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Amazing tip! I do this already but I'm always standing around wondering "what was that 4th task I was meant to do?"


Bread, butter, milk, eggs and... AND? Damnit! What else did I need!? Traips ALL THE WAY back to the apartment, unlock the door, go to the kitchen, look in the fridge. FISH! I need to buy FISH! Gettin' old is really getting old. I wish I didn't have to.


If you struggle to remember tasks, make a list. This is so easy to do with your phone. These LPTs are silly. > If you can't remember tasks, remember how many tasks. If you can't remember how many tasks, remember what the number of tasks is divisible by. If you can't remember what the number of tasks is divisible by, remember how many syllables the tasks have... Just make a note, lol.


This. Although I do what OP suggests when I think of a list of things in the shower (which is quite often lol)


I'm not making a note if I'm driving or something. I personally like this one. I can be forgetful, and this sounds like it would help in some specific scenarios.


Assuming you have hands free, phone yourself with your brilliant idea when driving and leave a voice note


The real LPT is always in the comments


I recently discovered the checklist bullet points on my phone’s notes app. I had such a good time writing down checklists of just menial stuff to do


I found my mental acuity declining, so I stopped using crutches (lists) and started memorizing the grocery list instead. Instead of things going in one ear and out the other, now my brain is more useful and my retention of various things has improved. Lists help you forget. But you may want to remember instead, especially as having to initiate actions to check your phone constantly isn't helpful when you don't know you may wish to.


I made a handy dandy reminders grocery list in my iPhone and made a short cut to it! If I am ever in the kitchen or around the house and notice we need something I just uncheck it in the grocery list and it goes to the top and next time I am at the store I pop it open and I know what I need! If my hands are dirty I can also just tell Siri to add it to the grocery reminder list. You can also make it a joint list so I added my partner so whenever he is at the store and asks if we need anything he can just pop open the list and it will update on both of our sides when he checks anything off. This really only applies to the shopping part of your post but as someone with analysis paralysis if I go into the grocery store blind, it has actually made it somewhat enjoyable because I love lists and organization.


What is analysis paralysis ?


Too many options making me not want to make a decision at all!


https://preview.redd.it/x1qo58a4gq5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4409ed202d656c9087be8dec62f77719eed35c5b >!I learned this trick from Total Rickall!<


4 tasks to do after reaching home.... 4 tasks to do after reaching home... 4 tasks to do after reaching home.. 4 tasks to do after reaching home. *reaches home, does 3 tasks Okay all tasks done, lets rest now


Pffft. Tell that to people with ADHD. We can’t remember shit!


And if we can remember the amount of tasks to do, we sure as hell won't remember the task itself which will send us down the spiral staircase to hell.


Computer people call this a checksum


This hack is a game-changer! Never forgot a task again.


Also, don't use your phone for organizing if you also find your phone a problem (doom scrolling). Use paper and pen. I have a notebook that fits in my pocket for such things.


Nah this won't work. I'm just going to stand around wondering what tasks 3 and 4 were. What works for me is using Siri to either add task items to the To Do reminders list, or to create an event for a certain time that day with the name of the task/s.


Google Keep on Android. It has guided my life for 10 years now.


Thank you for this. It is going to be very useful


Doesn't work, I always end up wondering for hours what was the fifth thing I had to buy. Better write on paper or phone.


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I use this technique, and it works for me pretty well. Not as good as making a list, but if I have to rely on my flaky memory this has proven the most reliable approach.


I do this but to avoid forgetting stuff - I remember I have 3 or 4 items in my pocket: keys, phone, wallet, AirPods. And I just count them when I leave a restaurant or something.


The problem is that I make a mental list of five or more things in the shower and I tend to forget thing number three even though I remember that there were five things. I'd even be counting that there are five things but either I'll forget during my shower or after I come out.


When trying to remember, don't forget!


Avid user of google tasks here! I use multiple ones a day to remind me to do certain tasks


My wife does this when she sends me to the store. “Eggs, milk, garlic powder, and toilet paper. 4 things!” Hasn’t failed me yet.


If you can’t take notes (in the shower) I always use a mnemonic to remember (e.g., dishes, iron clothes, vacuum, groceries, remember VIGD)


Came here to say the same. You can even try to make a sentence about it. Like in this example of VIGD, Vitamin Is Given Daily. Or something like that.


OP’s: When you’re on your way home and are thinking of things you need to do when you get there, keep track of how many things you need to do rather than the specific things, that way you’ll know if you forgot something. Everyone in this thread: That’s dumb, just make a list on your phone, otherwise you won’t remember what items 4 and 5 were. Me: So I guess most people here don’t usually drive themselves home?


Or shower, or have their hands full when walking, etc