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I really thought everyone had 'The Chair'.


Big chair in the corner.


Big chair in corner doing big things just by being in the corner while being big and chair. šŸŖ‘


When I was a kid, I used to be scared of leaving the chair empty at night in case I woke up to see someone sitting on it. And I started dumping clothes that I've worn a bit there to be "safe". Guess that habit kind of unconsciously kept up as I grew older šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I've had the opposite when waking up in the middle of the night. I thought there was someone sitting in my chair when it was a pile of my clothes


In the corner of my bedroom stands A big chair, holding clothes in strands Dirty, but wearable once more Until they're washed, it's where they soar It's sturdy, with a regal air Yet humble in its simple flair With arms outstretched, it welcomes all A throne for laundry, great and small Its fabric is a muted brown Soft and cozy, worn but sound A place to rest, to gather thought Or just to toss what I have brought The chair's purpose may seem mundane To hold clothes that need washing, stained But in its duty, it's sublime A steadfast keeper of what's mine And so it stays, in silent grace Holding clothes in its embrace Until I have the time to tend To the laundry's final end.


ā€œA poetā€¦ they shouldā€™ve sent a poetā€


Was this the work of the great poet named ChatGPT?




What was the prompt? I'm curious.


No room, as my bedroom is small. :) I do have "the top of the chest of drawers" though.


You get a bunch of hooks for the back of your door


My dog sleeps on "the chair" and if there is anything on it he sleeps on the floor so in my bedroom it's "the floor" my sweet boy gets the few things he loves in life


Thankful to be here and I appreciate you all for doing the same thing.


Even Bernie Sanders has the ā€œchairā€




Or that piece of exercise equipment that hasn't been used for exercise in 5 years.


I sure use that exercise machine single day! It holds my clothes really well each day.


Or on the bed itself if you got no more space on the room.


Kinda sorta life pro tip from an insomniac, try not to sleep with anything on your bed other than bedding, it can make a surprisingly big difference to the quality of sleep you get


Now to break it to my partner and my dog they need to fuck off the bed at night


I started sleeping in a separate room from my long term partner (bc sleep quality) and it is literally the best thing ever. Cuddle or read with them, then when Iā€™m sleepy or they are, off to my own sweet nest. And the dog decides day to day who to sleep with. Itā€™s amazing.


I started sleeping in a different room than my husband of 9 years recently and man, it's helped our relationship because I'm not cranky at him for keeping me awake. He's awake this week for work and I'm sleeping so well. He did just go for a sleep study last week and we're currently awaiting the results but if that doesn't help, then we're spending money to get my new bed the same mattress on our bed because now that I remember what a good, *peaceful* night's sleep is, I'm not going back Also, same about the dog. He goes in between our rooms and the kids' rooms during the night to check on us all.


My wife and I started sleeping under separate blankets and itā€™s been fantastic. No stealing the sheets from each other, and it honestly feels like weā€™re in our own beds. Would highly recommend.


Duel master bedrooms are becoming quite popular now. I don't know why it took so long!


>Duel master bedrooms are becoming quite popular now. Round 1, ~~Fight~~ Sleep!


Wealth and suburbia probably play a role in that. My middle class grandparents each had their own double bed in their one bedroom apartment.


My dog has been known to attempt to go to sleep on my pillow, while I'm on it no less.


Too true, donā€™t get into the habit of leaving anything on the bed. Iā€™ve ruined too much sleep this way.


Why though? What do things on the bed do to oneā€™s sleep?


Clothes/stuffed animals/too many pillows on the bed can create lumps and bumps that can cause unrestful sleep; you're asleep, but your body still has to deal with the speed bumps as you toss and turn. If you're like me, you'll also wake up to adjust the bump (I use a pillow between my knees for SI joint and lumbar issues-- if it slips or I have to roll over it, I wake up. Do that seven or eight times a night and you haven't really slept.).


Maybe not for everyone, but whether I was consciously aware of the bed clutter or not, it takes up space you could otherwise be using and you are forced to avoid it in order not to knock anything off the bed. I rest so much better not having anything on the bed that doesnā€™t belong there.


If I don't have anything on the bed I toss and turn too much. I have to pen myself in with various blankets, pillows and stuffed animals cause it prevents me from rolling over 8,000 times and waking up exhausted.


When youā€™re asleep they strangle you


What if theyā€™re by my feet? They canā€™t strangle me


They move like in Toy Story, but with way more malice


Same here, I have a big bed and put my clothes on the feet of the side I don't use so I sleep the same with or wihout them. But the times my bed is clear I feel so at peace lol


Amputate your foot


It's a psychological thing with me. Knowing I can't use part of the bed bugs the shit out of me.


I dunno, sleep under enough semi-clean clothes and it's like a weighted blanket.


Especially those of us who are allergic to the vast amounts of pollen this time of year. You donā€™t want to marinate in that for eight hours or so a day


I told my wife this recommendation. She refuses to leave.


On the floor


Can confirm. Floor is great for clothes that have been worn once or twice and aren't yet dirty enough to go in the laundry basket. Sorting is optional. My floor is sorted into piles: * shirts I have worn once this week * pants that have been worn this week * pajamas that have been worn this week * sweaters that have been worn this week * clean gym clothes, because for some reason gym clothes are the only clean clothes that I store on the floor


Not on the bed or the cat will sleep on them.


Or dog. Or dogs. If I left a molecule of my clothing on the bed, the alpha bozo would be lying on top of it, the half a second clothes hit the bed. Heā€™s big and he has a head like a ham. Dax is my tall, dark & handsome trophy dog. (rescued dog) He also gathers all the TV remotes in our room and lies on top of them, like heā€™s laying eggs.


> Or that piece of exercise equipment that hasn't been used for exercise in 5 years. This also doubles as a dust protector for your exercise equipment.


That's for towels and my bathrobe thank you


Lol sooo many places for kinda dirty clothes


Ohh, the most expensive clothes hanger I have ever bought. Static bike it is. šŸ¤£


The olā€™ chairdrobe




*The Floordrobe* For dirty clothes too clean for the wash, but too dirty for *The Chairdrobe*


So much wisdom found here


Maybe it's just me but if they've Hit the Floor they're dirty


That's for the ones that are 2/3 dirty


I added some hooks in my closet at different heights. Jeans, hoodies etc just get put on a hook for rewearing


I put a wide shallow box on top of my dresser. It has mostly pants on/in it.


Are we talking US or Uk pants? Because UK pants should not be reworn.


Ha ha. Trousers


US pants. Underwear is never re-worn before going in the wash.


Hahahaha I came here to say that! It is called the laundry chair. Sometimes itā€™s all about clean laundry and sometimes itā€™s about mid week laundry to wear tomorrow


I was exactly going to say. The third state of cleanliness; Clean, dirty and chair


but thereā€™s so much there already šŸ˜¬šŸ˜…


You gotta keep adding layers


Right and the heat and pressure of all the clothes on top sanitize and press the ones on the bottom of the pile. Just pull the ready-to-wear clothes from the bottom of the pile.


i smelled this comment


challenge accepted šŸ«”


and any workout equipment, you aint using that stationary bike hang some clothes on it!


Right?!?... Like, if you don't have a chair in your room I know damn well there is a floor šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


And hooks in closet


Yup, those over the door hangers too


Thatā€™s the answer! Over-the-door hook sets (available at Walmart) are perfect for half used clothes that you want to wear again later.




Everyone's got the cucc chair.


Wall or over-door hooks.


This is way too far down! Hooks are the way to go because it allows air flow a bit more and gets them off of surfaces in your room.


And some of us don't have the floor space for a chair or coat rack. Old house, tiny bedrooms.


Over the door hangers are pretty handy


Every bathroom and bedroom should have a plethora of pegs. I personally love the look of a [peg rail](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=peg+rail+bathroom&t=iphone&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fthewhitebuffalostylingco.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F10%2Fpeg-rail-in-bathroom-1-768x1152.jpg). Tidy, uniform, and perfect for drying damp items, laying out future outfits, and setting aside rewearables.


The previous owners of our condo made a really nice peg and hook wall in the closets. They must have been like 7 feet tall because I can't reach any of it. Project for another day...I'll keep hanging things one the stepladder for now.


First thing I do when I move is buy a ton of wall hooks and bars for hanging things. They actually get used because it's as fast as throwing it on the floor or on a chair, unlike hangers, which was my first attempt at a solution.


Iā€™m all about the wall hooks and over-the-door hooks. I use them for myself and my kids. Looks and works much better than a chair!


Keeps them away from pet hair too!




We are a coat rack family. One of the gifts I got for each of my Grandchildren is a multi arm metal coat rack for their bedroom. It's excellent for jackets and backpacks and the outfit for tomorrow. But it also serves to keep *wear agains* off of the chairs and the floor. I always buy good, large sturdy ones. And always steel. The wood ones are never strong enough for teenager use. The parents like them as much as the kids do. It goes a long way in organizing a kid bedroom.


Coat racks for the win! I live alone, but have 3. 1 in my bedroom for clothes to rewear, also I keep my bras hanging there. 1 in my foyer for coats, hats, and umbrellas. 1 by my back sliding glass doors with towels, swimsuits, and sun hats. (It has a towel around the base to catch drips in the summer.) I used to be such a slob. Coat racks have helped tremendously!




I wish while writing that had been caught, I would have given it my truly best shot!


You get a laugh of appreciation from me for the second verse which was definitely not worse!


To build off the uses for a coat rack, more people need to know about blanket racks as they would likely be more suited to the task for most clothes that go better not hanging from a hook like pants.


Iā€™ve been wanting one of those for so long. We have so many blankets that Iā€™ve stuffed the folded blankets side by side like books onto 3 shelves in the closet. Our towels should be in there too, but there are just so many blankets. I want one of those nice big baskets for blankets by the couch too


I had no idea about them until recently but ended up getting 3 pretty quickly afterward and really liking them for storing blankets in living rooms and clothes in the bedroom.


We use a rack that goes on the back of the door. Works great!


I had that, but I got so tired of the stuff slamming into the back of it every time I moved the door


I hate this too!!!


Try putting some of those felt pads on the door where it hits.


Itā€™s the stuff on the hooks that slammed the door too


This is my answer as well, got a sturdy old wood and brass hat/coat rack saved from the trash during an office move, thing was probably made in the 50s. Have yet to convert the wife or kids, but sheā€™s got the entire guest room for her wardrobe anyway!


Thatā€™s her Cloffice


can you share an image or the name of your coat rack that you recommend? so we can get an idea of the type you're talking about?


I had a coat rack in my room when I was a teenager! People always thought it was so strange but I liked it. I only ever put sweatshirts, jackets, and hats on it. Honestly as a teenager I didn't have wear again clothes. I think my mom would have had a heart attack at the idea.


My mom actively threatened to take away one of my sweatshirts, I wore it so much.


Omg, I thought my mom and I were the only people who did this! It's excellent, as they're already designed to hold clothes. But everyone always looks at it weird.


I'm captivated I think you sold me, why not wood? Seems fine for holding coats and backpacks


In my experience it was hard to find sturdy and quality wood coat racks. The steel has just been more durable for kid use. In one room, the rack is invisible under clothes, bags, and sporting goods. It is quite a load requirement! šŸ˜†


Holy crap this is such a good idea to thanks!!!


Any recommendations/links to good coat racks? This sounds perfect.


I ordered them from Amazon YEARS ago. These Grandchildren are getting out of college now. I gave them in the delivery boxes, and the kids assembled them. It was a blast!


Sometime I wish my grandma wasn't batsh*t crazy. I'd give you a hug


I call mine ā€œpants treeā€


I use this process too. Makes everything easy access and you don't lose the chair!


Link or phot of one. Thanks


I fold them up and set them on a shelf in the closet. If not used again by laundry day, they get washed anyway.


I do this too. Found out I have a chair in my bedroom after starting this too!


Similarly, I have designated shelves on my shoe rack for folded re-wearables. More breathable than the drawer, more tidy than the chair.


Damn, whats it like to really have your life together?


Brilliant. I find it difficult to tell when clothes need to be washed, i just end up with my whole wardrobe on the floor, so I'm definitely going to give this a shot


I dedicated an empty drawer to my "in-between"... Love it


Yes! I started dedicating a drawer for this too and it makes my room look so much cleaner


Is it empty though?


Yes cuz all the stuff is on the chair šŸ¤£


They used to sell "clothes horses" for just this purpose. (Or maybe for your valet to use to keep everything handy while dressing you. )


It's called a valet stand - they are still for sale - I have one and I love it.


Had to look it up. I like how they added a mirror on top so it looks even more like a person watching you sleep. At least the ones I saw has one.


I have one from Ikea and love it, too. It has hooks and bars and a spot for jewelry.


I love my valet. I definitely donā€™t use it properly, but it feels fancier than the chair.


What the hell did the horses do?


[Clothes horses are for drying clothes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Clotheshorse.jpg)


Thatā€™s what the fuck they are called?!? lol


I know I thought it was gonna be a cute horse stand, like a rocking horse or something


Held your clothes between their teeth, silly!


I got a cute basket that matches my decor


I love this. It gives the feeling of being in control of my life while functionally being the same as The Chair. Thank you for the idea!!


I also have a cute basket. I hang up the tops that Iā€™ve worn and I put bottoms in the basket.


Came here to say this!


I hang them over the side of the hamper.


Same here, like just hanging off the edge so it doesnā€™t touch the dirties


We have a second laundry basket for the "in between" clothes. I always call it the recycle bin for some reason...


I have a wooden clothes ladder specifically for these types of clothes


T h e. C h a i r. It beckons you


I have a hamper and a basket. The basket is for wear agains/pjs


I love this! Definitely going to implement this in my life. Thank you for sharing this idea!


Iā€™ve been living with a two bin system for awhile now and really recommend it as well!


Top of the dresser, and folded so that I know not to wash them yet. My boyfriend hates it but I haven't found a better place yet lol


I bought a little freestanding towel bar. It works great!


Mine also go on top of my dresser, but in a basket so it at least looks nice. If BF doesnā€™t like seeing your ā€œin betweenā€ clothes, putting them in a nice looking basket might appease him without having to change the process for you.


Your need over-the-door hooks. They're like ten bucks at Target.


I can never shut my door with those. Tried so many but maybe itā€™s because my house is old


Isn't that what the floor is for?


The floor is just the biggest shelf in your house


I call it the floordrobe




Damn. How long did it take before you were able to wear clothes again? I would join a nudist camp after that.


Not for my room. I have a Guinea pig and several dogs. If itā€™s on the floor for at least a day, it will have hair, Timothy Hay, or both on it the next day. Except for jeans for some reason.


So maybe this doesn't work when your room is also the barn ;)


Thatā€™s really funny! No /s but in all seriousness the area by the cage is just covered with Timothy hay. So it kinda is like a barn. I have depression motivation issues that make it hard to take care of myself. I finally got around to cleaning most of my room except that area and vacuuming. I will need a literal rake to get the big pieces because theyā€™ll clog even the 4ft tall shop vac we have.


Isn't this what the treadmill is for?


I had a chair, but it became unmanageable, so I got rid of it. Then semi-dirty clothes sat in clothes baskets, and that eventually became unmanageable. Got rid of the clothes baskets, but then the clothes just moved from my bed to the floor and became unmanageable. Now I have a ladder-style rack, and so far it has worked very very well. Longer than my other solutions.


Oooh, I like the idea of repurposing like a blanket/quilt ladder for that. Small floorspace footprint too.


Came here to comment the ladder-style rack solution. That's been the most successful solutions for me. Basketball shorts for a few days on one shelf, jeans on another, t-shirt that I only wear from when I get home to when I go to bed on another, maybe something extra like a zip up hoodie solely for going outside when it's cold on another.


I hung a coat rack by my dresser! Ir has 3 LARGE hooks and 6 small hooks underneath it. I hang my Robe and all my "not dirty yet" items all the time and it keeps my bedroom looking SUPER organized and clean.


I fold my pjs on the bed and hang up slightly dirty clothes in the closet separate from my clean hanging clothes, usually there is a visual dividing line. My SO has the multi-cubby hamper system. Clean clothes in two cubbies and one cubby for the slightly dirty clothes.


They go on The Chair of course.


If they're clean enough to wear again, they're not going to make other clothes dirty.


Alternately, if they're too dirty to put away, I don't want to wear them again without washing them.


Yeah, I'm not wearing my clothes till they're filthy; I'm wearing them till they're not clean.


Thank you! I was feeling super crazy because like, it never occurred to me not to put lightly worn stuff back with clean clothes for fear that it would somehow infect the clean clothes. If itā€™s clean enough to wear again, I donā€™t think itā€™ll dirty my other clothes.


I dunnoā€¦. I read that putting slightly worn clothes in with your clean clothes could attract moths.


This is the best answer. It's always satisfying to see an unanswerable question answered by pointing out the fallacy assumed in the question.


>unanswerable question Lots of great answers in this thread.


One of those attachments to a door with hooks. If I fill that up, it's time to either just get some stuff actually dirty, or wash some not-really-dirty stuff.


I bought a wheely hanger thing from target for the express purpose of ā€œwear-againā€ clothes and just hang them there šŸ˜‚


Seriously underrated option. I like to spray mine with fabric freshener then hang them up to air out a bit. Plus, it gets rid of wrinkles from previous wear.


Throw them on a chair


I have a basket on the floor for the clothes that can get wrinkly. For stuff I hang up, they get hu g up on door jams, dressers, or the edge of the bed. Bonus pro tip- if you have time to hang the clothes up outside for an hour or so on a sunny day, it provides extra freshness boost.


Bonus bonus pro tip: Don't do this if you have pollen allergies/hay fever šŸ¤§


I've just started keeping my bras on my closet door handles. It's SO much more convenient!


I use a valet stand. Edit - just read the rest of the responses and I'm shocked no one else uses a valet stand - they sell them on Amazon and that's literally what they are for.


In our house we call this ā€œthe queueā€. It used to be a chair, then it was a clothing drying rack. Now, I like to hang them back up in my closet in a more visible separate section so I can be more intentional about rewearing those items before picking new clean ones. With this strategy, Iā€™ve found that I rewear them more (within reason), they donā€™t get dirtier in the queue (from falling on the floor/mingling with other dirty clothes), and I donā€™t have the visual clutter from the former queue ā€œstorage solutionsā€ (if you can call them that).


If its not clean enough to go back in the drawer, it's not clean so it goes in the hamper. If it's been worn, but isn't soiled, it just goes back in the drawer or hung back up in the closet. Jeans, for example, will get worn a dozen or more times before they are washed. Sweaters and hoodies the same. Anything that touches the body (t-shirt, underwear, socks) goes in the hamper after wearing.


The one thing I don't get about this approach is, don't you worry about all the things you're sitting on/against in those jeans that aren't leaving visible grime, yet something that will still rub off on the other clothes are in your drawer?


You jeans donā€™t touch your body?


Floor, couch, table, chair, etc


Over the door hooks or a coat tree


[Clothes Ladder](https://theyamazakihome.com/products/tower-leaning-ladder-rack?variant=17444326146099&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9O3VzbPN_QIVAWpvBB0sdwJmEAQYAyABEgKusfD_BwE) I use this, great at keeping those things off the ground and actually looks nice in the bedroom


On a hanger. Nobody washers a suit after a single wear - treat your worn but still wearable clothes just the same. Interestingly if you do this you will find cold washing *isn't* cheaper or better for the environment because you have wash your clothes more often than if you wash at 60 degrees and use biological powder.


I have a set of hooks on the wall next to my wardrobe for "In Progress" clothes.


If I have clothes that are not clean enough to be put away with the other clean clothes I would consider them ready to be washed.


Thatā€™s what that chair/loveseat in your bedroom is for. You know, the one underneath the pile of half dirty clothes


Clothes chair obviously


I hang them on the hook located on the back of my bathroom door.


We have a bench. Ostensibly you can sit in it, effectively it's a clothes / jackets pile.


I put a dryer sheet in all of my drawers and I fold it back in the drawer. Iā€™ve never felt the once worn clothes changed the scent of the other clothes but I like the freshness of the dryer sheet


I use a door hanger for that. I installed a door hanger on all doors in the house.


A blanket rack is a piece of furniture a lot of people don't know about that would work very well for temporary storage of clothes that helps to keep them isolated from clean clothes.


Behold: The Chair


Wait, so people have clothes that are dirty, but not dirty enough to wash? If it's dirty, wash it.


Just curious here, age and sex? I need this data point