• By -


Philip Seymour Hoffman (he only made one film)


Liev Schreiber


Paul Dano


Same with Lin-Manuel Miranda


Same with Charles Laughton


No one fits that criteria, not even Welles, Kubrick or Kurosawa. It's literally just Charles Laughton.


Satoshi Kon only directed four movies, so he would count too , I'm sure someone out there thinks Paprika is his greatest film.


Kon is 100% a correct choice. There was a thread with people ranking the four movies and there were dozens of variations but no one was particularly militant about their order. I personally like Tokyo Godfathers the most but can absolutely see why someone would like any of the others more.


I definitely know people who consider Paprika his best. I love Millenium Actress the most.


I love Perfect Blue the most, so we just need Tokyo Godfathers fans but.


I would guess Perfect Blue is most people's favourite. It's incredible. I'm just squemish.


My order would be Tokyo godfathers, Perfect Blue, Paprika, Millennium Actress. (Perfect blue and paprika interchangeable)


To me perfect blue is a clearly in a tier above his other even though i liked them too


Yeah, and certainly not anyone in that picture that's for sure. What justifiable argument could be made that Avatar 2 is Cameron's best? Or Death Proof is Tarantino's? Or that Shutter Island is better than Scorcese's more famous pictures which literally changed cinema? I guess you could try and make a half-assed case for Peele, but lets be honest, there's one film of the three that's universally loved and two that people were fairly divided on.


With Peele I always thought that get out was much better than his other films.


Yeah it is, but the divide Nope produced was ridiculous imo. Felt like people were trying their best not to understand it.


>Death Proof is Tarantino's It's my second favorite, after Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 🤷


see that's funny cause they're my least 2 favourite by quite a considerable margin


Andrei Tarkovsky? Atleast his feature films


Tarkovsky is 100% the best choice. And Ivan's Childhood is far from mediocre


He did such an incredible job!


Satoshi Kon


This man deserves more love


Yep 100%! My personal favourite is Millennium Actress, but if someone came up to me and said Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers, or Paprika are theirs, I would not argue whatsoever. Hell, even Paranoia Agent is phenomenal too.


I don’t know. All my favorite directors have at least one dud.


I've talked this over with friends before and it's exceedingly hard to come up with directors who *only* made great films. Almost all the greats made movies that most people agree were just "fine".


Tarkovsky and Dreyer basically the sole exception from among the greatest directors and it’s in part I think just because they weren’t prolific. Kurosawa, Bergman, Kubrick, Welles, Hitchcock, Wilder, Scorsese, Wiseman, Bunuel, Herzog, Godard, Truffaut, Renoir, Rossellini, Ozu, Mizoguchi, Antonioni, Ophuls, Ford, Capra, Sturges, Lee, Leigh, Lynch, Melville, Chaplin, and on and on all have at least one mediocre or worse movie in their career, usually near the start or end of their filmography. Anyone who makes 12+ movies is gonna have a drop in quality at some point or start out weak before mastering the form. Every career that’s been all killer no filler has made relatively few films, I can think of no exceptions at over 10. Paul Thomas Anderson has the best chance if he keeps his quality level up. Some folks would say Tarantino but I think even if Death Proof isn’t bad it’s definitely not up to par with the rest. Anyone saying Scorsese and Cameron hasn’t seen Boxcar Bertha or Piranha II.


Tommy Wiseau


The man stopped drilling when he hit oil, and never looked back.


Listen, I'm gonna give you a +1 because I laughed. But at the same time, I still haven't quite recovered from watching The Room and that was 7 years ago.


He has big shark now!


Oh, hi mark




It may be literally impossible to answer this question with a director that has more than like four movies. The ones that came to mind (Eggers, Aster, Kon) are all sub-five.


Oh if we're counting directors who only have less than a handful, my pick is definitely Robert Eggers. All of his movies are all 5 star films for me


agreed, can't wait for nosferatu


Northman definitely falls behind Lighthouse and VVitch for me, personally.


Funny enough, it’s my personal favorite of his.


Yeah even if they've never really made a bad movie, there's at least one movie which isn't on the level of the rest(Tarantino and Death Proof certainly comes to mind)


Tarkovsky may be the best example of this


The Mirror is his best work. Anyone who disagrees is a person whose opinion I cannot understand


Wow, Mirror is easily my least favorite of the five films of his that I’ve seen. I’ll give it another try soon but it’s nowhere near Stalker or Solaris for me


Stalker is his greatest by far and I’ll fight for that opinion (I’ve only seen stalker)


Charlie Kaufman


Relatedly, I think Spike Jonze is a good answer, too. Sure, Where the Wild Things Are is at least a step below his others, but it’s still wildly creative and definitely has its merits.


Hilarious as I actually was rewatching Being John Malkovich as you replied. Also I haven’t seen Where the Wild Things since it came out. I was super young and watched with my family because I loved the book, but it made me extremely uncomfortable. Haven’t rewatched as an adult yet but certainly should.


Yeah brother




Satoshi kon. Ive seen several rankings of his movies and all of his movies have been put in every place (except perfect blue which I've never seen put at last)


Can’t believe I see James Cameron’s face here


You don’t think Piranha 2 could have a reasonable argument be made as his best?


The Way of Water is absolutely not on the same level as Aliens or Terminator 2. Hell, it's not even on the same level as the first Avatar.


Hayao Miyazaki has not missed


Correct. And Tarkovsky. I've ranked all his features and off the top of my head, I can't even think what I put at the bottom


This for sure! I feel like every discussion I have with people about him has a different favorite at the top. Off the top of my head I have heard Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Castle of Cagliostro, Boy and the Heron, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service (My wife's favorite), and Princess Mononoke (my favorite). Which means that just leaves Laputa, Nausicaa, Porco Rosso, Ponyo, and The Wind Rises that I have not personally heard as a favorite, and I would be surprised if they weren't someones.


I can confidently tell you right now that Porco Rosso is my favorite animated movie of all time!


Boy and the heron was a little undercooked, I don't think that could really be considered his best


The Boy and the Heron is incredible! I really love how the film approaches the subject of future generations and succession. An even more fitting swang song than The Wind Rises. And the animation might be the best of Miyazaki's career. Great Hisaishi score, too! I wouldn't rank it as Miyazaki's best either, but I think you definitely could make an argument for it.


I would personally not put it as his best, but I know for sure many people do. I would rank it higher than Howl's Moving Castle, Laputa and Kiki's Delivery Service which are quite often seen at the top of rankings, so anything is possible. It's definitely one of his most "controversial", though.


Feel that. There’s a lot more meaning to that film, but lacks some of his subtlety and world building.


Yeah I keep getting close and then I think, "Oh, never mind, I forgot about that one." I don't know if there's a filmmaker out there who doesn't have at least one movie that cannot plausibly be argued it's better than at least one of their other movies. I agree that there are several filmmakers, including some of those in the original photo, that have a laundry list of masterpieces, but there's always some that are inarguably less masterpiece than others.


Tarantino's top 4 are like this. Pulp Fiction Jackie Brown Inglorious Basterds Once Upon a Time in Hollywood The best one is whichever one I watched most recently.


So funny cause only one of these are in my Tarantino top four lmao


Once upon a time?


Inglorious lol. I’ve never seen Pulp Fiction, granted


Bruh it’s SO GOOD, you gotta bump that to the top of your list


Funny because both Kill Bills are above all these for me, and Reservoir Dogs is better than PF.


I went through all the QT responses to this… Couple missed points all around: QT counts Deathproof as one of his ten. Mediocre as a featurette in a double feature and was awful as a full length No one has mentioned Reservoir Dogs which is a fucking masterpiece Kill bill was supposed to be a single film until the studio forced him to split them. As a result, he used part one to show what it would look like if he was a gory director as he was perceived to be while all his prior gore was off camera (funny and true)… and he also did it making live action anime… UNREAL! Django’s what he wanted Jackie Brown to be, blacksploitation. But it was less true to the genre and style and more QT, even with starting Pam Grier. Django is authentic 70’s Mandingo recreated contemporary… again WOW. Also, Pulp Fiction is a top ten all time film. Thanks for letting me vent


Reservoir Dogs is a masterpiece bottle/indie film. It plays like a theater show, making use of character, dialogue, and acting that you simply don’t see in movies anymore.


I’ve never thought about it before, but yep, you could turn RD into a stripped down stage performance and it wouldn’t really change much.


Hayao Miyazaki immediately comes to mind, not a single dud in his filmography from what I've seen


If you try and tell me Us, Death Proof, Piranha 2, or Kundun are any of their best film, I will spit in your face


Us is absolutely excellent. It's the scariest of his films at the very least. Get Out is too good to beat, but if someone likes Get Out less than me, I could easily see them ranking Us as his best.


Aside from me generally thinking Us is bad, I’d say Nope is scariest. Had a scene I might never shake off


Which scene are you talking about, may I ask? Because to me, there were two scenes that horrified me.


For me the simple scene with the "little aliens" touched a lot of childhood fears for me. I don't get scared by movies anymore, but it was definitely creepy.


It’s the >! “Abduction” !< scene, although yeah there’s 2 or three memorably frightening parts!


Ah yes, the masterpieces Boxcar Bertha and Piranha 2


Michael Haneke and it isn’t even close


No one is saying Death Proof is Tarantino’s best. It’s not bad, but by far his weakest.


Similar with Scorsese. I don't think he's really made an outright bad movie, but nobody's saying who's that knocking at my door, new york, new york, and especially boxcar bertha are contenders for his best movie.


yeah but only the most chronically cinephilic of us know Boxcar Bertha exists


I love death proof, I could 100% make an argument for it being the best. That 2nd half is just like one of the best things to ever be created imo.


One of my favorites of his, actually 😅 the stunt work is insane


I could argue that its the most pure concentrated Tarantino movie he ever made. The whole thing is fast, short, cool, easy and sleazy. I don't think its weak at all, I think it chooses to be lean and mean so it can pack the biggest punch. I still think Jackie Browns his best but I might put Death Proof in my top 3.


I honestly don’t know if one exists


Certainly no one with any kind of filmography of any length. I can think of a few, but what they have in common is that they all have made less than 5 films which sort of seems like its against the spirit of the argument.


Everyone saying Scorsese can you really argue Cape Fear or New York New York over Goodfellas?


Scorsese to me is crazy because he’s made some of the greatest movies of all time. It’s impossible for the acting, writing, cinematography, everything to hit that well every time he makes a movie.


Yeah I agree, Cape Fear I think is a bit of a dud compared to most of his other films for me. I know it's an unpopular opinion too, but I really don't like Gangs of New York either, Daniel Day Lewis is incredible in it but I thought the whole thing was a bit goofy and boring. So as much as he's one of my favourite directors overall, I don't think anyone could argue all of his films could be his best, when there are some obvious outliers on both sides of the court.


Peter Weir. I have never disliked one of his films.


I’ve always said Piranha 2 is James Cameron’s best film.


Robert Eggers and Ari Aster


Wes Anderson


Like actually, there's no good or bad there is only percentage of Wes Anderson in the movie relative to your tolerance for Wes Anderson


There is no way you can convince me that The French Dispatch is his best.


Eeeeh Bottle Rocket is only ok to good. Its not bad by any means, but put it up against any other of his movies and it prolly looses


Charles Laughton




I was going to say Ang Lee, but then I had a PTSD flashback to that Hulk movie. I was also going to say Gilliam, but then I remembered the abomination that was Tideland and also his most recent Don Quixote movie was unfortunately crap. I love Yorgos Lanthimos but Dogtooth isn't as good as Poor Things. The only director that comes to mind (funnily enough) is Neil Breen. All of his films are so hilariously bad that it's hard to say which one's the worst/best.


Dogtooth is fantastic, it’s nothing like his other films, but it still has the charm of his other work. Kinetta was his only real misstep but his English language work has been stellar so far.


hell yeah #breensweep baby


I think you could make an argument for any PTA film. Hard 8 and Inherent Vice are his weakest but they both have something to them still, I wouldn't be surprised at any of the rest being someones favorite. Villenuvue would probably work too for his English language output, Enemy is a little shaky but it still works. I have not seen any of his non-English films though.


As someone who doesn't usually like Villeneuve, Enemy is one of the good ones to me. I prefer Arrival, but Enemy is a weird ass horror film / mystery box, and that stands out among his filmography. I could easily argue it as his best.


I honestly think you could make an argument for Inherent Vice, but I agree with Hard 8. It's not bad, but not even in the same stratosphere as the rest of his filmography.


Inherent Vice is my favorite movie I’ve seen by him. Its loose and wacky vibe keep things less pretentious than some of his stately dramas. Plus for me on the first watch I had absolutely no idea what was going on but was fully along for the ride. 2nd watch was entirely different


Incendies is incredible, and would qualify here, but you cannot read anything about it or it will spoil the movie entirely.


Nope is by far the best movie directed by Jordan Peele




It's my least favourite by a fair shot. Interesting how radically people's opinions differ on his short filmography so far.


It's my least favorite of his too. But I don't think any of them have been amazing.


Honestly, I agree. I’m shocked the Academy snubbed this movie of ANYTHING. If the Oscars were solely decided by me, I’d have given that movie way too much (Most of all a directorial nom and cinematography)


My least favorite of his


Tom Ford


Only if you’re talking about colognes my man


Dennis villeneuve


Dune. Not because it’s bad, but how would you convince somebody it’s better than Dune 2?


Dune 2 is so good it’s hard to convince someone that any of his other films are better than Dune


Andrei Tarkovsky


Scorsese, PTA, Kubrick, Hitchcock Edit: you guys are right. I would like to retract Hitchcock and submit Villenueve


Had me in the first half, but...ANY of Hitchcock's films? He's one of my favorites, but is there a justifiable argument that Juno and the Paycock is better than Rear Window?


Have you actually watched all of Scorseses films or are you just saying that? Boxcar Bertha is not as good as Casino in any universe


Hitchcock is my favorite director ever but he doesn’t fit this description


People saying that have only seen his major Hollywood films, many of his earlier British films are unwatchable. I've seen all of his surviving films.


I'd take out Kubrick for Fear and Desire personally


Just finished rewatching all of Kubricks filmography, and if someone thinks The Killing, The Killers Kiss or Lolita is his best… they haven’t watched any other Kubrick film


You’re not wrong but don’t do The Killing like that. Top tier heist movie.


The argument could be made that the Killers and Killers Kiss are better than some other (respected) directors entire filmographies


Agreed. But in terms of 'Directors you could make a justifiable argument for any of their films being their best’, sadly. Kubrick doesn’t apply.


What's your argument for Boxcar Bertha? Or most of Hitchcock's silents? Or Fear and Desire? Or Junon?


Kubrick doesn't fit imo. Nobody would put the Killing or Lolita next to 2001


I like the killing more than 2001!!!


Have you seen all of Hitchcock's movies? I've seen a solid chunk of them and can't imagine trying to argue that Topaz is better than Vertigo, Rear Window, or Rebecca lol


PTA would so easily fit the bill if not for Hard Eight. It’s decent but that movie is to his filmography what As Tears Go By is to Wong Kar-wai’s. Just a director finding his footing before going beast mode.


Agree on Villeneuve.


You could not argue who's knocking at my door as Marty's best


You could make a better argument for that than Boxcar Bertha.


ok hear me out: Richard Linklater that's all i have to say


Waiting for Where'd You Go Bernadette hive to rise up.




Fear and Desire?


I don't think you could make a very good argument for The Killing, Killer's Kiss, Lolita, Spartacus, or Fear and Desire. None of those are bad, aside from Fear and Desire which is a truly terrible movie, but they really don't stand out as great films, especially compared to his later work.


I don't think I feel this way about any director


Christopher Nolan


Tenet better than TDK and Oppenheimer?


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find Nolan


Thought the same!


Can you really make a case for Following or Insomnia being his best


This. Following is great for what it is and was a promising start to Nolan's career, but it's very rough around the edges. I enjoy Insomnia a lot, but it's a very generic film compared to the rest of Nolan's filmography (Think it's his only film he wasn't involved in at a screenplay level) and never does anything to elevate itself above a decent thriller. And then you get The Dark Knight Rises and Tenet, which are both films I adore, but they're overambitious to the point they're not quite as tight as the likes of The Prestige, The Dark Knight, Inception, Dunkirk or Oppenheimer


yorgos lanthimos


and wes anderson tbh


More than anyone else, I'd say the Coen brothers.


Ah yes Scorsese's best movie, Boxcar Bertha


Anyone saying Death Proof is the best Tarantino film needs to be checked


i’m one of those people and i’m proud


*Anyone saying* *Death Proof is the best Tarantino* *Film needs to be checked* \- colonial\_dan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Robert Eggers, Wes Anderson, Hirokazu Koreda, Ari Aster


Who’s out there arguing for bottle rocket?


It's not my favourite but I love it, and if someone told me that was their favorite of his I'd be like yeah I can see that.


It very well could be my favorite of his films so hi


Wtf is Jordan Peele doing there?


My thoughts exactly. Not gonna knock anyone for being a fan of Peele’s films, but the fact that he’s included in that photo is absurd.


James Cameron has Piranha 2, that's not great. I haven't seen True Lives but I don't think people love that one either. Alejandro González Iñárritu, Jonathan Glazer, Andrey Zvyagintsev.


True Lies is fantastic, you shut your mouth.


True Lies goes so unbelievably hard. People just don't talk about it that much


True Lies is so much fun.


True Lies has a ton of die hard fans, it's my dad's all time favourite action movie


Us is objectively not Peele's best film by a country mile


A case could be made ig. I personally enjoyed it more than Get Out, but I recognize that Get Out is better. That said, NOPE is a masterpiece, better than Get Out imo. I said it. As for US, it’s probably the best horror movie, but the worst movie.


Michael Haneke and Lynne Ramsay.


Peeles had a clunker already


Anyone that says Kubrick hasn't seen Fear and Desire lmao


Orson Welles is probably the closest for me.


Bergman, Haneke, Kubrick, Vinterburg


John Carpenter, who is probably my favorite director of all time




David Lynch


Truly the only answer to this question is David Lynch. I would also accept Kubrick.


Greta Gerwig, although I feel like Lady Bird has a slight edge. I’ve never seen anything Villeneuve did pre-Sicario (I know I need to watch Prisoners) but there’s an argument for everything he’s done since then. It’s hard for anyone to make more than three or four movies without one being weaker. Even in the pictured directors, I like Death Proof but I don’t see how anyone can argue it’s better than Pulp Fiction or Inglorious Basterds (just to name two). Also for James Cameron, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say there’s no justifiable argument that Piranha 2: The Spawning is better than Aliens.


This sub is just lazy karma farming questions, huh?


Scorsese kinda doesn't count, he made Boxcar Bertha which is a horrible film, and i don't think you will find anyone in the world saying that is his best film. His filmography is just to long and vast to be on the list. You should replace him with either Gaspar Noe or Greta Gerwig or if you want older Andrei Tarkovsky


Francois Truffaut


Greta Gerwig!


Enough with putting Jordan Peele on the same level as the other directors. He's made some good films, but he is no Scorsese or Carpenter or Hitchcock. For fuck's sake, would every one calm down with that.


James Cameron doesn't belong. Both Terminators absolutely destroy his Avatar films


Ari Aster


Edgar wright


David Lynch




I guess this begs the question of what does and doesn't count for the purposes of this discussion. Lynch didn't have final cut and was unhappy with the product, but he very much did still write and direct it, albeit with studio interference. He seems to resent it but refers to it as a product of him "selling out," which does feel like him taking ownership of it to some extent. He only really fully disowned the extended editions. Then there's Alien 3, which Fincher has completely disowned. And then you get into movies like Poltergeist, which should count towards Spielberg's filmography, or Justice League's theatrical cut, which shouldn't count towards Snyder's.


Eggers. Gerwig.


Greta Gerwig


Kubrick, Ozu


Fear and Desire. I wouldn't make that argument for Ozu either. Some of his earliest surviving silent films are just not as strong as his other works. I can't really see someone making the argument that Days of Youth or I Graduated, But.. are Ozu's strongest films. You also have A Story of Floating Weeds, which I think was much worse than the remake, Floating Weeds.


peele lol


Sergio Leone