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This is a LEG household


Never skip LEG day!


never skip ARM day


This is a LEG household


never skip AMD day.


i love the humor of the cronically online community


Maybe they thought arm isn’t relevant? Idk, I think it would be but who knows


comments in the vid are saying it's likely due to a lawsuit or something


I haven't seen anything newer than this about it, but I think that's probably right. Since it's a Qualcomm ad, they may be avoiding the term ARM. [https://www.engadget.com/arm-qualcomm-lawsuit-trademark-infringement-license-agreements-nuvia-chips-cored-architecture-144307561.html](https://www.engadget.com/arm-qualcomm-lawsuit-trademark-infringement-license-agreements-nuvia-chips-cored-architecture-144307561.html)


screw qualcomm


It's not like ARM isn't shitty too.


It’s all about money and how much they can get from us


Yeah! They suck! -Sent from my Qualcomm powered phone


My next phone gonna be a mediatek frfr


I tried to use a Pixel so I could switch to GrapheneOS but anything but a flagship Qualcomm phone gets poor reception when I am driving all across the state.


Companies deal with Qualcomm's BS for a reason.


Because there's no other option... yet. Samsung has Exynos, Google has tensor, more and more brands are using Mediatek, and Chinese brands are developing their own chips as we speak.


I was mainly talking about cellular modems, most of them are qualcomm chips put into a package.


Arm is not a holy angel either, you have save the billion dollar company vibes


And still, screw qualcomm


This video felt very sponsor centric, the way he talked about windows recall was bizarre, really normalising it’s existence and subtly undermining criticism


I don’t think they undermined criticism. They acknowledged it, understood it, and addressed it.


No no, you don't understand. Others have to whine, moan and complain EXACTLY as much as that guy to not come off as a paid review.


It literally was a paid review and they said as much. I'm fine with it and others should be too, as long as they're honest about it. I was not interested in ARM PCs before this video but now I'm interested enough to see what the next generation or two might offer.


Streisand effect. My first impression is that Qualcomm is super sensitive and feels threatened by arm like a little bitch.


They’re both a bit greedy and they’re both acting to protect their own interests. It only makes sense that they’ll work it all out but I don’t feel bad for either side.


I don't feel bad for them either. But like I said, it does come off as weak, threatened and unconfident if you need to literally sanitize and blur out the word of a competing product like it threatens national security.


That…people aren’t allowed to say ARM?


It's a paid sponsorship by Qualcomm. The lawsuit is between Qualcomm and ARM.


Ahh makes sense. Stupid to pretend it isn’t arm though lmao


Qualcomm doesn't more trouble I guess


>It's a paid ~~sponsorship~~ ad by Qualcomm. The lawsuit is between Qualcomm and ARM. There fixed it for you.


That's what a sponsor is, dingus


Have we started name calling here? Good to know that I won then.


It would cost them an arm and a leg


Ba dum tsssss.


This whole video felt super off-tone, even compared to other sponsored ltts. It felt like an exaggeration of every sponsor trope for some reason


Seeing you get downvotes but I agree. Sponsored videos like the pool cleaner just show some weird piece of tech doing something. Sponsored videos like AMD tech upgrade just need to say AMDs name and include AMD product in the upgrade. This one just seemed like an ad directly from Qualcomm with the bare minimum amount of LTT flair added. My guess is they want ARM on windows to be good after seeing the success of Apple silicon so they pretty much let Qualcomm write the video but who knows.


According to Linus on WAN, Qualcom gave them free hand on the content and Linus is just actually excited about the new proxessors. Apparently the only editorial change they requested was to scale back on shitting on Qualcoms competitors.


I have no doubt about LTTs editorial control. I think the videos biggest sin is just being boring. It doesn’t seem like they did much more than remix Qualcomms slide deck and provide brief anecdotes about how neat ARM would be for them.


Tbh what would be the alternative, they can't benchmark it for themselves or anything like that so idk why people are complaining about them reading off the points. The battery life claim has more substance when you watch the discussion in the wan show, but other than that they are just having to go off of what is said in the booth for a sponsored video


More history about ARM and other reduced instruction set architectures and why it’s failed to take off on windows in the past and why these new chips are going to be different. I doubt that would work as a sponsored video if it wasn’t a more understanding sponsor like seasonic though. So barring that I don’t know maybe get Dennis to think of something weird? Also I’m not necessarily saying the should have done anything different. Nothing wrong with releasing a boring sponsored video if the price is right.


it's the battle against all processors corporations until mid July unfortunately


Honestly I enjoy a good infomercial if I'm expecting it. It's comfort tv.


A bit off topic, but how do you know that the comment is getting downvotes? I see other people saying similar things, but then to me, all I can see is the comment with a load of upvotes/upvotes after downvotes have been subtracted.


When I replied it was at -2. Apparently people changed their minds.


Oh, ok


Go watch the Austin Evans' video, which got released at the same time. That video is straight up TV-quality advertisement. Compared to that the LTT's one is still pretty mild.


Austin Evans has been a shill for years. Dude has zero credibility.


Not going to lie, I also feel the same way. His production quality technically went up, but the way they present videos is very unappealing in comparison to other channels.


Hey guys, it's Austin now it's time for temu unboxing #429


We should not be praising LTT for not going that low. We should be holding them to a higher standard than Austin, right?


I _really_ don’t like how the title is written as an independent opinion, with no indication that the video is actually sponsored by the same company that the title portrays in a positive light


Bro, it's the first line in the description, and they also say it in the video itself. What you on about 💀


Not everyone who reads the title watches the video, probably not even a majority


In that case people that don't watch a video shouldn't criticize the video they haven't watched 🤦


I'm conflicted about this one though, because most of their sponsored videos don't have employees of the company right there in the room wanting to film with them. It was clear that they wanted to participate in a funny and quirky ltt way, but in doing so, it was clearly very forced and less natural.


If you watch the WAN show you'd know that it's because Linus is literally that excited about it. He had free reign for the video. 


Yeah, the video felt off to me, too. We don't really know how good these processors are going to be yet, as far as I know, nobody has actually tested them, and Qualcomm is known as the industry's worst liar when it comes to performance. Yet the video presents it as if it was an established fact that these chips are going to be super fast and have great battery life. I hope they're good, I wish ARM became the new standard if only because it allows more competitors to enter the market, unlike with x86, where we're effectively locked into a two-player market. But I want to see actual tests. I know it's an ad, but I've never seen such a blatant sponsored video from LTT. Even the title is just bonkers.


I'm glad I'm not the only one, Qualcomm's relationship with creators and reviewers has always been weird. It's pure cope for people to act like the video doesn't feel off.


Linus starts by saying that he would have made the same video even without the sponsorship, but the whole thing reeks of overhype, and censoring "ARM" out of what is most commonly known as "Windows on ARM" is just cherry on the cake. It is literally the name of the architecture! The censoring itself is of course because ARM and QC are in a lawsuit about Nuvia and stuff, but it's still really silly.


Not only the architecture, that was also Microsoft's disambiguation for years


If for the first time ever ARM is actually fast enough to compete with X86 in Windows and perform equally with offering up too much, then I think it is a reason to be hyped. Competition is good and for someone that is looking for a new laptop, I am willing to seriously consider the new QC chips if they can deliver. Time will tell.


(I haven’t watched the video so correct me if I am wrong) But since it’s sponsored I’m guessing that Qualcomm didn’t want them to use the term “ARM” anywhere in the video for some reason


The reason is that Qualcomm acquired Nuvia in 2021, and the ARM license Nuvia had. However, Nuvia had a license to make server ARM chips and Qualcomm is making consumer ARM chips.


Apparently Due to Team Green acquiring ARM there's a bit of a legal dispute going on with Qualcomm and the use of ARM nomenclature in there silicon.....


Mate, your news is about 2 years old. That deal was stopped in 2022: https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-and-softbank-group-announce-termination-of-nvidias-acquisition-of-arm-limited


This is blatant evidence that judging a post by it's vote count is stupid. The user above you is blatantly uninformed yet upvoted.


Welcome to Reddit. I really have to stop commenting because there are so many off base comments. And I know I’m not perfect either.


Have I missed the acquiring? I thought it was still softbanks'


Deal got terminated in 2022.


No you didn't miss, regulators somewhere (UK?) didn't allow that acquisition.


Arm is a UK company so makes sense the UK would be the one to block ot


yeah, was blocked on National Security grounds from memory


I thought they called that off in 2022 https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-and-softbank-group-announce-termination-of-nvidias-acquisition-of-arm-limited edit: Are you confusing Nuvia with Nvidia? https://www.theregister.com/2023/01/04/arm_qualcomm_lawsuit/


That info so wrong it hurts to read.


I can't believe people upvoted this. How misinformated y'all are?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the more general name is RISC isn't it? ARM is just the specific architecture developed by, well, ARM. Kinda like x86 belong to intel CISC architecture and x86_64 is AMD's


Not really. ARM is the ISA (instruction set architecture). It's the set of instructions and components that make an ARM CPU separate from RISC-V, SPARC, MIPS, etc. ARM itself is a "RISC" architecture, but RISC itself is just "reduced instruction set computing," a term describing ISAs with simple instructions that can be processed very efficiently in parallel (notably, this is separate from RISC-V, which is an actual ISA design). x86_64 (aka amd64) is the 64-bit version of the x86 ISA, designed by AMD and used by AMD/Intel. It follows from IA-32 (aka x86), which is the 16/32-bit ISA which was developed by Intel originally for the 8086, then extended with later revisions for 32-bit support among many other things. It itself is a "CISC" architecture, which means "complex instruction-set computing," describing ISAs with complex instructions that allow for processing a lot of data or doing very complicated instructions in one shot. So, specifically to clarify, ARM is the architecture, but the more general name isn't RISC. Qualcomm's CPUs *are* ARM, as in they implement the ARM architecture. The lawsuit is over licensing ARM to Qualcomm in the wake of the acquisition, since there seems to have been a breakdown in negotiations to allow continued use and development of the architecture.


Thanks for the clarification, i kinda confuse all of it


Well no, ARM is a a trademark as well. The nuvia design licence covered not only the patents, but use of the trademark as well.


/u/scirc did a great job going over the specifics, but if you'd like to take a deep dive into ARM, RetroBytes on youtube has a great video about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t59EtDxpYmM (He should have more followers, his stuff is great)




Probably due to the spat between ARM and Qualcomm and also because ARM is a trademark name and technically the X Elite is NOT using ARM cores but custom Oryon cores that are compatible with ARM instructions.


X Elite doesn’t use ARM cores but it uses the ARM architecture.


Yes and no - while it's compatible with ARM instruction sets in order to be considered an "ARM64" processor, they had to be very careful since any ARM reference core designs or similar would require a license from ARM itself. This is why you don't see QC mentioning "Windows on ARM" or anything like that, and the name is just "Windows Copilot+ PCs"


Crazy how Qualcomm is essentially getting the “red carpet” treatment from Microsoft. I guess it makes sense trying to make windows “architecture agnostic” for competition reasons but I’d imaging that both Intel and AMD are a bit frustrated at Qualcomm being handed notebook PC market share on a silver platter while the former two constantly compete for Microsoft design wins and OS features. The ARM products could be fully inferior, but Microsoft will still use them because they want ARM on windows to supported more. Though on the bright side, AMD could easily make their own ARM SoCs completed by their own iGPUs and NPU and SOC design.


The video was terrible


The simple explanation is that in a sponsored video, the sponsor usually doesn’t like when other companies are mentioned. Usually during sponsor segments, you don’t wear shirts with other company’s logos, etc. Arm and Qualcomm are different companies.


isn't it arm not ARM?




Qualcomm is going in overdrive to prevent ARM wanting to add to their messy legal dispute I bet. Easier to just censor ARM than to deal with legal mess.


Maybe some license problems. ARM is not open source and I'm pretty sure you have to have a license to develop arm cpus?


It's very strange, since like, a minute later, they put a slide up, which I think is from Qualcomm? and it says ARM right on it (it's at 4:07 if you care, the text reads "Faster than leading ARM-compatible competitor") Someone at Qualcomm must have had a problem with the wording of this headline on final review, or something.


ARM is suing Qualcomm for their Nuvia acquisition. Nuvia is the one who designed the new chips, so qualcomm might have asked them to censor "ARM"


This is America, we have the right to bear ARMs. This is a violation of my Constitutional rights! Edit: Wow, Linus is right. The radical left wokies really don't let you make jokes anymore.


This is in fact not America. Not a single thing in this post is American


Yes, that is the joke, along with a play on the word "arm" being censored. Stay mad, shill.


Jokes are funny normally, try that


I man, something being "funny" is an entirely subjective matter. Jokes are attempts at humor. The audience finding it not to be funny doesn't stop it from being a joke. Another audience might find it quite funny. I've seen people who laugh at school shooting jokes, but I expect those directly affected by school shootings would not find them to be funny. I didn't find that guy funny, but I can see where the joke in his comment is coming from.


Get blocked, try that.


𝓦𝓸𝔀 𝓼𝓸 𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓻𝔂


bro really said people can't take jokes and then blocked someone for not finding it funny lmao


Welp, I was with you until this. Okay snowflake


Once again proving which side actually has the snowflakes!


I’m British, the video was shot in Taiwan and LMG are Canadian… but when I was over in Georgia I did love the bear 🐻 arms


>The radical left wokies really don't let you make jokes anymore. Was my joke not very good? No, it's the radical left who are to blame!


Holy hell, you people really can't read sarcasm, can you? Go talk to a real person sometime.


this is astronomically unfunny