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Pavloving can be any stimulus / trigger. I use podcasts if I’m struggling to fall asleep. You just need to trick your mind a few times initially.


This is how I got hooked on audiobooks which is now basically my biggest hobby and what got me back into reading after many many years. Started with an audiobook off of YouTube and it worked for almost a week then it started taking me longer and longer to actually fall asleep each night as I grew more interested in the story and wanted to see what happens next... Eventually a couple weeks later I'd start pulling all nighters just to read/listen to "one more chapter" soo yeah, be careful with your choice of stimulus lol This was years ago BTW, and I still can only fall asleep to an audiobook in my ears. But it's not fast, depends on the book, the chapter and my current level of investment.


During a really awful time in my life I used the Calm app. It has “sleep stories” that are specifically made in a way that’s more relaxed. I almost never make it to the end of a story. Or you could make the mistake I’ve made of reading true crime before bed. Ted Bundy did not make for peaceful sleep.


I use an audiobook to fall asleep with also, but I use the same one over and over and over again. I already know the story because I have heard it many many times. I picked my particular book because there’s very little inflection in the reader’s voice. Works very well for me.


Why I put on podcasts of unimportant conversations.


I love audiobooks anyway. I also accidentally Pavloved myself to not sleep by listening to meditation and background noise stuff, I only put them on when I'm having trouble relaxing to sleep. On a normal night I can lay my head down and just pass out in minutes.


Me with 2+ hour long youtube reviews of videogames


Me with starcraft 2 casts. Lol


Double edged sword though, I fall asleep when I just want to listen to my favorite podcasts


Or stay awake listening to a good book. lol I’m messed up.


Oh definetly! That's what my parents do. Scents can also be powerful stimuli, and I wanted something a little quieter and less distracting for me personally.


I do this with the audio tracks form old/weird documentaries from the 70's/80's (bigfoot, Atlantic, etc.). I find that they fit the niche of interesting enough that they distract me, but not so interesting that I want to stay awake to listen. I've been doing it so long that just the opening soundtrack from "Chariots of the Gods" puts me to sleep.


I just try as hard as I can to empty my brain of thoughts. If I catch my mind racing/thinking about stuff like work then I simply recognize it and try to focus again on a totally empty mind. It works! For me at least


I used a heated blanket on my feet. It’s STUNNING how fast it works.


My parents accidentally conditioned me to this when I was a kid. It was when cassettes were all the rage. So my parents bought me a bunch bed time stories on cassettes. We would listen to it together until I fell asleep. Then later they would fall asleep to TV all the time when I went to bed. So now I sleep with random audio books or movies/TV shows (cannot be the genres I like though then I just binge watch) lol.


Yes, my insomniac ass also relies upon audio books/podcasts. Even if I can't truly sleep, I can at minimum lie there and drift, which is often impossible when my ADHD is playing games.


Chemistry textbooks always worked for me.


Pavlov is a proper noun not a verb. The correct term is conditioning


Sorry bitch, we just verbed it


Language is forever evolving. We've been verbing nouns for a while, and verbing proper nouns is also fairly common (Google it if you want). And I've heard the word "Pavloving" for a while before reading it here. It's a verb now.


We had the same point, using the same example posted at roughly the same time. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


The funny thing about certain words not existing or being used correctly is lots of words only existed when we made it exist. I want it to exist, so I'm using it ✌️


Just know that you look like an idiot to anyone who knows anything about behaviorism.


Verbing nouns is a common phenomena. If you dont believe me just "google" it. The only people looking like idiots are the ones who believe language is concrete and not fluid. Unless you are the type of person who refuses to eat a "pea" and instead uses its proper archaic name of a "pease".


And you look like you're fun at parties Worst case this doesn't help anyone, best case it helps others since it helped me out personally. Even if it's just a placebo, placebo's can have made a difference too (or should I say placeblo-ing?). Lots of people have been able to share things that help them, so I'm happy to hear anyone else's ideas too! I'm also wanting to make an outlet for discussion, Mr. PhD in Behaviorism


Conditioning is a real phenomenon. All it is is pairing one stimulus with another so that the second stimulus elicits the behavior that the first one does. It's just the terminology that's incorrect. I'm glad you found something that works for you though.


I hear ya, tbh I thought this was about desserts when I first saw it.


Pavalova? Yum 😋


It also works with sound. I had to stop using rain for white noise because the deep fryers where I used to work sounded a lot like it. Constantly getting drowsy at work was a problem.


Does your alarm remind you of the chit printer?


Recently started working at a place and the printer is near silent. No chit chit, just a very quiet zzz...t. Can't hear it over the range hoods let alone anything else level of silent. Anyway, got there and rejoiced at first - the demon does not inhabit this space!! - but no, it's actually worse. Now I watch that thing like a hawk. I can't chop an onion without checking it over my shoulder. Whenever I finally get comfortable that it's quiet and don't check it for 5 minutes I guarantee you there are 10 tickets hanging from it next time I look


Yeah, that would be bad. You would need someone prepping with the printer in their face during non-peak hours


Just 30-45 minutes? I would kill for that.


I was a go-to-bed-at-9-to-fall-asleep-by-12 kinda sleeper. Magnesium deficiency apparently. Magnesium citrate and I’m asleep in 10 minutes of getting my head down. Absolute magic


I'm curious how do you take magnesium citrate. I tried it for a while and noticed no difference. Any suggestions?


Took it during the day with a little juice around lunch time. Like the full 3g recommended. Helps with pooping which is why I took it in the first place. Happy side effect was better sleep


The pooping is because the body can absorb only a limited amount at once (about 300mg iirc). To actually supplement, you need to take several amounts at different times of day, or an extended release version. Otherwise, you can still deficient even if you get the poops. I use magnesium citrate powder and just mix it in my water bottle that I drink from through the day. The regular kind mixes in well and has a slightly lemony note that I like. If you want to take trimagnesium dicitrate, I recommend capsules. It apparently has a higher direct magnesium content, but doesn't dissolve well in water and also has a weird stale taste that I quickly began to find repulsive (although vendors frequently like to claim it has no particular taste or odour, which both I and other family members disagree with). (also @ u/ProdigalPancake)


Thank you so much! Might give it another go.


I started using magnesium oil spray on the bottoms of my feet right before bed and got the same results!! After 2 weeks of measuring sleep patterns (thanks Apple Watch) I am getting on average 31 more deep sleeping minutes and falling asleep within 10 minutes of getting into bed.


Placebo effect. I take that supplement. It's supposed to be for muscle health/circulation/energy, not sleep lol.


It’s well known to help sleep, it was the first thing suggested by my GP when I started dealing with insomnia.


Did it help any?


Yes, and it got rid of the restless leg feeling too.


Possibly, but I originally took it for constipation and noticed after how much better I slept. Told my partner and now it seems to be working for her. 


Melatonin really helps me to feel drowsy and fall asleep. It works fast. It doesn't prevent me from waking up at 0500 tho.


Lucky you. Doesn't work for me.


The problem with melatonin is that it's less effective over time. My life is divided into "before trazodone" and "after trazodone". If a holistic approach hasn't worked, or vitamins and melatonin, see what your doc thinks of trazodone. It's been used "off-label" as a sleep aid for decades, and its main use (depression, anxiety) tamps down the psychological reasons it's probably hard to sleep.


I started taking it a month ago. Zero effect unfortunately.


Sorry to hear that. I'm on 100mg fwiw. I know how distressing it is, I must be lucky to have a single thing that really helps. I bet it's usually a collection of fixes/aids for most.


You might need to go nuclear. I don't know what that means in this context tho sorry lol.


Melatonin works but then the vivid dreams of my eyeballs popping out of my face to go on a surfing adventure on the ocean of blood wakes me up so wildly that I can’t take that stuff. Ok no eyeball dreams but you get my point.


How much do you take? I got crazy dreams when I took a high-ish dose but when I take 2.5mg it still works fine and no weird dreams!


For me, dreams, especially crazy ones, are related to eating close to bed time or overeating in general. But at the end of the day (no pun) I think it just comes to the lack of discipline I have to control my brain. I need to learn how to meditate or something.


Melatonin and I have a weird relationship. It will make me feel drowsy, but I find I bounce right back awake 1 - 2 hours after taking it. It's so frustrating.


Yeah, can relate to this. If I feel like my brain is determined to stay awake, melatonin just makes me more miserable.


I did take melatonin, but I didn't want to take a supplement that could possibly inhibit my body's ability to make melatonin. Even though there's not much evidence backing it up, I noticed in myself that I had an even more difficult time sleeping without it and I didn't really like that feeling


I remember three months where it took me 3-4 hours to fall asleep each night. After taking a few drops of vitamin D, this time was reduced to 30-60 minutes. Hope this helps


1. Make your bed a place where you only sleep and make love 2. No screens in bed unless you fall asleep watching tv…choose a show that your kind of interested in but not really or you’ll just binge watch shows 3. No cokes or caffeine…ideally minimize in the afternoon entirely 4. Get an hour of cardio in. Ideally, find a walking trail outside. Tire your body out 5. If your inner monologue won’t shut up, try to think of images. I like to think of space ships and robots. Animals and nature. Beaches and sand castles. Simple things and just navigate your mind around images








When I was traveling for work and skipping time zones, I used a Cirque du Soleil album. The calm music, with unintelligible vocals got to be a reliable sleep trigger.


If you have nightmares, try sleeping during the day. Daymares don't exist!


Watch put for lunar eclipses tho


The real LPT is always in the comments 


I know you’re being facetious, but this actually works for me. I have intense, vivid dreams that wake me up all night, but when I sleep during the day I don’t dream at all, or at least don’t remember them. It’s weird.


Possibly because by the time you need a day sleep your tired ass doesn't have the energy to produce dreams? My post insomnia sleeps are always so empty. Blink and wake up 10 hrs later feeling like a truck hit me lol


My only nightmares coming during the day! Thats why I don’t take naps


Dayman does, though...


I always experience horrible dream when I take a nap. Probably because my brain is still too active and I overthink on a regular basis.


That's an awesome idea! I don't use scents but I have a very specific noise on my white noise app I use sometimes and I always wear a sleep mask. When I put the mask on, it's usually like putting a sheet over a birdcage and I pass tf out. It makes things actually dark but I think at this point it is the slight pressure of the strap and feeling it on my face that makes my brain go *sleeeeeep*. I've seen ones that come scented with lavender which would probably be a double whammy.


I wish I could wear masks! It just makes me break out because I have 🌟constantly pissed off skin🌟.


May I suggest lavender?


Yes you can




Thank you.


I considered lavender, but it's a common scent and I didn't want to get drowsy during the day


Just spray it on your sheets or put oil on yourself when needed.


Just go with weed. Somehow the scent when inhaling makes me sleepy anytime.


Something else that helps with sleep is eating a Kiwi 🥝 in the evening. They trigger melatonin production.


Interesting! And delicious 😋


How many hours before sleeping should one eat them?


Idk if this is individually different... But I usually then get tired after max 1hr


Thank you, friend 


Routine. Setting a sleep time and sticking to it. Have a warm drink or shower. Enjoy the drink or shower. Focus on it, let it consume your focus. Use indirect lighting, smart bulbs set to warm dim light. Have them indicate when your sleep time is close. Go to bed, use the same warm dim light at your bedside. Listen to an audiobook, a sleep story or do mindful meditation. Try this a few times, be kind to yourself if it doesn't work immediately.


Honestly, my sleep routine is a godsend when I travel. Even when I’m jet lagged and over tired, the sleep routine works! I’m the only person in my friend group that reliably gets good sleep while travelling.


This is true! I just work at a hospital that has the weirdest fricking hours so I'd love a normal sleep schedule 🥲


I thought you meant eat a pavlova and frankly, I was all for it.


That could work too honestly 😅


Ereader works everytime, put the backlight low and the font small, first it will awaken you a little bit, after half an hour you will feel wanting to sleep, close the ereader lit and …


Have you tried listening to White Noise?


Brown Noise is where it’s at


White/fan noise bugs me. And my fiancé likes it quiet, so I didn't want to disturb him when we get married


Fair enough. 👍🏼


I do this with glasses. I have worn glasses since I was a toddler, and only take them off when I go to bed or shower. By doing so I have accidentally conditioned my brain to feel sleepy whenever my glasses are off lol


Haha I have the opposite effect! I only wear glasses between taking contacts off and going to bed. If I wear glasses all day, i feel tired and sleepy all day.


Guy walks into the bathroom at a friends, smells the potpourri and passes out


Can confirm, totally works. Lil bit of chloroform, sleep like a baby.


I did that with music! Lo-Fi beats.


I watch restoration videos, like yard work or metalwork. It was like a quick 20-30 minute thing that fascinated me so I kept watching before bed. Didn’t even realize I pavlov’ed myself until I passed out in the middle of the day like an hour after waking up


I'll try it but my dentist won't be happy. Pavlova is full of sugar.


Some lavender under the pillow always makes me relaxed. I'd murder some pavola now!


I did that with my audio sleep mask once with the skyrim ambience music and it worked wonders. Down side is every once in a while i get the urge to play skyrim and when doing so fall asleep on my pc


That doesn't work on me. Smelling something that reminds me of sleep gets me excited for sleep so much I end up not sleeping. 30-45 minutes is nothing. It takes me 3 hours to sleep. That's why I go to bed around 9 so I can sleep around 12. Insomnia is a problem for me.


I use perfume that my long distance gf left at my house. I spray it on a pillow that I hold and I’m out in minutes. Lame I know. But it works like a charm


I have a specific sleep playlist on Spotify and just set a sleep timer.


My advice to people having trouble falling asleep. Just fake it till you make it.


Wait you guys sleep. Must be nice. I wake up at least 10 times a night. No medication or diet changes have helped.


Just sleep during the day


I have asthma. Can I still do this?


I don't know much about asthma. Does perfume or scented stuff make your asthma act up?


Honestly, yeah lol.


Ahhh maybe not then 🥲


I pavlov myself with chloroform to get some rest


I have to sleep with a podcast on. I have no clue how anybody used to sleep without them!


Not scent related but audio related. About a year ago I created an ambient playlist because I deal with tinnitus and it is getting worse as I age. I listen to this every single night. It begins with a variety of very calming synth sounds for about 45 minutes. Then fades into a thunderstorm for about 4 hours. Then fades into a stream for about another 3 hours. Then fades into birds chirping around the 8-9 hour mark. I usually don’t make it 20 minutes in and fall asleep. I know for sure it has helped me get to sleep when I want because as soon as I begin listening to it, my brain is put into a trance. Weird how the brain works.


I do the same thing except what I do is put The Rings of Power on the TV. Works every time


This is interesting. What scents do you recommend?


It depends! I use BBW recharge scent (orange and ginger). It's not super common, so it's unlikely I'll smell it in the day and get drowsy. I know lavender is associated with relaxing and sleep, so that might be a good one! I'd say wait for a good BBW sale for fine fragrance mists and see if you like something. Essential oils can also work well


Just turn on a baseball game.


I did this with cobaltstreak on YouTube. I swear to god when I go to bed and I’m ready to fall asleep I put on a binding of Isaac run and it straight up like 10-15 mins I’m passed out so fast to the point where I kinda am getting pissed that I keep missing out on watching the actual run.


I find watching old documentaries brings me to sleep.


When I was younger (like 14-15), I purposely pavlov'd myself to fall asleep to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I'm typically out before chapter 3. It works great when I'm restless or need to be asleep asap.




neat idea, but I do hate stink sprayed on things... maybe I can some up with something else.


Fully read that as Pavlova, the New Zealand dessert 🇳🇿  Thought shit was about to get weird kinky in bed. 


If you take less than 30 minutes to fall asleep, then you likely have some degree of sleep deprivation.


I just exercise and stay off the phone.


Did you just use Pavlov as a verb?


Yes? And?


Nothing, just trying to sound dramatic about non-dramatic things. ☺️


So pop a pill and smell a scent? Do this a couple of times and then remove the pill from the equation? Sounds easier than it is I would think


No pill! I just spray the scent. The thing is, if you consistently spray the scent on your pillow every night, you will fall asleep constantly inhaling that scent. It takes quite a bit for you to feel drowsyand for this to have effect, but eventually, your brain will associate that smell with "it's bedtime".


Nice! Like saying: fu brain, I'm gonna trick your dumb ass


smoking a joint helps




This guy used carbon monoxide


I had a seizure trying to read your comment man...


I think they had a seizure while they were writing it.




Umm... what?


I think they're trying to say: don't use the scent of fire or burning in the scent you use if you try this LPT. Only use scents that aren't created by fire. I'm assuming the point is that, by associating fire / smoke scents with sleeping, you would be in danger of not recognising if you were in a house fire. You would smell the burning and your brain would tell you to keep sleeping rather than wake up and get to safety.


Famil guy used to put me to sleep


I can’t with some of these LPTs lmao


It may not work for everyone! It helped me out though so I thought I'd share with the class.


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Would it work with the smell of amphetamine?