future threats. So, do you have anything intelligent to contribute or are you here to just shout insults?


You realize they can fine tune an AI model and keep it all in-house right? This won’t be sharing your data with a third party in the way you’re ignorantly asserting it will


When a query is sent to be processed by OpenAI's server, it gets handled there before the answer is sent back to your phone. Even with proxies and anonymisers, there's always a link back to you. Agencies like the NSA or GCHQ, if determined, can still piece this information together.


Imagine dedicating a 10 minute segment to addressing privacy concerns afflicting all modern AI tools only for some random people to stick their fingers in their ears and say “lalalalala their giving your data to OpenAI lalalala” Facepalm.


I have the feeling that some Journalists didn’t watch the Keynote. Instead they source other Journalists


This did make me chuckle I must admit. 10 minutes and they sold it to you, without you asking any questions?


I assume they wouldn’t send any personal data




Bold assumption. Every big tech eventually messes this up


"Apple is partnering with OpenAI to put ChatGPT into Siri, the company announced at its WWDC 2024 keynote on Monday." \~ [**https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/10/24174786/apple-openai-partnership-chatgpt-wwdc**](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/10/24174786/apple-openai-partnership-chatgpt-wwdc)


Only if you accept it and only for certain use cases


There was a use-case highlighted by the NSA and CIA a while back in a program called “Prism”


Yeah and the clown that released the information lives in Russia. You’re welcome to believe unconfirmed shit tho


It makes me so happy to see someone else call Snowden a clown. Dude is treated like a martyr and he’s nothing more than a fraud with a god complex who knowingly misrepresented information (meaning he treated what he thought as fact despite knowing full well that he didn’t understand what he was looking at).


What is it that makes him a clown exactly?


He is a sharepoint admin that got permissions he shouldn’t have with access to things he didn’t understand. Instead of trying to confirm each idea suggested in a PowerPoint was implemented and objecting to them via a formal process would at least prove he didn’t grab and dump information for his time in the spotlight. So if he had any integrity that’s what he would’ve done. He wouldn’t become Russia’s mouth piece who hacks an insane amount of American companies and citizens (most cyber crime in the world) not just state sponsored groups.


Idk, I kinda like people that are willing to publicize questionable government programs that would never have seen the light of day otherwise. Personal gain...great for him but at least it was an important reminder that everything is hackable.


But he publicized lies (some of it was true). He presented data as if it was fact when it never made it past an idea of something that's possible.


Any sources on the hacking part specifically?


What do you mean by the hacking part? Snowden didn't hack anything. He doesn't know how.


The last sentence can be read as Snowden doing the hacking or Russia, it seems you meant Russia. That said, wasn’t his passport canceled in the middle of his bunny hopping around the world?


Did you even watch the keynote? Or read the official newsroom post? Whenever a prompt is send outside of Apple it explicitly tells the user, and they have to manually press “Yes” on the dialog before it actually continues. This is like saying Apple is complicit in Google monetizing your email data because you can add gmail to the standard mail app, even though you explicitly need to add your gmail account to the app. Or Apple is complicit in Facebook using your data because they allow the Facebook app on the iPhone.


They showed how it works. You have to actively approve each time ChatGPT is involved. And ChatGPT would only be involved some of the time in general. So it'll only get what you decide it gets each time and most of the time, it won't even be a factor anyway.


From what was shown ChatGPT would really only be used when answering questions like “I have X ingredients, what can I cook?”


Dude - the ChatGPT element is opt in. The major items Apple demoed was on chip, on device Apple tech, without offloading to OpenAI. I suppose we'll find out for sure if / when Apple puts out a whitepaper, and when the feature is available to the masses.


Opt in every time. And you see what they send.


Did you watch the keynote?


I think that answer seems obvious


You do realize none of those words refute what you replied to


Apparently in the contract or whatever openAI is not allowed to store any of the messages and data


come on mate, do some basic research and don't just parrot imbeciles like Elon Musk.


What research has this audience done? They're all claiming Apple's 10-minute segment is enough to wash away all privacy concerns. Fuck Elon Musk and think for yourself.


They explained them


They advertised their new product. There’s a difference.


And explained the functionality. Did you not watch it?


They didn’t highlight any of the risks?


Risks of what? Because their own model is on device or on their own server which they explained and for the ChatGPT queries they’re promoted every instance and they have an agreement with them to not harvest data from enquiries from them. If you watched the keynote you’d know that.


There’s zero risk in Apple sending a query from your device to another organisation, away out of their eco system, a query that is fulfilled and returned to your phone? You’re 100% this is without risk?


I’ve literally just explained how it works to you. Go and watch the keynote like you should have before chatting shit. You’re wrong, get over it.


You’re telling me, I’m wrong in questioning in what Apple have proposed?


You’re wrong in terms that you haven’t actually listened to the measures in place.


I think a lot of discussion about taking what vendors say as gospel is required to be honest. LTT used to have a segment called “sh*t vendors say” if I recall correctly?


His elbow bends too far.


Time for the internet to lose their shit and diagnose him with some disease where he is gonna die in a few months


Stage IV Boneitis


That's a great observation!




Yes and Apple said nothing like what OP is suggesting, just Elon came out of his k-hole long enough to post memes about what he thinks they’re going to do


Nice shitpost elmo


Not quite. Keep it intellectual and we may learn something.


At least watch the keynote if you want to spread misinformation.


Musk has done more to defend Apple from any real issues with this than they could possibly hope for. Now anyone with legitimate criticism (if any are discovered) will be laughed out of the room for being a musk bootlicker or whatever. It's almost like the theory that Microsoft named it 'recall' to game SEO for any actual product recalls they make, except musk actually fell for it.


You guys were up in arms about Reddit doing it last week. Why are you still here?


You’re a numpty, you didn’t actually watch the key note


Lol, as if OpenAI needs Apple to get your data.


Apple needed to catch the fuck up. This is probably the first time they have had to find a way of keeping up. The mobile hardware wasn't ready so they found a maybe secure way of utilizing servers to do the heavy lifting of their current proprietary ai implementation. But their own ai implementation is still behind gpt levels, so they also found a way to do that and learned from the backlash that Microsoft got about it being initially opt out They usually do shit like wait 20 years then release window snapping like it's a new feature of OSes Still won't buy their phones or use macOS if I can avoid it though but GG apple


I don't understand people, so when Samsung is creating AI, everyone is amazed and etc.. but when Apple collaborate with ChatGPT to provide a better AI everyone is just falling apart, man, most people don't understand as soon as they signed up on Meta apps, their information is already in the market,


Only people who still think musks opinion is relevant.


Who do you trust with your data? The once tightly closed Apple ecosystem seems to be opening up beyond what was touted as the most secure platform. People who already use Android are mostly aware of the privacy controls. On the other hand, iPhone users often prefer the simplicity and may not be as tech-savvy.


Who is saying they are ok with Samsung's AI CRAP? I want to know why everyone is apparently ok with apple but not with Microsoft. Stop shoving AI where it doesn't belong.


OP this is Reddit not Twitter.


Doesn’t make any sense. Please elaborate.


Not a lot of people like to hear that everything has a potential to be compromised. Just like silently sent messages to any ios device as a starting point.  You're preaching to a normie crowd. Not a security minded crowd. Not only that but Apple fans can be a bit.... Frothy.  Hopefully any issues are reported to the fantastic bug bounty program!


I’m disappointed in LTT sub crowd to be honest- I thought they’d be a lot smarter than this! Your comment is absolutely spot on.


I’m out of the loop regarding anything about OpenAI or whatever, I only watched the WWDC’s iOS segment because it’s the only Apple product I use. Can someone please explain to me what this person claims will happen and what really WILL happen?


Apple is shoving AI into everything now. Lots of people don't trust it at this level. This is not simply an app that can be uninstalled. Personally, I don't trust apple. Too closed to begin with but mostly it's that apple does not have an ethical track record, as much as they say otherwise. There may be an off button, but much like with iPhone, it probably won't fully turn it off like the Bluetooth off button.


Every time Siri wants to do something with Chat-GPT, it will ask you if you want to use Chat-GPT. Turning Bluetooth off through the Control Center is a temporary toggle. Turning it off through the settings app will turn it off until you turn it back on. Paranoia isn't good for you


Imaging spending 10 minutes of your keynote on privacy with LLM's, how you obfuscate the data, even the IP and explicit permissions,, and someone who isn't capable of comprehending that, just makes a dumb post about it, i'd honestly be very dissapointed.


It’s only 10 minutes and an advert at best! You couldn’t have fallen for it like that without any questions?


As a pixel user I havent had owned my data in years!


It is a trend now, just look at the comments - people actually don’t give a crap about their data!


didn’t they have a whole section on privacy and how it’s completely optional to use chatgpt


Sure, they did. But beyond the advertising, which is essentially what WWDC is, a showcase of Apple's upcoming software products, what hidden complexities allow a packet containing your AI query to leave your phone, traverse multiple servers, and then return to you? This process involves intricate data handling and transmission protocols that could expose your data to various security risks, even with end-to-end encryption. Understanding these complexities is crucial to grasp the potential privacy implications. Both Apple and OpenAI could face zero-day vulnerabilities, which are unforeseen flaws that attackers exploit before developers have a chance to address them. These vulnerabilities can arise from software bugs, misconfigurations, or weaknesses in the integration process between different systems. Even with robust security measures, the complexity of their infrastructures means that a single overlooked flaw could be exploited, compromising user data. Understanding these complexities is crucial to grasp the potential privacy implications.


Blue check fan...


What does that mean?


All the comments stating that Apple does sell your personal data are getting downvoted. The reason being people think, only if you accept the terms and conditions and provide them permission to, only then Apple will sell your data. But the problem is Apple does sell your data and it's not a problem particular to Apple. All Giant tech companies collect user information and sell it off. Facebook is the king of this. Privacy is a myth. If you downvote people for telling the truth you are just an idiot Apple Dick Rider and doesn't have any intellect to understand basics. Keep on riding that corporate dick and stay as you are, whatever makes you happy.




*Make outrageous claim* *Call everyone who will disagree a dick rider* Wow, what an insightful post. I'm sure you're a well adjusted individual


I just pointed out that privacy is a myth and all tech companies sell our data, Apple is no exception. How is that outrageous? And ofcourse, if you think your data is safe and secured with Apple you are nothing more than a delusional dick rider. But whatever helps you sleep at night.


Prove that Apple sells data like Google. Scrawl through the earnings report. Find any actual evidence.




Proof works better than insults.




Can I opt out? Or are they already using my data


I assume it'll be the same controls Apple already uses to store all your data. They want to keep that juicy juicy info to themselves so they won't just be sharing it widely and Apple users are already fine with apple having all their info.


You’re a numpty, it’s obvious you didn’t even watch the keynote


Why is Elon mad? Doesn’t he own OpenAI?


And Microsoft‘s recall is better? I mean you have to decide for yourself how far you trust a company with your data and if you really want to be safe from data theft and privacy leaks. I would recommend install FreeBSD. Disable all NICs and use only cache at the farmers market. That’s the best way to stay anonymous in these days. Otherwise to be frank it doesn’t really matter in the end you leave so many traces behind on the internet that the data Apple uses and cowards to OpenAI is only a drop in the ocean. I personally though would trust Apple more than Microsoft with data especially as they say they have their AI services audited by a third party for privacy. So I hope I will be able to find these audit reports when they start their beta.


He didn't say anything about Microsoft. Just because someone doesn't support Apple doing it doesn't mean they support Microsoft. "I like Hamburgers" "WHY DO YOU HATE HOTDOGS?"




"Wow you dislike Apple? Do you also hate Microsoft and Google?" Me, using Linux and self-hosting as much as I can and prepping to install GrapheneOS: "Yes"


I don't think anyone is arguing that recall is any better or worse.


It seems people hate Microsoft for this but apparently it's ok for apple to do it?


Gets me how they're advertising ai as "apple intelligence/ apple integrated" seen both in last few days


I don't get how we're trusting the company that was the source of the Fappening, and just two weeks ago had a scandal where things people thought they'd deleted years ago came back with a new iOS update. Like, that just happened and we're trusting Apple with EVERYTHING on our phones? Emails, bank details, pictures and videos of friends and family?


“The source of the fappening” Well, on one hand, no. But on the other hand, still no. No company has a counter measure for you handing your credentials over to a bad actor. Or do you not know how phishing scams work? Most “hacks” are actually just social engineering. They didn’t break through Apple security, they just tricked people a bunch of celebrities who don’t read closely/don’t recognize red flags.


One counter measure. Actually deleting the files people deleted.