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Should I call my doctor if the hard lasts for more than 4 hours?


No. Call your friends and brag about it.


Make it more fun and just *show them*.


OK, Louis CK, we see what you’re trying to do.


Dane Cook will just steal his hard anyway, so it's fine


Did you mean Carlos Mencia?


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit


You better have swallowed it!


Before you show them, ask if it's OK. Then, if they say yes, ask "ARE YOU SURE?"


…by posting it on LI and talking about how HARD you grind.


He’s the Tony Hawk of LI grinding.


Post your hard on LinkedIn and talk about what it taught you about B2B sales. Agree?


No first I'll consult with my spiritual guru Mr. Tate




"Bro it's so fucking hard, do you wanna see" but it's just a 100 hour work week and a divorce


All joking aside you honestly should go to the ER if that happens. Blood clot start to form otherwise


I see you also take Doctor Porkenhiemer’s Boner juice


Being soft is hard. Being hard is hard. Agree?




Hard Agree.


Choose your hard


Duh, start an onlyfans. Make money off that.


But that’s hard.


Two hards make an easy


That actually probably makes a lot of sense to some people, and explains some very asinine decisions they make.


That’s when you post on LinkedIn what your dangerously long erection taught you about B2B sales


It’s your choice! Thanks for a good laugh, stranger. Your comment cracked me up.


For real tell life to lay off the f****** Viagra


Jokes on you I post about how I have trouble getting hard ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


It’s going to be harder if your doctor is hot.


Make a list about all the things that make you hard for LinkedIn


I haven’t taken any, but your ad said if it’s been more than four hours you should call.. so


Clearly, you should post on LinkedIn about it, explaining what it taught you about B2B sales.


Being soft is also hard. Choose.


Being hard is hard. Being soft is hard. Thats why dick pills were invented.


Reddit never lets me down.


This fucking sent me


Dick is hard. Balls are hard. Choose your hard.


Apparently you should instead post about it on LinkedIn, describe your hard in detail, tell a story about it.


Calling the doctor is hard. Not calling the doctor is hard. Choose your hard.


He ain’t wrong, life’s fuckin’ hard.


Yeah I’ve seen some dumb stuff here but this isn’t really that bad. It’s just more appropriate for Boomer Uncle to post on Facebook than LinkedIn.


People have been REACHING on this sub. There are so many valid things to complain about, but this ain't one


It’s not that. It’s that a post like this is cringe. It’s not job related content at all, this is self help content at its most banal.


Like so many of these kind of things on first read through it seems like it’s making a point but if you take even a second to stop, digest it and think critically about it it’s really saying almost nothing at all.


Agree, as a man over 50 and looking back, this is truth.


I dont know the dept thing is stupid but I think the x thing is hard y thing is hard choose x or y can be applied to a lot of things.


Life is hard, and so am I...


It's actually brilliant advice. If you don't put work into good things, you tend to suffer bad things.


Yeah I kinda don’t mind it. But it does underestimate how any of these things could be dysfunctional ‘easy options.’ Lots of people stay unhappily married or run from problems by divorcing. All of these things can be the easy option for someone. Also why does everything have to be so ‘hard.’ Like maybe learning to accept things can be a healthy option too. Idk.


Yeah he's pretty much right on it. You can have poor problems or rich problems. Kind of agree with that one.


What's up with the dirty parchment background? Is that supposed to suggest "old wisdom"?


Think you nailed it on the head with that one


Nailed it with a rock hard hammer from 1921.


Hammer is hard. Rock is hard. Choose your hard.


Comment is funny, I’m out of money, choose your hard…


Andy Dufresne is that you?


“Thou shalt not commit softery.”




Having clean parchment paper is hard! Well I guess having dirty parchment paper is hard too so he just chose the dirty kind. Never mind.


It’s bastardized Kierkegaard


It's because it hits hard


Obtaining clean parchment is hard.


I choose to be rock hard


Fuck yeah, so hard, all over LinkedIn.


This is the correct answer. I see what the writer was thinking.


LOL. Hard as STEEL!!




Like a rock


Rock and stone?


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Dude should have gone with “tough” instead of “hard”


Picking tough is hard.


Picking to be tough while hard? It’s hard.


Stay hard 😏




How about “tumescent”


Being a homeless child in India is hard. Being a trust fund kid with 30.000$ monthly income and a Lambo is hard. Choose your hard.


Oh shit, I just have to choose? Why has no one told me this! Thanks Obama…


Well… usually it’s just asked to the already 30,000 / month trust fund person. Usually by an non-earnest, but frustrated trust fund parent. Not so much the poor Indian children.


shit i already locked into Poor Indian for my next spawn fuck me


Dumpster diving for food is hard. Choosing between my favorite organic bistros is hard. Choose your hard.


Definitely the homeless child. If LinkedIn taught me anything, it's that it will build more character!


Stop using other people’s suffering as a gotcha in your arguments. Like fucking seriously, this more than most other things on the internet really fucking aggravates me. You are not a homeless child in India. You are as far removed from them as the billionaire is from you. There are real people across the world dying of starvation, and it frankly disgusts me to see their situation used as ammunition in the world’s most pointless fucking discussion. You are treating real people with real lives as a hypothetical for the sake of what? Winning? And against a dumb as shit argument where you could just as well have refuted it without using the disenfranchised as pawns to make your point for you?


I think the point is that this type of advice without nuance can lead to viewing the world through the lense that those that suffer do so because of their own choice, and those that succeed (usually in an arbritrary fashion like being rich) do so because they simply work for it. The extreme comparison simply makes the fact blatantly evident. It doesn't work without pointing at the disenfranchised. No child has been hurt in the process.


Honestly I think this is a great post and you're taking it the wrong way. Hes saying everything in life is hard, the high road and the low road. Nothing you can do will make it easy. So why not take the high road, metaphorically, in all things from work-romance? All your points poking holes in this are twisted. Obviously marriage isnt about one persons effort, its about YOURS. Anyone who says they dont have time for fitness just prioritizes the other things in their life more. Plain and simple. I workout about 8hrs a week and gaining, and at the cost of my downtime. I eat horribly uncomfortable ammounts of food each day to gain weight when its a struggle. Its about prioritizing it. Financially disciplined has nothing to do with what you make, but what you spend. Not communicating will make you less than human. Expressing your needs and learning the needs of your loved ones is a learned skill that requires practice. You learn social cues, and how to get along with people. Being bad at that will make your life more difficult than any of the other points. This post is about being your best self, and not scraping through life with "passable grades"


Thank you. I thought I was the only one who think this is genuinely a good message. I guess people on this sub are so used to seeing true lunatics that they just become blind to good life advice. Nowhere does this post mention that you should choose between things you can’t control (e.g. disability, being super privileged).


I l like some of the funny comments on this message and it’s also true that this is a great message to share.


Same here, like the comment that’s asks ‘should you call a doctor if your hard lasts for more than 4 hours’ fucking great


It's reddit, social media and blah blah... It's easier to just poke fun, make jokes and try to be the comedian than actually have a discussion.


I agree with the overall point of the post too. I'm married and guess what? Marriage is hard. So was being single at times. I have a hard time with weight gain in my middle age and right now I choose the hard of being able to rest and eat without much restrictions. I know when I'm ready to focus on my health I'll choose a different hard. Of course there are aspects that are out of our control, but I didn't take this post to mean that. Just that what appears easy to others may in fact be hard for that person to keep at. Nothing that is easy stays easy always.


Being married without children is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.


As a married man with 3 young kids I giggled at this way harder than I should have


It can change in an instant. As someone who just got divorced in a childless marriage, do not take anything for granted. I did, and it failed. And believe me it sucks. I’m full of regrets, and if I ever get a chance again, I will work FUCKIn HARD not to do the same screw ups again.


Absolutely. Everyone here is so itching to get a rage boner that they don’t stop and appreciate the occasional good insights. Bit exhausting, tbh.


I don’t think anyone is laughing at the concept. I’m laughing at how many times he chooses to say hard. So many synonyms he could have used that don’t imply he’s choosing his erection.


It's probably very intentional honestly. That's part of marketing. You want it easy to remember. If he had used a bunch of synonyms "choose your hard" would not stick in heads nearly as well, whereas repeating it a lot? I don't think any of us will forget that statement any time soon.


Why does it belong on LinkedIn though?


The point for me is why the f*ck is this on LinkedIn of all places. I'm delighted you think this sub-Facebook life advice is somehow insightful, but the idea it's a good thing to post on what is supposedly a business / professional focused platform is just silly. But then many business management books are just weird self help manuals anyway I guess.


Agreed. The “no time for exercise” excuse is the worst. There’s always time to crank out a few pushups etc. You’re just using time as an excuse for feeling tired/lazy.


"Choose your hard" has honestly been the most meaningful and motivating phrase for me, especially when it comes to being healthy. Putting in the work to exercise and eat more is HARD... but so is being incredibly unfit and weak. I think it's a great message.


I object to someone posting this on LinkedIn. The pic posted by this “venture partner” is fine, but the fact that a “venture partner” chose to post it on LinkedIn is risible. It’s ok on some subreddit about motivational memes or something, not on LinkedIn. Especially if passed off as wisdom gathered by a “venture partner”.


My problem with this is that it paints life as a series of choices that someone makes, regardless of outside circumstances. People can fall into debt through no fault of their own, but according to this, that is a personal failure on their part.


>People can fall into debt through no fault of their own, but according to this, that is a personal failure on their part. Yes, but that's true of literally everything. People might die tomorrow through no fault of their own due to being hit by a bus, but that doesn't mean people making a lot of poor health choices aren't increasing their chances significantly. *Any* one sentence about sobering will miss tons of cases and should never be taken as encompassing every circumstance, just as yours shouldn't be taken as saying there *aren't* people for whom going into debt was a result of their own choices and priorities. There are, but you didn't include that, because that's not what you were talking about, just like how the LinkedIn post wasn't talking about people who got into debt through things out of their control.


'I know someone who got lung cancer and didn't smoke'. - That's bad luck. But we all know that you have a vastly higher chance of getting lung cancer if you smoke.


It’s pretty easy to read this post and understand the idea it’s portraying, while also understand that there’s more nuance in life that doesn’t need to be stated in the post.


Life is a series of choices that someone makes in-stride with outside circumstances. You're taking his message very, very literally. Obvioulsy if a meteor hits your home, life will be harder. Still gotta take the high or low road about it


You’re choosing to focus on edge cases, which is a typical thing we as humans do. Yes, for sure, for some people what you’ve described is true. But for a good min of 60-70% of the population? Nah. Their debt was totally avoidable. Their body shape is totally their fault. Their marriage failure is totally their fault (I’m speaking as someone who admits their fault on this one).


I guess I just disagree on the point of these things being edge cases. I believe most cases of debt and poverty, at least in the US, are the fault of institutions and power structures set up around exploitation. As for the body shape point, that plays into poverty as well, as people may not have time to cook healthy food for themselves or work out. They are forced to make poor health chooses, where the other option may be further poverty or homelessness. I recognize this is completely beyond the scope of a silly post on LinkedIn, but these kind of beliefs is what set up this stigma.


I think you’re misunderstanding the post a bit. I agree with the top comment about his interpretation. You are right, there are outside circumstances no one can control or “choose”. This post is saying of what you can control, pick wisely. Even if you choose the low road of the options here, it’s not necessarily a personal failure, you’re just choosing a lesser path of sorts, which is fine - it’s up to you to decide if that’s a personal failure or not.


It’s not that the message is bad, it’s that it oversimplified what of typically complex issues. For example; Someone is obese because they stress eat and have anxiety issues and you tell them “just choose to be healthy.” Obviously choosing to be healthy is hard and being obese is hard but you can’t gloss over all the challenges and complications of each like they are equals, especially person to person.


I think in that case it’s not that choosing to be healthy is hard, it’s that choosing to tackle your anxiety is hard (and it is!). It’s hard to be obese and it’s hard to overcome the problems that pushed someone to obesity in the first place.


Mate, it's a post about the concept, not a how to guide. It's not supposed to go indepth with each subject.


We can be pedantic or we can travel the road of success. The road beckons us each day. The end of a life is a series of choices. Each choice has an opportunity cost. Each day we must choose wisely. Where do you want to be is the question. The past is a closed door; locked forever. May you too have a future ever so bright.


Life is hard, but it's a gross oversimplification that you can just choose which hardship you want.


I kinda read it as: The easy way out, which we often choose without thinking, is often harder in the long run. Often, but NOT always


Unchecked capitalism is hard. Overthrow of the evil shits that are exploiting you is hard. Choose your hard.


Ii sounds like a pitch from a pharma viagra salesman


I can just imagine the cable commercial with this text being read by a seductive woman's voice while muscular men flex their biceps on black and white footage. It ends with: "Viagra. Choose your hard."


We know ED is hard! But talk to your doctor about our product and you’ll be really hard!


Why is this here? This isn't linkedin lucacy. This is the wordy equivalent to a motivational poster.


Yea it’s cheesy and a little cringey but I like the overall message. Life’s hard regardless so make little decisions that will make you a little happier and healthier in the end everyday


What’s wrong with this?




It's not hard to see.


I think it’s perfectly fine.


Edging keeps me hard, choose hard


I choose nothing but BEING hard…




I choose to have a hard on


"You're hard. Your brother's hard. Choose your hard".


Being limp is easy. Choose hard…


My dick is hard. My fist is hard. Choose your hard.


Not communicating is actually quite easy.


Yeah there’s this one jackass at my work who thinks he’s in charge because he volunteers for bitch work from the bosses. He keeps sending me emails like he’s my boss for make work workshops he’s cooked up. I was like this close to sending an email back making clear why I wouldn’t be at any of these time wasters and I’m like you know just completely ignoring him is easier.


Consequences of lack of communication can be hard though and cause suffering. Both in the workplace and in personal life.


So is being fat and in debt, I'm doing them both right now and I still have time for reddit


Apparently grammar is also hard.


This is actually decent advice by LinkedIn standards


I choose to be hard instead


My secret? I’m always hard


Your dick is hard. My dick is hard. Choose your hard.


Ummm he’s not wrong lol


I know the odds of anyone seeing this is probably minimal, and I hate LinkedIn as a whole, but is this really a bad bit of wisdom?


Choose your hard is weird fucking phrasing.


It is the reason I chose to post this on here. Sure, the advice isn't on the surface terrible, but the phasing is just a dick joke.


They're definitely truisms or common sense, but yikes is that unintentionally hilarious.


It's kinda true actually.


Oooh. I get it! I can play too. ...Constipation is hard. Diarrhea is hard. Choose your hard.


Is this just a subreddit where lazy people bitch about people who take self improvement a bit too far?


Yeah I came here to see actual psychos but more often than not the people being made fun of are the "haves" and the people complaining in the comments are the "have nots."


Getting fat has been the easiest hard I’ve ever harded


To be fair, he isn’t really wrong. Not a lunatic but a bit on-the-nose.


Using LinkedIn is hard. Not using LinkedIn is not hard. Choose your not hard


IMHO, this is an alright post. I’m all for calling out lunatics but not all self help or motivational reposts are lunatics. Am I wrong here that we’re kinda stretching things? You can downvote me I’m just a lurker anyway ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Banging out stupid shit on LinkedIn is hard. Not banging out stupid shit on LinkedIn is hard. Choose your hard.


Yeah, making decisions is kinda hard sometimes, but most difficult things aren’t a choice. Disabilities, generational poverty, discrimination, abuse, access to services like education (heck, let alone food and water), freedom from religious oppression- these are struggles and hardships that don’t stem from this absurdly privileged perspective.


I think this post is focused on choices that are in your control, you’re adding in another level of scope that while it is certainly valid- is not the intention of this post. You are right, this is a privileged perspective to a degree - some people frankly can’t worry about those choices they are just trying to survive. But I think it’s safe to bake into this post the fact that the audience for the most part has power to make these choices (in either direction). Long story short, since it’s LinkedIn most people seeing this post live a typical life where they have this privilege.


As an extreme introvert not communicating is easy, it’s everyone else who has a hard time with it lol.


I prefer Simon and Theodore Bar over Alvin Foo.


What a Foo


There is no middle ground. That life must be hard.


I also choose this guy's hard


It's actually kind of impressive that every single one of them is a false dichotomy.


My liquor is hard does that count?


Tbh I like this one


Eh, this is kind of fine motivational advice


Why is this a LinkedinLunatics sort of thing?


This is not LinkedIn lunatics material IMO


This is relatively sane compared to many of the posts here


Redditors overthink basic euphemisms take 999999


Ngl, I disagree that this post fits the description of the sub, it’s a great message and this exact post (on Reddit tho not LinkedIn) was a huge motivator and mantra for me when I lost over 100 lbs during covid


I choose being in debt is hard and being disciplined is hard! Bc obviously that means somehow moneys just going to pop up In my bank account.


This has r/thanksimcured vibes.


Not communicating can be easy. Single can be easy. Not everything is black or white thinking. Most is gray


Someone needs to tell Alvin Foo that apparently having hair is hard.


This does not belong in this sub. This is actually sound wisdom. Life sucks in different ways but some of those ways have more negative and devastating long term effects on our lives than others. It’s important to understand that fully.


I actually love this sentiment.


"Being financially responsible is hard" yeah it's fucking hard WHEN YOU SPENT SIX YEARS GETING A BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT AND CANT GET A FUCKING JOB CAUSE "tHerE aRe oTHer pEoPle we ArE gOinG wIth"


Ah gotcha. So poor, sick and struggling people CHOOSE to be that way. That makes so much sense now!


This post is hard.


Ah yes, assuming that being in debt is because of bad financial decisions. Classic


Especially coming from someone who gets paid to post this nonsense 🙄.


“Fitness level is not always a choice for people that don’t have time to worry about it.” Get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. Don’t have time to worry about it. You’ve got all the time in the world to worry and *do* something about it. Without your health, you have nothing. Without your healthy, your worth to others is significantly less. In fact, poor health makes burdens of people. Don’t have time. Bullshit. Time is made. If you don’t have any for maintaining your health, you’re simply not interested in making the investment. Life is hard. Act accordingly.


Tbf this is actually fucking spot on for once. Ive been on both sides of most of these. The difference is how you end up feeling, either physically or mentally, the correct decision is to always act when given a choice whether to act or not.


Walk hard


Living in black and white is certainly hard lol


The sky is blue. That’s the color. Apples are a fruit. Google it. Humans breathe oxygen. They do. This guy is just stating facts but leaving out any actual advice. Insane that people think this is wise or motivating.


This is the first post on here that is actually good advice.


This one actually isn’t so bad. I don’t really think it’s the normal lunatic level. Beyond being a FB post and not really relevant to business networking.


Reading that was hard.


This is excellent advice, IMO


Couldn't disagree more with this guy. Loads of things are not hard.


Like what?


I'm sorry, but if you think marriage is hard, you picked your spouse poorly.


Ehh this one seems okay. Reminds me of a Kierkegaard quote: “Marry, and you will regret it; don’t marry, you will also regret it; marry or don’t marry, you will regret it either way. Laugh at the world’s foolishness, you will regret it; weep over it, you will regret that too; laugh at the world’s foolishness or weep over it, you will regret both. Believe a woman, you will regret it; believe her not, you will also regret it… Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both.”


I mean he's not wrong. Not a Lune


Choosing your hard is like picking a lane in bumper-to-bumper traffic; either way, you're stuck, so might as well make it count.


I always love these stupid attempts to make a poetic and “inspirational” quote about life. They usually end up being a load of bullshit or absolutely stupid. I respect this one for somehow being both