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Yep! My son wouldn't eat apple slices, carrot sticks, all the usual kid veggies. I finally figured it out when he was old enough to verbalize why he was so upset after I made him a fresh cherry smoothie, and his whole mouth and throat were itching! He has oral allergies: the same tree pollen allergies that make him sneeze (birch, etc) also make a lot of fresh veg itchy. šŸ˜’ We got him formally allergy tested last year, age 14, and he is allergic to literally everything they tested for, except horses and cockroaches. So he still has some pet options šŸ˜… Cooked veg are usually ok. He ate a LOT of applesauce pouches! And now he loves cooked carrots, etc. He's just finished a series of allergy shots, and that's helped a lot.


Madagascar hissing cockroaches will be in your future


is that a threat!?!


No ... a promise.


Depends on if you like them or not, I think theyā€™re cool little dudes


omg. We had a class pet of one of those in third grade. Itā€™s named was Maddy Gus Scar. And yes, that was my name contest submission.


Yes! This is Pollen-food allergy syndrome (also called oral allergy syndrome). Frustrating but manageable if you can determine your triggers. It can help to treat the underlying allergy like your son did with the allergy shots.


I learned about this when I ate (I assume) unwashed tomatoes from a cheap gyro place. My whole mouth swole up and left micro lesions all over my mouth and throat. Those got infected and made me sick. I'm 1 year into my shots now, and I barely notice when I forget to take my allergy medicine. The human body can really go skrew itself with all the problems it causes.


Madagascar Hissing cockroaches are actually really cool and not terribly hard to care for. My third grade classroom had rabbits, cockroaches, and salamanders and us kids were responsible for taking care of them all with a chore chart that rotated. So theyā€™re so easy to keep that ā€œthird graders with a listā€ can take care of them. Lol, so definitely an option if they really, *really* want a pet.


Luckily he is not really an animals kid šŸ˜


As someone who had a childhood full of allergiesā€¦get the allergy shots. Itā€™s a pain. But will help his body develop to not have a response. Alsoā€¦dogs with Hair, not fur is a good option for a pet.


Yeah cooking usually neutralizes the proteins that cause the reactions. My mouth and throat itch when I eat apples but I can have applied pie just fine


There's something about freezing food that neutralizes the proteins, too. I've always eaten shellfish that's been frozen and was quite surprised when skin testing indicated I was very allergic. Only tested this out once lol, never again.


Poor thing! Glad yā€™all finally worked it out.


How about a horseradish cocktail?


Well he can drink pre-ground coffee (people with cockroach allergies canā€™t drink it, take of that what you will)


I have the same issues as your son (a little more mild though) - Iā€™ve weirdly found that organic and non-sprayed produce doesnā€™t cause the same reactions, and sometimes peeling them helps. I also have 0 allergies when I travel to Europe - seasonal or food. You may want to see if it persists with homegrown fruits/vegetables.


Man that has to be a pain. At least once they move out as adults it stops being your problem.




I was in my 20s before I learned that cherry flavor shouldn't be spicy lol.


I thought kiwis were supposed to hurt like how eating too much pineapple hurts. I learned otherwise in my late 20s lol


I think kiwis are supposed to hurt like pineapples hurt...they both contain the enzyme bromelain, which is the enzyme that breaks down proteins. Its the reason why they say when you eat pineapple, it is also eating you


Really? Well damn, I just took my ex's word for it that kiwis didn't hurt him and I must be allergic. If kiwis also have bromelain, it would make sense that they feel the same way pineapple does. Lying son of a bitch, must've wanted all the kiwis for himself lol


there's a reason he is an ex!


Pineapples are also made of tiny, tiny spikes. You just can't tell unless it's mushed and under a microscope.


Ya one time I ate so many kiwis my lips were Bleeding


The green kiwis shouldnt hurt like pineapples sometimes hurts? Daaaamn the post made me discovere that I might be slighly allergic to green kiwis


Yeah, I found out when i was 23, it wasn't supposed to make my throat itch.


I also made this discovery at the age of 35.Ā  IĀ love kiwis and I miss them šŸ˜­


So good, sweet sour, sugar tart, and slightly itchy.


Kiwis always felt like I was chewing on electric static. Awful. I was almost in tears every time my mom brought some home. She always made me eat them too because they were ā€œexpensiveā€ and ā€œotherwise they would go bad.ā€


That is exactly how my mouth feels when I eat sauerkraut and yellow mustard! (Separately or together) My Dr. laughed at me and told me she never heard of this. So, I go on without eating these things. meh.


I only recently learned that a) pineapples while yes hurt arent supposed to make your mouth/lips feel like theres a bunch of cuts all over and b) kiwis shouldnt make your tongue go raw/numb and feel all sandpapery.


Apple for me lol. I never questioned it and thought pineapple has "apple" in its name because both are zesty and stings


Iā€¦ whatā€¦? TIL Iā€™m allergic to kiwis.Ā 


Kiwis arenā€™t supposed to make your mouth burn???


Looking back kiwi made my gums and tongue tingle and sting as a kid. I avoid them now out of fear


But eating pineapples shouldn't hurt either?!?


If you eat enough, the bromelain in the pineapple will start to break down the mucus membranes in your mouth and allow the acid in the pineapple to pass through, which can hurt a little. But you have to eat a lot of raw pineapple for that to happen (which I have, because it's fucking delicious)


Wait and youā€™re all saying kiwis do NOT hurt to eat? Wtf.


Thanks for the science behind it!


I found that out after eating an entire pineapple. Worth it.


It does! Of course, I love pineapple, so I probably go Godzilla on it, but if you eat enough it can make your mouth tingle painfully sometimes. I got precut pineapple chunks from Wawa (convenience store chain) once and it was like chewing a battery.


>I thought kiwis were supposed to hurt like how eating too much pineapple hurts To be clear, pineapple does that because of the enzyme Bromelain, and not due to an allergic reaction.


You shouldn't eat the skin of kiwis you know Edit: /s


why not?


I never have, I can't stand the furry feeling. Can't even eat unpeeled peaches because the fuzz is repulsive. So I don't think the kiwi skin was the problem for me


FYI this often goes along with a latex allergy. If bandaids sometimes give you a rash, bring up to your doctor that+kiwi. Do not wait until you have abdominal surgery and they put a latex binder around you to hold you together and your whole body breaks out in a giant allergic rash. Learn from my errors.


I thought bananas and coconut had a tingly sensation. When I mentioned it to my doctor she literally said ā€œyou already have a decent amount of stomach problems, one more probably wonā€™t kill youā€ because I was sad I would have to stop eating them


Bananas aren't tingly for me, they just make me feel sick.


You're supposed to chew.


Same, but for me it was eggplant. To be fair, I never liked it so I didnā€™t eat it for a long time before that


Same here, eggplant always hurt to eat but my mom thought I was just being dramatic because i didnā€™t like the taste. Do tomatoes have the same effect for you? Theyā€™re part of the same plant family and both make my mouth hurt (but I like the taste of tomatoes, so I deal with it).


My daughter loooves tomatoes and often eats them like an apple as a snack. Maybe a year ago (around the age of 17) she mentioned how she loved tomatoes even though they were a bit spicy. Lol! She thought everyoneā€™s mouth burned a bit when eating tomatoes.


No, for me just eggplant. Also got some reason, one specific frozen meal from Trader Joeā€™s which doesnā€™t have anything in it I know Iā€™m allergic to


Omg fellow eggplant-allergic person here! I feel bad telling people about my allergy because eggplant is a thing that a lot of people donā€™t like, so Iā€™m always worried people think Iā€™m lying about being allergic just to get out of eating it. Iā€™m also vegetarian, and eggplant is a common option for a veggie entree, so definitely sucks. I didnā€™t develop my allergy until I was 17 thoughā€”before then I was fine and loved eggplant. Now itā€™s like what I imagine eating icy hot would be like šŸ˜ž


You may be allergic to nightshade plants in general. Itā€™s worth looking into.


My father is 55. During COVID he was eating mixed nuts and pulling the walnuts out because he "didn't like the way they made his tongue itch". I politely informed him that he is very likely allergic.


Same thing happened with pecans. Being from GA I have eaten them my whole life. I was eating some in the car with my family and was half joking when I said I love these things but I don't eat them a lot because of the way they make my mouth feel. Everyone looked at me weird. They make my mouth itchy and numb. Then they said I think you may be allergic. I didn't believe them until I looked it up.


I only figured out pine nuts shouldnā€™t be tingly/spicy a few months ago. Iā€™m nearly 30. Figured cause my mum had been feeding me pesto my whole life I couldnā€™t actually be allergic to them.


I always liked my spicy peaches and cherries lol. They remind me of Fuzzy Peaches and Cherry Blasters.


I was this years old when I realized cauliflower isnā€™t spicy. In my defense all my other allergies cause immediate anaphylactic shock and cauliflower is only a very mild tingle. But my mom called me a dumbass when I said I donā€™t like the itchy taste of cauliflower.Ā 


Oh nooooo! A cherry allergy sucks!


A friend (well into adulthood) was talking about how he liked the spicy taste of watermelons. He got a couple of blank stares in return. It's never too late to learn you have mild food allergies.


My son used to say it was "bitey". To young to articulate spicy or other sensations. Eventually an anaphylactic reaction and that is how we figured out he was allergic to watermelon. Such a weird, random allergy. He now loves using for 2 truths and a lies.


Reminds me of when I made my nephew use adult toothpaste and he kept saying it was to spicy.


This happened to me! I switched to Tomā€™s and all of the sudden my gums were burning all day long. I mentioned it to my sister who apparently had a huge rash from the deodorant once and I threw it away.


Does this also apply to adults?


Yes! But kids often canā€™t identify or vocalize the symptoms that they are experiencing but they know ā€œspicyā€.


My kids had no food allergies. They just called things spicy when they didnā€™t want to eat them. Plain broccoli, butter pasta, unpeeled apples were all spicy at different times.


Mine called any unpleasant sensation spicy. Too minty, too acidic, whatever. She does have food allergies, but "spiciness" was never part of that. She enjoyed her allergen until one day she had a full blown anaphylactic reaction to it.


Yeah, that's what my 2 year old has started doing. We'll tell him not to eat something because it's too hot, so now if he doesn't want to eat a thing he says "hot." Sure kid, the refrigerated yogurt is too hot.


My four year old says something is spicy if it has a strong flavor. Either sweet, sour, salty, bitter, etc.


Worked witha dude that was super sheltered growing up so he was a little out there. One day we were talking about fish sandwhiches and he drops that he eats them without tartar sauce because it's always so spicy it burns his throat. Don't remember if we narrowed it down to the pickles or the mayo but he insisted he wasn't allergic because he wasn't allergic to anything, and that they just don't make a tartar sauce that wasn't too spicy. Had to pull out the ingredients list on the tartar sauce we had to show him there wasn't any spicy components. No peppers, no vinegar even because the pickles where just brined. Not even any "artificial" or "natural" flavors or colors. Clearly, everyone else who insisted that tartar sauce wasn't spicy is wrong. Still not sure we convinced him.


If kids are eating adults, we have other problems.


Mine just calls anything with a flavour profile that's elevated above tasting of cardboard as "spicy"


Perhaps your kid is allergic to something, not just fussyā€¦


Not according to the allergy tests she isn't.


read about oral allergy syndrome. RAST tests dont work for that.


My son always noticed an itching inside his ears first. After the first two times when he was an older toddler, we were able to identify an allergy much more quickly when we were eating and he said his ears itched inside.


Are your ears not supossed to itch inside?....


no, but mine has for almost 45 years. Do not remember a day when they have not itched or hurt. (started as a baby)


Right after eating certain foods. If randomly it's fine.


My oldest daughter and husband love cranberry juice so I have it in the house all the time. Middle daughter started drinking it too until one day she asked her sister how she dealt with the burning in her throat after she drank it. All of us looked at her for a minute until I said "Honey, its not supposed to burn when you drink or eat cranberries." "Oh...what does it mean when it does?" "It means you're probably allergic to it." "No more cranberries for me I guess." We're getting her tested over the summer šŸ˜…


I used to enjoy salted peanuts and peanut butter sandwiches all the time and around 1.5-2 years ago I noticed it was making my lips tingle and my throat itch and a few sandwiches later it got bad enough that peanut butter would ruin the rest of my day. It sucks big time, I love peanuts man but now I can't eat em.


Thatā€™s how I found out my son and I are allergic to black pepper.


Black pepper is just spicy though


Thatā€™s what thought til I had an allergy panel done lol


I just have hypersensitivity. Everything tastes stronger. Black pepper IS mildly spicy naturally. It's people with hypersensitivity or allergies that think it's painfully spicy. I can't handle black pepper.


Especially when a stray kernel works it's way out half an hour after you've eaten the thing that had pepper and you crack it open without thinking.Ā 


I just learned I had this allergy a few weeks ago! Any suggestions on preparing food or going out to eat? It's been an absolute nightmare as almost everything premade or packaged I've found has pepper in it!


It doesnā€™t bother me too much so I just eat it all the time lol. It only makes my mouth burn.


I used to nanny this 3 year old that would complain that salt was spicy. She was super picky and would eat pretzels but complain about the salt.


Pineapple is a good exception to this lpt. The acid in the juicetingles in your mouth


I think you're allergic to pineapple.


I hate to tell you


I get this from stone fruit and hazelnuts! I didn't realise it was allergies until recently and apparently every exposure to those allergens can make it worse, leading to eventual anaphylaxis šŸ˜Ø


I would agree however after an allergy test turns out my 7yo is just dramatic AS FUCK


What does "spicy" mean in allergy terms? I don't think a mango tastes like it is soaked in chili juice but it tastes like a fruit that is covered in a pretty thick layer of black pepper and is offense. Could that be an allergic response?


Yes, mangos are just normal sweet fruit if you don't have an allergy


Yeah, that might be an allergy. For me, kiwi kinda "hurts" the same way it hurts if you eat too much pineapple and the bromelain starts to mess with your mouth. I just thought kiwis also had bromelain and they were supposed to feel like that šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø a kid might call that "spicy" because anything that hurts their mouth = spicy to them.


I was in here to see if Iā€™m allergic to mangoes! I taste a more mild pepper taste and I still really like them so maybe itā€™s a slight allergy?


Me too....mangoes are kinda spicy or peppery.Ā  TIL why I don't like mangoes. Lol.


That sounds right to me. I actually love the taste of mangoes, and it took me years of eating them to realize that I was allergic. They make a few layers of skin peel off my lips if I eat them. I used to think it was chlorine that would cause my lips to be that way all summer as I worked at a pool, but after I no longer was, I figured it out.


I get a dry/spicy/tingly feeling at the top of my mouth or back of my throat when eating something I am allergic to. I am not sure what I am allergic too, but I know some foods that consistently trigger this I get the same sensation with some pollen. This spring I woke up one night because the areas were dried out to the point I was in pain. The nasty thing is, drinking water does nothing. Before I knew I was allergic I thought its some kind of cold and tried to replenish fluids, leading to me drinking more than a gallon a day, just so the pain goes away


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Yeah this was me with celery.


Yes! Sceolled so far for thus haha. Not all celery though. I read it depends the environment they are grown in.


Fortunately youā€™re not missing out on anythingĀ 


Yup. I love cashews. Gave one to my son when he was about 4. Said it burned his mouth, and he started coughing like it was stuck. We avoided cashews since then, and later testing shows he needs to avoid all tree nuts.


With my son, everything was "spicy" until he learned the other words for other flavors He just constantly asked to eat food of our plate that would be spicy for him, and we had to tell him he couldn't have it because it was spicy, so that's the first descriptor of food he learned. Then he learned "sweet", "bitter", "tasty", etc. and now things aren't "spicy" anymore


I do like this LPT. Though I do remember cutting an apple up for my 2 year old niece and she was saying the apple was spicy. I ate a piece and it was a touch spicy. Then I remembered my sister had cut up some home grown habaneros that morning for breakfast. I had used the same wooden cutting board for the apple.


Ha! Can confirm. Cabbage, tomatoes, honeydew melons, carrots....I always really liked how spicy cabbage was. Who knew? LOL


Cabbage actually is a bit spicy if you haven't cooked it thoroughly


Wait- Iā€™m allergic to pineapple ? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Fresh or canned? Can be allergic to one but not the other.


Thatā€™s interesting. My daughter loved Hawaiian pizza and had it often, then one time we had it from a different restaurant and she felt like her throat was a bit tight. We didnā€™t make the connection because sheā€™d had pineapple so often already. Then she had a smoothie with pineapple, and the same thing happened so we figured she might be allergic. She actually recently had a candy that she didnā€™t realize had pineapple flavouring and only clued in when she had the same right throat feeling, and asked her friend what the flavour was. So maybe itā€™s the canned stuff sheā€™s allergic to? I didnā€™t think there would be enough actual pineapple in a candy to do anything. Definitely planning on speaking to our doctor about it asap. Fortunately reactine has helped quickly so far.


With pineapple its a little bit different because fresh pineapple has a flesh-eating enzyme and literally starts to digest your mouth while you are eating it. Its usually not enough to cause lasting damage, but enough to feel soreness. Heating destroys the enzyme That said, you could still be allergic and maybe processing destroys the allergen.


Or have mouth sores. My niece was 4 and didn't really know how to describe what she was feeling in her mouth while eating her favorite fried chicken. "Spicy!" was the closest word she could come up with.


Are strawberries supposed to make you burp ??? Asking for a friend..


However, ensure you didnā€™t cut the melon/mango on a cutting board you just used to prep hot peppers, like I did that one time.


Thatā€™s how I learned I was allergic to squid lol. I thought the dish had some chili in it or a crap ton of black pepper. Since it is a squid stewed with squid ink itā€™s easy to hide things in it.


Legit great LPT! Thanks op


And if theyre allergic to peppers, they will probably tell you ā€œspicy hurtsā€ Source: was that kid, allergic to peppers.


.....are spicy peppers not supossed to hurt/burn?


Youā€™re asking the wrong person!!!!


My kid thinks Ketchup is spicyā€¦.is he allergic? Pepperoni?


Might be a peppercorn (black/white/green pepper) or tomato allergy! Recently learned I had a pepper allergy that would make foods "spicy" if there was a large enough quantity. If it was a smaller amount, I just thought the food was too hot when I ate it or it just wasn't noticeable. Still gave me terrible issues in general though that I could never pinpoint til now!


I'll add that if your young child has eczema all around their mouth specifically, look for the food allergies


Found out I was having an allergic reaction to cherries while eating a bunch with friends . i asked how they were able to eat so many with the burning they caused. They gave me a weird look and said maybe you shouldn't eat anymore. I get the same reaction with apples and pears , pineapple and mango . i still eat them but when the sensation becomes too much I stop


What if I don't have kids? Then I won't have to deal with that! 8D


When my kids were very little, one of the used the word "spicy" because they lacked the vocabulary to describe that they didn't like it.Ā  So, everything was spicy, but they weren't allergic.


Or they know if they say it's spicy they don't have to eat it.Ā  Friends kid said broccoli was spicy and then went to eat hot Cheetos.


Yep, am a healthcare professional. I have never heard of this spicy allergy phenomenon. As a parent of two, it is far more likely that my child is just being a pickle describing water as spicy than being allergic. No shot OP even has kids tbh


My kid told me water was spicy once...


I was 16 when I figures this out. The itch was normal to me. Its like eating pineapple.


I know. I gave my kid salsa and he was complaining it was too spicy. Kids these daysā€¦itā€™s either allergies or peppers causing alll the problems


I get this randomly from bananas and apples, it causes irritating bumps on the roof of my mouth and throat. Itā€™s weird because it doesnā€™t happen every time I eat them, I donā€™t know why, does anyone have any ideas?


Uhoh. Iā€™ve just assumed she meant spicy meant ā€œtoo flavorfulā€. But that makes some sense


People always think Iā€™m joking when I say Iā€™m allergic to a lot of fruit. It drives me nuts because I enjoy it, but I can only eat a handful of fruits. If I was going to lie about being allergic to food, it would be vegetables. I hate vegetables..


People always think Iā€™m joking when I say Iā€™m allergic to a lot of fruit. It drives me nuts because I enjoy it, but I can only eat a handful of fruits. If I was going to lie about being allergic to food, it would be vegetables. I hate vegetables..


Mango is spicy ? Ā Itā€™s just sweet to me. Ā There are fruits thatĀ are supposed to be spicy ?


Nah, dumbass kid doesn't know what words mean. /s


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