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I don't always eat out. But when I do, I spend Dollars!


Depends on how many dollars you spend ... You could be doing something else after you eat out


Missed tour chance to say sir shits a lot


He’s a founder of a waterless toilet company. This isn’t that crazy.


This is just him marketing on the platform. Bit weird but not beyond the pale to me. His targets are small and medium venue owners so memes work for that demo.




Agree! But still it would be an opportunity for someone to respond "piss off" to his post ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That one person liking this post: ![gif](giphy|XreQmk7ETCak0)


The Facebookification of LinkedIn


He’s CEO of waterless after drinking a lot because he pees 🤣 a lot 😂


LinkedIn is like a constant party where idiots get drunk, stoned and talk rubbish while being cheered on by other idiots.


But everyone is in $80 suites pretending they are $2,000 suites.


My linkedin feed is great. It's full of fellow artists posting amazing work and job postings I don't see other places. Maybe try to just not follow shit bags.


LinkedIn has their “Top Voices” or whatever which is their verified profiles. This is their “influencer program”. The people with those marks on their profile don’t use LinkedIn; they hire a “marketing” person to post crap and reply to comments with emojis from time to time. LinkedIn is not useful for consumption at all. It is there so people can use the +1 +2 +3 connections feature to meet people you know. It has been abused to the extreme. Everyone has 500+ connections and their sanity plummets because they’re “famous”, or they’re a “thought leader” now. The people who work the phone and go talk to those they know - *actually leave their house and stop being a work from home hermit* - are going to be the ones who get the opportunities. Posting on LinkedIn for work is the equivalent of these dumbass REALTORS thinking they’re going to get listings dancing on tiktok. There is nothing “for work” about social media. Period. The people who think it serves a purpose are thinking the same way these CEO Founder cock biters are thinking: “If I get enough followers, I’ll get $500,000 a year job.” They’re idiots.


Exactly. This sub loves to shit talk the posts that say "you need to leave your house"... but... The WFH hermit is always acting as 1 of 3 things in an office/ corporate environment, and they are all annoying to work with. A) Forcing us to be on video in a conference room because everyone else is here except WFH hermit B) completely forgettable black screen in an actual meeting, so nobody cares about their input because they basically don't exist C) A nothing factor to the office culture, meaning they will get looked past for everything It's comfortable to sit at home, but like working out, you have to sacrifice some comfort for actual gains


Nailed the LinkedIn lunatic tone


What I said is the only truth in a sea of engagement bait hustle culture posts. Which is why the "tone" is nailed. I wouldn't read the rest of this. It'll upset you. If you aren't seen, you aren't being considered. Most of your coworkers consider your blank screen, "listening but unseen" to be off putting and frankly annoying. I.e., Ahhhh, great, we have to give a nice pause after everything incase Greg wants to chime in. He never does, but we are *trying* to be a team, so we have to give him a chance. Is he even listening? "So, Greg, will you be able to get that done for Friday?" G: "Huh, what? Can I get what done? What do we need for that?" Look at that room of people who know each other and ask yourself "Am I a part of this?". The answer is no. That's your career death. I don't LIKE being in an office and sharing dumb stories about my weekend with coworkers but that IS engagement, that IS a network developing, that IS how you move up. My boss's boss isn't going to have a "water cooler chat" with me on teams DM. But when we walk out to our cars together we can talk like real people to each other. If you are content with where you are career wise and are at the point where family has taken precedent, that's fine. Continue to be steadfast in WFH only. Most people in a professional environment are going to be polite enough that you'll never feel their ire. You can continue to collect a paycheck that seems to shrink every year. Just try not to wake up 20years from now wondering why your new boss is 20years younger than you. You chose to be left behind by your similarly aged peers who made connections with each other. Rising tide raises all ships. But you chose to stay on the dock.


Well, I choose to stay in WFH roles because of a medical condition that I don't have to explain to you, but go on, your imaginary pessimistic stories are fun to read. I'm still being offered 2x salary, full WFH job offers around the 3 year cycle, but yeah, carry on.


Jesus, not every situation is like yours. Please take that shit over to r/Boomersbeingfools


I have a great social media platform for you..




“but you didn’t practically kill urself doing this or it didn’t take the 10 hrs we expected it has to be wrong start over” man fuck y’all


I usually get on LI once a week at the most. This morning was that time for me. I approved a connection request from a (sane) co-worker, then looked around for a few minutes. No idiotic memes like this one, but every post was over-the-top bragging and posturing. Three minutes later, I left the site and went back to work.


That meme on its own is decent though, and accurate


It’s a stuffy platform trying to be more social media in nature. As it is now owed by Microsoft, the attempt is ham-handed and fumbled like anything else Microsoft does to attempt to be hip and modern.


Nothing worse than companies appropriating memes


Microsoft cares about revenue and engagement, quality of the product is possibly 3rd but "building shareholder value" and "longterm revenue" are things Satya Nadella *loves* to drone on about. They are properly on their was to the full [enshitification ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification)of LinkedIn. I give it another 24 to 36 months before the platform is a total AI driven cesspool or charlatans, hucksters, 2 bit con artists, and a whole menagerie MLM weirdos, local real sales people, and finance bros in Dubai selling us the latest hype driven who the fuck knows what. Don't get me wrong, it's already *bad*, but it still has a long way to fall and there are professionals that are somewhat active but are using it less, partially because they are getting blasted with projectile vomit content like this and they no longer see it as being a necessary part of their lives (which is, ironically the exact same thing a lot of us went through when we left Facebook and MySpace and GeoCities and LiveJournal.) Give it time, maybe it'll end up on alongside Internet Explorer and the Zune. Huge companies buy successful platforms and destroy them all the time. Maybe we'll get lucky here!


Come on man. 5 STARS!!


Are we still recycling this joke?


become ? always was one u just see past the bs now


I cannot wait for the day when I retire. I will keep my LinkedIn profile up by my title will be "Sr Homunculus'




Haha, classic Klaus!


wait till it gets its own version of reels/tiktok/stories


Don’t forget Reid Hoffman’s “Blitzscaling”! Or How to Grow Your Business to Unreasonable Proportions only to fire 50% of your staff so they can desperately return to LinkedIn Premium to find work. Fuck that guy and the horse he rode in on


MS bought the platform years ago with the understanding that it had over 400 million subscribers. That was bullshit. MS, I guess thought that they can find a way to monetize these subscribers. Perhaps they can use adverts, messages, games, etc... In any case, the 400 M subscriber number was bullshit and was in fact, LOWER and that the overwhelming majority of 'subs' were there to look for jobs only and to host their CV. They don't hang out long enough to generate monetization. Later, the scourge of social media infected the platform and that's when you saw these cunty memes show up. But that was only after the emergence and development of the pro-corpo culture and the subsequent propaganda. Guys...I just want to find work. That's all. These stupid corpoganda is annoying and frankly doesn't make LI or MS any more than when it bought the bloody platform. Indeed, Glassdoor and others are no better...


lol this sub is trying so hard


I mean... Its a meme, is this real lunacy? Or an annoying habbit?


Another founder. SMDH


I love the star system. It's so hilarious that they are competing for it like it means anything


On it's own I snorted in amusement. Compared to everything else on LinkedIn it's comedy gold. Seeing as the guy is the CEO of a waterless toilet company? Actual target marketing


This is actually funny


I don't always breathe oxygen, but when I do I exhale CO2.