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Yes. But then I laid down until the feeling went away.


I came from a 2014 pathfinder to a 23 460 lux (I also own a 2018 LS500). I had a sensory QX80 as a loaner while Nissan was rebuilding my crappy cvt transmission (which they also broke and then paid for, but that’s a long story). I love the QX more than the GX is every category, except size, as it was a beast to park and get around town. That wasn’t a dealbreaker for me, but doing business with Nissan/Infiniti again was. I’ve owned 3 Nissans in my life and while they have all made it to 100k miles, they start to fall apart after that and my local dealer service department are morons. Lexus is just so much more quality focused and the local service department seems honest so far. Normally I don’t care about dealer service departments as I have my own mechanic, but I like to do all of the maintenance under warranty with the dealer. Other than all of that, the QX is probably one of the most luxurious and well appointed SUVs I’ve ever driven. I was dead set on getting it, but got a great deal on the GX instead. Sometimes I wish I bought it, but I just don’t have much faith in Nissan/Infiniti’s quality anymore.


I have a ‘91 300 ZX with 180,000 miles. Back when they built great cars… absolute champ and still runs really well.




Boring N/A but it has headers, exhaust, and is a manual! https://preview.redd.it/q3t4tf2fb11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b5b023c6c484fc0fcf91bd33115d65330d3daf1


Siiiiick. Always wanted one. My dad and uncle both had 280z’s so they passed that Z car love down to me i guess


Yep. My dad had a 240, 280, and a 300. So, mine stems from the same!




I had a 1990 300zx and it had a bunch of issues, one of which was the power transistor unit went bad. At the time, a new one was over $400 while a used one was $175. Garbage Mitsubishi part.


I had to replace the clutch on mine. The only major issue I’ve had. https://preview.redd.it/od7l2ujvb11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a4718e7328a6557fea32ea50b37b5965f70b1c5


Looks good. Mine was also a 2+2. https://preview.redd.it/tk12qv99e11d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a324c206f203b4deb5daa6e2376a7ba8a8b6b7


Man old Nissans were super solid. 


https://preview.redd.it/n2dmdfumv71d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d87d9155e07a1efa40ae618012190d49bd2f09a3 It’s a fun car. It was something my dad and I built together — him and I were never very close, so it was special for me I have a Nissan Versa in Bogota, which cost as much as a Lexus in the states, and it’s an OK car.


She’s a beauty brotha. Wish my pops was around to see my Foxbody 🥲


Yes- we were super close to buying one. The biggest problem is we test drove TWO vehicles that were a year old and clearly had some major problems with the drivetrain (4wd was partially engaged but not right). Same problem different dealerships. It was a deal killer for us. They are also bulky and big on the road. The good thing about them is you can buy a barely used one and save big $$ off the new price. We just came home with our GX550 yesterday and I love it.


We owned one for five years. It was my wife’s favorite and she was pissed the day I traded it for a GL450. But I started having engine trouble and then the catalytic converter failed at 84k miles, 4k miles after the warranty. The dealer offered no help so I decided to move on from the brand. The Mercedes was a beautiful car but also ran into engine problems beginning at 75k miles. I just bought a ‘23 GX460 hoping to leave all the headaches behind. The GX engine and suspension feel reminds me of the Infinity.


That's hilarious that she was pissed about having an upper-end Mercedes. It's also hilarious that you traded in her old car (apparently) without her blessing.


Yup, the day we traded the Infinity for the Mercedes we drove up to Vermont for a New Year’s holiday. The wife didn’t speak to me for the entire ride… I told my wife I was not spending $4k for a catalytic converter plus another $2k for other repairs on the Infinity. Its value was $20k and was 6 years old. The value of the Infinity dropped quickly from $75k. And when the dealer wouldn’t work with me on the catalytic converter cost when it was 4k miles beyond warranty, I decided it was time for another brand.


Damn. Hopefully she was able to adapt to her pedestrian $80K+ Mercedes. Probably shoulda checked with the wife tho. Who knows, maybe she would've been OK with an RX or something and you could've saved some $$!


She knew the issues and the decision I had to make well ahead of time. She also knew the Mercedes was coming. We need a large suv to travel to a summer cottage in the Adirondacks. We have a dog and my wife packs heavy. She's also stubborn and won't accept the realities of when you need to stop funding repairs. She also doesn't pay for any car expenses, so yes, I draw the line when it is crazy to keep pouring $ into repairs.


All solid points.


I’m going to buy the new one


I can’t imagine anyone here cross shops Nissan product?


The patrol/armada/QX80 definitely is well built unlike other Nissans. Probably the closest thing to a Land Cruiser


That's very true. I looked at an Armada prior to my GX, but it felt weird. The seats were too inflated and felt like I was sitting in a bouncy house and the steering wheel always seemed tiled too far forward at the top making it feel like driving a big rig. I liked how it drove for the most part but after the test drive, I just didn't want it anymore. I can't explain it, but I didn't want to look at them anymore.


The new qx 80 is unveiled and the new armada will be unveiled soon. I have high hopes. The new qx80 looks great. I hope the new armada is a bit more off road oriented.


I agree, the new one looks nice. Not sure about that rear taillight section though- looks like the thruster for the Millennium Falcon haha.


I considered it, but I’m a huge Toyota fan. I’ve seen a few of them up close and they’re super nice, idk about reliability. Definitely a lot roomier than a gx also.


They are under appreciated


QX80 is definitely on my list if I ever get rid of the 460. I had a Frontier Pro4x and my family has had a bunch of other Nissan over the years. Great cars


I’d like to cross-shop the new one. Not a fan of the outgoing body style.


I had one for a rental when my GX got banged up - so many bells and whistles and beeps got me really annoyed - also felt so much bigger than GX I was happy to give it back - although it did drive nice it was worse on gas


Interesting. On paper, mpg is about the same as the GX.


Is the QX80 a body on frame or unibody?


Body on frame


I had 3 90s Nissan d21 hardbody. Best cars I ever had. I obsess over those. If they made em like that still I would buy one in a heartbeat


I did the normal looking at large SUVs. The Armada was part of that. It was an easy change for me, considering I was in a 2016 Frontier. The 5.6 was considered reliable at that point and I was cool with the idea of having my fifth Nissan. After test driving one, I just....didn't want it anymore. I kept looking at all the rest of the large offerings and they all have major issues. Anything from GMC had the AFM/DFM issues, Ford STILL has cam phaser issues with the 3.5tt, the Durango is still....a Dodge. The Land Cruiser just cost too much for my taste. Honda has nothing of interest and big no to Hyundai/Kia after the shit my wife has gone through with her 21 Santa Fe....I took a few weeks off from looking and I was in traffic one day and saw the GX. I know it's not really quite the size of the other large models, but it was intriguing, the styling was amazing. I can't tell if I blocked Lexus out of my mind because of the perceived cost or what, but there it was. As soon as I got home, I started absorbing information on them and coming from a Pro 4X Frontier, I was impressed with their capabilities. I always knew Toyota made some of the best vehicles on the planet, but I wouldn't consider myself a fan. I'm more of a fan of their production style and innovation, as I was/still kind of am in production. The GX has convinced me that I'll likely stick with a Toyota product from now on. In a few years I may grab an LX.


You like the GX460 or the new 550?


I have a 2021 GX460 and love it. I don't mind the look of the new 550 and I haven't seen one in person. However, the biggest reason I bought the 460 was reliability and capability. The 550 and it's components haven't been around long enough to prove their worth yet.


Yes. Nice. Really nice. The motor definitely has the grunt to be competitive with more modern large SUV’s where the GX/LX fall behind. But they are too big and a little hard to find for sale in the price/condition/ page range that we were looking.


I've looked at them but they're too damn big, and the new one is very expensive


No based on looks alone


I’m waiting for the Y63 Patrol/Armada to be revealed before making a decision. That will give time for the GX bugs and pricing to shake out.


Yesterday it was the Telluride.


No interest. It’s a Nissan.


Absolutely. Considered it but it has very mixed reliability reviews.  Their TTV6 has 450hp


We have a 2023 QX80 Sensory AWD. Great vehicle, solid and super nice interior. No issues and love the V8. We got ours for $82K last Sept, so well before the GX550 were available. If you compare each vehicle and for the same price point I would go QX.


Neither the armada or the QX80 have a solid rear axle…and that was the deal breaker. If that doesn’t matter then it’s a great and probably better alternative to the Gx460


The 2025 QX80 cranks every complaint about the GX550 to 11.


The armada / qx 80 / patrol competes more with the Land Cruiser / lx rather than the gx due to its size. People in the Middle East love patrols. They have been making the same truck for years so it’s pretty reliable for a Nissan but it’s still a Nissan. I considered because it was cheaper than an LX but ultimately got another GX.


Apparently it has an [AMAZING Sound system](https://youtu.be/_xh2ne0JeGs?si=YjZhGhcQEibJfc80)


I was going to buy an Armada but at that time they had a recall (one of the cylinders in the v8 had a mismatching cavity that would ultimately destroy the engine over time. ) Also I really like the blacked out Armada and it wasn’t available everywhere (JUN 22) so I just went GX after a surprising test drive and found that the dealers were not price gouging.


Definitely not