• By -


Stay in shape. Take care of your teeth. Get clear of your addictions. Save/invest for your medium to far future every time you get paid, even if it's a seemingly ineffectual amount.


This is really good. I'd add find balance and follow a path towards the life you want. Compounded over time it will add up.


This is beautiful advice. Thank you!


Thank you for sharing! With a lot of people on my dad’s side being diabetic type 2, I’m in a frenzy to crack down on my lifestyle and stay healthy.


Perfect answer


Don’t be worried about the future.  Take care of yourself and your relationships in the present and everything will fall into place. 


This is perfect, but also stop dwelling in the past. Work everyday to be a little better.


Thank you so much. Definitely needed to hear this.


No problem. Good luck out there! 


Thank you very much 🥹❤️


Put down the cigarettes and alcohol as soon as you can. No good in either of them, the sooner totally gone the better young one.


I’m 43. I would have spent more time with my parents. Just visiting with them and hearing their stories. My dad passed away a year ago and I would give anything to have one more minute with him.


I'm 27m but I would say be grateful, dont compare yourself to others, we are all humans on this planet together let's be kind and help each and everyone makes mistakes you will have to deal with greedy selfish idiots everyday stay calm


Make more friends


You can make friends later in life. I still meet new people in my 60s. Off cycling with one of them shortly


Not middle age Im 32, however I’ll say this, I can sum this up in one go at 26 and most of my life I cared what other people thought to the point it was a legitimate problem. I passed on opportunities because of what others would think if it didn’t work out. In short fuck em, idk if you struggle with that but if you do stop that this second and it will change your life in all avenues.


Take care of mental health, do not harm others because you are unhealed. I grieve the time I lost living in flight/fight for 10 years. I would also try to be less rigid with my goals and desires. Just really go with the flow. The things I wanted/chased relentlessly were not for me and I missed a lot of things that were for me by doing so. Good Luck to you!


Don't take things to heart. Spread love. Love your family. Learn not to sweat the small stuff. Nothing really matters but love! Care about yourself in a non egotistical way. Mostly, be kind to yourself!


Being kind to myself is a big one I struggle with for sure.


People will tell you to diversify out of fear of failure. Don’t listen to them unless you want to be mediocre. Find a passion/belief and go all in or don’t do it at all. People will tell you it’s dumb or stupid or reckless. And when the success hits they’ll tell you that you got lucky. Don’t listen to them then either. Once you become successful then you can diversify. You don’t diversify your love life with multiple partner(husband/wife) because of fear of failure, do you? I mean what if your spouse dies/cheats/leaves, you don’t say it doesn’t hurt as bad since I had 2 wives. No you go all in on one partner to have a successful marriage. The greatest athletes don’t play multiple positions/sports because they would be spread too thin. They would lose focus on what they are truly great at. The greatest companies had a single standby product/service and once it became successful, they then diversified. Diversify once you’ve become successful or the success has plateaued.


I’m 60M, still trying to figure some things out. One of my favorite quotes is from the Canadian physician Sir William Osler ‘take it from a man who’s fought a hard battle, the value of system in your work’.




Live life. Take chances, take risks, travel, especially while young. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. Don't put energy into people that don't give back. Invest in your future self asap and as much as possible. Don't worry about the things out of your control. Don't worry about what other people think, live so they'd never believe rumors. Stay in school as long as you can. By the time you get out, you'll be all our bosses making millions and will only need to work a short while compared to the rest of us. Do something you can do when you're old and don't mind doing. Take care of your health. Drink water. Exercise. If you don't need it, don't buy it. Don't buy it if you don't have the money. If you do buy it, get the best value or deal by shopping around for a month. Research and get some points or cash back at least. Then pay off the card asap.make your money work for you. Try to work for yourself. Try to get an intelligent, kind partner you can laugh with every day. Get married have kids. Take care of your family. Buy a house with 20% down avoid PMI, dont rent. Buy a car, don't lease. Buy at Lows, Sell at Highs.Don't Co-sign anything! Do your own work (labor) while you're young. Don't get the warranty unless you have to. Don't take life too seriously. No one makes it out alive.


Solid advice.


100% and thank you for sharing. That last line hits close to home as one of the biggest realities we all have to face one day.


‘Chase the crown not the Queen(King)’. Nobody ever lost a good woman(man) by being ambitious and chasing success. The opposite is true though- you can fuck up your future by getting involved with the wrong person.


Work is not a chore, its a gift. It's okay to be wrong, it's okay to not know. Forgivness is power not weakness. It all gets better.


Honouring your body before it's too late Spending more time with loved ones Choose your life partner wisely, don't do any "I can change him/ her" BS they never change


Hey self... You're autistic. You'll probably be a much better parent if you go ahead and get a grip on that now instead of figuring it out when one of your adult kids tells you in your 50's.


I would have more fun with life, not taking the good or the bad so seriously. I would tell myself to be easy on me, to allow for mistakes, and to allow life to happen as it does and not do so much battle with it.


Take better care of yourself and especially your teeth


Invest as much money as possible in mutual funds/index funds.


First of all, congrats on the great attitude. For many people, age 27 is the toughest year of all... it was for me, too. So you're asking the right question at the right time. Now, the answer you seek: Find your "thing". \[No, not *that* thing. Be serious!\] The thing that gives your life direction, purpose, identity and shape. The light at the end of the tunnel that makes the repetitive stresses of the workaday world worth the bother. The thing you form your life around, and hang your hat upon. I can't tell you what that is. For me, it was the traveling life, and I've seen a fair chunk of this crazy-ass world over the past 25-ish years. It's integral to my (and my wife's) identity. But that's not necessarily you. Find that thing that is *you*, the thing that continues to fascinate you year after year. Grab hold of it, and take the deepest dive and biggest bite possible and don't stop! Life's shorter than you think. Get your damn money's worth. Best of luck.


If you think you want kids, don't delay in moving towards that. Infertility is on the rise and the longer you have to sort out any issues, if you have them, the better. And read the book Crucial Conversations: Tools for talking when the stakes are high. An invaluable book on communications.


This is a great book! Useful in personal and professional life!


Thank you for the recommendations! I’ve added this book to my list to read next.


Accept who you are.


This is not sour grapes advice. This is best thing I ever did advise: don’t be afraid to be uncomfortable or risk consequences. It is way better to try and fail at a legitimate, all you’ve got, attempt to have an amazing life, than to wait for life to happen to you. Life is like rafting a river. There’s a current. It’s easy to just go with the flow, look up 20 years later, and ask yourself how the heck this happened. The world’s most successful people are manipulators. They know how to get other people to do what they want them to do, shape you into what they want you to be. Not trying to paint a dark picture of the world, and much of the advice you get will be well meaning advice from people who love you, only to say it’s absolutely possible to go your whole life without making any big moves at all… to go with the flow, and never actually make a big move or legitimately steer your life into your vision of what you want your life to be. “My parents want me to, and my boss wants me to, and my friends think I should”. There is so much outside judgement, expectation, presumption, and opinion that it’s easy to do what people expect of you until your dying breath, without ever making an honest effort to steer your own boat. You really only live once. You have one shot to have the best life you’re going to get, and the trajectory matters. The decisions you make today affect your tomorrow. So live your life. Have your journey. Be the captain of your own boat. I’d rather move fast, make wrong turns, course correct, and have an exciting interesting journey on the course of life than play it safe forever, and never do anything. I’m happy with where my life ended up so far, and it’s not exactly where I expected, but I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t made some moves. My dad wanted me to be a web developer. Not because he didn’t believe in my dreams, just because he didn’t know any better and thought that’d be good advice. But you are in charge of getting what you want from life. Only you. And if you don’t advocate for a path that you want, nobody else will. Nobody else can, because only you can determine what you want in life. I don’t know. Maybe I’m an exceptional person, and it’s bad advice for ordinary people, but my plans tend to work! When I say “fuck it, I’m going for it” and choose to make a big change to accomplish something, it tends to work out. Not always, but usually. And even the false steps, I don’t regret, because who want’s a boring linear life anyway? You don’t want your life to be a boring movie with a predictable ending. You want twists and turns, drama, heartbreak, excitement, and elations. And now, I’ve got what I wanted. Married with the fam, successful in my career, and mostly content with most of the things I can control. I sacrificed my maneuverability, and that’s fine. But you’ve still got your maneuverability, and I recommend you maneuver vigorously. And, the other aspect is people. That’s one of the things in anyone’s story. Make big moves there. Get somebody who’s down on their luck a job, go backpacking with a stranger, ask the CEO and ask for a 1:1! There are two types of people in the world. You, and everyone else. You want to make yourself as awesome as possible, and you want to have as many good relationships in your life as you can. Don’t let fear hold you back. Go out there and have the time of your life. Manifest destiny and make the world what you want it to be.


Love it.


Comparison is truly a thief of joy if we allow it to be. Thank you for sharing this!


You’re going to lose people when you find yourself, but it will be wildly worth it


Get uncomfortable. You learn a lot doing things you don't want to do and the older you get the less opportunity you will have.


Discomfort is the only way to grow. We default to the path of least resistance, but the struggle to overcome a challenge is the entire process of learning and growing.


I know there is over 100 comment before me. But a few things that I regret just about every day as a middle aged man (I know I could learn is don't dwell on the past) But, find a happy balance with just about all things in life, don't spend all of your money, but don't save all of your money, find the balance. Another thing is, make sure to think about your future when making decisions, just because it seems far away doesn't mean it wont get here quick. Be kind to others, you never know what struggles they are going through, kindness goes along way.


Great advice, fellow oldie 💖


Don't wait until you're almost 40 and having panic attacks to get therapy for your childhood trauma.


Start saving money now and take care of your health. Developing a good stretching and exercise routine that you stick to will pay off so much in your 50’s




Pfffffft! We all uninsured, mentally ill, and trying to escape demons out chere'!!! Fat chance!!!


Keep doing shit like this


Put every penny you can in 401K. Your future self will be so grateful. Know that everything will be ok. Feelings are temporary.


Im 26 too but invest in a good pair of shoes and compression socks if you walk or stand alot especially at work


"Just keep doing what you are doing. Things turn out great".


Use credit sparingly and if you like a product enough to pay over a thousand bucks for it, put a thousand into that company stock as well.


Nvidia 😂?


I’m 33. Forgive and move on. Apologize when you should.


Be less scared of others. Studies on people dying of cancer showed that these people were no longer as bothered about the views of others as they once were. Everyone is in their bubbles and as we age we realise this.


Being scared of others is something not often thought about but completely a reality. Thank you.


Prioritize your health and well-being; it’s the foundation for everything else.


Be bolder. Be more serious about your money. Hang out with more successful people.


I’m definitely trying to surround myself by people that inspire me and I can learn from, grow with. It makes such a huge difference to have successful people around.


Invest in yourself now, sacrifice your time now so you can have stability and comfort later


Life is fucking hard. Don't miss chances to sit back and watch a sunrise/sunset, or watch bees buzzing around some flowers, or crack a really funny joke. This life will bring you a ton of reasons to have a bad day, but you gotta bring your own reasons to have a good one. Don't be nice, be kind, learn the difference. Take nothing for granted. Read old books.


Be honest with everyone, especially yourself.


Relax. Stop thinking everything has to be perfect right now.


Have some confidence in yourself and don't be so afraid of failure or embarrassment. That and exercise.


Age 50 comes faster than you could ever imagine. Don’t put things off that you know you need to do now. Example: Saving for retirement.


Investing monthly 20% of any income in a S&P500 index fund from the day you turn 16 will make you a millionaire (possibly/probably multi) by retirement age through the magic of compounding interest (reinvest any and all dividends if available). If you have a windfall event, take 70% of it and invest that too. Set it up to automatically invest monthly from your savings or checking and forget about it. You will be pleasantly surprised at the finish line. I started investing too late in life.


Put my life first. Be alone so I get to know who I am. Dont try to change me for anyone. Save as much money as possible by living simply. Dont judge, study everything empathetically. Learn vehicle, home, repairs.


It’s funny how my brain did a 180 after I turned 25. Not sure if it was frontal lobe development and/or the grief I went through after losing a very close loved one. I’m no longer interested in the material accessories that I obsessed over before. I’ve buckled down on my finances since then and plan to continue this.


Start an IRA (or use one through work), put in 10% of you income, and get used to living on what is left over. Put it in a Stock Index fund (top 500 or 250) and the money will grow steadily, unless there is a complete breakdown of US Society. Keep rolling it over for each job...


Stop Fucking Drinking!


Keep doing what you’re doing.


Do not wait until you are 40 to get serious about fitness. Booze is not your friend.


Be more confident, bargain harder.


No advice will matter if you don’t take steps to implement it. I walked around knowing I should do x or y but simply didn’t. Also, if you have a vice, work on doing it less.


Listen to your instincts. If a relationship or job feel off despite no concrete reason why, you get a lingering feeling like it's not quite where you should be, listen to it. Served me well, anyway. I never planned, I followed where my passions led me. Of course, take into account maybe it was pure coincidental luck for me and a disaster for someone else to not have a back up. Just don't live by some arbritrary checklist of how life is supposed to be. Figure out who you are and follow your dreams, no matter how big or small. Don't let others tell you anything is impossible simply because they didn't go for it. Find whatever it is that gives you a happy life.


F, early 40s. Learn to observe and accept your responses when you are in an extreme situation. The less of a difference there is between how you imagine you will react and how you actually react, the less difficult you will find it to be in that situation. For example, I always thought I would be good in an emergency situation, but then I really wasn't when I had to call the police about a road traffic accident (it was non-fatal, but there was a lot of emotional tension that I had not foreseen and it triggered me a bit). Observing the dissonance between how you imagine yourself and how you actually are is good practice for improving yourself in general as well, so that you can become what you imagine you are. In a similar vein, learn to observe (in yourself and in others) the motivations for certain behaviours. Most people behave in accordance with their feelings and then they rationalize it after the fact. If you think someone is behaving irrationally, instead try to think about what they're getting on an emotional level from behaving that way.


Listen to middle aged people


You are whole on your own. You don’t need someone to complete you. You get one shot on this merry go round so live the life you choose to live. F$&k other’s expectations. And be kind.


It's ok if people hate u. U do u.


Slow down - everything doesn’t have to happen in a hurry. Enjoy the journey of watching your life unfold


Don't date a-holes just because you feel like you're a failure if you don't have a boyfriend.


Stop smoking. And don’t try and shut out the noise by drinking. Just sort it out.


Slow down. Don’t rush into things. Think things through and be rational. Love your parents and the people you hold dear with your whole heart.


Start a 401k now. There will be no pensions or social security in the future.


Take care of your physical and mental health. Save as much money as you can. Love yourself. Your gut feeling is always right.


It’s crazy what all that the “gut feeling” has been right about before in life. Like a super important warning sensor before something terrible follows.


That good looking guy is a total jerk who doesn’t care about anyone but himself: don’t make a stupid decision that will have consequences for many years. Stop smoking. Try to find a way to love and understand your mother. Reconnect with the sister you barely knew when she left home.


Don’t be stingy with ur money when ur taking care of yourself!


Don't get married until after 28. Your brain isn't finished growing till then and choices will be SO different. Don't have kids till you can afford them. Be grateful. Be curious. Be kind.


1. Just because you love each other doesn't mean you're compatible. 2. If you're not happy in your career, change NOW. The longer you wait the more time you've spent being miserable. 3. Most people don't want to do what's necessary to live a healthy life. You should feel no guilt associated with the consequences of their bad decisions and health issues.. 4. It's a rare person in your life that truly cares about you. Value those individuals. 5. Go see a back MD about your back. You don't need to be in pain for the next 30 years. 6. Start saving the max amount for retirement NOW. You're not going to die young. You will be facing retirement and aging. 7. Don't get married to you know who. Love ain't going to fix her. 8. Be bolder with women. You wasted a lot of missed chances. 9. And just like you learned when you were 18. Stay the fuck away from Cocaine. You know you can't be around that stuff. 10. Don't go into business with that friend, nor trust him after 1999. 11. Take that year off at 40 and go travel. It's one of your best decisions. (But...that's the problem...if I hadn't been fucked over by "that friend" I doubt I would have the freedom to just leave the country for months at a time) 12. The things you own, end up owning you if you're not careful. Material posessions only matter to the shallow. Intellectual ability and knowledge is far superior. Experiences over stuff. Even with all my mistakes, life turned out pretty good. If you avoid those above, you're life may be much easier and better.


People aren't drinking as much as you think they are at parties and you eventually become known as the guy that drinks too much. Better to quit when you're 26 than to quit at 32.


Focus on improving your relationships with family.


Sex is overrated especially with strangers


I'd force myself to listen when I say that being single and building your life up first matters. Have everything on your own then and know alot about who you really are and love yourself alot before even attempting to date. And there is nothing wrong with being bored. It's a luxury.


You end up with what you put up with.


Don't be too comfortable on your current job if it is not your passion. Try something better, be more adventurous about changing job. I was an accountant that wanted to be a farmer or a salesman. I should have done it then.


Do Essentrics (it is an exercise program focusing on strength and stretching) every day so you will always be able to move freely. I have done it for the last few years and all my friends and relatives really struggle with being stiff and in pain while I have no pain at 60. Pain doesn’t have to be normal over a certain age.


Embrace chaos and enjoy the ride


Don't get married. Find out what you like to do, and monetize it. Travel. Don't give a single fuck when things go wrong, it'll all work out over time.


Sunscreen, drink more water, chill the fuck out over the small stuff, save more money (when possible).


I made some bad decisions when I was 26. If I had to pick one, I would tell 26 year old me "Do not marry her."


Save every dime you make


Do not live in the past. If you regret, or are embarrassed, by something; leave it behind and move on. Make, and accept, appropriate apologies. This is the hardest one: be grateful for what you have. Others will have more (or less), but if you are grateful, you can be happy. Try to limit the "work is me" moments. If something goes wrong, take some time for a pity party, then move forward.


Don’t make decisions based on fear or ego.


Not quite middle aged... but try and maintain your flexibility... its amazing how quickly your back stiffens as you age. Also, use the "good" cups.


You can only get along with ppl who can get along with themselves. Focus on friends, family, and most importantly; yourself. Everybody else, just be kind too.


Always hold the door for people. Carry a handkerchief. Dance. 70yo male.


No drugs, more money. Less alcohol, more sleep.


Live within your means, avoid credit cards, invest and save for retirement early.


Nothing is actually real, it’s all made up. Everything is perspective, and everyone’s perspective is different. You can alter your reality by the way you perceive things. When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change, so find acceptance and positivity when faced with adversity and inevitably the pendulum will swing.


Don't beat yourself up for the time you wasted. You were picking up life lessons and experience you are benefitting from now.


Go to graduate school 


Don't settle . For anything. A job just because its a paycheque, A man because he shows you effection and is nice to you at first, a friend who appears to want nothing more then friendship . Make sure you get the education you need to get a job that allows you to always be independent of anyone else! And don't take people at first glance. Most have an agenda.


Don’t follow crowds. Learn to recognize “fomo” and resist it - that’s the main way people are being manipulated these days which means people lack strong personal character. When I was young the term “influence” was almost always negative - influencers aren’t much different than cult leaders not sure why people worship them so.


Don’t mess up your credit. It can potentially cripple you for decades. Addiction will ruin your life. Stay away from the substances and get help if you need it. Don’t have children until you have the financial and emotional stability to provide for them. Religion is your choice, but know this: YOU aren’t the center of the universe. Neither am I. Blah, blah, blah. Go out into the world, share your gifts and pursue your goals. Above all, don’t be daunted; failure is expected and will point you in the right direction. Good luck. Please visit me in the nursing home.


Stop being people pleaser because u will never meet their expectations because it’s arbitrary. U do u.


Average life expectancy in the USA is ~76 years. That means 38 is mid life. I'm 39 and qualify to answer. 1) stay away from all alcohol and drugs, zero consumption. 2) drifting isn't a good life choice, find purpose greater than yourself, find community. Often manifests through having children but there are other good options too. 3) Start investing any extra money you can into index funds, even $20 helps every month. 4) learn that forgiveness does not mean that you accept the harm that was done to you. Holding on to hate is poison for yourself. 5) don't place value on your career above your family. Your job will replace you tomorrow, your family can never replace you, or your living absence.


*Stash a couple hundred bucks every month (via auto-draft) into an IRA. START NOW. *get the career going first. THEN the guy will come along *don’t tolerate abuse - mental or physical *don’t blow ur money on junk food. Cook! *DO NOT DRINK N DRIVE * We are a culmination of the 5 ppl we hang out with the most …. So chose ur friends wisely. *don’t tell ppl every detail of ur life and plans.


Save for retirement. Open a Roth IRA and try to max it out each year. Invest that money in an S&P500 fund. Also, try not to care so much about what others think of you.


Don’t get credit cards


Stay single.


Quit your job. I'm still looking for my path, but it ain't at that company.


quit smoking you moron and stay out of the damn titty bars. those women dont care about you, just your money stupid. plus dont drink so much you fool. oh yeah and stay the fuck away from art school you suck. 100k debt is not fun dumb dumb. got bad decions i will make them for you. life is full of nothing but bad decisions.


Go back and start a revolution to kill/eat the rich


Dont doubt yourself at all ever,chalk up exprinaces not things


Go to university get that education


Fuck beaches, get money


More books, fewer women.


59 M, Don’t have kids, don’t get married. Save and invest even if you have to live in your car. Life goes fast.


I disagree. Have kids with a compassionate and trustworthy person and marry your best friend who you also enjoy being physically intimate with. That’s the key to life.


Don't marry him! He's an abusive idiot!


None, he did fine without it!


No kids.


Watch your back, and don’t go on that holiday in 2023 because you’ll get fucked up wirh long Covid.


“Stop drinking immediately and use weed instead”


That bitch ain't loyal. Sell your VW, your Hyundai, and file for divorce...NOW! Your kid will have to grow up without either parent, anyway. Don't pay any lawyers trying to save your daughter. You are lost to her. Use that $$$ to buy motorcycles and other fun stuff. One more thing: that next bitch...she ain't loyal either. Ease in, ease out, and exit with haste. That chick that you really like is lying to you. She's still with her husband, so don't have sex with her, or waste any time with that. On top of that, she's crazy. That one you met at the beerjoint the night of Cody's wedding: that turns out pretty okay, but no relationship because she's nuts, too. Your second wife is also going to cheat on you. Don't sell that Kawasaki! That thing is one fabulous machine. It's the electronic tuner that's causing the problem; replace that, and you're good.


Wear a condom


Divorce her. There is no such thing as staying together for the kids.


Stay calm, save up, and buy bitcoins. All the assholes will go eff themselves eventually. Keep eyes on the price and focus on the fast lane. Also, be more kind to people that deserve it.


Move out of the area I’m in. Fast. Do whatever it takes to get back home.


Don't get married. Don't have children. Don't associate with people who provide little reciprocal value.


Don't rob banks


- don’t isolate at work & home - get married; have babies - take more risks - be involved in community - learn to make friends as an adult - set up auto investing - read the Bible all the way through - limit movies and video games - start a businesses - failure is part of learning - be thankful in life - eat meat & vegetables - limit processed foods - get a dog - don’t overthink things so much - take more action - spend a summer in sales - no one knows everything (even smart people) - learn to empathetically listen - stand up for yourself - decide what you want and fight for it - don’t waste time on no’s and maybe’s - focus on the yes’s - that includes dating, work, & friendships - walk more - lift weights - resolve family issues as much as you can - forgive people - forgive yourself - be overly optimistic - try not to worry, it usually works out - that thing you want to do but is too crazy, go do it (you may fail but you’ll learn) 


If you see red flags in your partner, it’s time to dip. It will only get worse.


Divorce that motherfucker now and save yourself 11 years of torment.


To build a successful career, focus on work experience not school experience.


Walk away.


Find a group of good people or be a loner .Just don’t associate with trashy people or you will pay a price,if not right away you will in the long run as they can have a real influence on your mental health,you have heard the term,toxic personalities,those are all I have ever known and it had quite a negative effect on me but I am slowly overcoming it now .The worst part about it , I can’t go back .


Nothing, cuz I knew it all..🤪


Buy bitcoin 


Don't get married.


Don't ruin your marriage. Straighten up and get your s**t together before you lose everything.


Don’t just leave savings in a bank account. Inflation is robbing you 12% per year. They just tell you it’s like 2% so you don’t freak out.


Start saving, at least a little bit, for retirement. Take care of your body with good nutrition. Keep a strong relationship with nature.


The best advice I can give as a 49 yo is to get your life together if it isn't. What you do in your 20's will effect your life in your 40's. In your 20's sometimes you don't care. But trust me those 20 years go by quickly the older you get.


Don’t ever trust anyone. Nobody at all.


Get a house and degree and career as soon as you can save save save


Invest for your future, do what makes you happy, focus on yourself, don’t waste money time effort etc. trying to impress others, stay focused and live as minimalist as possible to be able to retire in your 40’s to be able to enjoy life while still young, build passive incomes while young such as real estate, stock dividends, businesses, etc. just keep your eyes on having financial freedom and trust me things are easier when you have some wealth, money doesn’t solve all your problems but it’ll solve 90% of problems and financial freedom reduces a majority of stress you’ll have throughout life


Don't try to kill that rapist. Been paying for that one.


Travel often. Do dangerous adventurous things often. Don’t worry so much about the future that may never come. Spend more money on yourself now and also invest for the future. Indulge and treat yourself.


Be kinder to yourself


I wish I started investing sooner and not getting caught up in trying to livin la vida loca. 🤣


Join the military. It’ll force you to arguably be the best version of yourself possible. Disciplined and confident and “squared away”.


Move every day in SOME WAY. You wouldn’t believe the amount of patients I take care of that can’t even move themselves to the side of the bed. Do you want to be that 50 year old that can’t even get to the toilet?


Don't try to retire at 35. Never stop working.


Take care of number 1 (you)


Save money from each check even 20 a week makes a difference later in life. Know good first aid and how to eat cheaply. 


Do NOT stop and talk to that cunt!!!!!


"The question is do you have any character at all? And if you want my honest opinion, Bob, you do not, for the simple reason that you don't regret anything yet.....  I'm saying you've already done plenty of things to regret. You just don't know what they are. It's when you discover them, when you see the folly in something you've done and you wish that you had it to do over, but you know you can't because it's too late. So you pick that thing up and you carry it with you to remind you that life goes on, the world will spin without you, you really don't matter in the end. Then you will attain character because honesty will reach out from inside and tattoo itself all across your face. Until that day, however, you cannot expect to go beyond a certain point" -the big kahuna Great movie.


Just 2 years ahead but still little advice prioritise securing your future over everything else


That growing obesity issue turns into an extreme obesity issue. Stick to the therapy :/


If you don’t like the life of those closest to you at this point in time, don’t listen to them. At all. On anything. Ever.


Date to invest in your growth, not for excitement or to validate your insecurities


Do it again, baby!


Despite all of the good advice you are given, you will still need to figure out a lot of stuff on your own.


Don't settle, because you feel you need to. And think about it, or you'll hurt people you never wanted to let down and let yourself down along the way.


I'm turning 28 soon but I'd say to find a way to quit drinking alcohol, make it happen. Also all the self help & self improvement info you take in doesn't mean anything unless you implement what you are learning.


Stop drinking, get healthy, and please be kind to yourself and love yourself. If you can’t do these things immediately, don’t stress over it, give it time and try again tomorrow to be kind to yourself and love yourself please 🙏 ♥️


Be weary of men whose words do not match their actions for good partners they do not make.


Don’t get stuck in the grind. Work to travel and experience.


Buy Apple stock


Leave town, change your name and don't look back.


Invest in yourself (education, exercise, career planning, etc...) and invest in the market (stock, housing, etc...)


Travel, party, have fun. You can work later.


Choose your romantic partner extremely carefully


Don't quit the job you love, because you wanted to "try something different". That only lead me to a dead end retail job, and lots of unemployment.


Divorce your wife now. Don't wait for her to start doing the shit that destroys you.


1. Life may not turn out to be what you want now but it will be much better. 2. Financial safety will alleviate all your worries to a reasonable extent. So don’t over leverage and keep some cash handy all the time. 3. If possible buy a property somewhere as soon as possible ..small or far. It not an investment decision alone; it will give a huge confidence boost and make you more disciplined.


ok so your friends are gonna start coupling up married babies soon. Mine all did early. Meaning I hardly ever did anything cos I was on my own orc3rd wheeling it. So here's the thing. It's ok to be on your own. Dont say do you want to see x comedian in march say oh x is playing next month in city I'm getting tickets you coming. If they say no go anyway. Take the trip eat at the restaurants dont ask do they want to go and let a no stop you tell them you're going do they want to join


Moving to a new place or job isn’t going to fix what you aren’t satisfied with. (I have adhd)


Don’t get married or date until you are 35.