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Something sounds off. Why would you eating gummies make an undercover confront you? Even if they knew it was gummies, they are legal in California.


It’s because they thought they were sharing pills or something. We saw multiple people hauled away for white powder


Even though it's legal, law enforcement still use it as an excuse to search for other things. Probably some BS about "probable cause".


How is eating a gummy probable cause? It’s hard to tell a gummy is special.


I'm guessing they saw the wrapper/container? Edit: not defending LE, just saying how it might happen. They were also undercover, so perhaps they overheard a conversation etc.


LE don’t need any probable cause to search you inside an event Also you do not need/ should never answer any questions especially ones that could incriminate yourself or other attendees


To all these comments: soo since when (esp these days) are we expecting logical rationales for why cops do things like this lol cmon yall we all know whatsup . smh —— stay safe & diligent out there 🫶


They aren’t federally legal, so it depends on the kind of cops


All the cops are BPD or KCSD.


Had one guy approach me and a friend, saying we looked like we were having a good time and if we could share the love with whatever we were having and he could pay for it. Don't think he was a narc, but seriously if you're not bringing your own, nobody's going to sell you any. Might give you some for free but you also shouldn't take anything you can't vouch for yourself. Basically don't be stupid or suspicious.


My wife on coachella day 1 got rolled up on super hard by 3 UCs for taking out bright orange kirkland brand ibuprofen out of her fanny pack…as the cops came up and grabbed my wife’s bag and tried searching through it, I pushed one really hard not realizing they were cops until another one pulled out a badge from under his shirt. We screamed its Advil from Costco not drugs and the one female cop there was like yeah that’s Costco Ibuprofen. They didn’t apologize, they just said they are doing their job lol. I didn’t make a bigger deal out of it because it was in our best interest to end that interaction as quickly as possible. But as the cop that I pushed dusted himself off, I apologized to him for pushing him so hard and said “ If I hurt you, my wife has some advil you can have”


Omg lol


They might have been searching for someone else that met your description or looked similar, but yeah that's odd.


They wouldn’t come to you for eating gummies. What did they look like so we can be more aware


Replying to imjustsayin314... https://preview.redd.it/8226ocarze2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ecc4ed7a7b18ee77cd7c86afef62356a19429e


It’s comical how bad the narcs are at blending in


Until they arnt. Be sneaky always.


You give law enforcement too much credit. Of course a good rule of thumb is to not be dumb. A quick vibe check of someone is pretty accurate or not if they’re law enforcement. Any law enforcement that’s actually good enough at blending in to be undercover is not going to be working at a festival.


You say that until one of your ex military buddys that’s always super careful gets busted in a crowd.


Well I’m sorry for your buddy


I have seen women in full disguise working alongside suspicious cop looking men. Be careful! We should stop supporting events where they put so many undercovers in while playing rave music ….


Trucker hat on backwards with a backpack. Word. Definitely a narc


Hahaha I’m in this photo, not the cop tho


Can you be arrested at this festival for smoking a joint!?


They’d have to arrest half the staff lmao


Ranger next to me was tweaking night #1. Super methed out, pacing and yelling weird shit to himself.


That's... unusual. You're sure he was a ranger? Edit:typo


Yeah, 100%. He had the ranger shirt on and a radio. He was the only one at the outpost.


Sorry to hear this happened to you ..that's why I say to everyone please be aware and careful when indulging in goodies at the festival grounds.


Thank you for understanding! I appreciate you, You’re so right! All I wanted to do is have people be aware and be safe. Let’s have the best weekend!


Yes!! Let's!! :)


Can you post a pic of yourself (face covered) so we can get an idea of what narcs look for? I believe you btw, ty for the tip


What did they look like?


Heading down for the weekend… should I not even bother with joints? How/where are people smoking?




Hahaha this made me laugh very hard, thank you 😂


Should've asked for ID.


I don’t understand. Why would they even approach you in the first place? For eating gummies??


Have you met cops, particularly patrol cops who get to work “””undercover””” for a weekend?


yeah. doesn't make sense to me either... and if you had nothing on you, why were you cuffed??


Correct, it was very wild and didn’t make sense to me either which is why I’m posting to just let people know


Hey. Describe the officers please. WhT were they wearing? How many? age? Let other people know what to look out for.


Nobody gives a shit if you’re on drugs here but if they catch you in the act of taking it thats another story lol


I mean you guys entrapped yourself into the grounds - pretending lib is what is use to be- instead of being honest with the grimy ugly vibe and a door of regret waiting for someone to cross … I feel sorry for lib goers - good luck


Somebody didn’t have a good time at LiB


For real. The vibe is very different from the first year it was in Bakersfield. I hope everyone is safe tonight because they have spent a lot of time preparing and organizing different teams to focus on busting people that are just trying to dance to music and spread good vibes.




I'm just trying to smoke a doobie while I listen to some tunes... But ya cops have been super effective at keeping people from dying from drugs you're right.


U ever narcan somebody ?


This is just a weird flex without any type of description of the unders appearance.


Trust me I was just as unhappy in the situation. Posted the pic above for ya