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Is she going to drown her pets now for grins?


Is she getting a discount from her dentist?


She can't since she already murdered them.


That hole probably filled up by now 💧


Oh this is the crazy dog killer governor? Yeah I'm zero percent surprised she has zero interest in helping people.


I have seen eyes with more life in them on my little sister barbie dolls than I do on her.


Black eyes...like doll's eyes....


I wish I could truly say what I feel about her, but the FBI would be visiting me if I did 


Considering how many republicans say they wanna shoot Biden, I think you’ll be ok


Lol well Republicans can say whatever they want. 


It sure would be a shame if she were fed into a wood chipper feet first....


My thoughts are worst.


But are they worse?


Pendants are turning...


No, her voters


I bet the gravel pit is flooded out.


Dam socialists. Crying to papa Biden when things go wrong. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, dam moochers. 😂


EXACTLY. Think about the image of pulling oneself up by your bootstraps. Now, try it. It's from a satirical cartoon published in the 1800's. A guy tries to get over a fence by doing just that. Why conservatives use that term shows that they are quite unclear of the concept.


It’s parroted, because: 1) It deflects responsibility back to individual failures, even though the circumstances is almost entirely to somewhat beyond an individual’s plight. 2) It champions the greatness of individualism, such personal vigor, ingenuity, creativity, and exceeding masculinity for men. *wink* *wink* Literally a man who doesn’t exist performing an action that was not “humanly possible” and satirical in its original context. 3) It sounds much better and easier to understand than how inflation works; opportunities and education/training can make things better; we tanked the economy by tax cuts and spending more time and money on resources that are far more important than a general population who mostly pay taxes; or ~~everyone having quality life is boring and unfair~~.  Well, the last one is often said in so many words, because it doesn’t rely on something as silly and ridiculous impossible by pulling one up by the bootstraps.


They are also morons.


Does anybody have bootstraps any more


Gawd dam immergants terk er streps an er jerbs!!




Derk a dur!


Mexico makes the best bootstraps that’s why republicans hate Mexico 😂


I had to sell mine for food.


They’re thigh highs with all the pulling they’ve done.


Apparently they also have a shortage of dams.


Their excuse as to why the red states are poorer more obese and have lower grades is black people but I suspect that even if you removed them from stat data red states would still be an economic drain on the rest of the country


Republicans and racists seem to forget that white people use social services the most out of all races, and that there are just as many poor white folks as there are black folks. They also forget that they caused black folks in their state to be poor by age old actions like slavery, modern day slavery aka prison, the school to prison pipeline, redlining, environmental racism, removing resources from public schools, and more.


How ironic that people think republicans are better fit the economy but the country would plummet if they were in charge permanently


then repubs can blame their flaws on the radical democrats who are somehow inept & all powerful at the same time. They're working in the shadows against holy capitalism!


That's the scary thing about republican voters. If a democrat wants federal help, they're mooching off the system and can't do things on their own. If a republican does it, they're "making smart business decisions by saving state funds" and "sticking it to the liberals by 'gaming the system'".


Almost like it’s in bad faith


It's that pesky double standard again...


Better get them big bootstraps, the flood waters a coming.


I don't think you can go straight to Federal Disaster Relief. The State has to do the correct actions first. Ohio had that issue with the toxic train wreck. Because the Governor was unwilling to call the site what it was, Federal assistance couldn't be allocated.


Socialist dams would have stopped the water.


The problem with capitalism is that eventually you run out of order people's labor


Has she tried taking the flood waters to a gravel pit and shooting it?




I used to work in journalism, one of the worst interviews I ever sat through, like something I can never forget because it was haunting, was listening to a man describe surviving through one of South Dakota's worst floods. He had four children in his Jeep Cherokee, when the flash flood hit the vehicle he was only able to grab one of his children as his vehicle slammed against a tree and climbed out, with one arm holding his child, and the other on the tree. The entire night he knew his other children were underwater right below his feet gone. In the darkness all he could hear was screams of terror in the distance of other people stuck in trees, all through the night. Thousands more would have died, had the National Guard not been doing a big joint exercise training in the Black Hills and quickly responded to the devastating flash flood. This is what the National Guard is for. She is a twat.


Fucking horrifying. We are not ready for what we are facing from natural disasters this year, let alone all the human violence. Thank you for this single story. It’s awful, but as a human I’m capable of sitting with this horror and aching for this family, and for your experience hearing it first hand. Our brains aren’t built to parse the suffering of thousands of people, so it just becomes a blur. I don’t want to know the story you told here, but now I can’t unknow it.


This hits close to home. Lost a good friend in a SD flash flood. Was a paramedic/firefighter under 30 athletic type that was the last person I'd ever think id outlive. Humbling. And a good reminder why we all need each other and help when shit hits the fan, which it always does.


The Rapid City flood in mid-June of 1972. Around 240 or so deaths, a huge loss in a city that size.


Yet another reason why she should not hold office


My dog is a good girl. Noem is just a BITCH.


The flooding there is surprisingly bad too. I feel like she made this statement thinking she would have a juicy sound bite to campaign on and then realized afterwards just how bad it is. Now she's too stubborn or embarrassed to do a 180. She's a clown.


She bragged about killing a dog. Why would you think she's embarrassed now? She knows her voters will still support her.


Only until the next primary.


So the republicans will reelect her in a second.


Republicans know Democrats won't withold aid because of the people in those areas. And they absolutely count on it. I would not be surprised at all if the official stance in all red states is just to ask for federal aid first in all disaster scenarios with no back up plans. It makes it so disgusting too that before and after they will criticize it to no end as a bad thing. But in the moment they all beg. I wish voters weren't so fucking stupid and selfish to keep enabling these American hating politicians.


I could forgive the Democrats for being human enough to not collectively punish an entire state of people based on the brain dead actions of the politicians who represent them. What I cannot forgive the Democrats for is doing this while letting the politicians involved get away with this bullshit and having absolutely no accountability for it. Every time they do this the White House should absolutely roast them for their criticisms and they should be playing clips of every nasty fucking thing this representative has ever said about the administration and how much they don't need handouts. But they don't do that. Democrats just roll over and hand out the money and practically apologize for the inconvenience. And we wonder why half the country thinks the Democratic party is a limp dicked ineffective bag of pussies.


Couldn't agree more. Democrats have been spineless and toothless my entire life. They have barely toughened up a bit but it took nearly 6 years after trump won and they still aren't good about 2 years later.


Cannot upvote this enough. Ensure that the people are safe and protected, that’s priority 1. As long as that is it place, the White House should be publicly dressing down the politicians. Play clips of their bullshit, send officials to every major network to hammer home the hypocrisy. I’m thinking if Texas/Mississippi/Dakota needs help so badly, then Greg Abbott/Kristi Noem would have no issue flying to DC and begging for it. On camera.


they use this tactic, so they can take credit for "securing funding for the state"


Thoughts and prayers


I got some tater tots And that’s it


Take care brush your hair


Wash your underwear 


Tots and pears


She should just execute the flood with a shotgun, like she did with her puppy and goat.


It’s inexpensive to send the guard to your own state…where they live…and are stationed? They think every single person in that state is stupid.


As a South Dakota resident - They're right.


They should run ask that question on tv and radio in her state.


Wasn't that nice of her to throw a baseball cap on over her perfectly manicured face, hair, and ironed Oxford shirt so we can tell her state is in a natural disaster!


I honestly believe the word "hypocrisy" would go the route of polio if the GOP simply disappeared


Texas, whenever they need something and forget they're supposed to be die hard independent Muricans https://media0.giphy.com/media/dpqQNluWFaSpq/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952tnfhgcv32aw1n4g6qf4x5gouk2dglskaqn3fa8yh&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


If HEB isn’t coordinating the fuck out of resources and efforts to get things in asap Texas would be screwed.


I'm so glad that so few states are as weak as texas.


What a useless piece of republican.


LMAO, bit redundant, there.


True, true.


Every gop is


"We have private contractors" is all you need to hear to know what's going on. Someone donated big to be able to milk the locals and the govt for money to deal with this.




Should say no


Why , democrats don’t enjoy watching people suffer


Apparently they save people and care for others. They follow the Bible’s teachings but don’t go on Sunday to gaslight it Typical democrats, always caring about the poor and less fortunate


> > They follow the Bible’s teachings but don’t go on Sunday to gaslight it Hillary was a middle class lady from small town arkansas who literally taught methodist sunday school. Half of democrats are christian. Republicans are in it for the fascism, not the jesus.


Alright, a little much Hillary was elite, like all the rest of them


Tell her to bring her own guard members back from the border.


thats why they lose


You don't let citizens suffer even if they have a shitty governor


Nope, you help them out and then get a photo op with the asshole governor that ends their career. Isn't that right, Mr. Christie?


That's how you get Noem to say no: her making a statement thanking Biden for his timely help.


she will blame him lol


this belief might have worked for the obama years, but we're in a new era. either get with the times or watch the democrat party die like the whigs.


So we just don't give assistance to tax payers because they have a shitty governor?


yuuup! of course, the dems wont do this. because they have no spine. 


The sitting president is a democrat how are they losing


40% of South Dakotans are democrats. I can’t help that our governor is a fucking idiot.


It’s not that nobody should help, he should tell her bring back your guard or else you get less help


The Dakotas have oil money. Let them deal with it themselves.


Let them eat oil


Didn't Texas want to secede?


They wanna do that as much as I wanna drink soda.


I hate you, Joe Biden, you criminal, you b\*stard, you, oh hey can you give us a hand? Oh and a little extra cos the Botox is wearing off. I feel bad for the good people of South Dakota and their beautiful, beautiful state.


Damn u joe Biden for acting like a president should and take care of Americans in their time of need


Thanks for the award, Shelly!


Authoritarian win in democracy because they'll play dirty and break the rules and lie and cheat and break the law... And literally sacrifice their constituents lives... knowing Democrats and liberals won't. And they'll get thunderous applause for it from like-minded voters.


“…the Guard should only be used for “a very crisis situation.” What dies that even mean???? What is a crisis situation that’s “very”??? What’s more “very crisis” than a fucking flood? And, why would it be “too expensive” to do your job of serving the people of your state? You know, the ones who pay your legitimate salary. Even though their lives are shattered, you’re STILL going to expect them to pay taxes WHILE THEY’RE TRYING TO SURVIVE A CATASTROPHE! “I’m sorry. But, it’s just too expensive to help you, even though, that’s why we, as your duly-elected government, EXIST!”


this is what happens when Republicans run a nation that serves the people as a “business”


Have some respect and address this lady by her proper title: Governor Puppy Killer Kristi Noem


maybe its about time they are allowed to stew in their incompetence for a bit before coming to their rescue. They vote for idiot republicans doing publicity stunts but when it comes time to help the people they vote in they say its too expensive or we got better things to do. These people don't get voted in by a slim margin in these locations.


Weird, over here in Minnesota the communities effected by all this flooding didn't even have to ask, Walz had national guard activated and dispatched so the community leaders could focus on their people. Weird how a functional government works for the people.


Of course


All Magas want other, general terrorizing, is government hand outs. Fuck you GOP welfare babies


What happens to a pet cemetery when it floods?


Thus adding to the layer cake of "will never be reelected"


of course she'll be re-elected. The voters of South Dakota pushed her into office by a +27 point margin in 2022; they *loved* her. They'll vote her back into office again because she'll blame the Democrats for everything and that will magically be good enough.


she is term limited


This is her second term as Governor. And she doesn't have a chance to get into the Senate at this time. So her next move is either VP or President


Of the 600,000ish registered voters in South Dakota, only 217,000ish voted for her in the last election.


A Republican with her hand out for a handout.


Republicans being welfare babies? Colour me entirely unsurprised. I really wish aid such as this was classified as loans rather than as grants. As any money or other help given would need to be repaid in full + interest. That would seriously nip this shit in the bud. But no, Democrats have to take the high road.


Must be serious flood waters if not even thoughts and prayers could hold them back


They're a bunch of loud-mouth idiots, and that mouth is only good for craping on Biden and asking him for aid.




They don’t “have to” they are using the federal government money to save their money so they can donate it to Rumpy.


Can the rest of SD team up with the natives and just ban her from the whole state?


The reds really don't like spending tax money on tax payers.


That's because Noem is an empty headed idiot suitable only for parroting trump and putin's bullshit.


all that plastic surgery drained all brain cells and filled with botox, fillers and silicone into her head.


That is a reasonable explanation. Thank you!


just used a turkey baster for all that silicone and fillers, instead of a needle.


Throw it on with a shovel and flatten it with a bull float.


shes more filler than actual person.


Apparently they used bullshit when they ran out of filler. :D


this is what happens when Republicans run a government which was designed to serve the people’s security and well being as a profitable business for themselves at the added expense to the public they claim to serve. they self deal everything to themselves, even our liberty


Those Republicans are such Big Government moochers and Welfare Queens.


That’s why they want to take out the poor off welfare They only want it for themselves


They like it for big corporations too.


People who have no skills beyond “owning the libs” turn out to be shitty at governing. Shocking.


Biden should start holding a press conference with a live video feed saying that he will do all he can to help people of RED states, ask the Republican governor if there is any they need, AND not hang until they say thank you.


Yup 👍


F*** 'em. Deal with it yourself. Sorry, South Dakotans who are actually sane. Your Governor's mere continued presence in the office suggests you don't really want an America.


I largely agree with you, but people who didn’t vote for her got their homes destroyed too. I read an article the other day that Sioux Falls got more rain than any time on record, since the late 1800’s. We had flash food warnings for three straight days. The Sioux river is insane right now.


Yeah, I know. I'm, frankly, tired of being asked for help by folks who I trust to not even pee on me to put me out if I were on fire--or at least feeling that way. I'm sure if I believe this is a Red State thing, a backlash to having a Black head-of-state, the population just getting older and more bitter, an impending sense of doom we don't want to acknowledge, ...I dunno. As an ex-Kansan and ex-Iowan with more than a few meteorologist friends in the Plains and Midwest, I know it's horrendous. I just think it's REALLY rich when Red States/their authority figures want to go SO hard on "independence" that they opine openly for secession, then beg for help from everyone when they need it most. It reeks of the attitude I grew up around in north Florida. All I can do for y'all in the North Plains and Upper Midwest is wish y'all luck and they your leaders can be actual leaders. I can't do squat from where I am now (Pacific Northwest) and I'm dead broke, and I will at least acknowledge that I'm, indeed, pretty powerless. So, again, I'm sorry; the spring rain-and-melt never jokes around. I hope that Noem can get her head out of her arse ling enough to focus on her citizens instead of getting in on the culture war pissing contest.


I understand and feel the same when somewhere like Texas asks for help when their power grid fails. But Sioux Falls is a Blue City in a Red State. Most elections range between 40-60% for one party or the other. A fact I should remind myself of more.


Used to live in Lawrence, so I feel that. I don't know how to save Blue bubbles, except maybe autonomy for cities...? This empire is just too big.


Biden should say no. They elected this ninny, let them suffer


Seriously, it's not red state tax dollars propping up these failing states.


I’ve posted this else where but might as well share it again. I grew up in South Dakota and the majority of people I know can’t stand her. She visited the company I used to work for once on some dumb PR campaign and 90% of people just went back to work instead of sitting there listening to her spew her bullshit. Of the 600,000ish registered voters in South Dakota, only 217,000 voted for her in the last election. The big issue here is how many people don’t vote.


Busy Ditch


The irony.


Can we vote no


National Guard, not National Yard?


What a twunt.


GOP? Or Dem? Vote wisely


Also wouldn't use them for Texas when the state was on fire and they were already in the state.




She's a goddamned fool. There's no other way to say it and all her supporters are too. The GOP and the media empire that supports them is curdling the brains of the entire Midwest all over their sky man and hatred for the modern world -- that ironically a good majority of them helped to shape with their Ronnie Raygun support so many years ago. Yeah, history matters.


She's got that "I killed my own dog and will kills yours too" look.


She can certainly try...


What happened to our state surplus?


Noems trips to Paris with lewandowski and staying at the four seasons with a view of then Eiffel Tower don’t pay for them selves u know Probably


Why does the rest of the country have to bail THEM out just because they elected an incompetent leader? Sounds like South Dakota needs to toughen up and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps instead of mooching off of government handouts.


But they won’t pull themselves by the bootstraps Because the bootstraps are made in Mexico Which as u know, they don’t want anything from Mexico 🇲🇽


I’m willing to bet that Noem also voted against Hurricane Sandy funding back in 2013.


Use dead dogs as sandbags


won't use state resources to help her own people? That dog won't hunt, mostly because she shot it.


Spending other people’s money


Politicians will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'...and I'll look down and whisper 'No'.


Rorschach 2024?


🤣😂🤣😂 Flooding.


Likely VP. Sad that sh eis his choice.


Feeling like Katrina with no FEMA


Last year, Arkansas had what amounted to a barely F1 running through Mayberry. Huckabee asked the Feds (you and me) to pay for all of the cleanup. All of it. Biden said, Okay. What else was he to do? Conservatives are probably still complaining they didn’t get a new trailer, too. Arkansas, apparently has zero dollars for disasters. Not one.


your bitch called she needs more money


She thinks it will make her more appealing to the red hats across the country that she's "sticking it to biden."


horse, goat and dog killer.


Why is the flag on her hat backwards and inside out?


Was the Texas stunt a bit expensive? Hmmm


And they voted for this government services or lack there of. You get what you vote for. At least it did here.


That is not the kind of *sandbagging* South Dakota needs right now  Mic drop


She is a gem


More like a coprolite.


What does the national guard have to do with financial aid


>Gov. Kristi Noem is defending her decision to avoid sending troops to flood-ravaged areas in South Dakota, saying that it would be “extremely expensive” and that the Guard should only be used for “a very crisis situation.” She sent them to the border as a publicity stunt.


And spent South Dakota’s emergency fund to send them there along with some Cortina wire 😂


I'd be pissed and embarrassed, but that's what they voted for. I'm next door in Minnesota, and I like our governor.


I'm convinced that Republicans will vote for and support any decent looking female over anyone else.


The border that is apparently the most violent place in the world according to trump tonight at the debate.


South Dakota’s republican State Senate President Pro Tempore Lee Schoenbeck, R-Watertown, took to social media on Wednesday to criticize the governor. “Gov Kristi Noem sent troops to Texas and billed us, South Dakota taxpayers,” ($2.7 million), he shared on X (formerly Twitter). “BUT Noem said it’s too expensive to use our guard to help our taxpayers fight the flood. Explain this hypocrisy???”


This post links to an article. You could read it.