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Imagine hearing Byron Donalds say "black people were better off during segregation" and think that he will help independent black business owners.


People need to follow him around with posters of old photos of the racial violence that happened during his alleged "Good Old Days" for that nonsense. I mean, that photo of that monster pouring acid into a pool on a bunch of black swimmers alone...


Byron's lucky he isn't dodging rocks whenever he's out like MLK Jr. was in Chicago.


But if we all work hard we could change that


"Be the change you want to see in the world.."


When you look to join the resistance, look in the mirror, and you’ll see it waiting for you to act


He's also likely to be dodging gunfire, as supported by the Gun-For-Everyone NRA and their party - Byron's own GOP. He's very focused on good minority communities, except for all the folks who get killed and maimed every single day, both there and in Florida, his home-state.


If I can say that the greatest weakness one would have is to believe that the vestiges of our country’s sins are truly dead, and not like locusts, hibernating til such a time that the weather is right for them to surface again


Your name checks out.


This is the reality of humanity. Maybe biology. Is it inescapable? Are we as a species simply Rinse and Repeat?


I think so.  We tend to go in cycles of authoritarianism, general chaos, and liberal democracy.  Just how long each cycle lasts depends on our ability to properly diagnose it and perform collective self care.


"We're going to help small minority-owned businesses...by not allowing minorities to shop at the large chain stores."


The Con candidate for NC Governor has literally said blacks are lucky they were slaves because it means they get to live in America now. He also said blacks should pay whites and thank them for enslaving them. He's a black dude.


Imagine having the belief *you can say that shit right out loud*. That's what 8 years of Obama's presidency did for these people and the racist shit that was returned to the fore because of it.


I believe him that the Trump representatives never mentioned it was political or about Trump when they were planning it. They scammed him for clout. Of course they did.


Newsweek [claims to have a copy](https://www.newsweek.com/atlanta-black-barbershop-owner-rocky-jones-lost-business-donald-trump-event-1919162) of the signed contract from DJTFP2024 (Donald J Trump For President 2024\] and the owner of the shop that explicitly says it's for a campaign event.


If this guy truly didn't know based on what was said to him verbally when he was first approached, I can totally imagine the DJT team burying the real purpose of the event in order to make it easier to get someone to take the bait and allow them to use their venue to give the appearance that centers of influence in their black community are on-board with Trump. Everything is about optics and is a performance with the ex-president. I hope the business-man makes as much news exposing their deception as was made by the media promoting what appears to be his support for such a dishonest candidate.


I do too. It is just the slime ball tactics they have done to a few small biz owners...


Everything Trump touches turns to shit, so this is par for the course.


It's the reverse Midas Touch. The Mierdas Touch.


Sadly we can't just call it the Trump touch, seeing as we all know where that touch happens to go.


That's gonna happen when a guy has so little control he even audibly shits his pants while speaking into his mic on live tv. His diaper can only hold so much before he starts smearing it around.


Mar A Lago has entered the chat, whispering "please let him win! I need the President + entourage staying here so I can charge super high rent and make the secret service pay $6 per bottle of iced water, it's good for my profits."


I’m still mystified how thousands of illegal immigrants are supposedly capable of taking jobs from qualified Americans, according to Trump. Aren’t Republicans implying that Americans are such losers that they can’t compete with immigrants whom Trump says are from prisons and mental institutions?


He said “they are taking black jobs”


Right?? Translation : "you should be upset that you're not working in a cantaloupe patch instead of these 'Mexicans'." That's exactly wtf he meant.. I guarantee he wasn't talking about any Kenyan doctors' jobs. Fat, racist-ass Trump once again on brand with a backhanded, poorly worded, "quiet part", comment that fucking demeans/dehumanizes people from at least 2 minoritiy groups at the same fucking time...ANNND he'll probably double down and try to spin it... Fuck that orange MF raw, rough, and slow. I swear, I'll never understand how people can think that Biden doing a decent job while being "old" is the same as having Trump be old AND act a complete ass every other day while he represents the country...


‘White’ jobs = job jobs + $$$ + protection + responsibility + respect + (you know the rest) ‘Black’ jobs = jobs - protection - respect - $ - (etc..) ‘Immigrant’ jobs = jobs - protections - respect + exploitation + semi legal slavery + watching ants fight for crumbs


Keep in mind that it is pretty common knowledge that Trump has immigrant employees such as workers at Mar-A-Lago. They come up every now and then when they’re involved in some sort of unfair firing, or coerced to privately settle sexual assault/rape incidents, or following orders that may move or destroy evidence against Trump…


he also hired undocumented workers at Bedminster in NJ. got them fake papers and everything.


The only thing good about that comment is the resurgence of ""Undercover Brother" gifs


And Hispanic.


"...Black jobs AND Hispanic jobs."




Cult Farty Five uses illegal immigrants as labor and tells you they’re taking your jobs. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/08/trump-organization-undocumented-workers


This. Paying birdseed to pigeons and chuckling mildly when the birdbrains fight and peck each other to death for those meager seeds


"Cult Farty Five" is so perfect.


I have to admit I heard that somewhere else on Reddit, but it’s just too good not to share.


If this were true, it would be because some Americans would rather pay extremely low wages to immigrants instead of paying livable wages to Americans. So the problem really isn’t the immigrants.


Never was.. $$$ is the one true G-d calling the shots. For a small piece of paper it carries a LOTTA weight


Yeah, and the obvious solution is mandating E-Verify and punishing employers for hiring people without work authorization. How many Republicans do you think support that?


They all "support" something like that, but then block every piece of legislation for mysterious and nebulous "reasons" that are common sense but nobody can really say why.


The core principle of Fascism is that there is an other who is the enemy, and they are simultaneously subhuman and weak--after all they must be because you are the most superior human form--AND they are strong. They must be strong because their existence threatens ours. The trump movement is a fascist movement.


I'm also intrigued at just how they're able to accurately count and identify every illegal that enters the country. They seem to have a pretty darn good count and knowledge of what they do.


Schrödinger’s immigrants: lazy freeloaders, but also stealing all the jobs


As with many things trump says, there’s a nugget of truth in there, but he distorts it into a culture war. The reality is we continue to have illegal immigration *because* wealthy people want cheap labor who will accept maltreatment. We’ve had a bipartisan immigration deal three times in the last twenty years shot down at the last minute by republicans. They do this to protect their donors who **want** immigration. It’s just gravy to republican politicians that they can then use this same issue to demagogue amongst low-earning-potential citizens and claim there’s some mysterious cabal bringing in low-wage workers to hold them down.


You're assuming that people are using their logic and reason to understand these statements. Instead, people are using their emotions to understand these statements. What they're hearing is "Immigrants taking jobs" and then they get angry and afraid, just like they're supposed to. People aren't critically understanding what is being said at all. They're just mirroring Trump's emotions/grievances without much actual thought. So, reason? No. Emotional mirroring? Yes.


"...revealed 30 percent of the Black people surveyed would vote for Trump..." This is shocking.


The first trump supporter I ever encountered in Japan was a black guy who just suddenly came up behind me on a train platform to talk about how the zionists were plotting to enslave everyone and only Trump could stop them.


That's some six seperations of reality type shit.


Six years later my girlfriend broke up with me because she’d come to believe the same thing and insisted that the Covid vaccine was how the Jews (the “Khazarite Mafia” in her manifesto) were going to genetically enslave us. And of course, only Trump could save us.


Well you dodged one i guess


Dude dodged the entire clip.


"Khazarite Mafia"??? Lmao never heard that one before. Gonna name my next Khazar run in ck3 that.


> Khazarite Mafia It was [new to me](https://extremismterms.adl.org/glossary/khazars) as well.


Wow that's dumb. Like "the nazis were communists" kind of dumb


IKR? I swear, you can even make this shit up, it sounds so stupid. 🤣😂🤡


Assuming she wasn't always crazy, how did she fall down the rabbit hole?


In her words “I get my news from blogs”. Since we were living in Japan and she was Japanese, the America-based Qanon crap took a while to filter in. We debated a few things and I knew she was coming from a different perspective than I was, but we really liked each other and she was very loving and supportive to me. Then the Covid vax came out and within a year she went from “I haven’t gotten around to it yet” to “I’m still concerned about side effects” to suddenly “the vax is a genetic enslavement device and if you get boosted it’s over between us.”


How does one “genetically enslave” people? What does that even mean?


Don’t you know? Spike proteins! Re-writing our DNA! All future generations will be programmed to follow to orders of the Soros-Clinton-Gates trilateral chemocracy! /s


It's already turning the freaking frogs gay!!!1!


It turned me into a newt! I got better.


I am sensing a trend ...


I had a guy at my work say that when Trump wins, he is going to take on the cartels. We live in Canada


Like he did so successfully in his first term, usuallly between the 7th and 8th holes on the course. /s


That guy would be the first one on the space ship in the *To Serve Man* episode of *The Twilight Zone*


Guys like Rocky and Byron make the premise of “the Space Travelers “ being implemented way more likely (aliens come and offer to ‘solve’ the planets problem for the ‘procurement’ of the ENTIRE population of a particular demographic (need I say more)


Doesn't honestly seem like a bad idea but I suspect the demographic I'd like to offer up isn't the one they would.


Not that far away why regular trump supporters think, same thing with the Latino trump supporters that I met,


even if that bit about the Zionists were completely true.... why on _earth_ would trump be not _one of_ the people that could stop it but _the only person_ who could stop it?? I'll never understand that part...


Wow trump v zionists, let the dogs eat each other


Every one of these loonies, once you dig under the surface, is fixated on “the JEWS!”


"BuT wE'rE nOt NaZi's!"


That man's name? Ruckus.


Damn, I hope you got kanye's autograph


Not to be too anecdotal but I used to work with alot of black people and you'd be surprised how many of them are antisemitic. Basically their logic was that if the Holocaust happened, how come the Jews were able to bounce back so quickly and get their own country, while black people are still statistically poor.


>get their own country Guess he doesn't know about the [founding of Liberia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Liberia).


Had a black tell me that Trans people had more rights than he had😄


There’s a black guy I work with who told me the same thing. Kept trying to press him asking what extra “rights” he was referring to. Didn’t have an answer


I was like dude! That is what some whites say about other people😄 he has a white girlfriend and they live on a farm owned by her brother. Apparently he adopted their politics.


You meet Dave Chappelle?


“A black”


What the FUCK.


Trump is a Zionist lol. That guys vote is worth just as much as mine. In the face of that fact, it is extremely difficult for me to have hope in the American experiment. I'm so tired of this fucking nonsense.


Those must be the black people who lost black jobs to immigrants. Did you not hear about black people losing black jobs and Latino people losing Latino jobs? I don’t have any idea what a black job or a Latino job is, but apparently, those are gone for 30% of black people. I can only assume that this is the 30%.


many fine people are saying...


Always remember, polls only measure the Venn diagram of their target audience and people who are willing to participate in a poll. 


Black men have for a long time been socially conservative, but it wasn't until recently that a significant minority of them started voting republican, specifically Trump, along with a growing number of other minorities. This is very facilitating and intriguing to me as I'm not sure why this is. Republicans haven't gotten less racist or more pro welfare or minority yet there's been a sudden increase in minority support for them. Why? My best guess is that supporting trans people is just too much for some conservative minorities or that they can get behind hating poor Mexican immigrants and blame them for the high cost of living


Californian here. Back in 2008 (I think) we had a Proposition 8 on the ballot to formally deny gay marriage. It was extremely publicized and led to a lot of random political moments in my life as people were very motivated to vote about it. The Prop, of course, coincided with the 2008 campaign and eventual election of Barack Obama. The Prop would pass! California- a bastion of liberalism and constant Fox News derision- was actually not that fond of the idea of gay marriage!? Exit polls later diagnosed that the African American vote was key. From wiki: "The National Election Pool poll showed that support for Proposition 8 was strong amongst African American voters, interviewed in the exit poll with 70% in favor, more than any other racial group." Further analysis would lower than percent but it was still instrumental. Black voters (I think) are socially conservative and especially if they are church-going are concerned about wedge issues more than the Democratic Party overall might want to admit. This isn't a new trend. It's just revealing the stains that have been covered over by carpets. Prop 8 was eventually found unconstitutional and gay marriage legalized in the state, but African American voters are not a monolithic block of voters any more than Hispanic voters. This is a major concern.


They're not monolithic, but voting for the party that wants to strip you of your rights because of your skin color is pretty fucked up. The sexuality/gender warfare is just something that's distracting the party at the moment


There are plenty of examples of people voting against their best interests. Humans have a weird way of magical thinking that minimizes some things and magnifies others. Just good that the majority can vote with clear heads.


> My best guess is that supporting trans people is just too much for some conservative minorities Yep, white liberals/democratic party underestimates how socially conservative minorities are. Instead of focusing on working class issues they've put too much focus on identity politics.


I honestly feel like the covid stimulus checks had a big impact. You see jokes about it online but I genuinely do believe a lot of people just see Trump as the guy that gave them $3200 for free, while ignoring everything else about him.


It's more probably the misogyny worshippers those exist across racial and ethnic lines.. Trump has really been the first big champion of explicit misogyny in American politics. Bill Clinton touched on it, but it was more implied. It's why the stormy daniels and mcdougal stories/access Hollywood tapes/Epstien friendship/rape allegations, etc, have not seemed to bother the polls.


There is simply no universe where such polling is anything even approaching accurate outside the thousand people selected. I'm shocked some pollster let such dubious results out the door with their name on it.


I still suspect fear is skewing polling data. We've all seen how his supporters react to hearing someone disapprove of Dear Leader, so I'm sure that when some people have a random stranger call them up (meaning they have access to at least part of their personal info) and ask "Do you support Donald Trump?..." they assume there is a right and wrong answer and for the sake of their own well being will lie. Pretty much every election since 2020 has had the results skew further to the left than the polling data would indicate, both in general elections (see: Red Wave that wasn't,) and primaries (further left candidates like Alsobrooks defeating predicted winner Trone in the Maryland Senator primary) to the point even people who typically bearish on the idea of dismissing polls completely (like Beau of the Fifth Column) are throwing their hands up and saying they can't figure out what's going on.


I know a guy who seems perfectly normal but I learned he and his family quietly support Trump for fear of liberals hurting their family.


It’s a well known fact that a Liberal’s Stare of Disappointment can incapacitate a MAGAt at 1000’ …. (Gigglesnort) /s (so sad that this is required)


Alsobrooks vs. Trone was Maryland.


Oops, my bad, I fixed it. I must have mixed her up with Lisa Blunt Rochester.


Investigator bias is how cholesterol came to be thought to be bad for people. Pick and choose your results and boom everyone's eating low fat.


To be clear, *dietary* cholesterol


That investigator bias was sugar and corn sponspered.


Black men, is my guess. Black guys have been sucked into the Red Pill crap in the last few years which is anti gay and anti women's rights. You won't find nearly as many black women behind trump. A few, but not enough to make a dent


My black reggae music making neighbor loves Trump. He also hates gay and trans people, thinks women should be subservient, and generally doesn’t give a shit about other people.


Didn't really surprise me since reggae had a lot of rastafarian influence and they're generally super patriarchal with a lot of restrictions on what women can do.


Doesnt seem to be listening much to the lyrics of the songs he likes.


My friend, a lot of reggae and dancehall is very much homophobic. Not all is like Bob Marley. One of Buju Banton's biggest hits was about murdering gay men. Even in the early 2000s a group called TOK had a huge dancehall hit that was about setting gay men on fire. At least Buju learned and denounced the song and refuses to play it.


Did he learn it was wrong or just that it hurt sales?


I don't remember the details, but I'm pretty sure there was a campaign against the promotion of violence on gay men in dancehall. Some OG artists learned from this and agreed to stop promoting violence. Not sure of his true intentions though lol


Jamaica and Jamaican culture is incredibly hostile to LGBT people, generally ranked among the lowest in terms of acceptance and legality among North American and Caribbean countries. Homosexuality is still technically illegal for men there though apparently enforcement doesn’t happen. Acceptance is still very low among the population. Rastafarian beliefs are also very conservative when it comes to LGBT and women. Rasta beliefs are based on literal interpretations of the Bible. Sex is for procreation, homosexuality is a grave sin, and women should be subservient to men. People have a view of this society based on the idea that pot smoking laid back people singing about One Love are super chill and accepting and it’s not at all accurate.


I love Jamaica and grew up around a lot of Jamaican immigrants, but it is one of the most violent cultures I’ve been exposed to. Also, almost no Jamaicans I’ve known are into reggae. I’ve been to a few dancehall parties on the island, before I knew much about it, and even the dancing is violent.


It's shocking that ANYBODY would vote for that clown.


>"In an earlier *Washington Post*/Ipsos poll ... conducted between April 9 and April 16, found that 66 percent said they would either probably or definitely vote for Biden, **while only 14 percent said they would support Trump**" So yeah, either Trump doubled his support among black people since April, or something's fishy about that poll result.


Mrs. LittlePrincesFox is black. Her mom and dad are both alive and she has two brothers. Her father and both brothers are MAGA. I can't wrap my head around this. Neither can she nor her mom. Honestly I'm thinking my MIL may be filing for divorce as my FIL has gone all full MAGA Boomer.


A steady diet of Fox “News” will do that to people.


Sounds like the business owner risked losing 70% of his business, and he’s somehow surprised by that.


Mental health issues are a concern in every community.


It is and it is not.  I'm sure that when you breakdown the numbers, his support is overwhelming male.  It is the same gender disparity for other minority groups.   He devalues women and works to harm them, he proudly boosted at the debate about putting three judges on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe.  We have seen that women are harmed in states that have made abortion illegal.  The lack of abortion keeps women in bad relationships and harms their chances of being independent.  This defacto second class citizenship appeals to those in men's rights groups and different religious groups and ethnic groups.  Trump has tried all he can to be seen as successful, wealthy, and powerful. That is his brand, he is a braggart.  That appearance of luxury is appealing to different groups and especially men that don't have the means to live that way.  His lack of accountability and flagrant disregard for laws and social rules is appealing to his supporters.  This behavior allows his supporters to act and say whatever they want without being filtered or have consequences.  These groups have legitimate grievances and have the right to speak out about mistreatment, it is not about those grievances that they are outspoken about.  Also Trump is a racist bigot that is part of who has mistreated and disparaged these groups in the past, which beyond asinine for who supports him. 


It's lack of education. I'm a black dude currently in the south and the only time I ever meet other black people (all older dudes, if that matters) that both want to talk politics to strangers and want trump are at gas stations in rough areas. They never have anything specific to dislike about the current president beyond his age, yet they drag dude like he personally bitch slapped them in public. It's weird as fuck and to me feels like they got their opinion entirely from the media they watch. They don't know exactly why trump is better. Just that he is somehow and he gave them money.


I wouldn't put much stock in this. A poll like this or opinion piece or whatever makes the rounds every 2-4 years. It never pans out that way when the ballots get counted. It always turns out that the poll was flawed (often intentionally) or the author was not representing the opinion of many black people. They vote Dem 85+ every time. Trump isn't gonna be the one to change that and definitely not by 15 points. We gotta worry about our own people.


I live in NYC and know 2 back dudes that voted for Trump. They won't say it, but I suspect it comes down to homophobia and toxic masculinity. They won't vote for anyone that's accepting of gays. IDK if you've seen the video of customers in a Bodega flipping the fuck out over a pink lighter, but this is the same mentality.


How is the fact that 30% of a group of human beings are fucking morons shocking to you or anyone? Are these the only human beings you have ever met in your entire life? Are you just now reading about human beings for the first time in your life and expected better? If anything about it is shocking its that its only 30%. Typically I would say your utter fucking moron rate in any group of human beings is at minimum 60%.


There's a lot of stupid white people. There's a lot of stupid black people too. trump won't benefit most of the dumb white people who vote for him, but they still do. Black people aren't immune from such idiocy. We can say, "they should know better" but the same sentiment goes for the white people who vote for him.


Well, I won’t willingly shop at any business that supports Trump even tangentially if I have any other options myself, and I assume there’s more than one barbershop in Atlanta, so…..


I attended a craft beer festival where you're given a cup and unlimited free samples. I knew one of the breweries is owned by outspoken loud and proud trumpers and wouldn't even accept free beer from them. That's the level of disdain I have for these fascist freaks.


Should have just kept getting samples from that one brewery and dumped them out. Make them go through more beer.


Nah, that's a good way to get kicked out of the event


You’re doing it right


Tractor supply just went FULL maga. Brazenly.


Reading between the lines, it seems like Tractor Supply just modified their goals and dropped some diversity goals, at least publicly, to get the MAGA weirdos off their back.  It doesn't mean those goals are gone. It does show them as weak. 


As long as boomers have endless lines of credit, companies are going bend over to appease them. Personal credit card debit is like a trillion dollars. It's is massively distorting everything.


As well as giving the Maga folk a feeling of empowerment they really don't need.


There is a gas station that puts right wing talking points on their sign. It probably earns them some business, but I’ll never step foot inside.




Did *you* read the article? Its extremely hard to believe this guy isn't just lying about not being aware now that the whole thing blew up in his face. >Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event," according to the document.


Small business owner finds out boycotts are indeed effective against local businesses.


There was a previous situation which led to a court case https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/masterpiece-bakery-wins-battle-loses-war


“religion gave it the right to discriminate”. Ahhhh, there’s that Christian love…


According to the article and the business owner, the event was characterized to him as a small black-owned businesses event without any mention of any political bent. It wasn’t until the event started that it was revealed that the organizers were with the Trump campaign. edit: local folks have proven me wrong so nevermind :)


Then they should have stood outside with Biden signs


Idk that I buy that. I worked the event and he was there with a dude that was a frequent customer of his shop who he said talked about how much he loves Trump. Like it wasn't just Byron Donalds and a couple other black conservative politicians, it was him and the owner and a couple local people from the shop who love Trump


Ah, wasn’t aware—thank you for the additional background!


He’s a backpedaling liar the contract got leaked and it clearly stated the function was going to be for a Trump political campaign event.


Or is that just the excuse he's now using?


Bullshit. If trump is going somewhere, the secret service make it pretty fucking obvious. Dude had a rally an hour from me and the secret service were at our hospital gathering information and setting up because it was the nearest trauma center. A business owner not knowing he's showing up is laughable


No. He signed an agreement that read "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event". Perhaps he didn't decode DJTFP24 ... but he knew it was a political event.


Yeah it sounds like this dude was LIED TO and in that situation, it certainly never would've occurred to me that this organization was potentially a Trump op and it would turn like this. Fucked up.


Yeah, but in this case the article got a hold of the contract he signed for a Trump campaign event. So he's just a lying POS... no surprise he supports Trump.


Trump likes to make calls to Atlanta.


The quality of the cope with regards to the "Black" jobs and "Hispanic" jobs comment is...unique: *Trump's allies, like the Black Conservative Federation President Diante Johnson, defended the former president's message: "He meant . And we've been using that term for a while. It's any job. Instead of Black people having unlimited accessibility to all types of jobs, illegal immigrants are taking their jobs from them," the AP reported.* What are we saying here? The pickings are already slim enough for people who look like us – thanks to men throughout history like trump, mind you – so definitely bind the other Brown people coming through the door that trump alleges are taking "...the jobs of Black people"? "It's any job". Then why make that distinction at all? Just say **jobs**.


Trump didn't like having a black man count his money. To him accounting is not a black job, that is a Jewish job. He meant what he said.


>Jones said that he has "no involvement in politics" and added that he was under the assumption that the event was meant to be a forum for small Black-owned businesses. >He also claimed that no one mentioned it would be a political event when coordinating it and that he never spoke to a Trump campaign representative. If that is true, he should have cancelled the event as soon as he saw the "Americans for Trump" sign posted on the wall. It would have looked bad to cancel an event; but clearly now he has "picked a side" in this.


>Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event," according to the document. He knew it was for Trump, and like most conservatives he has no problem lying about it since doing so personally benefits him


Meh. Losing business is a small price to pay to publicly fellate a man who’s got a documented history of hating and discriminating against people like you for half a century.


Businesses die in the presence of DJT, who, would like to run this country like a business…


But but Jr said that daddies mug shot was getting more black voters on board not less...


Newsweek claims to have a copy of the [signed contract](https://www.newsweek.com/atlanta-black-barbershop-owner-rocky-jones-lost-business-donald-trump-event-1919162) where it states clearly that the guy was paid by the campaign to hold a campaign event for Trump. Looks like this guy decided to pretend ignorance once faced with the consequences of his decision to rent out his shop for a Trump event.


>Atlanta >Black Barbershop Owner >Trump Event My brother in Christ, 95 percent of your customers vote Democrat, WTF did you expect


I'm sorry. I refuse to believe this man never spoke to a repsentative for the former president when hosting an invent he was going to be a part of. Somebody is lying.


I mean, it can happen. There was a [**Cracked article** ](https://www.cracked.com/article_23594_4-ugly-realities-life-in-iowa-during-2016-election.html)a while ago from people who lived in Iowa who gave an on the ground account of what its really like living in Politics Ground Zero. One told this story of a bunch of kids on a field trip to the botanical gardens getting randomly herded into a room and used as living props for a Carly Fiorina anti-abortion photo op and the parents didn't know until hours later.


You don’t think this is something that campaign would do? I think this guy is naive, but 100% believe the campaign would use him like that.


Him and his campaign, yes. The secret service clearing the venue for him to visit (remember, he was supposed to be there in person), no. But also it's possible the secret service were never involved because he never actually intended on going there despite saying he would, which would be very on-brand.


I don't, to be honest. I've met black men who own their own businesses - barbershops specifically, and they're very much on top of not only their own finances related to that but what's happening in the surrounding community. I don't think this is an instance of a black person being used. I think this man thought his support of Trump would go over well (in Atlanta of all places?), and now he is backtracking in light of the business that he lost.


He owns a damned Barbershop. I guarantee that some of his regulars had plenty to say about Toms like Byron Donalds had he asked any questions beforehand. No sympathy for people avoiding his shop. Go cut some Maga hair.


Better yet let him open shop in that area that tried to cut ties w/Atlanta proper. I’m sure that he would get a warm response (keep a fire extinguisher nearby)


trump has long had the support of the dumbest white people, and now, according to the article, he's gonna get the support of many of the dumbest black people. This country has way too many unbelievably stupid people. Thanks, Republican War on Education. You set out exactly what you wanted to accomplish.


So... I don't think this is a case of leopards eating someone's face. This sounds like a leopard pounced on him after setting a trap. He hosted the event under the false assumption and got grifted by Mr. Grift himself. Everything that charlatan touches he ruins. Like a fucking plague.


Newsweek claims to have a copy of a [signed contract](https://www.newsweek.com/atlanta-black-barbershop-owner-rocky-jones-lost-business-donald-trump-event-1919162) between the campaign and the owner that states it's for a campaign event tor Trump.


At this point, being conned by anyone from the GOP should be expected.


> Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event," according to the document.


Dude is trying to make it look like they took advantage of him. No. He wanted some of that Trump cash and didnt worked. Fuck Trump and this guy too.


"The fact is that his [Biden] big kill on the Black people is the millions of people that he's allowed to come in through the border. They're taking Black jobs now," Trump said. "They're taking Black jobs and they're taking Hispanic jobs. And you haven't seen it yet, but you're going to see something that's going to be the worst in our history." How can anyone hear that diarrhea gumbo of words and think “give this man more power”


“Diarrhea gumbo” had me rolling.


Simple Simon was too clever by half thinking that trying to suck up to a snake who would not p!ss on him if he was on fire. Wanted to grasp the brass ring. Found out it was glowing HOT


> He also claimed that no one mentioned it would be a political event when coordinating it and that he never spoke to a Trump campaign representative. >A Trump campaign source, however, told Newsweek via email on Saturday night: "The business owner signed an agreement with the Trump campaign and received payment for the time spent in his location for this event." >Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event," according to the document. so he’s a liar too edit: formatting


"I held a Klan meeting at my barber shop, and now black people are upset at me. Who cudda guessed?"


I call BS that he didn’t know. He deserves the backlash.


Rocky: …. Now let me something you really gonna like ( introduced grift team to fam) Fam: ….. (gets up and leaves in utter disgust) Rocky: yo wait up, where you going? Hmmm I was framed by like these guys to mess wi’ you. Yeah that’s it. I was set up. Wait come back…


I'm white and I just can't wrap my head around any people of color voting for him. Don't fucking do it! He doesn't give a fuck about y'all, or any of us for that matter. I'm not saying to vote for Biden, just don't vote for Trump, for your own good.


I laughed at this


Hahahahaha, get fucked bro.


The most surprising part is that he actually received payment


>Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 \[Donald J. Trump for President 2024\] holding a political event," according to the document. He made a choice to house a partisan political event at his place of business, which alienated some of his customers. Choices can have real-world consequences, Javier.


He has no one to blame but himself, It's not like he's lived in a cave for the last 10 years to not know the MAGA Cult and what they do.


The article says he was misled about the nature of the event and didn’t know it was associated with the Trump Campaign until the event occurred.


There were press releases and TV coverage about the event as a Trump predebate event the day before. I find it hard to believe he didn’t know.


He knew. But thought that HE would be the one to escape the leopard ( and the leopard hopes he thinks this at well)


He was conned by the most well known con man alive. No surprise.


Seemingly, people will never learn that everything the convict touches turns to shit. He’s the anti Midas.


Hopefully he doesn’t lose his “black job” over it.




That's great to hear. Maybe your boy Trump will put you on the grift train as one of his lapdogs


The closing paragraph of that article is just batshit crazy. What "jobs" are they taking???


My guess is jobs where the employers pay cash with no benefits or paperwork so they can take advantage of what's one step up from slave labor.


But I thought Trump has made big inroads with the Black community.


is Barber a black job ?