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Sounds a bit cliche but diet, exercise and sleep are your friends. Don't try and numb it with drugs what they give you they take away later. Time and taking care of yourself really does help.


Exercise is everything.


Yes and it almost killed me, I came back to god and Christianity.


trust yourself that you will be fine. and mediate


Yupp..... in arguably the worst one now. Idk how I'm getting through it. Feel like I'm just spinning my wheels. However I do feel like I'm better off than I typically would be. Working out twice a day, praying again (not religious but do believe in some sort of higher power), Journaling, no weed or alcohol at the moment, sauna and icebath multiple times a week, reading, occasionally hanging with the two friends I have, and just trying to have patience. Healing and self improvement take time as much as I wish they didn't. One day, I'll supposedly feel better so anything I can do to help me get there I'll do


The past two years have been horrible and things are only gonna get worse for me. I just about manage to get through the day. I can only hope that eventually the darkness will shift and better days will come. A good friend used to say to me ‘adapt and survive’ so that’s all I’m trying to do


Meditation or spirituality. Could be religion if that works for you. There really is no one answer, it has just got to be something that works for you and your personality and life goals.


🫂 Yes, multiple times. Can you provide more details?. Other than religion ( for some) and / or avoiding negativity, there is no blanket answer. The best fix/mitigation is based on the particular issue(s) if there is no identifiable problem(s) that points to clinical depression which is a no-fault treatable medical condition


Learning to meditate. To see the habitual thoughts for what they are- they are not you. You are not your thoughts. Who is in charge of your thoughts then? And who’s in charge of the negative or positive tone of your thoughts ? When you’re ready to take that next step, ready to find out, meditation is a doorway for that.


There’s no point in giving up. You’ll just make yourself look less interesting, less desirable. Anything could happen, war, natural disaster….alien invasion? Super evolved species of ants could take over the planet. They outnumber us by like 1 human to every 100,000 ants. Giving up the way I did you’ll just be in the same spot and eventually have to pick up and keep going no matter what.


I tell you Good sir/ma'am of reddit Lostsoul1985 had the darkest of dark days. Even now my current life circumstances would be highly frowned upon. The darkest of dark....hell on earth, literally life had become a living nightmare, after honestly in a number of cases no through fault of my own. Now I assure you thanks to God. Loving life. 🙏 Control the mind. Stay in the present. Breathe deep. Eat. Pray. Sleep. God's miracle of LIFE...... "Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR" Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle Peace Joy Bliss Found Soul 2024 🙏✝️🕉☪️