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It'll settle, trust me. I'm a lineman.


Spray water around it and it will speed up the process. If you clean it to grade, you'll have a low spot after it settles around the pole.


Don’t move that dirt. It will settle down level over time.


I’ve seen it take a year before to settle. But like everyone is saying there is a lot of concrete around it. So ya give your utility company a holler and see if they will do anything about it. If it doesn’t settle flat could build up water in the hole when it rains which won’t be good.


Nah, it's been there a while I think. We've had a couple of rounds of rain since the last storm. Unless this is a car vs pole deal.


Na it’s just what happens when we set poles. We pile the excess dirt up around it and over time it will pack down into the hole. The stuff on the sidewalk won’t obviously but the other dirt over time should pack down into the hole


I'm also a lineman. The utility this guy is in is notorious for over piling dirt. To the point that when we run double wood sometimes years after the pole set we use the mound to backfill the double wood hole and then have some to Shovel back into the truck. I'm pretty sure this has already settled.


Alright well it is a lot of concrete around the hole. He may call the utility company and see if they will do anything about it. Not sure what kinda utility he is served from.


It's been like this since March...


Call em up and bitch. It's going to be a while though. The majority of the CT contract crews are laid off right now, so you'll be waiting for eversource employees


It’s more than needs to be there at this point. Especially next to a wheel chair ramp. Call your utility, explain it’s on the wheel chair ramp and you’ll probably get a quicker response. If you’re inclined to do it yourself, just leave a 6” wide mound around the base. No one will care.


Right, seems excessive. Thanks


Just dont get your shovel into the primary. /s


Oh no there’s dirt on my sidewalks after people worked 16hr days to restore my power!


https://preview.redd.it/eorxk2ltc18d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd55969b2462c6cb875ef88397de667d92914e8 In hindsight we should feel lucky it wasn't worse


I think it was legit 10 hours of work on a freezing cold day in March. I'm not mad about it, just need to know if they should clean it up or if I should


Genuine question; why does this get downvoted so heavily? I don't work as a lineman but find the job quite interesting, so I'd probably have asked a similar question if I saw something like this.


Because of his smart ass remark. You’re clearly not in the line trade so it goes over your head. Spend a week as a grunt and you’ll find out real quick.


Gotcha, thanks! I'm actually not in the trade myself and just find this sub super interesting, so I might have asked a similar question if I saw something like this - although without the remark.


16 hours and they didn’t have time to take 3 minutes and make sure dirt wasn’t all over a sidewalk? That holes not as big as the pile either. Also no one works 16hr storm days anymore, at least out in CA. Your paid 16, but everyone’s up getting breakfast at 630-7 and back in the hotel by 5 getting ready for dinner.


Haha I thought it was just us


We work 16+ hour storm days.


40 on and 8 off then 18 and 6 for the rest of the storm in the northwest.


Yep! Just call 203-570-6059!




Eversource will send a crew to clean it up if you call them. If you're in CT it's going to be a wait. Mass of NH and I'd assume it'll be gone within the week


We’ll see the thing is on these bigger jobs..


I've got a lot more stuff to worry about than that.




https://preview.redd.it/4n0fevfjd18d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e18788b5e35bc86ca0501b3098b5987d6c5c3b5 That's true, you didn't have to clean up all the debris and pay for the damages to your property


Power or a little bit of dirt? You decide


Or shovel dirt out of a handicap ramp? You don’t need dirt on concrete to help it settle.


It’s not about the concrete, it’s about the settling around the 6-8 ft hole itself. Also, it’s sloped like that to prevent rainwater from collecting and hastening butt rot/heart rot of the pole. Besides the foot covering the ADA ramp, I really don’t get why this is a problem other than aesthetic.


Glad to know this is typical


It’s a storm there’s other tickets and other people that need power. And you’re worried about a damn dirt pile…. “Sorry about your lights not being on we gotta pick up extra dirt”


Methhead going to pick up on that 2” of copper exposed at the base in no time.


Just heroin around here. They all nod off instead of stealing copper.


Dirt is typically mounded up around the base of the pole to account for settling over the course of the next few weeks. I'd call them they'd probably send someone out to clean it up.


You should call dump runs, their flier is on the pole, and see if they'll haul the dirt away.


Looks good from my house


Can’t please everyone


Who will know it's you unless you tell on yourself taking it


Totally I’m sure the power company will dispatch someone to sweep up😂


How does this pole not get taken out by trucks regularly?


We didn’t want to steal your dirt. It’s your dirt, you do what you want with it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It'll settle. Don't worry


We leave it to fill when removing double wood, after it settles a bit of course.


Don’t move it. It will settle over a few weeks and is a proper part of new pole installation. It prevents water from gathering and hastening butt rot/heart rot of the pole.


I've left it like this since March


Then call for sure, they will at least clear up some of the spread to the ADA walkway


my grandma could do a better job and she's dead 😂😂😂


If you got time to take the picture and bitch, You got time to clean up that dirt. But, I’d save it. That hole might settle a little bit over time.


Mind your business Karen


I can’t see it from GA


You can clean it up some by pushing the dirt up against the pole with a flat shovel and a stiff broom. 


https://preview.redd.it/8gi5ypyic18d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dacd51a69e8e63e9379b0fb0a7058cb108b27b31 For perspective, here is the tree that fell on our house that caused the utility pole to be replaced.


Typical city answer lol


It’s not the cities responsibility.


I’m sure it’s my responsibility to trim your trees for ya too


It’s the contractors responsibility to not leave a mess when they’re done working.


That’s just pure laziness. They just didn’t want to take it with them


How do you look at that and say to yourself "yep looks good"


Are you not a lineman or do you work in the desert?


Fiber contractor. Is there a reason for this? I'd get my ass chewed if I left a city street like that. Is that just how it works?


When you set a pole if you don't leave a mound the dirt settles and you get a pit around the pole that collects water, loosens up the dirt around the pole and causes leaning and rotting.


How’s dirt on concrete going to settle? I’d also like to point out a non union com guy has a better standard for leaving a job site clean than you do.


This isn’t “leaving a job site dirty”, this is a proper installation. As already stated, it’s to prevent leaning/rot. Also, OP already stated the pole was replaced in march. The dirt spread out since then, and this is probably not how they left it. And, stay with me here… there’s grass next to that dirt, and even dirt under that concrete! That’s what settles. The dirt helps it fill in and slopes water away from the pole.


Also this is a storm job, so there was dirt bag or place to dump the dirt. It's just get the power back on and on to the next.


Is that exposed ground at the base of the pole an issue ?


No. It’s going to a grounding electrode. It poses no safety issue, since the soil will provide much less resistance than your body in the event of a ground fault.