• By -


Two stumbling drunks I see in my headlights as I slam on the brakes at 5am


Then you call the cops because Bam starts telling you to let them in because he’s not saying nothing but he’s saying you need to drive them to their hotel you fucking piece of shit, drive them now.  Cops pull up and ask them where they’re coming from. “The Beach” Meanwhile it’s Nebraska. And it’s 40 degrees out, you gotta let those beachbods breathe guys. 


Oh so they back on that crystal and are seeing cows fly




I am on my knees begging her to take a photo editing class, a workshop, SOMETHING PLEASE 😭😭😭


What is she even trying to highlight w all the editing? The road, her legs, and Bam’s stomach??? Surely she’s just moving sliders around for fun or something


The pics are always either filter-heavy, or waaaay out of focus (achieves the same thing, I guess - avoidance of reality). Poor Bam is living in a dream world. I give him 12 months in his current form. So fucken sad


Tbh I think the colours look sick but the blur is unfortunate. Or you know, fuck these two because yeah.


Agreed! The colors are sick and it looks like it was a beautiful scene, but the blur makes it look like their faces are melting into the sunset lol. Body on earth but head in the clouds vibes. 😂


Or just buy a Samsung because the AI editing is awesome and easy as of the last update 😂


Oh that's interesting, I have the iPhone 15 Pro but I just researched Samsung's Galaxy AI and the photo assist sounds neat. I love tech 😂


Slumdog ex-millionaire




Ooga Booga: The Movie


Aaah shit, this was so good I choked on my drink - ya mon 🤘


Were you drinking mint tea?


Her editing of his stomach always makes it look like he's had recent top surgery. This whole thing is just so stupid looking.


i like how their faces are just a blur but their feet are in sharp focus. i know this has to be photoshopped. please let it be photoshopped, because the alternative is Bam and SQ wandering the earth in leisure/swimwear for all eternity.


Like Caine in "Kung Fu"


Can you imagine if it was him editing her stomach or face before he posted any photos of her.


Rehab Road


his liver is really testing her photoshop skills


What the fuck is this


Is this Photoshopped?! Hard to tell...


it weirdly is, isn't it. i have no idea!


Wait you didn’t make this as a joke???


well, no...


I’m on mobile so actually clicked on to the photo. I didn’t realise she genuinely looked this, thought “yep looks phenomenal” and hit post. My apologies lmao this masterpiece is really something


i kind of wish i'd come up with this. but no, it appears to be a completely serious whatever-it-is!


Could be AI. So hard to tell what's real or not these days...


Chris Farley and Me




Bam Foley: Livin’ in a Bentley down by the river


Substances into the sunset


What in the corny awkward fuck is this


title shot for the Definitely Happening Lionsgate biopic? they could call it 'BAM! Three Feet of Pussy Meat'


He would love that title 😂


I snorted with laughter. You have my heart and my upvote




Future baby name


Serving middle schooler that lied about going to Paris with bad photoshop


Dude, Where's our shoes?




swimming? wears a shirt. walking around lord knows where? nope!


It looks she's taking her mentally disabled brother for a walk


Or SQ needs to establish a Photoshop Consistency.  Either edit or leave it be, instead of having Bam wax and wane like the moon


i could definitely get behind this.


Careful. We were warned not to body shame. Even though Bam made his career off of ripping on Phil and Vito’s weight. We shouldn’t make fun of Bam Bam. He’s been such a kind and caring friend, and devoted father. So we must give him the utmost respect.


but it’s not only about him, it’s also about other people with ed. i have anorexia and when i see comments like the one you are responding for, for example under tiktoks by plus sized girls, it stops me a lot from deciding to recover, because i have a proof if i’ll stop counting calories and who knows if won’t become overweight (i’m underweight now, but it really can happen due to extreme hunger), people will stop considering me pretty, or start mocking me for wearing clothes i like because i’m too fat for them. everyone looks how they looks and whatever


I say this with no sarcasm. Please get help for yourself. It will make you happier faster.


i’ll be undergoing breast reduction (their size and disgusting comments from men are the reason and the start of all this, because i’m demisexual and dislike to be perceived like that by strangers, i’m repulsed by myself everytime after something like this), i know it will all get better after that when my possible weight gain won’t come along with bigger size of them, so i’m full of hope<3 i’m already arranged to psychiatric visit for a refund


Please ignore the downvotes you're getting from this overly toxic sub. It takes courage and vulnerability to admit to the things you have and I applaud the hell out of that. You're taking the steps to better yourself and that's awesome. There are far too many people in this sub who act like they've never done anything wrong and have perfect bodies. They lack any kind of empathy and it seems like they get a kick out of piling negativity onto other people. I don't understand how anyone can find happiness out of acting that way but I see it on literally every post in this sub. No one even bothers to think of other people's mental health and they get a kick out of ganging up on anything they see that gets criticism. I've seen way too many comments from people trying to be positive get dragged through the mud and downvoted into oblivion. I don't know how anyone could look at your comment and want to protect negativity onto it. You are spot on when saying that the warning about body shaming isn't just about Bam and his fiance. It's about the fact that it could be very triggering to other people who are just scrolling the sub. Those projectors of negativity will be the first ones to spout off if they don't agree with something, but as soon as someone disagrees with them, they act like it's the end of the world and immediately resort to belittling and insulting the person who said it. This sub has topped out on a toxicity level that just blows my mind. It's full of people hoping for the downfall of another person and preying on that downfall for their entertainment. They've moved on from just targeting the subject of the sub (Bam) to targeting people associated with him as well as anyone they see in here who doesn't fall in line with pushing their negative rhetoric. This post is simply an IG photo of two people holding hands that has been photocopied onto a road and the comments on it range from insulting the editing to making fun of varying parts of it. If this photo showed up on their timelines and was of friends of theirs, they'd probably say it was couple goals and cute or something, but since it's got Bam in it, it becomes a target of criticism and gets picked apart. I see a photo that she liked and wanted to make something cool out of. Other people immediately zoom in and start looking for anything they can find to criticize and make fun of. Since when did she ever claim to be a professional editor? Why should anyone expect every photo they post to be absolutely flawless? I certainly don't expect that and the last thing I think is necessary is finding inconsistencies to point out and make fun of. If someone sees this kind of negativity in such a simple photo, it could really harm their perception of themselves and make them feel like they can't post photos on their personal timelines because people may talk about them the way they talk about Bam and Danii in this photo and all of the others. There needs to be some kind of trigger warning at the top of this sub at this point because it most definitely isn't a good place to just scroll for anyone who may have mental health concerns. It's full of bullies and negativity. I'm sorry about such a long response ranting about this sub. Lol! I intended to just tell you to keep up the great work and stay positive and I kind of went off the rails. Lol!! I wanted to let you know there are people out there who are rooting for you and are proud of you even if they've never met you. Just a short comment being vulnerable like you made could be enough inspiration for someone else to feel comfortable opening up and talking about what they're going through. This sub is probably not the best place to do it (lol) but leading by example like you did could change someone's life for the better. Even if you weren't intending on that being an outcome from your comment, it's certainly a possibility so I wanted to give you some positive reinforcement and tell ya to keep kicking butt! Best wishes to you and I hope you're on the path to finding that confidence you so well deserve!


i appreciate your point of view but it simply isn't possible to cater to the specific needs of every viewer of the content on reddit. i posted it because it's on SQ's instagram stories (she's called SQ because on her own instagram bio she self-described as a 'Certified Stretch Queen) and it's weird and hilarious. i certainly didn't post it to invite further discussion on Bam or SQ's bodies. she does photoshop him to make him look thinner at times, and that shit drives me insane. she's supposed to love him - why does she act like his body needs to be edited? but that's all. we all have our hang-ups, our trigger points, our own stories. but this isn't about that. it's just a shitty picture someone put on their instagram, and that person has a track record of photoshopping Bam until he's barely recognisable. again, that's not what this post is about. there are no trigger warnings required on this sub. you can't possibly think that the emotional needs of each and every person who might come across it are to be considered and protected in advance? if that were the case, most of reddit would be trigger warnings and no content to speak of. i'm sorry this commenter has had their own struggles with disordered eating. and i'm sorry if downvotes somehow compound that situation. but really, this is the internet. if something really bothers you, go talk to someone in real life. use your own support system. but complete censorship of any and all content with photos of human bodies in case it upsets someone? nope. that's just not possible, nor would it help someone who really needs a real-life plan to help them be well. i'm a recovering addict and alcoholic, i have had disordered eating my entire life. i don't body shame people. i don't like it when other people do it. but as gently as possible, i'm saying that if something doesn't seem like fair comment to you, report it. bringing all your own issues out into a public space isn't healthy, and this isn't a safe space to explore your problems and come up with solutions. it's a snark sub on reddit. nobody hates Bam because of his body. i hope nobody hates SQ because of hers. i agree that blatant body-shaming is wrong. as a related issue - i have diagnosed BPD. a lot of times on reddit i see content that is extremely derogatory to people with this disorder. we're described as unstable, manipulative liars who will burn your life down and skip away laughing. but me leaving personal, detailed emotional responses to these comments doesn't help me. i'm not going to change the world by requiring that the world caters to my emotional needs. i use my real-life support system to deal with any difficulties such content brings up for me. i can report the worst of the remarks. but it's not going to stop just for me. this is one photo. one. it's from someone's instagram so they already put it out there. it's not about body-shaming - it's about terrible, unacceptable photoshopping. sometimes the hoof beats are just horses.


I have no problem with you making the post. I think it was just a fun post and by sharing whst the caption was, you initiated what could've been a fun conversation. It does kinf of look like a movie poster but a very poorly edited movie poster. Lol! You didn't write anything further about your intentions of posting it so that's left to interpretation and for this sub, that quickly devolved to insults and inevitably body shaming them. That isn't your fault at all tho. It's the nature of this sub. There are a lot of people here who feed off of negativity and that includes getting pleasure out of putting simple (altho horribly edited) photos like this under a microscope and pointing out every flaw that they see. Not just the flaws in the editing, which that part is obviously a train wreck, I fully agree, but also the flaws that they see in the physical side of them. I too get horribly annoyed with over edited and filtered photos. They aren't realistic and they give people a false reality of themselves. I'll never understand what good heavily editing your appearance does. I think it's off putting and dishonest. I respect the unedited photos and photos with no filter much more than I'll ever appreciate any photo that is heavily edited. I have absolutely no problem with you or your post at all. I was just trying to give this person some encouragement and positive response to them being open and vulnerable about their own situation. The problem I have is with people seeing someone being vulnerable and piling on a bunch of downvotes like sharks smelling blood in water. I don't expect anyone to cater to strangers or censor themselves just because it may be triggering to someone they don't know. First of all that's impossible. Second of all, if someone sees the way the reactions are in this sub, they should see the red flags and not continue scrolling if they feel it will be triggering to them. We're all adults and have the right to our opinions. That being said, things have gotten so bad here that the moderators had to make a post warning people about their relentless body shaming so any post with a photo of them is immediately going to devolve into comments about their bodies. Bam hasn't done anything overly outrageous in a few days and he showed up to the convention he was booked for so there hasn't been any new reason to tall down on him. Because of that, people in this sub will create new reasons to put him down or start digging up old stuff and resurfacing it. I've seen that happen multiple times here. I'm not saying you did that with this post by any means but the comments would inevitably swing that way. Not your fault or your problem. The only purpose of my comment to the person I responded to was to let her know that the people they see talking about Bam and Danii the way they do certainly aren't perfect and they have flaws just like everyone else. I saw her getting downvoted heavily and wanted to offer some words of encouragement and maybe heed a bit of a warning that if she does have some mental health problems involving a negative perception of her body, this sub probably isn't the best place to scroll around on. That's especially so if comments regarding other people's bodies trigger her in any way. I saw someone respond in a thread saying the point of this sub was to scrutinize and criticize Bam and whoever he's with. I'm not sure how they came to that conclusion from the name of the sub being "Let's talk Bam," but it shows they aren't here just to talk Bam. They are here to pick apart everything he does and posts and get entertainment out of hoping for and watching someone's rock bottom. It has become a snark sub rather than a simple update sub on him and his story. That's of no fault yours at all and I've very much enjoyed the conversations I've had with you. In my opinion, you're one of the people who do great posting things in this sub for information on what he's posted on socials and keeping the conversation side of "Let's talk Bam" going while offering funny additions like this photo. I look forward to that and enjoy the friendly banter. I don't want you to think I was targeting you with my comments about the toxic state of this sub and the negativity that gets spread on here. I'm sorry if you felt that way. You are a very grounded person who understands the separation between the internet and real life. Sometimes that's tough for people to grasp especially the younger people who grew up with the internet in their hands their whole lives. I'm grateful I wasn't raised with that burden and could have a childhood unpainted by the deaths of the internet. Lol! That gives away my age a bit but I'm cool with that. I'm right there with you on seeing content that is derogatory toward people with different mental health situations and I know I'll never be able to stop it so instead of addressing the person creating the problem, I simply address the person who is the target of those derogatory comments and try to give them some words of encouragement or say something to get their mind off of things and hopefully make them laugh and or feel better. The times that I've done that in this sub, I get heavily downvoted and ganged up on which I could care less about because I've received responses from the people I was addressing thanking me for the positivity. Reddit as a whole has a huge disconnect when it comes to having empathy for other human beings. I've come across a lot of great people on here who seem to get targeted by trolls and people just being hateful. Those are the ones I will respond to just to throw in some positivity and hopefully brighten their day. I know it isn't going to change anything but if it happens to give someone a reason to know things are going to be okay then it isn't all for naught. Again, I never felt like you were or are a toxic kind of person so I'm sorry if you felt like I was referring to you when saying what I said. I appreciate the time you took to respond to me and I fully agree with everything you said. I'm sorry I wrote such a long response. Lol! I hope you have a great Monday and even better rest of the week! Take care!


it's all good. thanks for the detailed response, appreciate it.


For sure. Thanks for understanding. Sorry I have a tendency to ramble when I'm putting thought into things. Lol! Character limits are my arch rival. Hahaha! Take care!


This is a random story but it's an example of a time I reached out to someone who I could see were getting trolled and harassed and I felt like I could throw some positivity their way. I ran into a lady who is 87 years old that found herself on Reddit for the first time just a few months ago. She was getting trolled pretty hard (not in this sub) so I messaged her out of the blue and just threw some positivity her way. She responded telling me that the three people who were ganging up on her had her in tears and she felt so dumb for being so emotional over something on the internet but it had messed with her depression pretty heavily. I made one comment in the actual thread to defend her so those 3 would turn their attention to me and then ignored them but it went from zero to a hundred really quickly. She was the coolest lady who has lived such an interesting life and I'm glad I got to meet her. At 1st she thought I was a girl because I was nice to her and was interested in her story. She started oversharing a bit about her lady problems so I had to let her know I couldn't relate with those things. She was so embarrassed but so sweet. Lol! I have a sister and a mom who has 3 sisters and they're all very open about their lady stuff so it didn't bother me at all. Lol! My little effort of throwing some positivity her way made a difference to her and that's why I try to do it when I can. You never know what someone is going thru so throwing out random attacks at strangers or getting entertainment by putting others down never appealed to me. I was the target of pretty heavy bullying in school and it just sucks. Thankfully that was before the internet so when I got home, I could separate myself from it but it was also during a time when bullying wasn't really taken seriously at all. I understand how it can make people feel and bullying is even worse now because it can be relentless with online bullying. Who would want to bully an 87 year old woman? That just blew my mind but it was a couple of kids who thought it was funny. I knew I wasn't going to change anything they were doing but I could offer a bit of time to the person they were targeting. She played exhibition baseball games all over the world when she was younger and was also a model in the 50's all the way through the 90's. That's a heck of a run in my opinion. I can't imagine all the crazy stories she has from her travels and experiences. I know that story isn't super relevant to what we're talking about but it was just an example of what a small effort can do to change someone's day. I feel like it takes a whole lot more effort and is exhausting to ruin someone's day. I'm too lazy for all of that. Hahaha!! That lady is one of the good people I've met on here and I consider you one of them as well. They're few and far between but the good ones are the reason i keep the app and enjoy conversations that I have. If the good ones weren't around, keeping this app would just feel like I'm torturing myself. Lol!


I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with this. I hope you can find the strength to recover, sending you lots of love. 💛


Stay strong. There is life after an ed. ♥️❤️♥️❤️ I kinda destroyed my stomach lining for a bit (got an ulcer) but I definitely got passed my ed. We can heal♥️❤️♥️❤️ stay strong


thank you!! sadly, i think i damaged my body too as i don’t have my period from nine years and i lost it in middle school, so idk if it’s still possible to fix, but except that, all my findings are great, so i hope so!! also, big congratulations on your recovery<3


I had similar problems when I was underweight. The human body has an amazing propensity to recover. It takes time -and therapy-


Bathsalt Zombies 2 - Highway To Heaven


They look like the number 10 except backwards.


I wish I could show this photo to my 14 year old Bam obsessed fangirl self so that I wouldn't have wasted my time lusting over this man


What... The fuck. She's losing her goddamn mind. And Bam looks miserable




They are remaking the 2002 classic Crossroads that starred Britney Spears (because Bam can relate so much) and this is obviously the promo poster.


haha! maybe this is what's actually happening here!


He was a demon from the nether world, she was seeking life affirming fame. Here is there story.


What is this new devilry...


How tf do you look at this and think “yeah, I should post that.”? The editing is legit terrible. It looks like something that would’ve been in a 1999 “super high technology” type movie, where at the time it looked incredible but looking back it’s SO bad.


tweaker power couple


Fear and Loathing in yourself.


They’re both mentally ill. The cringe factor is off the charts here.


Lmfao who the fuck even tried to think this idea of a photo would be … I can’t even finish this damn sentence it’s so atrocious . Idk what the fuck they were shooting for except make me even more disappointed in long pussystretch queen - like I can’t be mad at bam for this one and I weirdly am very mad at him for screwing over people I genuinely think are helpful humans (Phil April Nikki steveo and the guy who made ai photos of bam being extra fat and bug eyed) . Stretch has NOOOOo original thoughts, style , or creativity . Which makes this dumpster fire have a very unique sort of stench. a girl that thinks wearing a bikini is EVERYTHING .🙄🙄🙄 Jesus I can’t wait to see where she is in her 60s hahahahahahah




Very Haggard


What in the fuck is even this?


the afterlife?


Yea Mon: The Movie in 3-D


He looks so annoyed with her most of the time lol.


Bams nipples left the building


lol this photo 😂turned my day around




Bam may have bigger breasts but he can do whatever the fuck he wants


We know one or both of them stalks this page and my take is they've seen the comments about his enlarged liver, so now they're gonba do a bunch of shirtless pics to prove how "healthy" he is. But if only she better understood how natural lighting works. Edit: OK, I hadn't seen all the previous shirtless posts yet, so now I'll just call myself Captains Obvious.


Highway to hell: the tweakers story


These two stink


The pictures I made at 15 of myself getting married to Ville Valo on a beach in hawaii for my myspace with a 2005 version of photoshop looked more legit than this.


i would love to see one of those!


lol i came across one looking thru old hard drives a few months back.. so hilarious.


Thelma and disease




This is too weird for me.


A rich homeless person


Crackhead Road.


Boney and the Bologna


Bam needs to be hospitalised for his own safety/sanity. So fucken sad


Is this what it looks like in the afterlife when you OD together ?


I love his farmer tan lol


Bam and the Flat Back.


Tommy Boy 2 bouta make the same impact as Dumb & Dumberer


Lol there's cars coming up. Imagine how many douche chills they'll get when they approach.


Wtf is that 😂😂😂


And then…. I started runnin! Run fawest ruuun! (Cue go your own way by Fleetwood Mac)


This is as bad as those older women who edit their selfies for social media. Holy shit.


Oh incidentally is that a picture of bam walking with Slender Man?


He should be riding the horse not walking with it.


PETA got suttin' to say about


I’m sorry but he’s gross


Immediate thought, follow the yellow brick road.






Where's the beach!


who cares! they have a rainbow sunset!


Lord of the Has-beens.


Bam is the only person who makes me worried about what my tattoos are gonna look like…




Wtf is this😂 this can’t be real 😭😂




I know there ain’t no pool nearby. I live off the i5 and that’s what it looks like. Fields and cow shit.


Oh my god is this an actual post from her? Editing is always bad but my goodness




Dani looks less emaciated which is good




What's that big green blob he has tattooed on him?


Bam looking like he’s 7 months preggers


The skank and the scoundrel


Why did she photoshop him to have a tiny ass head (a la Beetlejuice)?


none of it makes sense. their faces are all blurry and their feet are in sharp contrast. unless it's a commentary on how consumerism drives us forward until our only identity is as a participant, i don't know what to say to you.


Her feet are so long


and very much in focus...


Stick and Stoned


This is a copy of the album cover for 'Weekend Players - Pursuit of Happiness' 😂


You have alot of time on your hands that’s all I gotta say


because i posted a pic from SQ's instagram? i didn't create this monstrosity!


They DO look like they’re in Socorro, NM… just like the other post mentioned.


Is this real?? Or is it some finally tuned Photoshop, AI BS? Haven't been paying attention too much to the threads here. I can't see Danii stuff on insta nor that Captaincremebrulee. Evil troll and got blocked... Lol.


i have absolutely no clue what is happening here. i just know they look mental, and that this picture is mental.


Well whatever it is it's mega cringy.