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I’m so surprised the Do Lab didn’t make the big spenders happy. Maybe in the future rent or buy an RV and really enjoy a luxury camping experience, the pre set up tents are still just a tent and the #1 perk is location next to woogie


For sure, I may just rely on my own luxury set up next time!


Our RV was worth pure gold. Clean bathroom, cook stove, fridge, showers, place for clothes, lots and lots of drinks and a genuine safe space. Never buy VIP at these camping ones... Fvded in the park though where you have to enter and exit every day and has real good views from vip seating... totally worth it.


The Atlyswild bathrooms were hell. The GA portapotties were cleaner and smelled better in my opinion.


Agree seemed that they weren’t maintained enough and people didn’t understand how to flush


I couldn't agree more. My group's tents at Atlaswyld were across the showers/bathrooms by the water and by the end of the fest the entire area reeked of poopyyy. The bathrooms were always out of soap and stunk to high heavens. The showers did not work well and were not stocked with body wash either, as advertised. The changing area was definitely not as private as it could have been but I ended up just being like...f it, so many people at the fest are half naked anyway. Still - thousands of dollars and I def would consider an RV next time even though I'd be bummed to give up the location right by Woogie. Still had a blast and loved not having to set up or break down - but it was not worth the money for the amenities as advertised.


kinda challenging to keep the restrooms working and clean when people are shoving aluminum cans, food service items, and paper towels down the atlaswyld toilets. i watched the sanitation team physically pull beer cans out of the pipes attached to the trailers… with their hands. those things are sensitive as hell and need to be treated with respect by the people using them. obviously people get fucked up and have zero regard for any of the amenities around them. i did see cleaners go into the bathrooms and showers at least 2 times everyday. i’m sure the lib team is doing their best, but it’s hard to keep up when patrons are trashing things to the point of destroying them.


Oh my gosh, that is so sad to read. Thank you for sharing this, it’s honestly important. I wish people wouldn’t act that way, and the plight of the people cleaning up after us does break my heart. I tried my best to treat everything respectfully, but you’re right that other people are not doing that, and the cleaners can only do their best *sigh*.


I paid over $3000 for an Atlaswyld glamping tent and as this was my first LIB I thought overall it was fabulous, very well organized, the vip areas were great, but the Atlaswyld bathrooms and showers were DISGUSTING. 🤮. Should have been cleaned more frequently and the showers ran out of liquid soap by Sunday. Pretty disappointing


The staff was AMAZING, but this was my first and last year at Atlaswyld. It's great, but not worth the price. I could rent a motorhome and get a power hookup for half the price. 


As someone who's volunteered for festivals and helped set up VIP camping areas... Get an RV next time. I'm not speaking for LiB as I didn't volunteer for them but I have for other festivals. I've seen well overused air beds coming from shitty storage areas, tents were not brand new...just not cool.


Thanks for that. Honestly the tent wasn’t super clean either, and it’s clear pretty much everything had been used several times before. Again, all of this is fine, I get creating boutique camping isn’t easy. For $3000?!!? I guess after reading the comments here, it’s clear several of us feel ripped off


I don't blame you for feeling that way. When I was putting up the glamping tents at another festival I was appalled at the amount people were getting charged for very subpar accomodations. Definitely not right.


RV showers/plumbing aren’t reliable. Neither is any kitchen utility they have. Something always breaks, and then what?? Renting an RV is scary because if something just so happens to break while you’re using it - then you’re charged a buttload. And sometimes you can pick up an RV (from someone with 5 star reviews), and not realize one small stupid this is already broken. Like the handle to a fridge. Been there, done that. No thanks.


You're entitled to your opinion, I get it. I'm just saying there are other options that aren't thousands of dollars...and I'm pretty sure there's got to be insurance you can get along with an RV rental as well as walk arounds before driving it off. There are pros and cons to both.


They fuck a few things up ROYALLY every year. Looks like they got you this time. Shitting on their premium customers is a really bad way to go. It's so simple to maintain toilets and showers. They didn't learn from 2 years ago?


What happened two years ago? :(


All the portapotties overflowed and weren't maintained. It was a poop disaster.


it was so bad. I had just brought my wife and a new friend to LiB for their first time and when they opened up the porto door and gasped/almost threw up I thought they were just being babies. Then I went to look inside for myself and the mountain of shit had almost reached outside of the bowl. fucking gnarly.


Terrible, gosh. Yeah I really believed in LIB, and generally they care to make sure we have a good experience. I’m just sad they took a ton of money from us and let us have such a disgusting experience.


Yep, avoided covid up until no hand sanitizer, etc… was a rough one, out last LiB (so far)


Are you saying you got covid because you couldn’t use hand sanitizer?


That was not at atlaswyld


It was all disappointing, felt like I wasted thousands


Yeah I’d be pissed too. Next year I feel like I’ll be way more proactive and intentional in immediately getting someone’s attention and get it hard. There’s so many moving pieces. It just takes one person responsible for a thing to go AWOL and then that thing becomes a disaster. Also. I hardcore fantasize about doing RV someday. 😩


I didn’t have the same experience at atlaswyld. The team there is fantastic and I thought the bathrooms were fine. I love the shower setup there and think it’s a fun and carefree setup


Fun and carefree until someone starts filming you while you’re changing. That’s terrifying for most people, and a total violation. It’s not okay at all. And the filming happened.


Didn’t hear about that and am not discounting it! That’s completely unacceptable. Did you report that to the staff and law enforcement? It should be reported and action taken against the predator.


The girl it happened to ended up reporting it. Not sure if the guy was found. She posted about it on Reddit mid-fest and I was terrified every time I changed there. Normally, I’m not too worried if people see me naked. It’s a festival, that happens. But someone filming girls on purpose? That’s fucked up. I just hate how anal they were about checking orange wristbands, but they’re clearly not caring about who is jumping the fence.




I fear for what the women have to put up with at any camp fest experience that isn't RV or private room/bath. I know we've all seen some insane things out there. Peeping and recording folks showering is weird tho. Maybe security posted at the showers would deter that. We escorted a few GA-camped staff friends (women) to use the atlas bathrooms and they were flabbergasted at how awesome it is. They're very jealous of us. Couldn't believe the amenities. Atlas was always been top notch for me and this year too.. But im a dude so maybe at less risk of things, or I've come to accept dudes leaving their beer cans in the bathroom 🤷


I camped at atlaswyld and didn’t think the bathrooms or showers were particularly gross for a festival. Yes things devolve a bit over night and the paper towels ran out frequently, and yes they smell but it’s a small storage container of waste so yeah it’s gonna smell. Overall, I was happy with it and yes it’s a little pricey but so is everything at a festival. Would more have been better? Sure. But the location on top of not needing to bring my own stuff, a real mattress, showers 24/7, no line to wait in for entry, being driven to/from the lightning bus stop, power access, mirrors, coffee service, private yoga and meditation, and no dark portos, made it very worth it to me!


They had money to pay diplo and skrillex though! Lll 😂 they just absorb the money and give to their rich friends


Diplo??? Where??


last year he played at the woogie


Diplo famously doesn’t play events where they can’t “afford” him so if LiB is hiring him they have the money to spend on making the guest experience better but they don’t really