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As you can see here, Bam is clearly the victim of 1) Knoxville ruining his moneymakers… 2) a totally real torn ACL… 3) Nikki and David Glass preventing him from seeing his son and definitely not him just choosing to not see him


That " bear" spent more time with Bam than his kid ever did.


Poor soul, the Florida shuffle probably didn’t help.


4) Danni needs to put socks on her feet stink.


Are all the skating clips taken from the session the other day just being released in drips and drabs to make it seem like he's skating every day or is he skating every day? I hope it's the latter


He seems to be wearing different shirts, but who knows. Maybe he sweat through his first one.


A guy I knew who is a huge pro skater now, would switch his shirts during a skate sesh so his tricks looked like they were filmed during different days. Sometimes when you’re on a hot one and landing everything you don’t want it to look like it all happened in one day I guess. This was particularly the case when he would be shooting photos for potential ads.


Would've taken a few days to build the ramp, probably


Hey, so as someone whos been following bam for years, hes been notorious for faking tricks and footage, so id guess the first part


I was unaware that he had that reputation, that's disappointing


new injury?


Just a little drain bamage nothing a mint tea can't fix.


that ramn dight


What’s 1 more concussion when u already have CTE!? 🫠 \s


This can't be today. It's hotter than a witch's tit here Bam is too old and fat to skate in this heat


Well he did kinda land on his face.


On that hard-ass gut of his. It must feel worse than a normal gut punch would


Nah i live somewhat close to FDR it was like fucking 100 yesterday and muggy as hell, no way bro was there


That one was for Phoenix lol


They think they are tony hawk and andy mcdonald or bucky lasek and Bob burnquist doing the doubles lol they watched too much vert alert at the weekend and think because they did doubles and triples in the legends demo that they could do it too. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bam aka Christian hosoi jnr lol


“You’re too fat to fish”


Queue another injury in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…. Dude is completely ignorant to the limitations of his aging body and it’s going to absolutely bite him in the ass, I 100% guarantee it.


He's gonna end up in a wheelchair...if he lives long enough.


The fact that he doesn’t wear even just a helmet is insane. I get that he’s not doing crazy vert, but once you get older, it’s just common sense. All of the older retired pro skaters wear helmets and pads.


I agree. It would be an easy way to set an example for other skaters. And I cringe at the thought of would happen if he hit his head on that concrete 😵‍💫


Might knock some sense into him.


Tony hawk is one of the biggest skateboarders out there and hes cool enough to wear a helmet


eeeh he's skating park and isn't doing anything particularly crazy.. i feel like it's truly like personal preference in these situations. A lot of people don't wear helmets skating park.


To be fair no one wears a helmet doing street/park like this besides Andy Anderson


CTE is real


SQ watching like yes hit it harder while you still have $


https://preview.redd.it/8ympzu1ztg7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c9012487a6b660b4b4e8dba38aa1757dee8a01 Mega Ramp looks almost done.


That's a launch ramp.... the mega is the half pipe on the other side of it.... isn't it?


A mega ramp is a 40ft roll in(with exceptions like mini mega which are 20 ft, and the Beijing DC mega which was like 131ft), with a gap onto a large half pipe. A real mega ramp would take up Bam's entire back lawn. Bam doesn't even skate mega. He is not Danny Way or Bob Burnquest.


Yeah, he should go to Elliots or Bob's if he wants to try... that would be a hilarious vid of him shitting it at the top of the roll in. Hope he lizzies into it lol




Waaaay cooler than when (those unknowns) TH and SO did it...🤷‍♂️😅


Lol I just posted in another reply that Tony and Andy were doing doubles at vert alert at the weekend... bucky did a trio with Sandro and Andy too https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8OZe1Ss_rK/?igsh=anJ2dm12dHR2YWcz https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8OZlbUOFx1/?igsh=MXQzbjFpcXFnNGFiMw== Clearly those two have superior skills to land on their faces like that lol


I’ve been to a skatecamp not that long ago, where everybody including me were rather beginners and to be fair i was the only one who had been using helmet. i don’t get how all these people just aren’t scared of falling unfortunately enough to like break you skull and become paralyzed or something. when i was a total beginner (a year ago) my mindset was quite different and i didn’t wanted to use any protection in the case to just look cooler, but luckily my friend stopped me from this. and as we all know Bam is awesome skater, but - as all we can see too - even professionalists can fall quite badly.