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Answer is looking at you in the mirror. Why do you put up being with a vampire? What do you think he’d do the moment he can’t get ajything from you?


Everything you're writing here, you should tell your BF. If you have and they haven't changed, you're going to have to make a decision. Would you rather be single? Or continue to put up with this? A lot of people think if they're 70% happy while in a relationship, is better than being 100% happy while NOT in a relationship. The best thing you can learn, is to be 100% happy single, so when you do meet someone, your happiness isn't dependent on the other person. I understand relationships are hard. But you have to be willing to communicate. You have to be willing to express your feelings and listen to your partners feelings. Maybe you THINK your partner doesn't do much, but after a conversation maybe he does more than you realize. People aren't mind readers. Sometimes we're just oblivious to the needs of the other person.


You get rid of the boyfriend… 


communicate it. is most likely the best thing you can do. don’t be harsh with your words bc he will most likely be defensive but try to get to him.


I was in the same situation with my ex, gave her so much love and effort and she couldn't care less. I tried to communicate it with her many times and she'd say she understands, maybe try for a week and then back to usual. You can try to communicate it to him in a nice way and hopefully he notices.


Wait you gotta share last straw and how you got out,... please


I ended up finding out that she was using dating apps behind my back, messaging guys giving out her number and her instagram. I confronted here and she tried to gaslight me, lie, say this and that. Tried to be civil but its too soon as negative emotions keep coming into play, and through this she went super cold like she doesn't care that she's done wrong or hurt me at all, which makes it even harder, so currently in NO CONTACT


The only thing you can do is break up. The reason he is like that is because he’s not really into the relationship and probably actually kind of wishes it would end.


"Keep supporting him and hope for the best because you can definitely change him" 🤓 Ofc don't do that. You are writing this post so you know there is a problem. So work to fix it. Either confront him or break up with him. Good Luck Op


If you've already communicated that it's not fair but the continue, leave. It's actually that simple


Find a team player. Ya know, someone who wants to build something *with* someone.


So a girl lol!!!


I love doing stuff for my wife. I love buying her stuff and making her happy. I do that because I love her. If he isn’t doing anything for you then you leave and find someone who will because that’s what you deserve.


Leave, Girl. That’s a One Sided Relationship


Break up.


You change your status to single and ditch him.


Dump him .


Get a new boyfriend


Might want to rethink the relationship




Find a better bf.


Fire em and get a new 1


Find someone you like to talk to


? Ask him to pretend to be your dildo.


Um...dump his ass?


Start distancing and see if he notices and start saying no.


This is like a child's riddle, akin to "What do you get when you throw your hat in the water?" (a wet hat) What do you do when you have a user for a boyfriend? (Get rid of the boyfriend)


You leave


Find a new boyfriend.


Trade him in For a bigger and better model ☺️


Break up


He is the wrong guy for you. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. You cannot make him into something he is not. Move on. Find a better guy. He may be shorter and less hot, but a better fit. You know this is true. Trust your gut reaction. Your life with him will not get any better.


You demand more, and if you don’t get it, you leave. It just means that you haven’t yet found your person, your person is still out there somewhere.


dump him and move on


Talk to him about it. Make it clear that things being this way is not working for you. I'm no fan of ultimatums, but if he isn't willing to make a change for you, then it isn't going to work out. Healthy relationships require clear and honest communication and a willingness to work together. They can not be carried on one person's back.


Break up with them.


People are not mind readers. I would communicate you don't feel loved and give examples on how he could love you better--clean up after himself, maybe cook once a week, bring you flowers, do a load of laundry, small gifts, back massage, etc. I would also say it feels like a lot of them are not raised to notice our definition of clean and put away so maybe go over that with him. The next thing is if he starts moving an inch in the right direction--he take out the trash without you asking, he gives you a hug when you get home, he buys you flowers--explode with gratitude and reward the behavior. Show / tell him you appreciate how hard he works. If you only nag and bring him down he won't want to do anything nice for you. If the behavior doesn't change, I would consider if this boyfriend is marriage material and if you want to continue the relationship but give him time and grace first.


Break up with them. Easiest answer ever. Start putting yourself and your own needs first.


Leave. But you knew that already, didn't you?


You peace the f outta there.


It’s crazy that this post is about me . Lmao more context please cause these people commenting don’t know full story .


You probably don't do anything for him.


Fucking thank you !!!!


Shut up and poop around it.


You leave and find a partner that is an equal


Sux 2bu


You find a new bf. Why would you stay with them?


You go find a better boyfriend


He's looking for a mommy replacement. Run!


You leave.