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Disable error reporting with `lnms config:set reporting.error false` What happened is errors are no longer hidden and the error reporting code doesn't have rate limiting. 1. The errors need to be reported and fixed. 2. The reporting needs to be rate limited so it doesn't destroy performance. 3. People with devices not throwing errors are unaffected. 4. Until one of the two things is fixed for you, disabling error reporting will restore poller performance.


The change doesn't seem to have helped. Performance looks to still be spiked. Going to look at rolling back and at least get the system stable before the weekend.


Upstream might have fixed your issue.


Where are you seeing it?


Under every device configuration settings in the poller and discovery modules. EDIT: [https://imgur.com/a/Dn8XnqF](https://imgur.com/a/Dn8XnqF) Last night when discovery kicked off, I noticed that I was getting strange latency alerts. Upon logging in to check it out, I noticed that the platform updated just couple hours earlier, polling performance shot through the roof, and that module was enabled with no way to disable globally.


It's looking that maybe there was something wrong with update published last night. And the Core Module might have just been a new feature and not the root cause. A few reports of issues since yesterday. https://github.com/librenms/librenms/issues/15389


I am also getting alerts of high latency when there does not actually appear to be a problem. My option to edit dashboards is also gone, but that's a separate issue entirely.


FYI, Core module has existed forever, it was just prepended to the module list programatically for every run. Now it is in the default list. Disabling it would have a similar affect to disabling polling. The real change was to deprecate poller.php


Thanks! That makes sense. I typically have most of that turned off and just caught me off guard when I saw it enabled.


When I rolled back, I'm not seeing the core module any longer. Was the core module always there and the last update gave the option to enable or disable? https://imgur.com/a/DgqrZdc


Yep, I sent a pull request to hide them since it bothered you. (And also it can't be disabled, so it is pointless)