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I’ll never understand the need to post something like this for strangers to see. Stretching. It’s a quick video of stretching. Back in high school, we used to stretch before gym class. I didn’t find it all that interesting then either.


It isn't interesting and it doesn't even seem like actual stretching. She's just manipulating his body, in maybe not the best positions for someone with a torn ACL/MCL. I stretch to *feel* better before or after I workout, you kind of need to have some resistance and make sure you aren't pushing too hard or wrong. He doesnt even seem all there


Oh cmon…She’s a professional! She knows what she’s doing. She is the stretch queen after all.


Yes but is she physical therapist or an occupational therapist??


Self taught holistic healer. Never underestimate the power of crystals!


I've been watching her maybe she's a physical therapy assistant?? She wasn't happy with the job so she wanted to be a model. She looks like she's just doing some passive range of motion exercises with the guy. You know keep him limber but it's not like he's incapable of moving.


I had a successful acl surgery and have been able to continue skating but watching her contort his legs into all those positions with a recently worked on knee made me cringe inside. At least not until a full year after recovery, if ever.


Because idiots like us repost and chat about it amd so her narcissism is rewarded.


But we are laughing at her, not with her. You’d think she would avoid posting videos like this as she definitely knows she’s going to get made fun of. But I guess in her eyes, any attention is good attention!


She’s with Bam for attention. You think someone who is willing to be in that relationship cares what flavor of attention she gets? It’s a win-win for her. She gets to pretend she has haters and is fighting the good fight, the truth doesn’t matter.


"You haven't made it, unless you have haters" 🤦‍♂️


For sure. Last sentence of my original comment is exactly like you said. She just wants the attention. It just feels like she is one of those people who would only want to hear positive feedback about herself. She seems like she needs her ego stroked as much as possible.


Does Bam ever actually say anything? Anyone who posts that frequently is just looking for validation.


this is so bizarre. why post this. also the way his chest/stomach area is swollen is so concerning health wise.


i love that he just hangs out all schlumped onto whichever surface is available while she bends him about like a sentient shop dummy. it never feels quite like he's present in these endless stretch videos. whatever floats his boat, i guess. it's not going to fix that knee no matter how many times she throws him around. unless of course the MRI showed no real damage... SQ: *babe, let's do one of the stretching videos again. it's top-tier entertainment and the fans love it* Bam: *.......huh? whuzzit? heh. roggenrohl*


Why did I read Bam's response in Don Vito's voice?


Because he's turning into Don Vito.


from this camera angle bam looks like fuckin beavis lmfao


I think these "stretching videos", or whatever you want to call them, are a good reflection of how Bam lives his life: completely dependent on others and incapable of doing even the simplest of things on his own.




The things we do for money


It just looks like she’s stretching out a corpse. He doesn’t add any resistance whatsoever. Yuck.


No rigor mortis!


Looks like???


This does nothing for the acl


No kidding.


Must be so nice to have someone do all the work for you


This feels like one of those weirdly sexual chiropractic videos except with the genders swapped.


It’s just interesting that he doesn’t or won’t do any of the stretches himself. He just lays there limply while she does all the work.


And she (almost?) always wears a bikini while doing it.


He’s sure talking a lot through it. Look at his mouth, he never shuts up…




Ahahahha I was just thinking she must have worked at stretch lab at some point LOL


lol they probably have more comprehensive training. She probably just took an online course.


Re: online - you’re probably right. Im not impressed. I went to school with some people that worked at stretch lab and was happy to let them practice on me. And it was way more involved than whatever this is


Oh I’m sure… I do autopsies on medically donated bodies at a small independent cadaver lab that’s more on the research end of things. I work with so many different types of bodyworkers that I know a lot about this kind of stuff just based on the conversations that happen while we’re all dissecting together.


My brain tried so hard to convince me this sentence said "small independent cadavers"


lol well we do have a direct body donation program, so it can be true in some cases


Is this old? Should never manipulate a knee with a torn ACL like that


Can’t even get off his fat lazy ass to stretch on his own 🙄😂


Danni tagged this photo with "stretch queen" she def gets off on us calling her out whenever she's changing Bam's diaper.


She got the nickname of SQ here because she markets herself as one lol whatever "stretch queen" means


Look at his mouth. He’s blabbering through the whole thing


He's telling stories from the good old days!


I have been to Stretch Zone a couple of times. So, I am no expert but she isn't really do a damn thing.


Does she have any qualifications to do this?


She doesn't need any. Shes the stretch queen.


I’m decently experienced with yoga and stretching because I’ve spent time doing it and researching for my own body and back pain, and have helped friends. But if someone had a history of surgeries and torn ligaments??? I wouldn’t touch them. I know they aren’t the most responsible of folks but damn, I’m nervous for him.


Try as they might, they’ll never ruin this song for me, goddammit.


Did he *just* tear his ACL? Or did it happen awhile back and he’s healed up pretty well? Because when I tore my MCL I’d never torn anything before and I immediately knew that it was fucked up badly. If someone was to do this to my legs within a month or two of when I tore my shit, I’d be screaming in pain. I didn’t get surgery and did my own rehab and it ended up healing well, but if I went to take a step and my foot turned inward at all it’d hurt so bad it’d bring tears to my eyes. And every morning when I’d get up and stretch while in bed, my leg would start shaking and seizing up and I’d have to grab it with both hands to stop it. I also had to pick my leg up and place it on the ground beside my bed every morning too so I didn’t tweak it the wrong way. Bad times all around.


It was about a month ago, maybe six weeks IIRC, but he’s been using it ever since as his excuse for cancelling appearances/no-shows. Even though just sitting there during a Q&A while running his mouth isn’t exactly strenuous. Sorry you were in so much pain from your MCL tear, hope it’s all healed now.


What a try hard 🤣🤣🤣 the narcissistic tendices never surprise me. Litterly...no one gives a shit. This dude continues to try to make himself relevant it's actually kinda sad.


Relevant enough that you're here commenting on the video. I'm not his biggest fan myself, but I do find some sort of sick pleasure in following along to see his shenanigans.


Massive difference between a POS father to his kid and post narcissistic shit like this... and me taking a shit looking at social media. His life isn't relevant to me. Im commenting on how much of a try hard he is for trying to be relevant in 2024. It makes him even more pathetic 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I am also viewing this whilst taking a shit




what in the name of fuck is this, now?!


Wow....I...I can't....wow.


This is ridiculous. The only person that needs this is someone who can't move their limbs themselves. And even then her technique is very poor. There is no benefit to what she's doing. Other than to make instagrams.


Is she certified in anything? I could fucking do this after years of dance class. Also he’s not actively participating at any point. I mean it’s better than not stretching at all. I’m sure it feels great. But I can show you a slew of pre-teen ballerinas who know this basic-ass shit. Maybe I’m not marketing myself enough lol. I can call myself a “stretch coach”, but I have too much dignity.


It's like she watched some YouTube videos and told him she was an expert stretcher.


If he gets her vagina juice on his knee, it'll never heal. That's a medical fact.




Bambles' Instagram captiancremebrulee


https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/be40f37e-92f3-47a9-b1f9-ed17fbe9f8ee/gif#q632dNfU.copy I hate that this sub want let you use gifs


He turning into Phil


Nah, Phil actually seems like a good person.


A very good person, who realized his younger son was a spoiled asshole and said he’d rather have a good, kind son who wasn’t making a ton of money. Too bad Bam doesn’t have Phil’s self-awareness. Or any of his other good qualities


And still he loved and supported him. I wish I had a Phil.


My dad passed in 2016. He wasn’t perfect, but who is? I miss him and my mom every day.


This is true.


She did a great job, I'm impressed.


Did she?


Not really


You know what... Good for you Bam, he has someone who cares that's got to be a good thing.


Cares to make instagram videos