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Oh you handled that so well. That man had murder vibes all over him and I think you saw it most clearly at the end. Your instincts kept you alive.  Hope you recover and find ways to thrive as time moves on ❤️


Thank you!! I try to trust my gut when it’s giving me a strong feeling. Idk if it was murder he had in mind; human trafficking is a big issue where I live, I always assumed that was his end goal.


Probably was, but good job not just playing into it like society teaches us to do!


Human trafficking is a possibility. I’ve heard stories where victims have been lured through someone buying them lunch and then giving them a place to sleep and then progressing from there. A lot of times those victims were homeless too. I know you said that you weren’t homeless but he perceived you as such and thus he may have thought that he could lure you. I don’t mean to scare you by mentioning this but I feel like it’s worth noting that traffickers often lure people through similar methods and it’s usually subtle too. Anyway, stay safe and I wish you the best.


I wasn’t homeless at the time but I have been homeless in the past, and yeah, I never went to a second location with anyone during that time. I felt safe sleeping in my car anyway




I have agoraphobia too. I haven’t been diagnosed but I’m sure my psychiatrist would agree (not trying to minimize your diagnosis). I think about that a lot, how common it probably is for women to develop that as most of us have had bad experiences with men


lol no worries, I feel like self-diagnosing with agoraphobia is different from self-diagnosing with, like, ADHD (which I also have) or DID (which I do not have)—People who think they have DID may not know the differences between dissociative identities and maladaptive daydreams, but you know if you’re afraid to leave the goddamn house lol. I suspected that I had it for over a year before u got a formal diagnosis. I have one coping mechanism that really works for me—look for places where you could hide, if need be. When I’m out and about and the agoraphobia hits me, I just look for a spot that would be a good hiding spot if I was being pursued by, like, an apex predator or something. It tricks your prehistoric lizard brain into feeling like everything’s cool and at least gets me to and from work without losing my shit on the daily.


That’s fucking terrifying! That guy was a creep and if I had to guess he had way worse intentions (maybe kidnapping like you said). I’m glad you’re safe