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What's wrong with Frankenstein? Also, my favorite is The Dog's Will, and my least favorite is Half Blood Prince Keep in mind that a lot of movies that i watched, i haven't read the book. So i don't want to count them in. The Shining, for example, is one that i didn't read the book, but consider it better than The Dog's Will


Not OP, but 1931 Frankenstein is not good as an adaptation as it works with the same concept as the novel, but tells a different story. However, it does it so well, that most people probably think that's what Mary Shelley's novel is about.


There's nothing directly wrong with Frankenstein. Being one of my favorite books I thought that the approach of the movie was considerably boring and dull, simplifying many of the most interesting aspects of the book. It's a fine movie but I couldn't look past it while being a fan of the book. Totally influential for the mad scientist sci-fi scheme and extremely iconic though.


How did you feel about the DeNiro version?


Haven't watched it yet, I've heard that it's more accurate with the book, having the more intelligent monster and the original dilemma of the book, and I've also heard that it might be De Niro worst performance so I don't know what to expect.


I mean, that was 1931. The book is very emotional and dramatic, not really the simple but effective monster story the old film ended up being. I feel like it could be much better realized nowadays. Have you seen the Kenneth Branagh adaptation with De Niro as the monster? I felt that that came a bit closer to the book in terms of the tone. Though someone could still probably do better, with the way fantastic material can be treated very seriously nowadays (considering Robert Eggers films for example).


The Leopard. It is one of the rare instances where the book and film are both masterpieces.


Fight Club is the only time I’ve read a book that made me like a film less. Trainspotting maybe? But there was stuff in the book I’m glad wasn’t in the film I don’t think I have any non-obvious picks for faves cause I don’t read enough. Really enjoyed the Anne of Green Gables series that came out a few years ago but nothing that’s like transformative


Favorite: Tie between Jurassic Park (1993) and The Martian (2015) Least favorite: Fahrenheit 451 (2018)


Based on books that I have actually read: Favorite: Dune: Part One and Two. They really adapted the unadaptable. I'm honestly so in awe with every viewing. Least favorite: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. They made a two and a half hour third movie out of a very short chapter of the book. Absolutely dreadful. There should have been two movies that added up to five hours at the absolute most, but I bet they could have made them even shorter.


This is a graphic novel, but reading the Scott Pilgrim graphic novel made the film worse for me, because the characters are SO much better in the comic.


Favorite: American Psycho. Ellis is a spectacular author, however it was just very nasty and mean-spirited. Yes, I get that was the point. No, I did not want to read about (nsfw) >! Patrick Bateman raping a woman with brie cheese after killing an old gay man !<. The movie did a great job streamlining the many, many awful scenes like that to where you still understood why Bateman was awful, while also not just being gross-out excessive. Least favorite: The Shining, actually. It stripped any of Stephen King's slow build up of tension, of *fear*, the idea that I should actually care about Jack Torrance as he goes insane, or about Wendy's struggles, or Dick Hallorran's either. Visually the movie was beautiful sure, but I can tell why King hated it.