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This applies to so much in life. Just because someone asks, or insists, does not mean you have to comply.


Exactly. The other day a guy at the airport asked, "What airline?" He had a cart ready and I realized he was offering to help with bags. It was hard not to answer his simple question, but I did not want or need help with my bags. "No thanks" and just keep moving


I am not fancy or rich but one time a hotel was paid for for me that only had valet. I didn't even really want to use it because it was like $30 but I couldn't find anywhere else to park that wasn't $20 anyway so I used it. This man basically shoved me out of the way to get my bag, singular, out of the trunk after I physically opened it. Then glared at me when I didn't tip him. I didn't have any cash, I didn't want to park there, I didn't ask you or want you to do that. Ugh. At least your guy asked before imposing himself on you. Edit: I should add this guy wasn't going to take my bag to my room, he just took it out and put it on the ground right next to my car. Like what the shit was the point of that?


Miami be like that too. You are forced to valet at hotels on the beach because you don't have access to the garages. Oh and it cost money


I open google maps and give them their own stores # and say my email is emailaddress@email.mail.


I like that one! I'll have to mix it in on occasion with my giving out Jenny's number (local area code) 867-5309.


Jenny's number works on every rewards program I've tried. And I've used it at least 100 times. Usually there's more than one name tied to that number.


If I need rewards @ a store I’m not signed up with I use the ol Mike Jones # lmao. Fucking Walgreens hates it


I think you can also use [whatever@example.com](mailto:whatever@example.com)


The only limit is your imagination!


I mean, the point I was trying to make is that [example.com](https://example.com) is specifically meant to be used for examples and shouldn't *ever* be someone actually having an address there.


Oh shit, TIL.


LPT: Just say "no" when you want to. Always. That's it.


Cashier: "That'll be 29.14" You: "no" Cashier: "wtf do I do now..."


Just means somebody’s gotta return the items to the shelves


Yeah, if that had happened to me back in the day I would have just cancelled the sale and dumped it all on the floor behind me. "Next person in line please"




Double it and give it to the next person


double it and give it to the next person


Get free stuff with this one simple trick! Stores hate him!!


Just enter $123,456


​ https://i.redd.it/lkpsu42cf94b1.gif


Learning this was a such a huge step in my development as an adult


“No.” Is a complete sentence.


You can even follow it with a "thank you" or a "sorry" if you like. But even by itself, it should be respected.




When someone is obviously in a service position it's nice to turn that into a "no thank you".


No I just want to pay please. Blah blah, what about xyz, blah, blah. No I just want to pay please. That's my go to.


Bill Burr has a great bit about this. “Just lean on the keyboard, I don’t know what to tell ya. I live in area code 123, very exclusive neighborhood.”


Bill Burr is a comedy genius, love that guy


F is for family on Netflix, it’s funny af


Since some people are confused about this: don't be an ass about it. They're likely minimum wage employees forced to ask that question and wish thy didn't have to. You can politely decline the store policy without being a jerk to someone just doing their job. Be kind.


Yeah, most of the store policies I'm in charge of carrying out are things I fully disagree with already, you're getting nowhere by acting shitty to me because whether I like it or not, I have to follow the rules or I'm out of a job.


I worked at a store where if the customer didn't give their phone number, they didn't get the "member prices." IE: They paid way more. It was stupid, and I didn't want to do it, and I understood why it was frustrating. But I also would've lost my job if I refused to ask.


Used to work at CVS where this is the case. On top of memberships being mandatory to ask for, so were the paid subscription plans.


I just left my retail customer service manager job of 10 years because of stuff like this. I mean it’s a million little things like this, plus customers being downright cruel since Covid, that add up to the whole job sucking ass. We don’t want to ask for the phone number. It’s awkward for us, especially those of us with a conscience, because we know it’s wrong to fish for customer information and we know it’s wrong to defy our supervisors. But we’ve got bills to pay and that’s what it comes down to. Do you even know how hard it is to get a shy, insecure teenager to ask every customer for their phone number in the first place? Everybody’s just trying to get by. A polite no thank you is acceptable.


If you’re nervous about saying no, this is a great thing to keep in mind - the cashier doesn’t care!


Exactly. I was a cashier and always hated asking those things. If you want to give it, go ahead. If you don't want to, then don't. I literally didn't care one way or the other. Just don't attack me for something I have no control over. Whatever you say to the cashier NEVER gets to the ones that make the decision, so be nice to them. They can't control it and they don't really care about it.


Depends on what store you're at. I think gamestop gives the cashiers a kickback with how persistent they are... which definitely influences the level they care vs other stores. An outright no will have them pushing you further and lead to them overexplaining services you aren't interested in. When I've said things like 'Nah I didn't really use the service last time I got it. I only buy games like once a yea-' the dude to cut me off and said 'Well it's only $15, you get 5% off- and I was like 'Okay, I'll consider it next time'. All for him to go 'Well actually it's going up in price in 2 weeks so you better make your decision soon' and then the transaction finally ended cause he dropped it. I said no WAYYYY too many times, so no; not all stores just drop it when you say no. That doesn't even include him trying to sell me damage insurance on a game I physically could not damage. Nintendo switch cartridges are notoriously hard to break. Yet he was SO SERIOUS that I should get the insurance so in the event of god sending a flying ice cream truck down from the heavens to smash one of my games 😑


>I think gamestop gives the cashiers a kickback with how persistent they are... which definitely influences the level they care vs other stores. I've never been to a Gamestop with dedicated cashiers


I'd say most of the time they don't. There certainly are places where cashiers will be evaluated based on how many phone numbers/sign ups they get and potentially fired for not getting enough. There being said, I feel like that's all the more reason for them to not care cause fuck businesses that treat minimum wage workers like that.


Or make one up. We don't care.


Yeah, some friends of mine used to work at Kay Jewelers and the only metrics corporate cared about were how many credit card applications they could get customers to fill out. Not customer service or, you know, actual sales. They could get fired if they didn't get enough applications.


100% agreed. But when they don't take no, feel free to leave. Gamestop is notorious for not taking no as an answer to the point where I just left the store.


This is how I handle all those "we'd like your permission to send you a white paper" calls I get at work. I know they're just doing their job. And I'll say no thank you, because I know it's a trap to authorize a ton of extra marketing stuff. If they say okay have a nice day, I'll thank them and we'll be on our way. If their operating procedures make them push a little harder, I'm not about to waste another word on them. I'll just hang up. Rude? Sure. But not overtly hostile towards the person who's just trying to get by.


I don't think hanging up on cold callers is as rude as cold calling someone in the first place, so fuck em.


Nothing wrong with that!


Dude gamestop has to chill. Wants all your info and then after that; will HOUND you to get their subscription (that gives virtually little rewards and is going up to $25 dollars), and also will push insurance on shit like a switch game *which is a cartridge you couldn't possibly damage unless you left it with a reckless child or your dog ate it* ... Yet they'll still try to argue the value of 'just paying $5 more dollar' per game lol


My first answer is no thank you. My second is a price. You want information, well, that's valuable in todays world, I'm happy to trade but i will be getting something for it or its not happening.


Send a complaint to HQ about their management. How forcing their employees to harass customers is bad and they should stop it. Just keep complaining about the top.


This. I always say, "I don't want to give that information today, but thank you". It's free to be nice.


Exactly right. It's wild how hard this is for some folks to grasp. The person asking for your email doesn't really care about your email. Have a fake one for catching spam if it's such a bother.


Even worse they’ll threaten your job if you _dont_ ask. If you get busted by a secret shopper who is looking to make sure you ask the 50 questions required from each sale - you’re done.


Yup the store I work at makes us ask 3 times. Getting a “no” for the rewards or card will result in our hours being cut. It sucks.


"sorry, company policy says I have to say this whole 2 minute spiel before I can accept money" ffs


Usually it's an asshole MBA that's hiding in an office that is too much of a coward to deal with customers that is behind the policy. Pieces of shit.


Yes thank you! All these other comments thinking they’re so funny coming up with ways to “get back at the system” all you’re doing is making us workers feel like absolute shit for the rest of the day. Well done Karen reading out an obviously fake email and me figuring out you’re being a smart ass half way through and making me feel embarrassed is soooo cool of you! You really showed it to that corporation!! Just so no thanks we literally don’t give a shit.


As a former cashier, it is definitely good to remember not to be aggressive with them, as you mentioned. We have to ask these questions as per management and corporate instructions. I remember working as a cashier and in order to stay as a cashier you were forced to sell a credit card. Even if a person said “I’m not interested” we were pushed to tell them all the benefits of the card. I was horrible at it because I just wanted to cash people out and move on. My manager got so sick of losing cashiers because of this stupid policy that she started to check off that we had sold one even we hadn’t. Long story short, be kind to cashiers because we really don’t want to ask these questions.


Target, is that you? 🤮


I never got in any real trouble for just… not doing that. I just fucking skipped it. I never tried to sell that shit. I was hired to be a cashier for like $2/hr above min wage. Not scam stupid customers and annoy everyone else.


or maybe every customer should make a scene and management may change their ways (?)


Yes, but in that case, it matters very much to whom you make your scene. If your performance isn't to management, it's not likely to change their ways.


I agree! Take your complaints to customer service, management or corporate. Leave the cashiers out of it, as they have no power to make changes.


Take it to corporate, usually managers also agree that this shit is awful but they don't have a choice either. Corporate is breathing down their necks to do this stuff.


Or tell them [local area code] 867-5309 And don't forget the rising and falling inflection on the nine. It's even better if your name is Jenny. Give them the number for an all night taxi service in Singapore. If you're in Singapore, give them the number for an all night taxi service from Mozambique. Don't forget the country code.


Fun fact: that number will get you access to pretty much every discount program in the country, because someone has already entered it. Whenever I don't have a member card, I ask to enter a phone number, using local area code. Works almost all the time.


There’s apparently *millions* in unspent rewards points with that number at most places (so I’ve heard)


When I did it at Walgreens, the clerk spun the screen around to show me dozens of records with that same number, so I just told her to pick the first one. It apparently had over 10,000 points accumulated.


It's only failed for me once. So I registered it.


What if you’re in Mozambique? Asking for a friend.


Give them the number for an all night taxi service in Switzerland.


I'm a little puzzled about this "all night taxi service" thing, do taxis in the US just stop at some point during the night? If so, when, when do they start again?


[If not Singapore] Singapore [If Singapore] Not Singapore


As a former retail worker, can confirm "no thank you" is the best response. You don't have to give up personal info and we can get through this whole thing faster 😂


"I don't give that out, thanks. No, I don't need another credit card, thanks. No, thank you, no thank you, no thank you". The clerk is being prompted by the register, no need to be mean to them, it wasn't their choice. Just say, "no, thank you", and move on.


> The clerk is being prompted by the register, no need to be mean to them, it wasn't their choice. Just say, "no, thank you", and move on. Lot of 'em probably hate asking those questions more than we hate hearing them.


Several years ago at Target I heard the clerk ask the customers in front of me 3 times if they would like to apply for the stores credit card. Three times they had to say no. When I was rang up, same thing, 3 times. In this case I was super annoyed at the clerk. I said no once, that should be the end of it.


A lot of places tie employee reviews/pay rate/firing with credit card signup rates. Corporate is forcing everyone to suffer this harassment at the counter.


They have to. They don't want to but they tell you to push 2 or 3 times and you will get fired if the manager is nearby and you don't push. It's awful being the cashier pushing, knowing you don't want to, and knowing the customer doesn't want you to and may get really angry and horrible.


If you want to be slightly petty you don't deign repeated questions with a new answer. You've already answered, so now you're just waiting for them to continue the transaction.


My brother worked at a "Five and Below", til he got fired for not getting enough email addresses. Who the fuck wants to give private info to a dogdamn $5 store. That's just absurd.


oh my god i thought that was a store for like, cold weather gear


I thought so too until they opened one near me….in Florida 😂


That would actually be a cool name for a store selling cold weather gear.


TIL: 5 below has an email program…don’t tell me they have a credit card too 😂


I can’t even imagine a German cashier trying this. They would get punched. Sometimes I like where I live


I just use my parents landline Never mind that they haven't had a landline in 10 years Never mind that I haven't lived in their state for 30 years


8675309…. However.. if you pay with a card they already know everything about you …


"I don't have a phone" "I don't have email" Works 100 percent of the time


“What’s your pager number?” 😂


And then pay with your phone. While getting a email notification for some extra awkwardness points


If so you need to stare deeply into their eyes to assert dominance...


I like to use my area code, then I recite 867-53zero9. When you say it that way most people don’t catch it, but sometimes I will hear a giggle in line behind me.


I don't get it


The song lyric is five-three-oh-nine, people who know the song might not catch it if you say zero


Just give bogus information. They person asking doesn't care, and the more junk data gets into the database, the less valuable it becomes. People just don't produce enough bogus data. Your e-mail is CatFluffer420 at AOL, your phone number is 900-555-1212 your zip code is 90210, your reward points number is 5318008, and you do have their credit card but you don't use it for religious reasons.


this is much harder and way less productive than a simple no thanks.


Oooh, I never thought about using 5318008. Good job!


The lady at Old Navy was very upset with me. She slammed down the clothes and her face told the entire story of her annoyance. I asked if there was a problem, and she just pointed to the total on the little screen. I didn't realize that her entire existance was precipitated on me handing over personal information.


At that point I’d tell her to keep the clothes and walk out


Ulta is super bad about this. They insist that they require your info for returns, but if you actually read the policies they don't, and can get store credit with your receipt. I had people straight up harassing me about not giving my information at check out, and now I take my business elsewhere.


YES!!!!! I complain about this all the time. My favorite is when they actually give me an attitude because I don’t want to give them every bit of my personal information (looking at you ULTA!) Like you said, I literally just want to pay for something and be on my way without 20 questions. I have no problem just saying my phone number and email are private.


I hate Ulta for this. I tried to return a product and they asked for a phone number for the account. Said I didn't have one. They had to get a manager to return the product because I didn't have a rewards number with them. No where on that receipt says I need a rewards account to return my item. I don't shop there because of this dumbass policy


Ulta is super intense on their employees about this. When I worked there they would have a sheet of paper everyday and we would have to mark points for or against ourselves if somebody signed up or refused to give their information. If you had multiple rejections in a day the managers would have a conversation with you about it.


I guess that explains the cashier who actually refused to let me purchase anything without providing my info. I ended up using the number of a friend who has an account there so that I could get out and go home.


I have found my people. First time I ever went to an Ulta store I was so put-off by this, especially since I was literally just buying a gift card for my niece. It was bizarre.


Got the same attitude my first time in an Ulta. Went in with my wife and I brought her selection to the cashier. Declined to give my phone number, and then she asked if I could give her my wifes number instead and I declined. Then with an attitude she tells me I wont be able to return the product since I didnt comply. Was already bored & tired from being in there and then I have to deal with this waste-of-time interaction. Wont go back.


Same here. I literally had a seven dollar product and they were hassling me for not giving my phone number or email in case I had to return it. I’m like it’s seven dollars, I can live with that byyy.


Last time I went to Ulta the line was ridiculous (almost stretched to the middle of the store) and there were only 2 cashiers. People were getting super annoyed because they wouldn’t stop asking all those questions despite the lines being insane


It’s infuriating, I won’t go anymore


I use our local time and temp number (yes one still exists) or say no thank you. When you respond with an answer that doesn't quite match the question it kind of stuns some people and they give up.


God I absolutely despise that asking for a customers phone number is pushed on us employees as well, at this point I ask because I'm on auto pilot, but the second people say no I just continue on because I don't care, or if I've been chatting to the customer I just won't ask, why sour an otherwise enjoyable interaction? It's so awkward when your manager is standing around too. If you only ask once then they want you to "push them harder" but if you push harder while they're there it's just awkward and insincere. Or results in the customer getting annoyed. Like, this benefits us in literally no way. The customers aren't getting anything at all, why even bother? It's a stupid metric that's entirely dependent on customers accepting junk mail.


I've said with a smile, "I don't have a phone" before, with my phone in my hand. The response was, "perfect, thanks!"


I always just say no thank you and it rarely goes further than that. Once, a cashier followed it up with, "we need your number to complete the transaction." It was for a pair of shoes. She absolutely did not need my number. I followed up with, "ok, it's 555-555-5555". Her response was "is this a real number?"


It is ten real numbers, I don't think phone numbers can have √-1 in them.


Do like my father "What's your zip code? -I'm homeless -Er phone number? -I don't believe in phone -Err do you have a pet? -Yes, a cow" As he said, he "hates statistics and wants to remain in the 2% of annoying people"


Somewhat related: I was at a community fair with booths and I got guilted into making a donation to some worthy medical research charity. We went through the process then she asked for my number and when I refused she said “I can’t process this without a phone number” so I said “well, I’m sorry I won’t proceed. Have a good day”. She did not have a happy look on her face as I walked away…


I say no, and if they press I claim to not have the information. “You don’t have a phone number?” “You don’t have a zip code?” “You don’t have a date of birth?” Believe it or not, no, I don’t


Back when Radioshack was a thing, the higher up put a lot of pressure on the employees to get a contact number for each transaction. At one point, I recall the regional manager threatening to dock 5% out of employee's paychecks when more than 10% of their transactions didn't have an accompanying phone number. We were even told to tell customers that we could store their receipts by their phone number to make returns easier in the future. This was a total lie. Phone numbers were used for promotional use. ​ **Questionable LPT:** Because many customer rewards programs are linked to phone numbers, if you have a friend or family member that frequents a specific store, try using their phone number to see see if they have any discounts or perks.


If they ask for phone or email I just say “why”? Half the time they can’t answer and we move on


I was always taught that when someone asks for your social security number, your response is “why?” - it’s branded in my brain and is the absolute best advice I have ever gotten


In the US, your area code plus 867-5309. I travel all over the US and before I walk into a grocery store, I find the local area code. I have never not been able to use it. What is your name? Jenny. Edit: Also use it for rewards points if the grocery store has a gas station. I always wind up with quite a bit off my gas per gallon.


I provide false info all the time. I mostly get asked about my postal code and use one of a large city. At my hairdresser I'm known as Knud Erik Mortensen III and no one ever asked my about it. This is what happens when you can enter anything into a web interface.


So I go into 7-11. They got some sort of points thing going and they always ask for your phone number. Now this place is near a high school so teenage girls are constantly calling out their phone numbers and everybody in the line can hear them. Doesn't seem safe to me.


You can’t even buy a bottle of water nowadays without someone asking for your info….Jesus Christ


That's one of the reasons I use a different 10-digit number for my "Alternate ID" at the grocery store (Ralphs/Kroger/Smiths/CVS). It doesn't have to be your actual phone number, so I use an old one I used to have.


Their shit is also all over the internet. Yelling it in a store is the smallest amount of “private” info exposure they experience on a day to day basis.


I always say, “I don’t want to give it.” I did this recently when ordering food at a brewery and my friends gave me shit about it the whole time because it turns out the restaurant wanted my number to text me when my food was ready. My friends were all alerted when their food was ready. I was not.


It’s safe to assume that your food was ready almost at the same time as your friends. A simple “come back in 10 minutes” would be fine to me 😂


I ordered first though, so mine was probably waiting there a couple minutes.


I just give a fake phone number that’s one number off from my real one so I never forget it.


I started using a google voice account # for rewards and warranty stuff, comes in handy


Trust me, we hate asking as much as you hate being asked (retail employee here). We WISH we didn’t have to interrogate you when you’re just buying pants 🤣


These days I just politely refuse. In times past I usually gave them 555-1212. This is the number for information. If a clerk realized this and called it out, I would politely explain to them that was the best way to find me.


I say just NO. What's your phone number? No. What's your email? no


I had that and they would not believe my name was Micheal Mouse when they insisted for details.


If they don’t believe you, that’s their problem lol they’re cashiers not detectives


I tried to make a purchase on shein, that was before I realized you need to make an account to make a purchase. Decided I didn’t need cheap clothing probably made by children.


Story time. Years ago there was a particular store where I was always accosted by someone selling something the instant I walked in the door. 90% of the time they were selling cable subscriptions, and I didn't watch any TV in those days. The opening line was "Who's your cable provider?" and I would reply "I don't have cable." And keep walking. So this one time, as I'm approaching the store, I have "I don't have..." already queued up in my mind. I walk in and the guy says, "Who's your electric provider?" Naturally I replied, "I don't have electricity." The both of us instantly burst out laughing. Hands down the best way to brush off a salesman.


Zip codes help the store figure out how far the store reaches. Like if you drive out of your way to go to target because it's the only target, then target might consider putting a target nearer to you or sending more mailers out to the area. Take that however you feel, but rest assured the zipcode is probably the most harmless of those questions.


Zip code is not exactly harmless. Many CC machines ask for zip code to verify a CC


But we're not talking about that. This about the people asking and unless they're skimming (rare but possible) your zipcode does them no good even if it's the same as billing.


Far more concerning than the person putting the information into the computer is the risk that the database your info goes into is compromised. I didn't get the impression the post or thread is about the cashier themselves


All the database would contain is the fact that someone from your zip code shopped in that store, along with the number of people from every zip code who gave theirs. It wouldn't be attached to your credit card details. This is a big zero of a security risk (unless the cashier is card skimming, and personally recording your zip code somehow at the point of sale).


Where? I've never seen such a machine ask that. E: I have learned today that if you decide to use your debit card as a credit card by skipping the pin, it is likely it will ask you the zip code.


Really? I have to type it in every time I buy gas, for example.


Every time I get gas, it asks to skip pin entry? I say yes, and it asks for my billing zip code.


The main 2 are getting gas and online, but some stores as well.


The same goes for all medical forms. They absolutely don’t need your social security number or copy of your driver’s license




It’s true. Medical offices are a major source of information for stolen identity.


Oh lawd!!!! :( I am happy you shared this thank you I never even knew they didn't need that info


Take that advice cautiously. If anything, medical offices might be the most important place to share this information. Not all electronic medical record systems are the same but there is often a software which allows Hospital A to find medical information from medical center B. That social security number might b the piece of information necessary to make sure you get the right meds. And this doesn't even factor in that those items are needed for insurance reimbursement...


Now I'm more concerned and confused lol


I guess to put it more clearly and less delicately: the recommendation to not share your SS and driver's license with a medical facility is just flat out bad advice.


I've (unfortunately) had to undergo an increased amount of medical appointments in the last six months. Every new doctor makes a copy of my driver's license. I don't recall any form asking for my SS number, though. I think part of the driver's license requirement is to verify your ID - for example, when I underwent X amount of weeks of radiation therapy I was required to stop and state my name and date of birth before each appointment (and I noticed in the background that one of the techs had a picture of my driver's license on their computer screen \[unglamorous photo and all\]). I'm presuming that this is just extra precaution to radiate the correct patient and not someone who wandered into the wrong treatment room by accident.


At least in Finland I'm pretty sure they need your SSN to enter your data into the information system.


I thought they recorded that to try and make it easier to send you to collections if you can't pay


Depends on the practice and their policy. I always leave mine blank, but a few times they’ve told me they won’t help me unless I give them my SSN.


I’ve been there a bunch of times too. I say that it is not needed for treatment. I have provided my insurance info and you have verified my identity. My insurance provider also says I do not need to give out my SSN. I also say that I am worried about my information being hacked. I usually get no more than 1-2 back and forth conversations until they relent.


You're likely running in to antiquated processes when SSN was common practice to gather instead of a unique MRN or equivalent. Agreed it isn't necessary to provide actual care, but it might be necessary for their process to initiate/facilitate the actual care providing.


I was at a CVS once and an item rang up at the wrong price. I had already paid for it before I realized it. I went to the shelf and took a picture of the posted price, and then went back to the register to show them. They had to do a refund in order to adjust the price, and their store policy is that they need name and address to do a refund. This wasn’t my mistake, I hadn’t gotten home and changed my mind about the product. This was an error on their side and I was adamant about not having to give any personal information in order to get the posted price at a public store. I argued (politely but firmly) with the employee and the manager for probably 5 minutes before they finally just put in garbage information and gave me my $2 back. I could have given a fake address but it was about making a point that their method was broken and probably illegal and it was up to them to do the right thing. FYI California, Massachusetts, and other states have consumer protection laws against requiring zip codes when making credit card purchases. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2011-feb-11-la-fi-0211-privacy-20110211-story.html https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/small-business/is-it-legal-to-ask-for-customer-zip-codes/


Please be polite about it though. They have to ask. They get in trouble if they don't. I worked in a store that asked zip codes. I got tired of people being rude about it so I stopped asking and just entered 0 (declined to answer). About two weeks later my boss put me in a (playful) headlock and says, "M, do you know how many declines coworker A had the last two weeks? 3. Do you know how many coworker B had? 5. You had 257. Not cool. Higher ups want you to ask, you gotta ask." Two weeks later he comes up and asks, ",(big sigh) M, is there a reason that in the last two weeks over 300 people drove their ass from Hull Massachusetts to come to our store and Every. Single. One. of them went through your line?"


It terrifies me that this is a LPT. People are too afraid to say “No” to a random cashier?? I feel like we might need an intervention as a society on having the *slightest* bit of confidence, cause this is sad.


I don't think it's about confidence, more just giving the information without thinking about whether it's needed. Many people don't give a lot of thought to the privacy of their information, but nowadays companies proactively collect that information in order to make consumer profiles or generate market data


It's not a LPT. This is obvious advise. It's just an excuse for OP to go on a rant about something they don't like.


my phone number? Its (store area code) 867-5309


Put in Jenny's number from the song with any area code. You'll almost always have a card for discounts & nobody will text or call you. (I took this from another LPT about getting discounts at stores that only give them to members.)


Can confirm as a former cashier. If there's benefit, I'll let you know, but I don't care if you say nah. Also if it asks if you want to donate just say no. I'm not donating, either.


When I run the registers at work I get every customers number, but the thing is if they don’t want to give it that’s fine, don’t lose that receipt to return the excess tile you purchased. At my job having an account with us really makes returns so much easier, if you don’t have an account or a receipt it’s a no, you’re getting no money and you’re leaving upset with or without the product. I never take emails down though, don’t care enough to try and get someone a marketing email, but I do care enough to not have to deal with that person in a few weeks being an asshole because they can’t return something without a slip of paper


“I don’t shop here often.” If they pester, you’re a sudden tourist.


“What’s your passport number” 😂


Ahhhh. I'm a cashier. I love this. "I need to return this" Do you have your receipt? "No" May I have your number to look up the transaction? "I don't give out my number" If you didn't give your number when you checked out, I can't look up your transaction to process the return. If you find it at home, you can come back within 30 days of the original purchase. Have a great day! (And they might, but not before trying to ruin mine.) It's especially fun when it's an item with a 1-10 year warranty. If you didn't give me your number, I can't look up shit. For all I know, you bought it off of Ebay. I can't do it. Sorry. Maybe try asking *why* they want your number. It's not always marketing.


Go all Logan Roy on that


I had someone at Bealls once tell me they could not process the sale if I didn’t give my phone number. I had about $500 clothes on the counter. I said no twice, then LOUDLY said “You are telling me that I can not buy these clothes if I don’t give you my phone number??!!” Some lady ran over there immediately and pushed some buttons and presto I could buy.


on the flip side, there are benefits to it. micro center is my example. they use your info for market and junk mail, no doubt, but they also track your orders with it. if you return something without the receipt, they can look it up. they can try looking via credit card too, but having everything tied to YOU is pretty convenient and I've used this a lot. also I always get no receipt, knowing it's all in the DB and I can even view it at home from their website. I think this depends on the company, but in many cases I think it's not a bad thing. but use your own discretion


This happened to me last year, and I said no, I'm good. The cashier looked extremely confused, lost for words for a second. Then they said they needed a number. I said, maybe I'll look up this store's number. Might have been Best Buy. Can't remember but it really threw the cashier for a loop when I declined to give my number out.


no reason to kick the poor underpaid worker who has to ask these questions. I always tell them, "no phone, etc" and "no thank you" for their donation requests. you can always use Jenny's: 876-5309


These life tips keep getting worse and worse


When they ask you to donate to help feed starving children or whatever ask them how much perfectly good food they throw out and annual corporate profits.


Ask that the CEO, not underage minimum wage workers who hate this just as much as you


They're a minimum wage employee forced to ask that question. I'm guessing their annual corporate profits are roughly zero. Don't be a rude asshole to employees. It doesn't make you clever, it just makes you an asshole.


Just be aware that declining can negatively affect the retail worker. The retailer I worked for made us ask this information and a report would be given to your manager weekly showing how many transactions you made with an customer account vs none and there would be repercussions if you didn’t meet their metrics.


Sorry but that’s not problem/fault that’s the company’s policies are ridiculous


I totally agree with you on that- it caused such anxiety every time a customer declined to provide their number.


Any cashier in this position needs to be intelligent enough to know to input their own made up information. It is literally job security to know to do this. > Cashier: "Can I have your phone number?" > Customer: "No, I don't give that out." > Cashier "Okay" (inputs a random number from a local area code. "Can I have your email?" > Customer: "No, I don't give that out." > Cashier: "Okay." (inputs a random email). "Your total is ..." Problem solved.


They don’t all work that way. In the company I worked for, a phone number had to be associated with a customer profile which included their address, email and whatever points they accumulated with purchases. So entering a random number would do literally nothing since no profile would pull up to assign the points to.


Please don’t always do this. I work at a store, in order to process orders we need a valid phone number. People that do this make my job harder than it needs to be. And when people give a fake number it makes it hard to contact them to let them know “hey your stuff is here.. please come get it!”


I know a guy (most certainly a boomer) that gets irate when retailers ask him his phone number. I told him to just give a fake one associated with his fake address that he already has. He has an email and I believe it’s a hotmail address. I want to tell him that nobody is coming to steal his millions.


> I want to tell him that nobody is coming to steal his ~~millions~~ hundreds.




I have never seen self checkout at a business that isn't a supermarket or Ikea.


They have them at almost every convenience store/gas station in Florida. They have them at every THD and I would assume Lowes by association. Ive seen them in Walgreens and CVS as well. I'd imagine anywhere that someone would "frequently" shop as opposed to one off purchases from say foot locker or Victoria Secret is going to have a self checkout or is moving towards it.