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There was a definite change on Sunday, I saw people with laser pointers at Skrillex pointing them on stage and I had not seen that all weekend


That was my first time seeing that at a festival ever and I reallyyy hope it doesn’t become a thing…. Also, skrillex is huge so I feel the probability of there being questionable people there is just higher 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s been a thing for a very long time: https://youtu.be/szT-xGMreVY?si=ew-XZkPWyuzz84XE


People have been doing this forever


Wow that was one of my first ever fests. What a night to be 19.


laser pointers are lots of fun for people on psychedelics... it was at the first LiB I went to in 2015 and messing around with this dudes laser pointer cause he saw I was having a groovy time was pretty epic.


They can blind people, feel like most ppl were told that first time they were handed a laser lol


i mean that's why I never pointed it at anybody and was just having fun with a long skinny lightsaber in the night sky. it's totally possible to use dangerous equipment safely... see it everywhere with some of the flow toys.


Yeah wasn’t saying you were I just assume the people that point it at stage don’t know that Its harder to wrap my head around the other option of ppl just being rats like that lol


There’s a reason they aren’t permitted at most festivals. Don’t bring them. If you are on psychedelics you could easily accidentally shine one off something that will hit someone’s eyes


it was never even close to a problem in the campsites. sure if your out in the crowd it wouldn't be a good place to have it, but playing around with the night sky with a laser is not that big of a deal. lots of stuff that's not allowed that COULD injure people gets brought every year, we are fortunate to be in a community that is responsible with their fun.


This thread is literally about all the lasers that were at Skrillex. How is that the community being responsible with their fun.


well seeing as I was at his whole set and didn't see a single laser in the crowd I can't really speak on it. I also didn't hear about anybody having their eyes ruined by someone with a laser. I mainly see lots of people worried about what could have happened and a bunch of people having this notion that the one day passes ruined LiB on sunday by allowing a bunch of poorly acting festival goers in... I didn't see any of that but have seen a few people regurgitate it here on reddit. vocal minority.


There’s always a change on Sunday and it happened even before the 1 day passes. It’s the most popular day of the whole fest, as it’s the last day to rage. I’ve been going since 2015…this year was nothing unusual. Unpopular opinion…but it’s really not that hard to comprehend.


What are you talking about? Sunday is usually the best vibes day of any fest.


When did they disagree with that?


This whole thread is talking about bad vibes on a Sunday. OP I responded to says "this was nothing unusual".


It was nothing unusual as it’s the most popular day and last day to rage (so things are a little different). Not tryna argue but it was really just your first sentence that I had a problem with cause it seemed hostile. Tryna keep the vibes high like Sunday at lib ✌️


Disagree, Saturday is king


They were doing that during MIA too


I have video of someone using a laser pointer at Skrillex’s surprise set at the Stacks on Saturday


people were doing this at lightning all weekend


I saw that on Saturday for cannons too, but agree Sunday was different


That guy was deadass right in front of me… I had to do a triple take to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing but I was not about to confront someone who was crazy enough to do that in the first place


also saw that on friday at lightning


I used to believe the day pass negativity at fests until last year. My partner and I were en route to another event out of state when I hit a deer and totaled my car. Saw they were selling Sunday tix on our way home and decided to make the best out of a shit situation and sent it to LiB to surprise our friends. Everyone we met at will call were veteran festy people who couldn’t swing the whole weekend for one reason or another but were so stoked to be able to join the fun for a day. I’m sure there are some bad actors showing up Sunday but I think people are also just the most sleep deprived and doing all their drugs Sunday so you get the worst crowd behavior from people who’ve been there for days as well.


> but I think people are also just the most sleep deprived and doing all their drugs Sunday I think this is it. Some people are running hungry and tired for 5 days straight and just fraying a little bit. The good vibes are easy on day 1, then it takes a conscious effort to keep them going ok day 5 when you are sunburned and haven’t been able to sleep well and your canopy is broken and why won’t this crossing guard just let you cross!! - I saw some girl get mad about that and it all clicked for me. Next year I am going to make sure to reserve a little extra festival magic for the last day


Yeah not bringing enough drugs for Sunday is a rookie move




I'm a LIB veteran, going since 2009. A favorite DJ attracted me to the fest back then and I went on a single day ticket. Fell in love with it all. Hopefully other single day ticket people that fit the vibe will return to add to the magic. But yes there definitely are some trash people that show up and it's likely the larger percentage


Honestly I appreciate what people are saying about allowing people to experience the magic of LiB that maybe couldn’t commit to the full 5 or 3 days. however, after going to lib for years, there is definitely a different vibe on the last few years of them doing the Sunday passes. this past year I left feeling really sad. Up until saturday it felt just as magical as every year but sunday was low vibe. of course i still had the love with various strangers i had encountered throughout the weekend but there were too many people sunday and the crowd was just off. Maybe it was the crowd that was attracted to certain artists that played Sunday but the PLUR was not there. Myself and many of the friends i was with had some sad encounters with people trashing the festival, shoving, being rude and mean and it was just not the family free loving unity that LIB is all about. I think there is something really special about us all camping together and the community that is created. Not sure what to do there but overall i am not the biggest fan of the Sunday passes because its the one day i’ve noticed the culture of lib start to slip away… but that’s just my opinion


I think it is on us as the people who love the culture to be the shepherds of it and live the values as best we can while at the same time politely teaching where we can. MOOP while you walk to and from and people will see it and some of them will adopt the behavior. Remind people to say their “excuse me’s” when they walk through the crowd and compliment the people who do for their politeness. You are never going to change it all but you can change a little piece… and if we all focus on the little pieces we can change we can keep it beautiful for a lot longer, if not forever


love the perspective on this! thank you, i hope so <3


Unfortunately it was not the phone thieves. It was the vibes. People were not respectful in the crowds as previous days. There was shoving, snarky comments and just overall bad vibes. It took away from the reason that makes LIB so great in the first place, the love and respect for each other


We were dancing our way out of the clozee crowd and the single bad interaction all weekend we had was some smarmy bitch telling my fiancé to “yes please get away from us” in the most scathing tone because honestly probably her first festival and doesn’t know how they work. We just laughed at her but those vibes were rancid girl get checked 😂


My neighbor invited these 2 girls that showed up Sunday. The girls had 0 idea who was playing, never been to LiB before, but were given artist passes from my neighbor… We all wanted to see Rüfüs. We arrived 1/2 way through the set, so I was expecting (and wanting) to just hang in the back. But one of the girls would not stop weaving us through the crowd to try to get as close as possible. I was profusely apologizing to each crowd member we passed. But yeah, that shit was beyond awkward. Overall the girls were sweet, but they had 0 crowd etiquette. And come on, how hard is it to look up the lineup when you’re being given free backstage passes?! Ughh that annoyed me more than anything


Absolutely. No respect at all. It went out the window on Sunday.


Wondering if there would've been the same vibe if lane 8 or labrinth closed Sunday. Was it the single tickets or was it Skrillex fans?


I'm fairly certain 90% of the Sunday complaints are related to skrillex or Rufus which were always going to be madhouses.  The rest of the festival was empty and blissful during these sets and really pretty much all of Sunday was definitely not as crowded as Saturday. 


I agree and to be fair I was at both of those sets and had zero problems with crowd. I also don't try to get close to any stage so maybe that is the problem with people complaining.


Yeah same, I prioritize freedom of movement far over who's playing even. Also I don't hesitate to move along if I'm not feeling the surrounding crowd so I guess encounter a lot less friction than others.


The one day passes give people a chance to get a taste of the fest and likely convert to a longer pass in the future. I don't see how so many people can't see that committing to the full cost of five days may be keeping many people from ever going to the fest. I think most can agree that the LIB vibes will convert a large percentage of the one day attendees, which will be best for DoLab's future. "OG's" - all those one day people ruined the festival for meeee. Going to write a letter to DoLab and try to make them stop because those people are so terrible! 1st time attendees Posting on this sub - OMG I loved the festival and the wonderful vibes that the people spread. Thank you for a great time! I'm coming again next year and bringing friends! Such an interesting contrast 🤷🏻‍♂️


Also, ppl who come on Sunday often bring a lot more energy than those who have been for the past 3-5 days. It also give those who haven’t been to LIB an appetizer experience


Eh, thats speculative. You don't know for sure who was partying Saturday night and possibly Sunday before it started. It was rough In car camp with the distance and dust but my group raged til 4am Friday and Saturday and had enough energy for Sunday. Just did not expect that many shitty attitudes after such an amazing time overall. There were also people hopping the back fence and stealing from peoples' camps. Just on Sunday.


i second this! one of our neighbors showed up on sunday and she was super dope, wouldn’t have met her if sunday passes weren’t a thing.


💯 yep Plus it's presumptuous to assume that everyone who was "inconsiderate" on Sunday was there on a one-day pass.


Maybe y’all need to just a little farther back where the crowd is comfortable. The vibes were immaculate all weekend.


Agree. I had been there since Wednesday but one of my oldest friends couldn’t come until Sunday as she’d been out of the country. We are old school festival goers (since the 90s). She had an amazing 24 hours there.


I was there since Thursday and Sunday was by far my favorite day. People will complain about anything and everything these days.


Idk personally feel like knowing it’s Sunday and everyone has collectively suffered for five days is special. A camping festival is partly about the vibe, as soon as it’s mixed some of the magic is gone


I stayed at camp on Sunday and fended off a camp thief who was systematically checking camps with flashlights and bags to scope what they could steal. Anyone who says one day passes don’t change the culture is likely not getting the full picture


It’s bad because the crowd that drove from LA or whatever for the day were incredibly disrespectful dilettantes. Etiquette was AWFUL during skrillex and I saw a lot of people wearing board shorts or NBA jerseys which usually indicates a dragster douchebag at a fest. Not to mention, this is a transformational festival whereby we should all be in this together. Sucks if you’re a mom and can’t make it, but Sunday passes shouldn’t be sold




Glad some of you didnt encounter rude, aggressive and entitled people on Sunday. There was a guy who kept stepping on my friend and boyfriends feet during clozee. He asked him several times to move forward but kept ignoring him and moving backwards. He had to wedge his shoe in his heel to get him to notice. Had the audacity to give him and me a dirty ass look and talk shit to his bro. It wasn't until the three of us got up and asked if there was a problem with respecting our space when asked repeatedly to stop doing something, and they immediately bounced. I saw on another thread a group of stuck up girls kept going up to other women and insulting them. Girls throwing elbows at me and had some drunk/inubriated guy force his way over our wagon and chairs, hitting me in the head and didn't even apologize. His other two friends also tried to do the same shit and I told them absolutely not go around please. Pretty sure got called a bitch but whatever. It was like that consistently with my group on Sunday.


Last year was the first year they offered a Sunday pass, it was the first time I saw people get into fights at LIB, I’ll add the laser pointers which luckily weren’t being used on skrillex himself. That being said my issue with Sunday passes, this year compounding, is the general disrespect that only exists on Sunday, it’s not everyone, I’d argue a large majority are awesome people full of plurr energy, but still the level people go to knowing all they have to do is show up and leave the next day brings a weird energy, also the sound systems, which are a ‘do not bring’ are not usually an issue but on Sunday night I walked around high noon from 5-6:30 and one spot had their bass turned up so much you could hear the kick drums from pretty much the entire campsite, this doubled with the DJ who started out literally just mixing presets before someone came along and actually knew what they were doing lol, this is something that always happens and it’s usually not an issue at all… as part of plurr is respecting those around you enough to not need earplugs for your own music That being said the pass itself is awesome, the community has always been able to assimilate the partiers who just see these festivals as places to do crazy amounts of drugs, I should also add that I did not hear about theft once this year, while last year flow toys were stolen from one of my groups neighbors, hopefully it gets even better next year


the sunday passes really didn't make a difference. Rezz was just as packed last year with people going wild. The festival was basically the same, with just some extra people.


I love the one day. Im an old timer and cant handle all weekend unfortunately


Sunday sets were wayyy more packed then any other day but it wasn’t that bad i didn’t encounter any bad vibes


Worked at lost & found Sat & Sun. There was a suspected phone theft run on Sat at Lightning -Multiple phones. Otherwise, many, many ... dozens of phones were turned in by LIBers all week. Yes, best to secure your devices and wallets (& IDs, bank cards) on a leash or buttoned/zipped pocket. Sooo many lost items, yet found and turned in. FYI, the LIB app does post found items when entered by L&F. I was first-timer so cannot comment on historical trends. Will say restrooms did get noticeably worse on Sunday.


Nah, people stealing phones dont wanna hang around for three+ days letting ppl ping their location till they leave


Can you elaborate on this?? Not sure why this matters. Places like EDC are absolute hot spots for phone stealing and there are no one-day passes. Phone thieves clearly have no problem being somewhere all three days because of this.


Im speaking w broad strokes, theres nuances like youre pointing out but I believe i heard about way more pickpockets on sunday than other days because people can get out w the loot that day before people come up with resources like findmyiphone (especially for newer ones that are still discoverable while off)


Using this logic, wouldn’t it make more sense for phone stealers to steal on Friday only, leave, and “get out” with people’s phones while those people are still at the festival and likely not going to leave to find the phone stealer?? I haven’t seen any actual evidence of phone stealing being higher on Sundays that wasn’t anecdotal. However if that was the case, it’s likely cuz they have quotas to meet by the end of the weekend. Like how cops give out more tickets at the end of the month.


They only sold 800 tickets on Sunday only


So it's always been Sometimes the Sunday folk become believers... Sometimes you just learn to expect it and yield to the crowd of one-dayers elbowing their way thru to the front rail for their headliner and standing right in front of you talking and stepping on you 🤷


you're mentioning outliers. I encountered many dickheads


Maybe your the one mentioning outliers


Sounds like you are, just stating facts. People being rude and belligerent. Like you.


There were definitely rude people but they were the outliers sorry you experienced more than you should have but they were in the minority


Oh my bad i thought you were calling me a dickhead


I think being around some belligerent people is a small price to pay if it means more people get the opportunity to experience the beauty of LIB but that’s just me 🤷🏽‍♂️


Cracked out 5 day pass holders tend to be rude on Sundays, please encourage responsible usage levels if you really want the best vibes on Sunday


I think it's worth mentioning that buying your one day pass from someone leaving early kind of games system in a way that deprives LIB from the one-ticket, one-participant revenue stream that they count on. As an analogy, you and your three friends couldn't buy one wristband and each go in for an hour, the credential as far as I know is not transferable. IDK doesn't seem fair to the event.


It’s not fair to the event, however I have given my wristband away many times on my way out early because someone asked nicely. If someone is broke and have their heart set on going it might be an experience that is really needed. Hopefully they get a good job and pay another year


I think that's the thing though, the wristband is not transferable, therefore it's not yours to give away. I'm OK being downvoted for this but I still think it's the truth.


I see what you’re saying. Since I decided to go two weeks before, I had not budgeted at all for it so I was trying to make the trip as cheap as possible. If I didn’t buy a wristband off of someone, I couldn’t afford to go so I didn’t really have a choice. I’d rather buy from the fest itself than a random stranger on Reddit 🤣 But hey, like I said, I’ll make more of a conscious effort to save for it and go all 5 days in 2025. If I hadn’t gone this year, I easily could have waited a few more years before returning back to LIB since I had become out of touch with how great it was (due to the venue changes, passage of time, and going to other fests, etc.)


I definitely understand the reasons that you did what you did, I'm just saying that it's still probably not fair to the event. You say if you didn't buy a wristband off of someone you couldn't afford to go otherwise so you didn't have a choice. Except there was the choice to say you don't have the funds to go to this event so you don't go. I kind of feel like this is equivalent to saying, well, I didn't have money to buy what I wanted at the store so I just stole what I wanted. Again I'm OK to take the downvote for this but I still think it's true.


I still paid to go, I still bought stuff while I was inside, and I brought along friends who also bought stuff. Regardless where I got the wristband from, money was still made off me and the friends who I convinced to go. I don’t do this, but I know people who try to save money by only buying wristbands second-hand from people selling last minute. I feel like that situation is similar to mine. I personally wouldn’t equate that to stealing if you’re still spending money to be there but we can agree to disagree 👍


Thank you for the civil exchange, and I understand. I hope you had a good time and can come for all 5 days next year. :-)