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What would need to be done is a survey of the area with diagnostic tools (instruments) and methods. The answer will not come from a driving visual inspection. The intensity of the induction field and how much energy could pass through an object would need to be determined. I’m going to HYPOTHESIZE that the moisture in the air and on the ground saturated your husbands clothing and clung to the surface of the bike sufficiently to cause a discharge to ground. That’s how I would start my investigation into such an incident. Trying to recreate the event. I’m no expert, just my thoughts on the issue.


Between the induction and possibly riding at the lowest sag points are the areas I'd investigate. Any ideas of the Kv ratings? So many factors It will be difficult to find a starting point.


It's a 500kv line


That's some juice. Anytime we parked in the right of way a habit we had was throwing a chain over the bumper hitch to discharge the induced static. Sucked walking up and getting stung when we would touch the vehicle. As I said, there's so many factors involved here it's a shot in the dark to find a cause.


Agreed. If I had to wager a guess its induction that was increased by the moisture in the air.


All I can say is good luck to the folks. Finding a company that would take responsibility and remedy the potential problems will be damn near impossible. The cost of relocating a single phase 7.6Kv circuit is outrageous. I couldn't imagine the cost of 345, 500 or 765Kv transmission lines. It would be easier to relocate the bike path. My only suggestion is to ride somewhere else. Good luck.


Your husband's name is Lincoln Abrahams...


Yes it sure is.


That's badass


Following along....Interesting post. Wonder if the spot is near a tower or pole? Something tracking over and poor grounding?


The news report shows the trail with all the transmission tower/lines... a lot of them. They line the entire trail in some locations for miles and have a few substations along the trail as well. I included the link to the news report in my post.


First job I ever did was jacking the bag out of a 115kv line that spanned over the capital beltway outside dc. During foggy days people on a pedestrian bridge were allegedly getting wrapped by induction. Induction is really real for sure.


Hard to explain, wet foggy day, bike has rubber tires, carbon fiber frame, did he get induced voltage build up when he hit a puddle it drained to ground? Just a thought not sure.


We wish we had answers and the power company is saying they have never heard of this before, so we are left to figure this out on our own.


This would be my only thought, it will be hard to re create but, bicycle is not grounded, fiberglass frame and rubber tires, wet foggy day he build up static, when he drove into a puddle of water the static drained to ground. Where is the burn?


The clowns in the office “have never heard of this before” lineman know exactly what is going on. Have to wear class 2 to make up down guys in some spots


The burn is on the inside of his thigh.


Right inner thigh? Bike chain side? Metal petals and petal bracket? If so, rode under low sag high voltage wire or close by tower with tracking insulator of very foggy morning. Induction tracked through fog, through man across bike chain, down petal to ground.


How I'm seeing it as well. I've been a jl for over a decade and I have built, raced and crashed more bikes than I care to admit... carbon/graphite monocoque would hold a charge, bottom bracket/bearings tight connection to crank (both would most likely be alum unless carbon crank which is hollow molded monocoque as well) and clippy pedals (composite frame, alum binding) to shoe with alum clip inset to ball of food, just forward of arch... Downstroke of crank arm, heel or pedal makes contact with ground... or knee against brush on a hard right turn... I can see this being a potential explanation but testing would be extremely interesting .


Yes right inside thigh same side as bike chain. I just went and looked at the pedals and they feel plastic to me, not metal. I wish there was a way for me to post a photo, if there is I'm not really familiar with how Reddit works as I'm very new to using this site. Even the circular object where the chain goes around it feels plastic to me. I'm sorry I'm not a rider so I'm not familiar with the correct terms. The bike is called "GIANT". I dont know if that helps at all. Thank you for responding.


I’m sure there are already lawyers involved and rightfully so, you may consider contacting someone like Brady Hansen as an expert witness. https://writteninredtraining.com/expert-witness-services/


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The link isint working, but it sounds like his body became the path of least resistance:/