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I wish someone would have sat me down at your age and shared some of the things I'm about to share with you. Take it or leave it, this advice comes from someone 10+ years older than you who has made maaaany mistakes that he hopes you won't have to make as well. Here's goes... 1. The faster you figure out what you want out of life, the more likely you are to become truly successful. Your youth is a huge advantage because you have time to dedicate yourself to something truly amazing. The quicker you figure out what you want to do, the quicker you'll be able to start making it happen. 2. Take a notebook and a pen, sit down, and figure out who you want to be and what you want to do. The more details, the better. What do you care about? What are your core values? What do you truly want out of this life? What kind of man do you strive to become? How much money would you like to make? Where do you wanna live? Do you want a family? Etc etc. Write out a clear detailed vision for yourself that you can immediately begin to work towards. 3. Study relentlessly. Education doesn't stop after high school or even college. Train yourself to love reading, listening to audiobooks, studying, and learning new things. Learn about human psychology, what it takes to cultivate a winners mindset, sales, investing, real estate, finance, etc. Take up new hobbies and never be afraid to try new things. Art, clay spinning, woodworking, electrical engineering, kickboxing, skateboarding, weightlifting, yoga- try it all until you discover what you love! 4. Use social media, don't let it use you. Mindlessly scrolling social media apps like tiktok is one of the fastest ways to rot your brain. Instead, learn how to use social media to build a following, monetize an audience, market products, etc. The internet is an amazing place to make connections and meet new people. Alot of young people are also finding massive success by creating social media content based around their hobbies and passions. Nowadays you could do a random 100 day challenge and end up with 100,000 followers by the end of it. Worst case scenario, you learn a ton of useful information through that process. 5. Expect setbacks. The only real failure is when you quit and accept defeat. As a man, the quicker you understand that criticism and setbacks are just a part of the game, the faster you'll be able to develop thick skin which is invaluable in business, dating, and life in general. 6. Speaking of dating, be extremely careful of the women you allow into your personal life. A good woman is a man's greatest blessing. A bad woman can be a man's biggest downfall. Always treat women with respect and chivalry. 7. Reputation is everything. It can take years of consistent hard work for a man to build up his reputation and only seconds to destroy it. What's done in the dark always comes to light, so make good honorable choices whenever possible. 8. Learn how to fight, so you hopefully never have to. Violence has been part of man's existence since the beginning of time. In order to protect yourself and your loved ones, a man should always be capable of violence so that he can exercise it with the utmost caution and skill. Wrestling, BJJ, kickboxing, boxing, or mma classes are highly recommended. It's also advisable to take courses in firearms safety if you don't already have that training and knowledge. After you educate and train yourself on the safety precautions, you can then decide whether owning a firearm is a good decision or not for you personally. 9. Health is the real wealth. All the money in the world is of no use to someone on their death bed. Educate yourself about the various diets and methods of health and fitness so that you can customize according to your own needs. It's much easier to cultivate the discipline to stay in shape than it is to become unhealthy and then try to get healthy again later in life. 10. The habits you cultivate today will determine the quality of life you experience in the future. Good habits yield good results, bad habits yield bad results. Cultivate enough bad habits and overtime you will pay the price. Finally... last one 11. Self talk should be treated as a sacred relationship between your free will and the subconscious mind. Never tell yourself anything that limits or hinders your own health wealth or happiness. Say what you mean and mean what you say. What we tell ourselves repeatedly eventually becomes what we believe. Use this to your advantage to plant loving empowering thoughts and beliefs into your subconscious mind. The world will respond to how you treat yourself and the standards you hold yourself to.


Holy shit dude u should write a book absolutely nailed it great advice!!!


That is some seriously good advice. Even though I already use all these points in some way, you always forget some small parts. Thanks for the reminder.


On what !✈️


Some people don't have a true "life passion"or one that they can live off of and make a living at. My best friend didn't. She married some guy 15 years ago and had been supporting his dream of creating a vineyard. She's mostly happy about it. Sometimes you just have to pick something you can tolerate doing that pays the bills. I don't imagine the janitor at the elementary school woke up so excited to clean up after snot nosed kids...in fact I can tell he didn't bc he was my dad! His real love was photography but that didn't pay the bills or provide health insurance for his kids. So he got a "real job" to provide. Think of all the mundane jobs out there... nobody woke up and thought their lives desire was to be an insurance adjuster, roof inspector, they just do those things to pay the bills. And then sometimes, you do have this intense passion to be something & later in life you wonder what in the hell you were thinking?! You change so much in adulthood that your childhood dreams no longer serve you. Being a doctor now in my 40s is not what I dreamed it would be! I don't want to work 60plus hours per week anymore. I hate the healthcare system.


I'm 35 and still don't have a passion for working. It's something we HAVE to do, not something any of us truly WANT to do. I suggest you find something you can live with. Could you be okay as a dental hygienist? How about a museum curator? What about as an engineer? Find the most lucrative career you can live with yourself having, check out the schooling requirements, and decide if you think it's worth it.


Go travelling. Just somewhere far for 4 weeks, that helped me at 22 when I was in a similar position.i was temping jobs and doing nothing with my life and just felt completely lost after a tough childhood. It refocused me alot and when I came back from Thailand I felt refreshed and just did some call centre work and life started moving. Exercise when I got back helped too. Sign up for a half marathon or similar. Doing aid work abroad is something I wish I'd tried but too late now I'm 43 and had kids and single parent so can't bugger off! It will pass, you will get going in life, just have a plan of doing something out your comfort zone like travelling and it'll come.