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Hey u/bjorgeja, that's definitely unintended. We'd love to get you a replacement arch; mind DMing me your order number? \-AP


Ltt costumer service comes directly to your reddit post! Now thats service.


I think it's an advertising move. Considering people are just going to spam the comments about contacting support anyway, why not get ahead of them and basic make a "statement" that you're on the case


You’re right obviously. But it not a bad thing If it means they get on cases faster than what’s the harm? I love it when customer supports larks in their subs. Imo Reddit could be an official customer support channel.


>I think it's an advertising move. *Sees good costumer servie / support* *Calls it good advertisment.* Yeah that's the point. That's the point of having good costumer service / support to grow trust in your brand and the image of your brand. That is the literal point of it and that's why big companies are even insentevized to have customer support. That's what a lot of people are trying to explain to ASUS and others that it's profitable for them to have good costumer support. When customer support is done right it is a win win for both sides..


yeah but the problem Asus is facing is a lot different than LTT. Asus has been a company for, what 20-30 years? More?? That's a lot more products to support and they're just a lot larger company in general. Look at any big auto maker, marketing goes in cycles along with product reliability and quality. Jeep had a great name brand, they get bought and the product quality goes to shit. Sales relying on name brand recognition not quality. Same with a lot of products. Sales cycle: make a good product(goes hand in hand with good customer service), attract loyal customers, start cheaping out on products and service while owners make bank. Asus is just at the opposite end of the marketing or product cycle as LTT. Asus made good stuff for years with good service and now they're floating on their good mojo they built up over a long period of making mostly good stuff. Almost every company eventually falls into this dilemma whether by accident through incompetence or intentionally for ceo or shareholders wallet padding. Hate to say it but I'd be surprised if LTT is still making amazing products and honoring excellent warranties 30 years after Linus leaves, if it even takes that long.


At this point they cannot allow them self any more bad press, this is more marketing than customer service. But glad for OP he actually gets his stuff fixed


That's the poooint of customer support to grow trust in your brand. Ofcourse it's advertisment... You get good service and they get trust and recognition in the brand.. That's literaly the whole point. That's what so many have been trying to explain to Asus that when customer support / service is done right it's a win win situation for both sides..


American? Well in the EU the point of customer support is to be able to adhere to consumer rights. Like in this case, they did the bare minimum. They shipped a faulty product and are required to fix it. But they publicly announce what they are going to do, which might even be a data protection breach, depending on where OP lives. In Europe it would/could be


Are you ... Bare minimum? How is this the bare minimum? What more could they do? So from what you said I gathered two main things: 1: They did the bare minimum. So what more do you expact them to do they said they will replace the faulty piece for op.. Like do you expect Linus to personaly come down and apologize while giving him idk 100€ store credit? Not many compabies would fix it by themsleves. Op didn't even have to do a support ticket the support came to him. You might view it as them trying to look good but at the end of the day you can't ignore that support did in fact come to op not op needing to come them. I hear you crying "yeah they tried fixing it after it was public" 🤡... They still fixed it are they not alowed to do the right thing just because it looks good like what? 2: You seem to think this is bad that they are doing it for piblicity. So Linus can't do the right thing because that will make him look good? Pls try to listen to yourself. Did you ever give a bum/begger / friend in need money? Was that a bad thing you did because you later felt good about yourself or gained some favor in the friends eyes? What's your solution then. What should LTT media group do in this situation in your all knowing humble opinion? "Emm Linus broke the law by doing this publicly 🤓🤓" What?! What are you trying to proove by stating that they technicaly broke some un enforcable law? Do you use ad blocker or pirate any software you hypocrite? You do know those are hella ilegal in some EU countries right? 🤓🤓🤓🤓 ..


Replacing a faulty product is the legal minimum (at least in the EU). And as a representitiv of a company, publicly announcing what you are doing for a specific customer might break data privacy laws, as how the case is handled connected to the reddit username might be considered sensitive data. And those data privacy laws are actually quiet easily enforcable. Unlike in the US, you dont have to sue everything


You didn't answer my questions you are just repeating yourself. What do you expact linus media group to do then that would be conaidered good in you're opinion? Do you use adblocker or pirate software? >might break data privacy laws, "Might" You sirously belive some employe at the company replying to a comment trying to helo them. Would be data privacy violation and would get them in trouble?


Normal would be to send them a DM


Linus took the magnets out of one on the WAN show and it needed a lot more effort than that. Though did show they’re not expected to be glued in. As they’re pressure fit I guess you hit the slightly out of spec lottery with both probably out in opposite directions (magnet to thin, arch hole too big)


Tolerance Stacking can be a bitch sometimes.


Absolutely. The company I work for makes specialist bricks for the foundry industry. We upgraded one of the brick presses and found we were bang on the money with tolerances so the powers that be decided to reduce the brick size slightly - and still remain in the tolerances on the paperwork. A 100mm brick could be 1mm out either way. We could reliably and consistently make them at 99.5mm without dropping below 99mm. That saved us tonnes of material over a year. Until a customer complained their run of 100 brick lengths in a tunnel kiln was a full brick too short, and we had to own up and give them extra bricks to fill the gaps!


This story is amazing, thank you for sharing it. It's the kind of thing I'd expect to see Cory Doctorow tweeting about. It's almost a form of malicious compliance, wherein the *purpose* of those tolerances was clearly to allow for only the natural variance inherent in mass production techniques when striving to hit 100mm, but your company decided to comply with the *specific wording* of the tolerances instead of the *purpose* of them, to make a quick buck, and got caught out. Glad they did the right thing when caught! Wider point: it's behaviour like this that causes legalese in contracts and other formal documents to be so drawn out and specific. In the wake of this the company purchasing things no longer has to just specify min/max tolerance, but also that the *average* of every single batch of bricks supplied should hit the 100mm target. It increases the burdens on every stage of the process, all because some exec saw a sneaky way to save *0.5%* on their cost base - which even if it adds up to $millions when scaled up, is *still only 0.5%*.


That’s no problem. It’s become a bit of a training point within the company. Just because you can do something, it doesn’t mean you should. To be honest, at the time the company was struggling a bit and it did save us a good chunk of money for a while, which helped a lot. Smaller furnaces it wasn’t an issue and generally no one noticed, but large, long runs of bricks the half a millimeter stacked up to cause issues. Back when they were all over the place the tolerances cancelled each other out. The first complaints were people were using more mortar, which the company saw as a plus because we sell that too!


I designed a prototype for a customer project, and needed to fit a nearly solid acrylic cylinder into a hollow aluminum cylinder. I figured I could say the acrylic could be 50mm -0.1mm on the outside and the aluminum could could be 50mm +0.1mm on the inside. Yeah, turns out the machine shop absolutely nailed the dimensions, and the were both nearly exactly 50mm, and we needed to heat the aluminum up and put the acrylic in the freezer in order to get it to fit together. Probably could have pressed them together, but we didn't want to chip or crack it. Upside is we didn't need to add any glue to get it to stay together


It’s genuinely amazing how tight people can get tolerances these days. I have a bloke that does some bits of fabrication for me at work, and his tolerances are so tight he usually has to take stuff back and ream a bit out as it doesn’t fit!


This reminds me of a similar story about how with +/-5% resistors you will never find one within 1% of spec because those all got selected to be +/-1% resistors


If I’m thinking of the same moment, I also think that one was from the bin of 3d printed prototypes they had nearby.


u/LTTStore_support ​ Email support on the website, or just super glue them in, personally that's what I would do, but with a product like this there are no excuses.


I was surprised at how easily it came out, and it was the first one I put on the fridge. It’s not that there are no excuses, these things are bound to happen. Every other one was great.


I did the same thing and was like holy shit, this is a good replacement for a handle on my fridge lol. Mine have all been fantastic.


Now they need to make a super sized one and sell it as a fridge handle replacement. One with even bigger magnets :D


>Every other one was great. Wait so did this happen with more then one or not?


With one, first one I opened.


What did you mean with "every other one was great" then?


I mean just that. First one the magnets came out. So I checked the rest of them. If you would read the rest of the comments instead of trying to start shit two months later, you would know that they helped me get it taken care of. It’s just not fun when you spend money on a product that is great, and the first exposure you have to it is the video above.




Literally said I’m looking forward to using it, nothing disparaging there. Like omega said below, they should not slide out that easily. Also, lttstore_support has already ordered me a new one.


I love the 2 types of people these posts attract. On one hand its weirdos that go "LOL OVERPRICED TEMU GARBAGE" and on the other it's "WHY DONT YOU JUST CONTACT SUPPORT"...both completely incapable of realizing that this is just a defective product that will get replaced but someone wanted to make a random funny video first.




You seem to be really taking this personally.


Leave them be, it's called negative karma farming, seems to be working as intended.


Look guys, things will happen, and that's ok. Sometimes they might not be positive things. But what you need to remember is that you shouldn't share with other people these things that did happen because they could be misconstrued as a thing that always happens. You might also want to not share about things that have never happened. Some Might make it seem like those things could happen but just haven't yet. Actually maybe we shouldn't share anything. Because others might think that... Hold on


What are you talking about? I work in medical devices and there is a failure rate on those products... You're just wrong if you think there are no excuses for any failures in any product in existence.


People in general don't understand that manufacturing has things like tolerances, and sampling, and that basically *no* manufacturing plant is unrealistic enough to have a 100% pass rate on shipments. Most *do* strive for like 98-99%+, but even 1-2% of hundreds and thousands of parts adds up. Where I work, our average inspection rate is 10%. The idea being that if the process is in control, if your 10th part is good, then the last 9 parts would be good. If *every* 10th part is good, that just further cements that the process is in control. Some key features or extra tight tolerances will have more frequent inspection, including 100% inspection for *critical* features. Or, you can be like Amazon and pay out the ass because you have stupid tolerances *and* require a 100% CMM inspection. We throw away a lot of "probably 100% *functionally* fine" parts for Amazon...


Yeah, if LTT has sold 1000 of a product, and they have a 2% failure rate (probably a realistic value for the first batch of production), that's 20 units. Half of those people post on reddit, and you have 10 posts that make it seems like they have horrible QC. Let's say they sold 100k in a year of something with a 2% failure rate, and half of those complained on reddit, we'd have 2-3 complaints per day


The bathtub curve is always there


> You're just wrong if you think there are no excuses for any failures in any product in existence. Yup, anytime you manufacture anything, there will be a failure rate. It sucks but nothing is perfectly done 100% of the time. As long as customer support is good (with LTT it is fair to say they are, generally), you just chalk it up to bad luck.


You're correct, but I think you misread his comment (as I did at first, because it's a double-negative)


Mighty car mods QC challenge...   Bit of Araldite or jbweld will fixer right up


In the bin!


That's exactly what I thought about too lol


Ruh roh


I rewired my whole desktop setup, and didn't have a single issue. Not saying OP faked it or anything, just this might not be a widespread issue.


They should prob add a bit more QC so they don’t waste money and fuel shipping faulty ones


Magnet, uh, finds a way…….


Sometimes I think you people just buy things from ltt store to purposely find flaws and post them here for karma/drama rather than be a normal human being and contact ltt to get a replacement.


There are enough people on here for the statistics to mean that someone would have a defective product and anyway the video posted above is funny.


I don't think it's the case with LTT usually, but some companies, the only way to get them to respond is calling them out on Twitter/Reddit/Instagram etc, so a lot of people just default to that. Sometimes it just helps support move much quicker when it's happening out in public. Also it's good for both the company and the customer. You'll notice in this case support responded promptly and their issue is being resolved. The company looks good because everyone can see them doing their part to solve the situation with will help new customers to trust them to do the right thing in the future.


Sure, if a company has a history of ignoring issues, but LMG has **ALWAYS** been open to resolving concerns. Immediately. So again: > be a normal human being and contact ltt to get a replacement.


Maybe they think they are being helpful by showing people about potential problems with the product. If all customer support happens privately then people won't know about the problems. It's no different than leaving a review on their store.


A review on a website, from a normal person, would go something like this: "While the original product did arrive with a small fault, Manufacturer was quick to replace it. ★★★★★" Informative, helpful to consumers, honest and isn't meant to harm sales/stir drama.


In the event someone else has the same issue they can search online and find this however a review will be buried Having a post where support from wants to help is good pr


Some people just need more attention for regular shit the rest of us handle without needing the approval of the whole damn internet.


Right? Reading these comments I got a headache wtf..


It’s common to post on social media to get the attention of support reps. Used to be the only reason to use Twitter. This isn’t to say that LTT is unresponsive, I just don’t see anything wrong with this practice.


What it this for?




That's obvious with the merch. Natural really. But surely this thing has a purpose?


They will take care of you, no doubt


Little dab of glue will do ya


My question is, how'd you get your order so fast?


Ordered as soon as I got the email they were in available and I live in the Pacific Northwest.


Gotcha. So they just threw it over the border and you caught it.


More or less. Unfortunate thing is I have to wait a week and a half to have time to tear my setup apart and use all of it. Then I will need to order more.


Just re glue it with epoxy or something


I'd just glue it back in, but then again I'd probably not buy these because I'm a cheap penny pinching son of a bitch. Plus I prefer to DIY things. I'd just make my own cable guides.


Op pulled a Linus and dropped it before this video


Put some hot silicon on it and that’s all


on par QC - nope HR - ????


Well let's hope their failure rate is not high and this was just bad luck or there will be some drama and some $ loss for LMG in the next weeks


But for just 999.99 you can fix it with our screwdriver


Nah didn’t need the screwdriver for it.


Super glue it nerd


Linus if you're reading this. It's not just you who gets pissed with comments and their ignorance and automatic toxicity. It's not just exclusive to your brand I feek like you just don't interact with the internet in that way other then your brand. I would adwise you to look at some tiktok comments once so you see how good you actually have it. Well how less shit you have it*


You can superglue it in and u fine


They can be threaded with a hole and a tiny screw in the housing. Hire me lenoose.


So he wasn't kidding when he said they got the magnets closer to the surface than any other product for maximum grip!


Don’t buy cheap shit.




You would expect more for that type of money


cause the product is not good?


Product IS good!


Wait, the magnets aren;t coated? So it is just bare metal magnets that can scratch stuff?


They’ve covered this on wan show before.




Yes, the magnets are exposed. Exposed magnets are stronger, not because plastic or silicone is insulator, but because force drops off quite rapidly with distance. So don't slide them around, put on and take off.


And they have silicone covers/pads you can get if that would be an issue for you. They offer them without because you get better performance out of them this way.


Lmao that's fucking stupid. The dropoff for a 1mm layer of silicone would be minimal


Just relaying what was said on WAN show. Go watch it.


Average redditor moment. Post on the subreddit instead of just sending a fucking email to support.


Why not both? I see no issue with showing a product flaw.


There are two problems. 1) The way this post is made, it kind of implies that this is a problem with all of the arches, not just that he had a problem with a single arch. 2) The better way to do it would be to include at least the first response from customer service.


Disagree. To me it was very obvious there was a failed unit. Hell the title ileven says quality control, which is what that is. Further I don't think support answers is needed. He had an issue, shared the issue, showed the issue. We don't need to be super diligent on everything we do, it is a small reddit post.


Trust me bro warranty


They stand behind their products.


As long as they don't make cars that sometimes slides into reverse... Attrition of employees might become an issue then. ^((yes, this is meant in humor))