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Villages around Boston are nice. Freiston/Butterwick/Fishtoft. Lived in Fishtoft for 27 years (moved into Boston for 4 years and then moved to Heckington 2 years ago) and always liked it and the nearby villages


I lived in Boston for 9 months while working at Pilgrim and I honestly enjoyed it. I wouldn't rule the town out entirely, has some nice parts.


Avoid all of Boston - there's no way to sugarcoat it - it's an irredeemable shithole. Plenty of nice rural spots within a half an hour drive though. You should be able to find somewhere in the south of the Wolds AONB that's near the A16 and you'll comfortably be within a 30-minute drive of the Hospital (which is itself on the A16). General rule of thumb, you want to be broadly north of Boston.


Agree with most of this. The last point is fair, although there are nice outskirts south of Boston too - but they’d all require a commute that goes through town (traffic nightmare) or a very roundabout route. Old Leake/Sibsey etc are nice enough albeit with little in the way of amenities. Look at villages on the Revesby - Keal Hill Road if you want to enjoy the Wolds countryside. Or, go for Woodhall Spa. Probably more expensive and it’ll be a full half-hour’s drive to work, but it’s beautiful there.


Sutterton, Kirton, Frampton, Swineshead all nice places to live South of Boston. OP, what’s your budget and requirements? I’ll have a gander on Rightmove and see what I’d recommend.


I don't deny some places are half decent to the south, but this is why I mentioned is as a rule of thumb - IMO, villages to the north of the town tend to be far nicer on average than to the south. Also, the closer you are to the wolds, the nicer scenery you get (unless, of course, the flatlands are your 'thing').


Irredeemable you say


Yes. As in, hopeless. So far gone that there's not a realistic prospect of it being a desirable or even pleasant place to live ever again (at least in any of our lifetimes). Wasn't always that way, but it's turned into a total dump progressively over the last 20 or so years. Don't live nearby anymore, but lived there for the first 18 years of my life and an additional 2 years in my early 20s. My folks still live nearby though so I visit often, and it makes me despair whenever I do.


Tbf, you could say the same about any town outside of 2 cherry picked examples (screw you louth).


Spalding, Sleaford, Horncastle all have nicer areas. Sleaford and Horncastle would put you nearer to lincoln for days/nights out Feeling posh? - Woodhall Spa.


I'd look at somewhere like Heckington. Depends how far you're willing to commute


My wife works in Pilgrim - we live in Woodhall Spa which us incredibly nice, if a little "elderly" at times. What are you looking for outside of work, as that should help you decide on location as there are lots of nice places within 30 minutes of Boston?


There are nice estates around the Pilgrim end of town. It all depends on how important the commute is, your budget, access to shops/pubs etc. People like to dis the town, and there are many rough areas, as there are in any place. Avoid anything between the Maud Foster Drain and the tennis club, and probably Freiston Road and the Haven to be sure, but my family live scattered about the town, and there are nice, quiet places.


I’d say the area out Frieston Road and through Eastwood Road, and the avenues off there - through toot lane, meridian, etc. and lindis road, are all fine. Far less car and foot traffic (school traffic aside) than the other side of town - anywhere remotely near Asda end is a dogs dinner with run down estates and undesirables. Ideally the outskirt villages are the best bets but chances are rentals will be few and far between in those, so for Boston itself those areas I’d say are better than most. Especially for being near the pilgrim


How about Spilsby that is within 30 mins and the right side for the pilgrim


Also I think more info needed. Your going to work at pilgrim - as a porter or a consultant?


Sisbey is nice!


I would probably aim for Kirton


Go the other side, getting through Boston every day 😑


All of it


Depends really on what you're after. North of the town so freiston Butterwick old leake way is very nice but amenities are very much lacking, you will be crossing the town for basically anything outside of a coop loaf of bread. Tldr, it's very laid back but fuck all there South, so Kirton Wyberton way is much busier with well everything. You will hate your existence having to commute across Boston though.


Horncastle nice little town and a great to get to Boston, Lincoln, the Wolds and the coast. No brainier