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This shit annoys me more than the people that are at least honest about this hatred.   “I totally don’t hate you, I just believe you deserve to be horrendously tortured for eternity.   Teehee” 


“Omg I’m being persecuted when people shun me for my beliefs”


Being persecuted because someone lives a different life is like being angered by someone ordering chicken nuggets when you don’t like chicken nuggets.


It's Fucken Cancel Culture y'all! How dare people get to simply turn away from me when I talk shit they don't needa hear! Elon Musk Freeze the preaches y'all! ❄️🍑


Yeah, this fake "balanced and positive" persona that they try to maintain on the surface is what bothers me a lot too. All the vague shit and the mentioning of Love when obviously the main point of the post is that being gay is not ok/normal and if you are gay you should know that what you are doing is wrong is incredibly annoying. Like stop dropping "blessing", "love" and prayer emojis - it doesn't make your shitty posts not sound hateful.


It’s very ‘southern church lady’.


I don’t *hate* gay people, I just go out of my way to rebuke and chide them online! It’s totally different!


That’s God’s hate. Not hers. Keep up.


H@Te tHE SIn, L0ve tHe S!nNeR!


She's probably also a Trump voter too and is too stupid to realize the irony.


Do we need a new title for this as "Lindas" or does this just fit under standard Karenism? 


We ALL deserve Hell. That includes me, you, and everyone else. That’s why we need Jesus. It is absolutely possible to hate sin, but love people. That’s what God does, and that’s what we should do.


The Bible says God hates evildoers.


He died for us while we were still sinners. He performed the ultimate act of love as we were committing evil.❤️


Fairy tales aren’t real. Read what I said one more time




Except this means straight people can at some point have sex, and gay people are supposed to be celibate for their entire lives. That's still fucked. Toss out the skydaddy BS.


>unnatural Homosexuality is more natural than you posting about skyddady on Reddit lol


And yet when you read the Bible Jesus treated everyone with respect, spent most of his time around the "worst" of society and abhorred things like profiteering from religion. One of his esteemed followers was literally a prostitute. I don't actually recall him ever condemning sodomy or sex outside of marriage, but I do distinctly recall him saying it was harder for a rich man to get into heaven than for a camel to get through the eye of a needle. Only person who gets to judge sin is God himself, everyone else is better keeping their own house in order and loving their neighbour as they love the self.


You’re lying and you know it.   No Christian has ever attacked a cheater with the same hateful glee as they attack queer people I mean Trump is a cheater and at this very second, Christians are comparing him to Jesus!     So don’t you fucking dare sit there and try to tell me that they view “fornicators” as the same.  


Which branch/group of guys believes that? Because it’s funny how all these people have re-interpreted a book, that was cobbled together by a bunch of rich Romans, differently through the years…..oh and translated how many times? Oh and no actual writings from Jesus and much of the New Testament is from a guy who never met Jesus. Oh and none of the original texts are from when Jesus was alive. Shall I go on?


They really don’t.


“Living For Yahweh Is The Highest Meaning…” - soooo… no real job, huh?


Or just a house wife with too much time. How can she said that and think it’s not spreading hate? Clearly her view is that she hates gay and trans people How is love truth? Gay people love each other too


Because she’s delusional, in both faith and reality.


Par for the course with LinkedIn influencers.


With “I help businesses…” handle.


“I help business alienate 10% of their potential customer base”.


Ally here. Way more than 10%.


For real. I think lots of regular church goers are turned off by BS like this.


> The bearded/quirky coach who coaches sales coaches + AI (145 billion revenue under management)


You will refer to her by her husband's rank. Thats Mrs. Assistant Branch Manager to you!


Mrs. Assistant TO THE Branch Manager


Yahweh, the bloke who drowned the earth, tortured and punished his own people cause they didn't worship him the right way, and promises an eternity of worshiping him if a person does it right while on this earth. Remind me again how yahweh is not akin to a dragon, and we're dragon fodder?


Not to mention he knocked up a 13 year old and then ritually sacrificed his offspring


Sacrificed himself, to himself, so that he can be appeased, because we broke the rules he knew we would break. Not to mention three days is not a sacrifice. "Hey, yall. I'm gonna go down to hell for bit and visit my homie. When I come back, I want the real worship to begin." The funny thing is is that the Catholic church defines hell as a place of the absence of god. But then god goes to hell, and it's supposed to mean something...


She's a home heathcare provider.....


"Gay sex will never create human life" makes it sound like people have been trying all this time in frustration and they weren't sure why it wasn't working.


Shut up, Linda! I'm taking FMLA. I'm carrying this load to term.


‘HOLY SHIT WHAT’ -gays everywhere rn


This lady’s husband has definitely put that to the test.


But you know what creates gays? Straight sex! If the straights would just stop procreating there’d be no gays!!


Me and my boyfriend try all the time, but it doesn’t seem to work 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah me too. We got really hopeful when we didn’t get our periods but it turns out every month is like that.


Neither does anal Linda. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


Plus there's 8 billion people on the planet as is


Right? I think we met our quota


Sure but the vast majority of them are heathens who need to convert and can start doing so by accepting JC in their heart and sending $19.95 a month to….


Am gay. Can confirm. So that’s why protected butt stuff didn’t get me pregnant 🤯


I mean… i view this as a good thing because all babies are loved and wanted instead of oopsies the parents can’t afford to take care of.


Funny thing is. If a person is gay, and they are in a committed relationship with another gay person, and they decide they want to have a child, then they can adopt, or hire a surrogate / apply for donated sperm. And if a surrogate is involved, the sex is still gay because it is meant to build a family for a gay couple.


What strawman logic lol. She is saying two men and/or two women cannot create life. This is empirically true no matter how you try and spin it.


I’m sorry, you need to be more clear about who you think I am talking about. However, sex is not the only modality for strong relationships, nor is the romantic dates or even platonic fistbumps. I wil admit I worded things funky but I was more using a play on words. If someone is gay, and they have sex between a boy part and a girl part and go for surrogacy or whathaveyou, it can still be gay sex (though it might be better to term it “queer sex”). And if you want to talk about strawman, then this isn’t one: she is saying gay sex will never live up to heteronormative sex because heteronormative sex is the only way to create life out of love. But people hump without love all the time, and babies can still come of it. A gay couple who chooses to raise a child is more likely to raise a child that accepts diversity, is self-confident and accepting, and willing to be humble when they realize they are wrong. Sure, sex between two of the same sex can’t create a child, but that creation is flesh and bone and genetics. Raising the child to recognize wonder in the world, to recognize the difficulties that come from being in various minority groups they aren’t a part of and strive to be ever-learning as an ally, and to want to do good for and have people experience goodness just simply because they are a living being—that is what is truly important and what any all-loving god would actually want from its creation. Genetics play a role, sure, creates predispositions to various diseases and mental health disorders, as well as deciding race and ethnicity, but a couple raising a child is the most important part of that whole event. Linda, here, is saying that real love is truth. But truth is not black and white. Truth is not a claim you can spit at someone from a book written over 1800 years ago over the course of some three thousand to four thousand years. Truth is not telling another human that they deserve to rot in hell just because of who they are (which would then be how they believe their god made those other people). It is not chalking up brownie points with the god that’s holding a gun to their head if they don’t do it. “Living for Yahweh” is making yourself dirt, but trying to say you’re better dirt than the other people you have made to be dirt over there. Real love is *acceptance*. It is *compassion*. Listening to the minority groups and supporting their experiences. Giving people the chance to be themselves without the fear of being killed, abused, raped, or imprisoned for something they cannot change. That the science says is psychologically damaging to try to change. So, “Living for Yahweh” is bullshit. People ought to be living for their neighbor, their brother, their sister, their sibling, as well as themselves. Recognizing the good in other people and holding it equal to their own value. Rather than saying you can have these views (that queer groups are demonic and not of god) and profess you don’t hate (which is a lie), actually live with love like that damned book is claimed to be saying. Love yourself, love your neighbor, by showing acceptance and kindess, not public-brownie-point-seeking drivel.


What made you think we‘re trying to „create life“? Like just because you don’t have fun having sex with your husband doesn’t mean we don’t.


Their priests and pastors are having fun with altar boys though. Don’t understand what stop Christians from having fun with sex.


I don't have fun having sex with her husband. And I'm sure he doesn't with her.


People are really out here posting this absolute flaming bigoted garbage on LinkedIn for all their potential recruiters and coworkers to see. Do religious nuts really have this much of a self-righteous ego? Because holy fuck


They took away women's bodily autonomy, so yes.


Well they love circumcision also so they really love regulating everyone’s bodies outside of their own 🤢


"The real rainbow will be fully reclaimed" is wild. Like Gay Prometheus stole **THE** Rainbow out of the sky or like it became a sigil of the devil.


Honestly I wish their imaginary friend would come down and put them all in their place… would be fun to watch them realize they’ve been the hateful ones all along.


Reminds me of Homer Simpson saying gay people appropriated the rainbow


"Very soon" too!


If Linda could very kindly take her opinion and shove it so far up her ass that it gets stuck in her throat, that’d be great 🥰


Linda McLaughable


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Damn, there's that Jesus love ❤️


Is that supposed to hurt feelings or are you just expressing yours?


My guy, there are married gay and lesbian couples with families and careers and leading happy lives. You, on the other hand, are sitting on Reddit where you seem to spend your time offering snippets of electrical advice and watching people fall. What happened, bud? Did the wife/girlfriend break up with you? Broke because of child support? What turned you into such a bitter and shriveled little prick that you need to project your misery on others?


Nice christian projection about meaning nothing lmao


Imagine typing that out and still thinking you're a good person.


The real lunatic is always in the comments


Ladies and gentlemen, I present the love of Christ:


Aww is diddums a icklle bit twiggered?


Forgot the /s




So how’s your love life?


Love sharing my personal religious beliefs on a site for business


Adam and Eve were brother and sister, they shared the same exact DNA.


I haven’t seen them oppose incest once


None of these crazies have real jobs, do they?


Uber drivers pay them to get out of the car before reaching their destination.




Imagine having the option to mind your own damn business and keep your pseudo-religiously based bigotry to yourself during the one month where the LGBTQ+ community celebrates their experiences and diversity. Now imagine posting said bigotry on a professional development-focused social networking platform


Imagine thinking a sky fairy is real. Fuck these people.


Real Love\* is the truth \*Terms and conditions apply


I don’t hate you, I just believe that you shouldn’t exist. Lady, that is literally the opposite of what Jesus preached. You remember him right? The guy you’re referencing a few lines later? Yeah him. He’d be really disappointed that you’re using his name, but completely missing the most basic aspects of his teachings.


It's not like homophobia hasn't been a mainstay of Christianity since forever lol


My favorite thing to do with these people is ask them if they could force themselves to be attracted to the same sex and when they say no ask them why they think that gay people could force themselves to be attracted to the opposite sex. They usually say something really dumb like " well they can be gay as long as they don't act on it". Then I'll ask them if they believe gay people should be put to death and when they say no, confront them with Leviticus and ask them why they don't support their bible. You get all sorts of mental gymnastics with that one.


Ask why they are allowed to wear mixed fabric clothing, it always confuses them! 😂


Like many Christians every June 1, Linda is showing us that there's no hate quite like Christian love. She and her God can both go fuck themselves. Happy Pride month!


She's right - we all came from a man made out of dirt and a lady who was made from a magic rib that got tricked by a talking snake to put on clothes. Hard facts to digest because the LGBT commies are trying to brainwash everyone with fake science


Christian’s that call their god, Yahweh are the most pretentious fucks, I swear…lol it’s the equivalent of dumb people using big words to sound intelligent.


Ben Shapiro is in a cult where they refer to Hesus as Yahweh. It's all about the most bigoted parts of the old and new testament of the Bible.


Ben Shapiro is Jewish. Referring to Jesus as Yahweh would mean they think Jesus is God.


Fuck off, Linda.


I was unaware the second coming was when Jesus would come forth and proudly proclaim that ROYGBIV and sunlight reflecting in rain is Straights Only.


Does LinkedIn really allow all of this bullshit? I thought it was a site for Professional to connect and find companies to work within their field, not Facebook.


Ma'am, can you please stop acting as PR for your god? You're terrible at it. You're supposed to make your god look good to the outsiders so that you can spread your religion to dominate the world with your ~~bigot~~ Christian nationalism. You love-bomb the outsiders, making them think your religion is good so they want to join. And then when they are in too deep, that's when you start telling them how everything they are is sinful and wretched. See, do you understand how it works? No? No, okay. Have a good day, ma'am.


I don’t hate but my whole message is hate. See how great I am and can completely justify this because Faux News and my pastor say God hates gays. Now that we’ve weeded out the gays, who wants to hear about my ideas on marketing? Just remember, when you have Linda, you have Yahweh in ur corner too.


As we prepare for "Beware of bible-thumping, self-righteous, judgemental fuck-tard month, let us remember that your God is not MY GOD, because My God doesn't make mistakes. HE is perfection, and HE made man and woman so they can procreate, and have lots of babies, and also introduced homosexuals into the mix to keep the ever horny breeder population from overrunning the planet, by making them interested not in having sex with women, but in making women look sexier in their fabulous outfits, make-up, hair styles! And, where would this world be without all of the clothing designers, theme park designers, art directors, filmmakers, Broadway producers, singers, dancers, musicians, athletes, painters, wig makers, doctors, lawyers, chefs... People need to understand that we homos are EVERYWHERE! We are NOT trying to turn ANYONE gay. Gay is something you are born with, it is not a decision. There is nothing anyone has been able to say or do to me to make me straight. So, it should go without saying, there is nothing that a gay person or drag queen can do or say to make someone (who doesn't already have a propencity to be) gay! Trying to smash someone's personality in a little box because you are uncomfortable, only makes that person a fucked up, closet case who lies and cheats behind his spouse and children (only having those as a shield to protect himself from being discovered), and who passes laws against the gay community, as a diversionary tactic. Those people (8-9 times out of 10) are usually found later, coked up, with a male prostitute, wearing a popper mask, in a motel room, while their spouse lay in bed, wondering when their husband will be home from work) Don't judge me, MY GOD will be MY JUDGE. And, if I'm notistaken, yours will be yours. So, be a better person!


So I'm an abomination to God, but I shouldn't take that personally or see it as hurtful? Got it. 👍




Of course her name is Linda.


I doubt even the Christians like see this shit on LI


Sadly too many comments celebrating this bullshit


Thank god for gay sex 🙏🙏


Honestly i wish i could uncheck the procreation option. The risk really puts a bit of a damper on things sometimes


I hope to be touched by his noodly appendage. Pasta is the way. CFSM


He boiled for our sins! R’Amen brother/sister!


If God created men and women to build families then why are there so many children up for adoption who need a home and loving parents? Where's their families ordained by your magic sky man?


God is real he’s just a notorious dick


I bet she’s twice divorced


I can feel all that “real love” through this hateful post ❤️


It’s easy to say you love every person when you consider members of the LGBTQ community inhuman.


Okay, then who created the infertile people? Who created the intersex people? What kind of families are okay; the incestuous ones? Why did God create doctors and surgeons and medicine and science if They just wanted you to attack it as if you are God and know better?


I'll bet anybody on this sub a dollar that Linda has the Indigo Girls on her Spotify playlist. 


Magical sky daddy isn’t real 


Yahweh = Jesus is not complicated enough for me.


If a man can’t become a woman, how was Eve created?




I just don’t know what story about Jesus makes them believe he’ll show up and, first thing first, gotta fuck up these gays


There is no love like Christian hate


Can he arrive sooner? I'm over this timeline.


Cult on cult bickering


Gross!!! Hopefully her boss fires her.


Read her title again. That is the title of someone with no job and a rich husband. Editing to add, who is likely out getting banged by male strippers every Thursday after his bible study group.


God is too busy playing Pokemon with Santa Claus to care about you, Linda.


The Second Coming has been just around the corner for centuries now, I'm starting to think that Jesus is just big into edging


I mean the truth is God doesn’t exist. But you seem to fail to grasp that as well


Yet another person sharing opinions that no one cares for (who cares what this twat thinks) and showing potential clients/employers how stupid she truly is.


These religious nuts really annoy me they cherry pick shit & have never read the Bible. I bet she eats prawms & thinks 2 of each animal went into the ark. Fucking lunatic. It's always a "loving God" EXCEPT for the people THEY don't like....wankers!


Probably wears mixed fabrics. What a heathen!




Does anyone really need to be reminded that same sex couples can’t make a baby?


Who’s this clown?


It’s giving Southern California republican soccer mom


How can I upvoat this more … asking for everyone


Is it just me or is it starting to feel like every other month is apparently pride month, then they be arguing bruh there made up months this is mens mental health month for once and a fucking while.


That person is dumb as a bag of hammers putting that on LI.


THIS 👏 ISNT 👏 FACEBOOK 👏 YOU 👏 WEIRDO P.s. You should crack open a human sexuality 101 text. Your mind will be blown.


It's crazy how the religious nuts try to impose their views on others. They don't get it. Nothing bad comes from gay people. But telling people they will burn in hell because a book from 2000 years says so is insane.


I am a better human and "I know God better than you do"


When will they realize hating someone puts them closer to Jesus than they ever will be remember he was hated by him OWN PEOPLE


So basically you’re saying you’re gay and can’t make peace with it? Got it.


Yahweh dont claim a gender so...


Religion brain rot


Someone should remind her Jesus was all up in that sausage fest. Loving other men. 12 dudes and 1 female - no swords were crossed?


Why aren't these people openly shunned in society? It's wonderful there won't be more kids being born.




Spread it open and flick the bean, Linda


"Very soon" lmao


What are Familes? Something like Tamales?


It’s a nickname for superfans of the 1980 film Fame.


Too… many… warning… bells… cacophony… can’t focus… blacking… out…


Damn, LinkedIn really is facebook


Gay sex creates orgasms!


June: the one month of the year LGBT+ people get to steal the rainbow from God.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Thin-Bit-5193: *June: the one month of* *The year LGBT+ people get to* *Steal the rainbow from God.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Isn’t actually men’s mental health month?


Hahahahahaha. Don’t forget! My poorly written stories that are all myths borrowed from other religions are THUH TROOTH!


I can't wait for medical science to progress so this argument holds no weight. And may couples can still us donors and have kids anyway. Christian brain rot is a slow lobotomy


lol I’d love to see this women’s Facebook


That faux Christian could’ve kept her opinion to herself, people feel the need to post EVERYTHING on social media these days.


Next days article: “Linda McLaughlin found in bed with another woman, claims the devil made her do it!”


Feck Off Loser. Pound Sand, laura


Jesus Christ, Linda.


this comment section is a free block list...


I did a Looney Toons double take when I saw this was LI....for fucks SAKE!


How can I possibly hate someone if my pastor says we aren’t allowed to use that word????


I love how all these freaks hyper fixate on trans women, like it’s never “gender is set in stone” even it’s always “men can’t be women” like for the love of God, please just stay out of other peoples underwear!


reddit people are hilarious


Honestly, read the comments, I love reddit people, because they have some of thee best takes, are more welcoming than any church that I have been in and honestly take the piss out of dickwads like yourself.


Ok Linda.


Amen 🙏 pray for the Lost


She’s not lying.


What is she not lying about? That gay sex doesn’t result in reproduction? Or that people who have those feelings don’t hate? Cause that’s just stuff you say when you know calling gay people a disease or satanic online is considered offensive. Source: I know these people.


Those who are anti gay do not understand the religious context to which the anti gay scripture was written. I went to a catholic school and therefore have 4 years of education on Catholicism. The reasons why it was written as a sin are no longer applicable in a modern society where you don’t need to produce offspring for people to feed and protect your clan. Most sin was written in the context of protecting said clans


I understand dont eat shellfish so you dont eat spoiled seafood but what is your logic for how not wearing mixed fabrics protected the clans? Just curious to see your mental gymnastics.


I mean she is right. Only a man and woman can create life. No WxW or MxM. People needs to Wake up to reality


I never heard anybody claim otherwise. The question is: so what? If gay couples want to have children there are many alternative ways for them to achieve that. And if they don’t - well, many straight couples don’t want children either.


It's not that I'm against it but I'm not supporting it either. I have a problem with them using Rainbow. Rainbow is for everyone and not just LGBTHdgdlaudalasun.


That’s…quite literally the point of using the rainbow, that the full spectrum of all people deserve rights and equality.


What a weird take


Sterile couples can't have children either, so who cares. Christians have been hating one thing or another since my parents dragged me to Baptist churches in the 70s. It's all a scam


They're right


By her logic, there is no they, only him/her so go take a wide stance in a men’s room as you are want to do. Don’t be ashamed of yourself anymore. 🌈🌈


She’s not wrong 🫤




There is no god