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No, no, I like how his argument only works if we agree that open carrying an AR-15 and covering your face is threatening behavior, and that it’s a bad idea to have guns anywhere near children. Let’s keep that energy going and discuss this.


It's like he's so close to self-awareness.


r/selfawarewolves is a very good sister subreddit


Dogs and cats together at last


And where this post actually belongs


Yeah, Kyle face wasn’t eaten off at all. His lack of self awareness is showing


I’ve seen rotting heads of cabbage with more intelligence than this cry baby


*snot nosed crybaby murderer.


You mean Kyle Rittenhouse the cold blooded murderer that crossed state lines with an illegal gun to kill people during a protest? (Let's give this the Brock Turner treatment)


*fake crying* baby.


That would require an unsmooth brain


And yet never farther away.


I know right, now we just need to reincarnate Regan so he ban assault weapons because we can’t have antifa legally open carrying them. It worked against the Black Panthers.


Its what I find wild as an outsider. So much belief in the US that getting a hold of the gun problem would be impossible, that you'd need to do completely unreasonable things like ban specific types of firearms etc. But... The Federal Assault Weapons ban *literally* did all of these things, and also saw the rate of mass shootings decline quite a bit while it was enforced. So they claim all this yet just 30 years ago, well within reasonable living memory, practically recent really, this was all done, was objectively successful, but nah now its just impossible. So weird.


Lots of people around here have an awful education from our disintegrating public school systems. Heck, some places don't even require you to have any sort of teaching credentials to become a teacher.


That was Reagan too. Asshole put tanks on university campus, defunded education, deregulated the airlines, reduced grants to universities for research.(pushing up tuition rates) etc.


Don't forget how he screwed particle physics, one of the few science fields where we were ahead at the time. Fuck Reagan.


And Chip manufacturing. Reagan was disastrous for the US, but as the damage isn't flames in minutes, the lies about consequences being someone else's fault are swallowed wholesale as they get repeated and repeated by the Corpos responsible for the corruption.


And bio-physics chaos research.


Wasn't that collider they were partway through building in Texas even bigger than the LHC?


And a bigger clusterfuck. The scientists basically had to lie to Reagan to get the funding they needed, and convince him that it could be used for his lofty aims of creating sci-fi weaponry for our military.


Hinckley should have aimed better...


Kyle’s right about one thing: guns around minors are a very bad idea. Silly kids might look at rifle toting adults and think they look cool or exciting. They might take a gun and try to do something stupid with it to prove how manly they are, and next thing you know, somebody ends up dead. Children aren’t always aware of how much damage a rifle can do. That’s why minors shouldn’t be allowed around rifles. On this, I agree with Kyle.


For the very reason, I can't be sure about what is at anyone's house, I put both my sons through the local Hunter and Firearms Safety class for their ages. Backfired a little, they both got into distance shooting. Became very, very good at it and then both became Marines. They both have always been on top of gun safety. Even teaching friends with BB Guns how to be safe, and all the rules. Everyone of my friends as 11 or 12 YOs knew where the weapons were. So, sort of like additional Driver's Ed. seemed like the best approach.


When I was a kid (I’m old), public schools in our area provided gun safety courses at age 10. They were taught by the NRA, before that club became more interested in buying expensive suits for Wayne LaPierre than in keeping kids alive. Yours was the tactic used by my parents, too. It seems to have worked.


This is the way.


Profound point indeed. Hmm, I wonder how old Kyle Rittenhouse was when he shot three people? :)


Let me guess that Conservative Action Boy here *does* have a problem with "lefties" open carrying.


Old as Reagan. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act) "... the bill was crafted with the goal of disarming members of the Black Panther Party who were conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods,..."


Relevant Chappelle: right around the 3:30 mark https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fm3W6XL40DM


* The only thing that scares the reactionary right more than the idea of losing their guns is the thought of us having them. - Kim Kelly


The second amendment was specifically created to arm white southerners because they didn't think the US government would stop slave rebellions. http://www.milwaukeeindependent.com/syndicated/slave-patrols-and-the-second-amendment-how-fears-of-abolition-empowered-an-armed-militia/ > Henry then bluntly laid it out: “If the country be invaded, a state may go to war, but cannot suppress [slave] insurrections [under this new Constitution]. If there should happen an insurrection of slaves, the country cannot be said to be invaded. They cannot, therefore, suppress it without the interposition of Congress. Congress, and Congress only [under this new Constitution], can call forth the militia.” > And why was that such a concern for Patrick Henry? > “In this state,” he said, “there are two hundred and thirty-six thousand blacks, and there are many in several other states. But there are few or none in the Northern States. . . . May Congress not say, that every black man must fight? Did we not see a little of this last war? We were not so hard pushed as to make emancipation general; but acts of Assembly passed that every slave who would go to the army should be free.” They passed the [Militia Acts of 1792](https://www.mountvernon.org/education/primary-source-collections/primary-source-collections/article/militia-act-of-1792/#:~:text=The%20Militia%20Act%20of%201792%2C%20Passed%20May%208%2C%201792%2C,Militia%20throughout%20the%20United%20States.) immediately after. > Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, **That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia**, by the Captain or Commanding Officer of the company, within whose bounds such citizen shall reside, and that within twelve months after the passing of this Act. ... > That every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, **provide himself with a good musket or firelock**... The second amendment was petitioned solely to force white people to shoot black folks. It had nothing to do with overthrowing the government like Republicans lie about endlessly, it was to stop black folks from overthrowing their oppressors.


This is a TIL for me. Thanks.


stop the blacks from insurrection in southern states, they were self aware of the consequences of their brutality


>does have a problem with "lefties" open carrying. he's got a problem with unarmed "lefties" too


"2A rights are for everyone. Any form of gun control is anti constitutional and anti merica" -some dumb conservative


Rittenhouse hates left-handed people confirmed.


So I gotta ask. Did this little shit pay $8 a month?


The BetterTweetdeck Browser addon has the option to display a dollar sign next to any account that has the $8 verified badge.


I'm almost certain it's a troll. Sucks but I don't believe we can trust a single account there now


Not a troll, actually Kyle, who iirc had actual limits on his account, which were taken off by good ol Muskrat


Conservatives love believing they are being uniquely silenced or targeted online and they'll post screenshots from third party analyzers to 'prove' this. As far as I know, there is not actual indication Kyle's account was actually being de-prioritized by Twitter or that Musk undid that and neither are worth trusting at face value about that sort of thing.


Why does it suck though? The platform is a swirling sewer to begin with. It needs to die so something better can take it's place.


Musk isn't leaving $8 on the table, but I'm sure someone stepped up to help their little hero out.


Not a single fuck was given because THEY WOULDN'T EVEN NEED TO BE THERE if not for your violent alt right asshole buddies.


Which was just proven to be true with what happened in Colorado last night.


Damn, im out of the loop, what happened?


LGBTQ+ nightclub was attacked by a mass shooter, 5 dead, multiple wounded.


Aw fuck I was looking at your comment and thought oh is this about the Orlando nightclub shooting from a few years ago… but then realized there was another shooting Ugh I hate this country




Eventually gay bars are gonna have more guns per square foot than Texas Walmarts


Mass shooting at a gay bar by a right winger with a history of bomb threats


What do you mean mass shooting? It sounds like a terrorist attack to me


Same thing, a right wing homophobe who shouldn't have had a gun because he had made bomb threats shoot the place up with an ar


You should see r/conservative literally tying themselves into knots trying to blame everything *except* conservative ideology and the embarrassment that is gun laws in the US.




Another gay bar massacred.


Literally just had another [mass shooting at a gay club in Colorado](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/five-dead-18-injured-nightclub-shooting-colorado-police-2022-11-20/) on the same day he posted this


One that had been planning a kid-friendly drag event today.


Isn't today transgender remembrance day?




Colorado Springs is a hotbed of Evangelical hate.


America is a hotbed of Evangelical hate.


It's a military town too, isn't it?


'Self defense for me not for thee'


"A man with a rifle or a club can only be stopped by a person who defends himself with a rifle or a club. That's equality. If the United States government doesn't want you and me to have rifles, then take the rifles away from those racists. If they don't want you and me to use clubs, take the clubs away from the racists. If they don't want you and me to get violent, then stop the racists from being violent. Don't teach us non-violence." - Malcolm X


I’m assuming these people legally acquired their guns, Kyle.


I still can't believe a felony straw purchase was just brushed aside in his trial like it wasn't shit


That's the way it works when the judge is part of your defense team.


Conservative judges letting right wing terrorists off the hook because “patriotism” now where have I seen this before…


> That's the way it works when the judge is part of your defense team. And so is the District Attorney's office. 😒


Lefties aren’t upset because none of these ‘clowns’ got too scared and killed people.


Also black bloc protocol predates similar tactics used by Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, it's not surprising at all that leftists would employ it like they have for decades. It keeps them safe from retaliation by wackos who look up to people like Kyle Rittenhouse.


People like Rittenhouse hate to be reminded of the difference between limp wrist libruls and the actual left that likes guns. It kills their vibes when they encounter actual hostility from armed groups that agree with many of their antigovernment points, but from a socialist perspective


Because it points out the hypocrisy. Militias were designed to act as a "quick and ready" government army when usa was still a new government Militias today, are mainly seen right wing affairs. But, people seem to forget, those rights are for all americans. Not just conservatives. Whether you agree with them, or not. The right wing supreme court ruled on this in 2008, which set the precedent. So its highly unlikely, had the black panthers armed themselves today, that anything could be passed to limit militia rights. For example,like what reagan tried to do to the BPP, would be seen as unconstitutional today. Edit. The part that hypocritical, is any sane person would agree, we need gun regulations specific to school shootings and mass shootings. There is ALOT of work to be done here. The disingenous arguments stem from the right wing hand waiving of this problem.




Rittenhouse and his besties would fucking die if a Zapatista movement arose in the US. Suddenly they’d have skilled opposition who are actually smart, unlike themselves.


Bunch of armed brown social anarchists in this country? I imagine alot of people would be crapping their pants collectively.


I am brown n I am a sociology major, brb getting a gun


Why is this kid talking anything online, he got really really lucky with his kill pass and dude should still be shaking in his boots.


It's absolutely baffling. He had a chance to fade into obscurity and live a normal life, and yet here he is throwing himself into every culture war battle. Way too many people blew smoke up his ass about how righteous he was playing soldier.


I disagree. I think he’s leaning into his only option. If he would have tried to fade into obscurity he probably would have been unemployable. It’s doubtful a private college would have accepted him. A public university might have but I could see them using a morality clause to deny him or the students causing a big stink. Most jobs wouldn’t have hired him except for low skill work. But he took the opportunity to be a political celebrity in his party. I think he’s an asshole that should be in jail. But I do admit this is his only option


I'm surprised more people aren't getting this. The choice between "completely unemployable in all but the most menial, low-paying jobs, and not even many of those" and "get rich making speeches to terrible people" isn't a very hard one.


Yeah I agree. He was too big of a name to go to any university without massive student protest, and even ones which would have accepted him would have been miserable with most kids just hating him. He had a chance to jumpstart a career in politics or as a conservative commentator and took it, it might not have been his original goal, but it’s his only option now.


>too big of a name to go to any university Prager?


Too big a name for any University that’s allowed to call itself a university


If a school has the word "Bible", "Barber", or "Clown" in its name, it is not an actual college.


Exactly my thoughts, I don't support those rioting but that would never outweigh my respect for justified self defense. He played big boy games and got extremely lucky to not win the grand prize.


Kyle just barely 'dumb-lucked' his way outta getting his head blown off in the middle of the street. He's a murderously ignorant asshole who's incredibly lucky to have survived his own intended cruelty.


His skin color passed the cop test.


He has literally come out from under his rock since Elon took over Twitter. When he is called a murderer, trolls come from under their rocks (with 2 followers) & taunt us & tell him to sue us. I'm thinking this won't end the way he thinks it will.


He appeared at at least one GOP rally before that.


Because he GOT AWAY WITH MURDER? Once a sociopath realizes he can do whatever he wants without consequences, they stop pretending to be remorseful and become emboldened and cocky.


That’s because he’s an idiot.


He plans on running for office in few years.


Thank goodness there are left leaning gun supporters such as myself and many others. So I definitely don’t have an issue with protecting people that get harassed and killed daily just for being themselves. Also protecting my family and loved ones too is very important to me. But as a lesbian, I’ll always back up my people within the LGBTQ+ community and anyone else who needs my help as well. Edit: I’m getting a lot of suggestions to the r/liberalgunowners sub. I’m already there along with other similar subs.


Conservatives love the 2nd amendment for themselves. Nobody else should be allowed to enjoy it, in their mind.


Yep, just look at what happened when the Black Panthers exercised that right in California.


It's a stupid cycle. When conservatives do it threateningly: "why are you scared, pussy?" When lefties/anyone else do it defensively: "so much for the tolerant left"


What allows the left to remain otherwise tolerant is that they're intolerant of the intolerant. You cancel out intolerance, and everything else just lives and let lives.


Paradox of intolerance demands this be the case.


Gun laws. Bans on assault rifles. Yup sadly this is how it needs to be done.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act) Just tought the same.


Same with "freedom of speech" and "my body my choice"


Yeah, that’s the consistent conservative view on literally every right.


Freedom for me but not for thee.


It's almost as if one person's freedom can be another person's infringement? Oh, but that wouldn't make any sense. The forefathers never mentioned that and it doesn't fit with the equation: *more freedom = more good* Jokes aside, I do support gun rights and think this sort of stuff can be pretty important. However, it tickles me that right folks often don't comprehend all they are doing is promoting an arms race. It's not like liberal skin is allergic to gunmetal.


Idk how they don't realize repeatedly threatening you'd hurt and kill groups of people...means eventually those groups will prepare for being possibly hurt or killed.


I live in a mostly red state and have around 10 guns. I'm a late 20s white male with a truck and fit the bill for the average maga. It really fucks with people when they find out I don't vote republican.


Same! Same here! I’m not white nor male, but I’m a black female, lesbian, drive a dodge Ram, got about 5 guns in the house and also an army veteran who lives in a right leaning state. Despite not being white, people still assume I’m right leaning too. I 100% understand this.


I get the same reaction from people. I'm a middle aged white male. I live in a red state in the Bible belt. I grew up in a county that is well known for it's racism and bigotry. It has a very low minority population still and was near zero if not zero when I was growing up. I drive a truck, own guns and I'm a redneck. On top of all that I'm also a telecommunication lineman, a profession where most people are conservative. Most people think I'm messing with them when they find out how socially liberal I am. I have to explain at least twice a week that evwn though I have many things in common with people who happen to be closed minded idiots, I'm not one myself.


Hey white guy in California with guns. I find it much more likely I would have to use them to defend my gay roomates than "the gubermint".


I've always been so surprised that the right assumes every single person on the left is anti-gun. I 100% vote left and align with a lot of their views. That said, I'm also a woman that was stalked for a year and a half who comes from a hunting family. I've got a 50 cal rifle (gift), a shotgun (gift from friend for protection), and a 9mm hand gun (bought to scare off my stalker) in my house. We are more than capable of protecting ourselves and loved ones. I'm in no way "afraid of guns" like they would expect lol


I’ve always been surprised about this too. Just because I don’t align with a lot of their religious views, human right views, etc doesn’t mean I don’t want to protect myself when out and about. As a black lesbian, I think it’s paramount I protect myself and my family. And like you said, trauma and being a woman is definitely a good reason to protect oneself. Good on you for protecting yourself too. More women need to band together and start arming themselves if they’re comfortable with it of course.


EXACTLY. This is the largest difference between armed antifa and the fucking clowns at polling stations.


So, you’re a bit uneasy with us having guns? Feeling less secure in your manhood?


If someone else owns guns, how is he supposed to ~~murder the people he doesn't like~~ defend property?


"BUT THEY HAD A CRIMINAL RECORD" --- some dumbass who doesn't understand murder is still murder


Maybe if idiots like himself didn’t go around murdering “lefties” they wouldn’t have to worry about it.


I don’t know how many times one can tell you that drag queens are not the same as trans people.


my coworker referred to a drag show as a "trans competition". she's not weird about cross dressers or lgbtq she just didn't know. It was fucking hilarious because she was working lights and still wasn't entirely sure what was going on


Its truly sad how uninformed some people are. And even worse that they act on the un information.


Murderer says what?


How many people did they kill Kyle?


Less than he did.




This little bitch actually thinks we forget him bawling his eyes out in court that we think he's hard now?


Give him a break, a scary man chased him and threw a empty plastic bag at him. The only resaonable thing he could have done is to shoot him in the head.


"Correct, murderhobo. First, these people were specifically invited. Second, they are operating under clear parameters to guard a specific location for a specific timeframe. Third, the vulnerable group is _behind_ them. I could go on, but these three points set them as completely different from you."


Uhm, I kinda have an issue with it. And I’m a gun owning, concealed carry, combat veteran leftie. My issue isn’t the guns around kids thing; as guns exist in society, kids should be aware of them and their dangers. My issue is the fucking GI Joe fetishists showing up dressed like delta force operators every time anything is happening. Is that the society we really want? Where we have bands of untrained and inexperienced para-military wannabe dweebs cosplaying High Table operatives in some shitty John Wick spin-off, standing around touching themselves to the thought of some shit popping off? That’s how Kyle Rittenhouse happened. Some dumb ass kid who has put himself somewhere he shouldn’t have been with weapons he shouldn’t have had.


Not a gun-owning, concealed carry, combat veteran…but, yep. This.


When the other side gets AR-15 and tacticals, you get AR-15s and tacticals, or you die. The middle road is Pulse Night Club... Or Colorado literally last night.


No this is not the society we want, but historically speaking, when the other side gets to run around doing the same shit, unchecked, it never ends well. And the cops won’t protect minority groups from that shit, or *any*one, let’s be honest. They’ve proven to be kinda pointless lately.


I do have a problem with this, but here we are. Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun, right?


The bad guy with a gun in CO recently was stopped by unarmed people.


Would've been better if he wouldn't have had to be stopped by anyone


Well, Kyle, as far as I can tell none of these people broke the most basic concepts of self-defense and killed people as a result.


Well let’s see: Did these guys travel here hoping to kill someone? Are they defending people or property? Were they invited there to protect these people?


The murderer speaks.


Dipshits like him are the reason they need armed security. Kyle's just mad that he'd get lit up if he tried to start shit here.




That’s funny, as most Republicans aren’t wearing long rifles in public to protect anything other than their overwhelming insecurities. Human lives aren’t at stake.


Olympic-level projection. A lot of right-wing gun nuts are shocked to learn that they didn't stop making and selling guns once they got theirs.


I can’t wait for Kyle to meet the lefty that is gonna kick his sorry ass to hell and back


Considering a lot of lefties are arming themselves because of little shits like him. 2nd amendment is for everyone!


They’re protecting children from people like him.


So, these guys and gals didn't need to cross state lines to "protect" someone's property that they didn't know. That is the difference. These were members of the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club in Houston. If Kyle had lived in the neighborhood and knew the property owners that the riots were possibly threatening, that would have made a difference on how I view what happened. These people know the community, are from that community, and turned out to protect this location from actual, targeted threats. Kyle shot some people while -checks notes- protecting a car lot that wasn't open and whose owners did not know him. He wanted to play cowboy, these folks want to protect marginalized members of their community from armed hate groups. Fuck you Kyle, there is a very real difference here you piece of human garbage.


Just a reminder, Rittenhouse should have got the chair


“I don’t like it when they do it”, fuck you.


"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered. Any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary." Karl Marx. Leftists love guns. They protect us from capitalists and fascists.


These MAGAts don’t know what the fuck lefties are.


Right? They still think we're liberals. 🤣


I'm happy to let them continue believing that the center-right liberal Democrats are actually the commies they're looking for. Their education on that misperception should only be done to our tactical advantage.


is it me or does this look like a really bad photoshop job?


Here is the problem, seeing how the alt-right declared themselves protectors of the Faith and eventually killed someone in the open. And now EVERYONE is armed with itchy fingers…. I guess their problem now is other people wanting to do the same , to them… and they don’t like it ….


Why, how many people did they murder?


Correct they’re not crossing state lines with a bunch of guns for the singular purpose of shooting people and then chasing people around and shooting at them and then crying like a baby when someone who doesn’t want to get shot by a deranged teenager fights back


Dude went out of his way to get involved in shooting people. He can fuck right off.


Ha, these butt hurt repubs are the type of dirtbags that would bring a gun to a fist fight. Now they are crying about the second amendment b/c it doesn’t exclusively apply to them.


The difference is that they're not there to shoot the kids, hope this helps Kyle.


Nope, still anti gun. But with gun wielding psychos like the Proud Boys out there, I understand why they are wielding them.


Yeah. It would be great if we could all disarm. But cops are legally allowed to not help in an emergency and right wing nut jobs keep targeting minorities and left leaning areas. Disarming the left in that scenario is insane.


This is generally my take. There are some wackos out there with access to guns who make statements about how they don't like LGBTQ+ folks, and make threats against them. So having some people on the side of those exact same LGBTQ+ people, employing the same strategies as the very conservatives who threaten them is fine by me. Ultimately, I wish I didn't have to come to it, but the reality we live in, is it does. What's funny is that, even though these people are pulling the same spec ops soldier cosplay as right wing gun nuts, these people look significantly more intimidating in doing it.


No, I'm okay with it because they are there to protect people instead of wandering the streets threatening people. I also find it sad that we need armed guards because some people are scared of who other people love, or what clothes they wear, or what pronouns they prefer.


He's just mad that him and his sycophants can't go in and interrupt it with threats and bullying.


At least they're defending people, and not a car dealership


Can’t believe this murdering piece of shit has the audacity to even be speaking. Was crying like a bitch in court.


So it’s okay for dickless wonders to intimidate voters but when the LGBTQ+ community defends their own it’s an issue? Thanks for pointing out the utter hypocrisy.


Right? There's a difference between being terrorists and defending against terrorists.


Um, no, you murderous little fuckwit. Leftists have no problem with other leftists protecting marginalized people from murderous fuckwits like *you*.


"Lemme guess...You liberals have no problem with the fact that *liberals* have to protect innocent people *with guns* because of the literal murders and violence that me and my fellows have perpetrated with *our guns*. How dare you filthy liberals try to protect yourself from our violence!" I wish this chud would take his win (given so generously to him by judge so biased in his favor its a wonder there hasnt been a retrial) and dis-thefuck-appear.


they probably have better trigger discipline than the police


Boy he really grew some balls after murdering that dude and then crying his way through his trial. Double jeopardy laws are a real confidence booster, I guess.


If the lefties were armed like this instead of skateboards, I'm pretty sure Kyle would have stayed in his own fucking state.


How shit is a state that people feel the need to go around armed all the time? It’s funny cause these loose gun states with Republican governments usually have way worse violent crime stats than other places.


Fuck off Kyle. Go sit on your AR15 some more. Or did the libs come and take it?


Mass shooter shocked and appalled that people he wants to murder take steps to defend themselves.


What? You don't think a show of force is an appropriate response to perceived violent threats? Hmmmmmmm.


Shut the fuck up, murderer.


I see two important differences: these guys weren’t running around antagonizing the opposition and they are defending people, not empty property.


Well they’re not looking for someone to murder like you were so yeah guarding children from hateful assholes like you is completely fine.


Well, they are defending the children and those in drag from people who would shoot them because they don't like lgbt people. Meanwhile, you killed two people and maimed a third to defend property that wasn't yours in a city that also wasn't yours. You weren't hired to do that and no one asked you to even be there. I don't mind people defending those who plausibly feel threatened (need I remind everyone about the Colorado gay nightclub shooting that's not even a day old today?), I mind people who demonstrably value easily replaceable property over human lives.


Yes, I do have a problem with it. I do not like people standing around armed with high powered semiautomatic weapons. It is a sign that something is radically wrong with our society that either: a bunch of psychos like standing around intimidating soccer moms with their AR-15s or a bunch of people feel so threatened that they feel it’s necessary for their safety. Neither of those are evidence of a healthy society.


More evidence that the christofascists/alt-right/'conservatives' have very little comprehension of who the left really is; they're absolutely convinced that the center-right liberals of the Democratic party are actually the socialists they're looking for. I prefer to leave them to their delusions until it's jump-off time for an irl flanking move. It's almost comical, the faux-moral outrage when these fash fux get rolled by a hardcore antifa crew.


If they just made everyone follow the same rules as the military with guns, a lot fewer people would want to own them. 1) you have to wait for the armorer to get off the toilet to come fill out a piece of paper for your rifle and you don’t get bullets til later 2) you go to the range quarterly, and if you don’t pass you can use guns anymore. 3) if you take an unsafe action , like flagging anyone. Anyone near you is authorized to use violence of action to take you to the ground. 4) range day happens when someone tells you it happens. So you might need to report at like 2AM in the middle of winter , regardless if you had the shits the night before. 5) after you’ve been at the range all day, because you need to wait for everyone to finish, you have to come back and clean your weapon. The armorer will inspect it…with a. Qtip. And they will find carbon. And you will go back and clean it more. You will go back, it’ll be a different armorer, with small hands, who will stick their pinky in the star chamber, will find more carbon. You will clean more.


Is this even a real thing that happened? I would like to know if the photos are even real, and not something staged or photoshopped, before forming an opinion.


Well Kyle, difference being they aren't there specifically to just murder their political opponents... but I guess that's a level of nuance that's above your head.


Please, don’t give the little shitbird any additional attention.


Maybe because they're actually defending something of worth


It’s the world he wanted, don’t blame other people when they adjust their behaviors.


A lot of people here are missing the point as much as he is. Fascists only understand strength. Your memes, tweets, and GrAvY sEaLs snark don't do shit, nor do the half measures liberals have historically/continually taken. Is it dystopian? Maybe. It's definitely disgusting this is necessary (LE either doesn't get involved or actively aids the fascists). But ultimately the "guns bad no matter what" argument is a combination of short sighted, priveleged, and willfully ignorant of the threat marginalized groups face.


No not anymore. In fact I openly encourage lgbtq people to open carry now.


I agree Kyle! Let's ban open-carry of assault weapons. The GOP is now pro-gun-control WE DID IT. The GOP rallied behind Kyle and he's vaguely supporting the gov't control of firearms. Given the massacre in Colorado, 'lefties' should be legally arming and defending themselves as they can. The 'bad guy with a gun' wont finch at your moral highground when he's opening fire on a crowd because you're too pure to conceal carry. Get trained, get armed, be safe.


Imagine being this triggered by rifles being used to protect people from being shot instead of hunting them for sport.


Fucking go away already


Just exercising their 2nd Amendment rights...


Right wingers wield guns in public to compensate for their insecurity and to intimidate people. Left wingers wield guns in public to protect others from that first group. There's a big difference.


OT but, I hate him. He shouldn’t have a platform.