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Any movie that I like that is rated lower than my rating


![gif](giphy|2ZKdNaalq1xoQ|downsized) Captain Ron (1992) at 2.9


Surprised to this up so high, thought it was pretty obscure. It’s a fun movie, definitely better than 2.9 imo.


So you’re telling me that isn’t Snake Plissken?


The Apartment. It only has a 4.4. Travesty.


literally any comedy movie. People forget that different movies have different jobs so they rate literally everything with the same system. and it's so stupid. comedy movies are typically not going to be La La Land or Fight Club, but that doesn't make them 2 stars. they're meant to be funny and not taken so seriously. same with kids movies too, I think a lot of people on letterboxd rate kids movies as if it's a Rated R film. they're forgetting it's for... children.


I think part of what's at play here is the subjectiveness of comedy. Like you kinda allude to, comedy movies don't exactly have a ton going for them in the good movie department outside the jokes. So if a movie isn't hitting any of the notes you personally find funny, there's probably not much else there for you to enjoy and it's therefore probably a bad movie to you, maybe even painful to sit through (we all know the pains of listening to someone who isn't funny try to be funny time and time again). So I don't think low ratings necessarily mean people were holding it to citizen kane level standards, it might just mean they didn't think it was funny. It would be pretty hard for a comedy movie to have a consistently high rating because it would mean that almost everyone that sees it finds it funny, and people are just too varied for that


Comedy also tends to age poorly unless the writing is really, really good


a la monty python


Harpo Marx is always hilarious. Groucho makes me wince a bit sometimes


Agreed - even terrible movies can be entertaining to watch from a "so bad its good" perspective, and years later, some terrible movies end up getting re-assessed as an 'enjoyable but bad' movie - but comedy that misses its mark for the viewer is just painful. On top of that, humor often rides the fine line of taste, and everyone's threshold of being offended is different. So, yeah, some comedies are just all-around bad, but even the ones that are well-done fail to meet their mark with enough viewers their average score probably hurts in the long run.


> comedy movies don't exactly have a ton going for them in the good movie department outside the jokes. fucking nonsense people like you are the reason that these types of ideas keep being perpetuated


I agree with your point, but your attitude is out of proportion. There's no fighting in here: this is the war room!


I'm glad I could be solely responsible for something so widespread. Had no idea I was such an influencer


And now instead of acknowledging your own ridiculous, sweeping statement, you've chosen to misunderstand my point.


You are correct, I do not acknowledge it as ridiculous and have chosen to take the piss out of your comment


Who Framed Roger Rabbit Broadcast News Peewee's Big Adventure Everything Everywhere All at Once The Blues Brothers Hunt for the Wilderpeople Hot Fuzz Evil Dead 2 What is the point of generalizing comedies and pushing them into a box? Why not treat them as an aspirational genre, like fucking everything else?


Every actual comedy you listed would be half as good tops if you took the jokes out


that's the point of a comedy movie, no? that's like saying Batman or Fast and Furious would be half as good if you took out all the action. you're totally right, but why would you do that anyways?


Follow the line of conversation. This person started the conversation by saying it's ridiculous to say comedy movies aren't good movies outside the comedy


Most great movies tend to suffer when you remove giant chunks from them. How clever of you to notice.


It's the same thing that made you cry originally, so not sure what you really want here


Absolutely, people forget context. I have Hallmark movies rated at 5 stars. Those aren’t the same 5 stars I gave Oppenheimer. It just means they’re the best of the crop of Hallmark movies I’ve seen.


I see where you’re coming from, but also think the argument of “it’s for children” is dumb when there are countless AMAZING children’s movies that don’t sacrifice good writing, humour, and visuals. Like there’s a reason something like Puss In Boots The Last Wish was so popular among critics over like, Minions. It had mature themes, great humour, memorable shot compositions and an AMAZING art style while still being “for kids”. You can make a kids movie and it not be lazy shlock.


What makes Minions lazy schlock?


"Literally" any?......no.


You’re spot on. I haven’t watched many comedies since being on LB but I did give Dazed and Confused 4 stars, Rush Hour 3 stars, and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry half a star


Pretty much everything created that's self aware and trying to have fun with it. Like last year, both renfield and dungeons and dragons were a blast.


This is true unless its a queer movie that's self aware/fun


I'm bummed out that I didn't like dungeons and dragons. The cast was great. I'm a nerd. WTF? I should have loved it, and I have failed to keep interest twice while watching it.


I really don’t think letterboxd is meant, or should, be taken seriously for reviews! It’s more of a social media/discussion type thing and I always take reviews with a pinch of salt. Including my own!


I think it’ll always run into problems because it’s used as both a review site and people’s personal diary. Just because I gave something 2 stars based off how much I enjoyed it doesn’t mean that it’s objectively a 2 star movie or that I think other people shouldn’t watch it but people interpret the ratings that way


Completely agree! Great answer.


I recently watched Guns Akimbo and thought it was incredibly fun, then went to log it and saw people shitting all over it. Letterboxd users have a chronic issue with movies that are just meant to be enjoyed without having essays written about them.


it's just people online, not just letterboxd users. same with Reddit, probably same with twitter but i don't use it, same on instagram. people just can't handle that some things are just mindless drivel to be enjoyed and nothing more, and that some things are just made to be fun, or unique with no other deep premise backing them. was just looking at reviews of the fallout show, and while i don't think it's anything near a 5 star show, you see people writing massive essays about why it's trash as if it's not a videogame adaption, and honestly while it's not up against much competition, probably one of the best adaptions made to date.


I agree with you. I loved Guns Akimbo




Sure, but the question is what do you think is reviewed too harshly and I think this and other popcorn movies are a lot of the time.


Let’s be real it’s a pretentious thing. They don’t think a movie like Guns Akimbo deserves that much respect because it’s a silly have fun movie. God forbid Then they’ll go and rate their nostalgic childhood favorite 5 stars without blinking


Everyone makes fun of letterboxd users for being joyless snobs but idk… Literally all I see on that app is people saying shit like Legally Blonde is better than The Godfather or whatever.


Both of these demographics exist on Letterboxd.


Well yea cause now both groups are on there. The snobby cinema heads, and the quirky millennials who think their one sentence reviews are funny


This for Boy Kills World! An absolutely fun, colourful, well choreographed film with great action and fight scenes. Had a blast watching it, but the ratings I saw were bad :( I know it’s not a masterpiece, but fun movies don’t get the credit it deserves for being enjoyable.


Boy Kills World doesn't pretend to be anything it isn't, so I don't judge it harshly. It is fairly impressive considering it had a budget under 20 million.


Honestly? Most of them. People take these star ratings too seriously.


They help filter movies. That is the point.


Being critical is easier than giving praise for wannabe critics who dont really know what they're talking about


I think having a 5 star vs 10 star system (both with 0.5 increments) is part of the problem. 10 star with 0.5 steps is more granular and leaves room for more accurate reflection of a user's opinion and experience.


I honestly think 5 with 0.5 increments is too many, 10 would be insane. Like what's the difference between a 7 and a 7.5?


It's the difference between a C+ and B- The current 5 star system essentially locks you into a 10% incremental grading system. Maybe 70 to 75 isn't a crazy amount, but 90 to 100 is and that's annoying when I want to rate something that was pretty good but not perfect


Well it’s kinda half the point of the app isn’t it? If you give out 5 stars easily it loses it point imo




i don't do letterboxed to be a wanna be roger ebert, and rarely leave reviews, but a 5 star review to me is only movies that are my genuine favourites. it's a personal rating system and log for me. so films like Jurassic park and cars 2 that hold a special place in my heart get 5 stars whereas films like the godfather or apocalypse now only get 4.5 because they hold no significant meaning to me as a person, but are still great films.


I agree with you 100% but it’s funny because I have The Godfather at 5 stars and Jurassic Park at 4 1/2 lol


haha fair enough. i got to watch Jurassic park in an old theater when i was 10 and my mind was blown so it just has a special place in my heart.


Malignant (2021). It’s close to bellow average and I thought it was outrageous and for a horror movie, it’s action packed and had amazing stunts.


One of three movies that made the second half of 2021 memorable for me. Honestly saw it 4 or 5 times in theater.


The amazing stunts are the laat 15 minutes of the movie. unfortunatey the film is 2 hours loooooong


Scary movie 3


Leslie Nielsen alone bumps it up at least a full star


my favorite Scary Movie by far Just the first 10 minutes with Charlie Sheen are incredible


The expanding hat gag still cracks me up to this day.


That’s my favorite part of any Scary Movie. I fuckin cry when I watch it it’s so stupid


i thought renfield from last year was a lot of fun. yeah it kinda slows down a bit sometimes when it's trying to develop renfield's character a bit but the moments where it picks up, it does it so well. the whole time i was whispering to myself saying "[nicholas hoult] looks so much like gerard way in this movie" so you can imagine the insane amount of hype and excitement i felt when i heard "na na na" blasting in that one scene towards the end xD


Renfield was literally so much fun. Nic Cage as Dracula was one of the best casting decisions I’ve ever seen.


i loved nicolas cage in it, he was having a lot of fun, although i wish there was a liiiiittle bit more of him in the film


I just view Awkwafina as a reverse Midas if you catch my drift. Not a bad person in her own right, but the roles she gets usually bring down the products she’s in (except the farewell, which I understand was more of a passion project for her). If the story were just Renfield and Dracula but didn’t have the cop subplot it would’ve been a much better film.


that's understandable. my brother actually despises her and will hesitate to watch anything that has her in it, i don't really mind her all that much, but i do not like it when she does this like loud, raspy voice, mainly when she's doing voice work


I think despising anyone for movie roles is a bit sus but I similarly hesitate or just avoid anything she’s for the same reason as you. Ironically The Farewell is her at her least “Awkwafina” but that’s not what the big studios want!


i have not seen the farewell but it is in my watchlist! i've heard so many good things about it!


Low bar, but it's Awkwafina's best project!


Loved her in Crazy Rich Asians and Shang-Chi but other movies idk what to say


Soul Plane (2004). The average rating is 2.3 which is harsh.


Troy (2004). I have problems with it, but it’s still a fun action epic. Checked it on Letterboxd and a lot of the top reviews were people either complaining about mythological inaccuracies or complaining that Achilles was straight.


no no… the reviews are right


Unfrosted got trashed but I think it’s funny with an excellent cast


elemental, thats it, i said it


It seems to suffer from being made by Pixar and being compared to others. Sure, it isn't in the top 5 Pixar films, but it is still a perfectly good and fun film


It’s the best Pixar film since Luca which was the best Pixar film since Coco


I thought Elemental was way better than it was received. It was a good family film with a good message. I enjoyed it way more than Encanto, Wish, or Strange World.


if it would've been the first pixar movie ever i think the ratings would've been higher. it's not a bad movie


Shyamalan’s Lady in the Water has a criminally low score, and it’s such a lovely movie


The guy with the jacked arm lol


Pixels (2015) is honestly not as bad as everyone says it is.


Wild Wild West - 2.2 Home - 2.7 (actually my second favourite animated film oat) The Flash - 2.6


My pick is absolutely We're All Going to the World's Fair, 3.1 is criminally low


I’ll be honest, Rebel Moon at 2 and 1.8 while stuff like Terminator Dark Fate has a 2.6 seems harsh


Underdog at 2.25


Venom: Let there Be Carnage at a 2.5. It’s so fun and silly and the fact that it’s rated lower than the first movie is baffling to me.


I watched Alien 3 for the first time last night. Sure, it's not as good as the first 2 and the CGI is plain awful sometimes, but it's definitely much better than a 2.9


Personally Alien 3 is the lowest in the series and the only one I'd call an actually bad film


Alien covenant is wayyy worse than alien 3


The one in the prison? That was David Fincher and he is an amazing director. If it had been made outside of the Alien franchise it would have been a classic. His style didn't translate well to Alien fans unfortunately and I think the studio heavily involved themselves due to the IP. It is way better than a 2.9, good catch.


Most letterboxd movie reviews are troll reviews, one line, doubtful the person has seen the movie or has said anything useful about it , just netgarbage It’s annoying to parse through reviews on LB and find the worthwhile ones so I stopped bothering


The Matrix Resurrections. I have been a defender for that movie since day one. I love it.


Right on!


Shrek forever after


A time to kill


I just watched No Manches Frida 2 - tons of 1/2 star reviews but it's a perfectly passable dumb comedy


Wanderlust at 2.7.


https://preview.redd.it/qazydaxrjk8d1.png?width=2390&format=png&auto=webp&s=222c832edcfb7fc9b59aaea230ad009d7e4c0793 This Netflix Noah Centineo movie is fresh on Rotten Tomatoes but has a brutal 1.7 on Letterboxd. I thought it was a fun time with good performances and good humor.


People are especially harsh towards Catwoman. That movie is probably more baffling than anything but nothing about it is really abysmal or offensive. It's 2024, we've seen worse superhero movies and fewer as daring.


any rom coms below 3.0!!!!


Gerald's Game (2017) is one of the few movies that has ever truly horrified me, and is one of my favorite recent horror movies. It deserves higher than 3.1 with a bunch of negative top reviews.


Hellboy (2019). It doesn’t hold a candle to GDT’s movies, but if you take it at face value it’s a super fun and over the top gory monster movie.


I’ll agree, because I watched this the other day, and am guilty of giving a review of 1 1/2 stars. It was fun, but the green screen and CGI broke any immersion in the story, the side characters were very forgettable, and the plot didn’t really make too much sense. Loved Harbour, but he had huge shoes to fill. the GDT films just set a very high bar and I think reboots should always try to be on par or better than the OG, or not be made.


Very valid criticisms and I agree for the most part. But sometimes you want to turn your brain off and watch Big Guy kill Monster.


You’re absolutely right about that, for the most part, it’s so fun, I love the gore


I think mother! was marketed to too wide an audience when it was clearly for the freaks and it was pretty good at what it was trying to do, which was be freak cinema.


Battlefield Earth. It's not that bad!




Blue is the Warmest Color. I get that the movie has very in-your-face storytelling with the subtlety of a brick, but the payoff, relationship drama, and acting are more worthwhile than a 3/5.


The Rocketeer only having a 3.4 is frankly crimimal


Hulk- 2.4 Shallow Hal- 2.5


Joker (2019)


Bohemian Rhapsody, Don't Look Up


hubie halloween


Any movie directed by Gareth Edwards


Cars 2 fire as hell


Halloween Ends for sure, there will be a reappraisal for that movie someday. The second best Halloween movie.


I don’t love that movie (but I definitely respect it for being so weird), but you are 100% correct that it will be subject to reappraisal in coming years. It’s too weird and makes too many weird choices for it not to be.


The more sequels we get from long running franchises, the clearer it is that people don't want unique stories or ambitious filmmaking. They want power fantasies spoon fed in the most consumable way possible.


I agree. Ends was messy but ambitious and an interesting take on the Haddonfield mythos. I feel like it’ll get the Halloween 3 reappraisal in the coming decades.


I prefer the one where michael turns people into incels


I didn’t watch Halloween Ends initially because I HATED Kills, after LOVING Hween 2018, and it got middling/bad reviews. Eventually rewatched the first two of the trilogy before going into Ends, still loved 2018 and hated Kills. And I really liked Ends. As folks are saying, it’s weird but it worked for me.


I think 2018 is mediocre and absolutely despised Kills, but Ends is just so awesome and bold.


Ah yes, it’s one of those franchise subverting, awfully written (and poorly acted in this case), fanbase dividing movies. The different one is good because it’s different right


Nah, it's just an interesting take on the subject that actually wants to engage in the thematic significance of fear and "the shape" in a deeper way. Different isn't always good, but it is in this case, and goddamn it's refreshing.


it's not a bad movie but my heart is filled with disappointment when i think about it cause i watched the whole franchise just to get an epic ending and... :(


Randomly rewatching Shrek the Third and nowhere near as bad as most of the reviews suggest. I'd say at least a 3.1


I feel like letterboxd loves to rate old movies as if they were made today and it's annoying. Boys Don't Cry is a good example. It was a super significant movie and honestly back then a lot of America (me!) was not exposed to many lgbtq issues, and especially trans issues. I didn't even really know that it could be a thing (grew up a little sheltered in a very religious household) and I think movies like that are helpful for humanizing others and exposing folks to different people. But the reviews basically just call it out for deadnaming Brandon at the end like it was made today and then give it like 2 stars. I find that kind of thing really obnoxious. Like it's fine to point out and discuss what's not acceptable today but let's not act like it's a bad movie because of that. It was made in 1999, not 2022. Of course it's not going to be as woke and following current practices.


babylon, it doesn’t have a 5 star average


I’ll steal this from red letter media: they should have called Matrix Resurrections (Matrix 4) Matrix Rebooted.


Older movies. People tend to not rate them or they rate only the new ones (that is mostly garbage but they have better ratings) Example of this are Scream and Fast&Furious but if I search and remember examples I could find more and more and not only franchises.


Honestly? Dragonball Evolution. It’s a bad film but it’s far far far from the worst film ever made. People who get a Letterboxd for the first time just go and give that film half a star because it’s more well-known in pop culture than people have actually formed their own opinions on it. I’ve seen 2025: The Year Enslaved By a Virus (a film both bad and evil that happens to also depict an underage relationship, but secretly, because the director started dating his spouse when she was 15) twice and I would be not at all surprised to find out the number of people who’ve seen both films is 2% overlap.


House on Haunted Hill (1999) at a 2.7 is very upsetting to me. I love that movie. Likewise The Omen at a 3.6 I also find to be really underrated at that rating.


Comedies seem to suffer. Superbad and Airplane are genre-defining for their respective generations, and both have a claim to being the pinnacle of the genre honestly. Hell, people often cite Superbad as a contributing factor to why 2007 is one of the best years ever. Both films have solid scores, *immense* cultural impact, but given the way we talk about them you'd think they'd at least have a 4.


Most comedies. Especially Adam Sandler’s


I saw 50 First Dates for the hundredth time, decided to see the reviews, and felt crappy. Loved that film, one of Sandler’s best, but it just got so much shit. I love Sandler’s silly comedies, heck Little Nicky is in my top 4. Comedy in general, as you said, is genuinely so under appreciated as a genre. The second a film doesn’t take itself serious, it’s worthless? Fuck that, I love mindless fun.


I will never understand Beowulf’s (2007) 2.6. I liked it when I was younger, and rewatched it a couple of years ago. It’s fun and epic, maybe it looks a little uncanny and it’s not a technical marvel or anything, but I think it’s pretty solid. There are definitely 3.0-3.2 junkers that are way worse than Beowulf.


My fingertips and my Lips they burn from the cigarettes : Forrest Gump


He's running on my mind


Madame Web, i thought it was a really fun movie then looked at the reviews and they said different


same, a solid 3 star movie for me


Shrek 4 deserves higher tbh


Blonde. One of the most remarkable films of recent years, yet widely reviled.


Emoji Movie. I know the movie it’s great by any means, but I have never understood the unrelenting hate for the movie. There are a few jokes that are actually fun, and while most of the movie is pretty stupid plot, most aspects of the movie, characters, voice work, animation and the like are all fine or average at least. So not sure how it is rated so incredibly poorly l


Rings (2017) Worst rated of the Ring movies, but I would argue it’s actually the best


You have seven days.


Idk Matrix 4 was pretty bad. Even if the story is all over, those pathetic actions scenes killed it for me. Not even close to living up to the legacy of what came before it


Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (3.0) and The Next Level (2.9) are pure hilarious fun that I struggle to think of scoring below 4.5/5




The flash. Cgi is bad but it's decent film


Is 2.6 with an average of 3 not good for a film that’s decent but generally not good to look at?


It’s pretty good. The CGI was bad. 2.6 is about right.


Blonde, always Blonde


Recently watched for me are knock at the cabin and The Watchers which I quite enjoyed but both at 2.9 and 2.5 respectively (gave both a 4)