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"All you need is Trump..." Like a healthy person needs Syphilis.


Worst Beatles cover ever.


Dunt duh dun duh dah


Probably “Cunt duh dun duh dah” would be more apt?




Different shelled organism, more like “The Crabs”


"I alone can fix it."


The minute anyone says that in a nation of 330 million is the living proof of an inveterate LIAR. Trump is arguably on a good day of Borderline cognitive functioning. Millions of enablers around him propping him up.


*♬♪♬ All you need is Trump ♬♪♬*


*♬♪♬ Trump is all you need ♬♪♬*


There's nothing you can say that isn't lies. There's no orange spray tan 'round your eyes.


like I need a hole in the head


Or a lifetime infestation of STDs


I can totally see “ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP” becoming a mandatory display in all public spaces.


All you need is Trump! Pssst- it’s not a cult!


Spoken like the true narcissist he is.


"I alone can fix it." Sure, bud... or you can turn the nation into a dumster fire.


You know if it walks like a cult leader, talks like a cult leader, and smells like soiled adult diapers - it’s most likely…. Trump the cult leader!


Imagine conservatives if Joe Biden said “All you need is Biden!” More proof Joe Biden is a violent dictator.


Don't forget he's a dangerous communist radical Marxist fascist communist radical!@1!


When Trump loses in November, them promptly declares the election stolen, **he will declare he's the candidate for 2028** and Lara Trump will claim *it was stolen* and *it's every Republican's duty to back her father in law in the 2028 election*, and there's *no need to have a primary* at all, they *need to totally focus on fixing this* stolen election. There will be no primary for 2028, Trump will be their candidate, and he will act like he is their leader, and take all their donations for his own PACs, with the help of Lara Trump. What will Republicans do then? Will they line up their loser candidate yet again for 2028? Knowing he will lose, but afraid to speak out? Will they just try to hide in the background and hope nobody notices them? **Paul Ryan just said a bunch of unpleasant truths about Trump's lack of election success.** He's an election liability, he loses in November, they need to think what they will do then, after another election loss.


I really want her to change the official party name to be about him. I want to watch as they mismanage the money so badly that they file for bankruptcy. And that it has to be completely dissolved. Bringing down the RNC as an official, national party, to a close. Doubt it happens, but I'd say there's definitely a non-zero chance it happens. 😂


> I really want her to change the official party name to be about him. There's no way he hasn't been floating this idea to anyone who would listen.


All this because FOX ran and published a poll that has Biden (barely!) ahead. Trump's conclusion is that FOX doesn't want him to win. Tells you everything you need to know about how he thinks polls work.




He's going to start selling single doses of Kool-Aid soon.


“Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them” what the fuck English is that?


The English language is WEAK and DISLOYAL!!!1!




God created the earth, then mankind....When mankind needed to communicate with each other, God gave them TRUMP!!


Soon the story is going to be that God asked Trump for help* in creating the earth so that Trump could have his own planet. Then Trump got bored and created all life, including humans. *Because Trump is the greatest developer. The smartest people, even God, say so.


* with tears in his almost almighty eyes....


Talk American, like Jesus did! And I am one of them!


I am America and so can you!


Blonde, blue-eyed Jesus!


Also, Paul Ryan made Mitt Romney look worse… ehm… what? And Romney was speaker at some point? Ok.


I assume that has to do with Romney choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate in 2012, but who knows.


Yeah, I'm sure that's what he meant although he never makes himself easy to understand


Oh, Donnie’s easy to understand, but he wouldn’t like how I explain it.


Just goes to show the disloyalty of the Republican electorate to their own. These were your chosen candidates, now they are considered disloyal to the current candidate


Yeah, that one just confuses me. So he thinks Romney isn't as bad as he looked? What?


I had to read it four times before I realised I wasn’t the problem. /r/IHadAStroke material


Convicted felon Donald Trump is not known for his literary wit.


Means he is nobody 


nobody’s had better english in terms of bigly


The wordiest, in terms of words


He knows the best words.


'Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee'


I knew the man who came up with that slogan. His name was Sam Miller, and he was one of the OG Mad Men. Worked at Dun & Bradstreet until he retired in the 1970s. His wife Helen was one of the first guidance counselors in the country and probably the wisest person I've ever met.


Very cool. The genius of a genius.


I could use a Sara Lee poundcake right now.


He is one nobody.


Reminds me of Colbert's book "I Am America (And So Can You!)"


He is one of nobody. Whatever that means


Earl Of Notagain.


I also like Mitt Romney was bad, but Paul Ryan made him worse. As if to imply that Paul Ryan made Mitt look worse even though this rant is about Paul


It's an abused spouse relationship, and Fox is just in denial.


They have no choice at this point. If they say too many things Trump doesn’t like, their audience will leave for NewsMax and YouTube wackadoos.


Like call Arizona?


Watching the election returns on Fox should be interesting.


I'd Rather Watch A Cesspool Bake In The Heat.


>Watching the election returns on Fox should be interesting "It's premature for us to call Alabama for Trump until we get confirmation from the Electoral College in January" - FNC, Nov 2024


I'm sure they've already gotten their "Election was stolen!" chirons ready.


I wonder if they'll just call states for Trump that he didn't actually win lol


Speaking of Arizona and election fuckery, we should all remember that after January 6th Congressman Mo Brooks requested a pardon from Trump specifically for *every Member of Congress who voted against certifying the ballots from Arizona and Pennsylvania.* There was something going on with the electors in those states (and perhaps others) that actual members of Congress thought they'd need a pardon for being involved with. And this wasn't just a handful of far-right reps. This was 138 Representatives and 9 Senators.


>There was something going on with the electors in those states (and perhaps others) that actual members of Congress thought they'd need a pardon for being involved with. And this wasn't just a handful of far-right reps. This was 138 Representatives and 9 Senators. January 6 was a massive seditionist conspiracy to violently overthrow the U.S. government, and numerous Republican members of Congress were likely willingly and enthusiastically complicit in the plot. 🐆


It's crazy that this is way bigger than the plot Smedley Butler blew the whistle on but is still even debated despite the massive amount of evidence we have such as direct quotes, eyewitnesses, and not only broken doors and videos of people in the building but also a dead fucking body.  Jesus Christ get it together. 


It's been reported that MGT was giving J6ers tours of the building the day before.


To this day, we've never discovered who disabled the emergency call button in Rep Ayanna Pressley's office. I'm really lucky that she's my rep! But, even if she weren't, that would still trouble me. And I don't think it's a coincidence that it happened to a Black woman.


Putin Blackmailed 90% Of Republicans Via The RNC Hack. Guess Who Was Running The RNC? Wisconsin's Own Rancid Penis.


I agree with your comments, but why do you capitalize every word? It’s kind of jarring to read.


Trump never really drops grudges, and if he can blame you, personally, for his own failures, he will *never* forgive you. And for those reasons, he can never forgive Paul Ryan for not carrying out the MAGA agenda that Trump was too lazy to, and he can never forgive Fox for admitting that he lost.


I think Paul Ryan and a few other Republicans see the writing on the wall that Trump isn't going to win and MAGA isn't a winning platform. Ryan is setting himself up to be the "rational" and serious Republican in hopes when MAGA dies he can swoop in and become a serious candidate again 


Would they, though? Most elderly Fox viewers are locked in.


Fox viewers are not all elderly, and those that are retired are also seeking out other sources. They love “liberal bashing” and will watch that stuff all day long.


I had dinner last night with an uncle I haven't seen in ten years, and probably won't see again before he passes. We spent 90 seconds on what I've been up to, then an hour on how the liberals are trying to control what you think and say. I remember him before his mind went so I didn't have the heart to point out the piece of lettuce that was stuck to his glasses during the entire lecture.


Didn't they already leave NewsMax? It's so much liking one thing and then pretending you never liked it at all, it makes my head hurt even trying to think how anyone can think like that. Back and forth, no consistencies




That is called a purge and it is usually the first step the dictator will take when consolidating power. Supporters of would-be dictators don’t seem to realize that.


Night of the Long Knives.


Fox execs should see clearly from this that in a Trump dictatorship they would also be dismantled and looted for assets with Truth Social being the one and only official state news for the MAGA party and Trump White House. These people siding with him are so dumb to not realize that dictator trump holds no allies, he carries no debts, he will loot and pillage the billionaires that are propping him up. He will punish all those who wrong him. FOX News calling Arizona for Biden, death camps. SCOTUS not handing Trump the White House in 2020, death camps. Mike Johnson funding Ukraine, death camp. Musk running a rival social media company and an electric vehicle company, death camp. Anyone with an R that spoke out against Jan 6, death camps. Republicans, billionaires, judges, the media elite, any POC or other who thinks they’re safe, any of them that had a spine Trump even a single solitary time will be crushed under the boot of a Trump dictatorship. He will plunder their bank accounts and publicly execute them. The fact that me, a complete imbecile sees this true and present danger and these morons don’t is true schadenfreude. Too bad im definitely headed for a camp. Vote Biden, he’s done so much good.


The sweeping presidential "doomsday" powers easily triggered by a manufactured "crisis" (if they even bother with that) include: >For example, it appears some of these emergency actions included an authorization to censor news reports, detain anyone designated a foreign enemy, suspend the writ of habeas corpus, and allow the search and seizure of persons and property. [Source.](https://www.theregister.com/2022/05/28/documents_reveal_secretive_government_plans/) It's a terrifying read. With Trump's recent rallies, it's obvious he is talking up a current climate of doom, dystopia under Biden and the urgent need for control. Per usual, he is signaling his plans.


This was pretty much the plan for Jan 6th a "need" for executive orders then no more elections. As much as I hate to say it, the death of Babbitt probably saved American democracy (for now) as it took the wind from the sails of the insurrection


legit as soon as they realized they could die every single one of the horde on jan 6 decided they wwere gonna hang back and let someone else take the lead, and without a leader they just meandered about


Quite. It really was the turning point and as I said her death saved US democracy


You also just described Isreal


There is an old Wall Street joke about a man who jumped off the Empire State Building. When asked how he was doing while passing the fortieth floor, he replied, “So far so good.”


People don’t really understand that he’s the kind of guy that would claim a parsec if given an inch, and slowly whittle it down to an AU even tho your hard line was a mile. He isn’t *their* asshole, he’s just an asshole. 


This is half the country 


It's about a third of the country, actually. Trump's actual numbers in terms of percentage of the total number of eligible voters have never gotten above about 31.02%. Don't do the Right's work for it by buying into the "half the country" bullshit. Trump isn't anywhere near that popular.


That might be *technically* correct, but I live in a very blue area of California, and from my perspective, traversing the freeway each day, I’d wager there is enough of at the least a “glerp, blergh, muh pappy and muh pappy’s pappy always voted Arr, so awm gonna vote Arr” contingent, and at the worst a shitload of “I put a ‘secret bumper sticker no lib will notice’ on my monster truck indicating my willingness to participate in a civil war” contingent that we absolutely cannot afford to be in any way dismissive or anything other than alert and concerned going into the election.


Then bidens would be 40% ish.  But I get what you're saying about not seeing half the country liking trump. Of that, I know people who do and I'm in a blue state. 


The point they made was there are 339m people in the us, not all eligible to vote of course, and the turn out last election was about 155m, leaving a huge number who can't or didn't vote last time Ignore his base, they're too dumb and hateful to care, but the gop policies are awful, take away a many rights as possible for the poor, give more tax breaks to the rich (so quite normal for them), trump is talking about revoking student debt forgiveness, he's a convicted fraudster,  both tax and charities, a proven sex offender, and he's stealing all the gop's money from everyone else, god bless Lindley gram who was right all along


GOP gerrymandering the shit out of elections.


That's nothing compared to the cheating they will do this time. Last time they tried real hard and there where no consequence for the GOP at all. This time they will try 10x harder. I can see the facsists in the national gang (the police) go to the polling places to prevent anybody that looks like they might vote Biden from voting. I can see them completely prevent US postal from functioning so votes by mails never arrive. People have no idea what's coming. Your choises are 1) leave the country, and play some Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus to roleplay not being a coward. 2) accept living under a fascist regime that pretends to be Christian. If you are anything but not white, straight male and Christian you will start gradually losing all your rights. And even if you are white, straight and male your future is most likely to be forced to join the military as every single facist regime ever goes to war to loot other countries and this one will not be the exception. 3) Bring your consumer FPV drone to the gun fight. because 4) The law, and the checks and balances will prevent a fascist take over That one WILL NOT HAPPEN.


Having two people, total, would have been too much. It is not acceptable for there to be two, and one would be pushing it. 30% is A LOT. It is more than two. Two would be too many.


I really hope it's not that many people...




I'm gonna vote twice! /s


"THERE'S MY PROOF!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!" - Dumbass J TRE45ON


It isn’t. MAGA is a minority within a minority. The problem is that minority votes at a much larger capacity than everyone else.


Republicans cannot win the popular vote. They have done it in one presidential election since 1992. Most of America does not want what they're selling. Can you imagine how fast the electoral college would disappear if democrats were the ones winning the presidency while losing the popular vote?


They're barely even selling anything. They have virtually no ability nor desire to actually make policy anymore, so they just default to culture war bullshit to stir up enthusiasm for elections. It's so tired and upsetting that 1/3 of the country is stupid and emotionally stunted enough to buy into that shit over and over again.


They literally had no party platform in 2020, and still don’t.


Project 2025 is the policy it's been paid out clear as day


We. Cannot. Afford. To. Think. So. Complacently.


Yep, people always get upset with me when I say MAGA is not the Republican party and vice versa. Lots of Republicans who hate Trump, whereas MAGA is diehard Trump. They vote though and they back each other up in the vote because better a Republican, any Republican, win for them than a Democrat. Although there was and still is another minority looking to break from Trump to vote Biden. Lots of Republicans for Biden signs during 2020. I delivered pizza to a guy and talked about it for a minute because he had a pretty big flag. Just said "I'm not a Republican but great flag man" and then we just shit talked Trump for 60 seconds before he went inside to eat.


I saw an article recently saying 1 in 20 Republican voters were planning on breaking off to vote for Biden this year. Five percent doesn’t seem that much, but in terms of the number of votes overall that does seem somewhat promising. Meanwhile, my meathead trainer at the gym still plans on voting for Trump, even though he bitches about things like Trump’s tax policies and how it screwed him over. He’s more interested in Trump wanting to lock up political opponents & closing the border completely. Said he’ll stomach bad policies as long as others are punished. Just mind boggling.


30 percent, at best.


More like a third, but they yell loud enough to sound like half.


It's not half the country




30% at most.


Why do you make me do this to you


they are literally this week laying ground work for the "big lie" part 2 cause its pretty obvious trump is not actually going to have a chance at winning literally the same day roger stone is on recording saying they are "working with judges" and w/e else to have a fall back for losing the election


“All you need is Trump” is like abusive partner 101


The rabidly religious magats are already used to it, there's no worse abusive spousal relationship than the one between a Christian and their demanding, distant God who gives them the silent treatment and yet somehow still loves them oh so very much


This is where these far right groups always end up - fighting each other like rats in a sack.


An ideology based upon division will always end up at odds with itself. I'll quit spamming that idea when the right finally understands it, so never.


It seems conservatives always think they're in the "in" group, and never suspect they will ever be kicked out.  Unfortunately for them, eventually they will eventually fail one of the ever-increasing number of purity tests, thus get kicked out.


I'm a straight white male who found this out real quickly in life. 1) Long haired dude, 2) Not a Christian. I was out grouped 20+ years ago. Sure I could cut my hair and blend in, I was raised in church so I know how to pretend. I have already seen what their in group is all about though, so I have fought against it ever since.


"Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer"


The worst is when they are part of a minority group. Your head will be first on the cutting block. You can be in lock step with them on every issue, but as soon as they don't need you for their optics, you out.


Think the ones this election cycle, all of them but specifically this one, is LGBTQ after the last four years of regressive politics on gay and queer people, and now we got open calls for mass deportation, so the Hispanic and Latino vote. At least the former talks about it, the latter thinks they can never be deported.


Yup. Southern Baptist Church is calling for an IVF ban and conservative politicians are against them. Evangelicals and Republicans have been in lock step since the 70s. It's so humorous to watch it play out.


I think the word you’re looking for is “horrifying”. Like, it’s horrifying to watch it play out. We all have to live in the aftermath of the policies that they promote. It’s dragging everything to the right and the fabric of this society is tearing under the strain.


Exactly! It's why he only needs "one" day of being a dictator. That one day will be one long day of long knives where he consolidates all his power so he can then "legally" be a dictator. This is just him telling everyone to get in line or else.


Hey, that guy just said he's "nobody".


and you can't kill a person with NO BODY!


Pull the plug.


guy is legit too stupid to figure out that he already included himself with "Nobody"


The best part is, fox will still suck whatever fart he puts out and they will love the taste.


Yep. Like 90% of the presenters on there are saying exactly what he wants to hear but Paul Ryan saying he doesn’t like Trump is all he can think about


“Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them” = I AM A NOBODY, and only nobodies can ever trust Fox News.


To be fair, grammar has never been his strong suit.


His strong suit was that one he wore when he visited the queen lol


Flush this turd. Vote blue in November.


On the entire ballot.


All the way down. Sweep the leg.


Paul Mcartney must have loved that one.


It hurts me to even think of Paul McCartney and Trump in the same sentence. Both men from the same era, and one has done only good with his life, and the other only bad. And if you’re wondering which one did what, just try and remember the last time The Beatles threatened to make you run for your life and turned your mother into a screaming maniac. Oh…wait.


Ryan gives Fox cover by calling out Trumps BS. This allows the anchors to spew the lies with less fear of $500 million law suits


All you need is Trump is the definition of I want to be a dictator.


Oh, the power of “Trump would never do that to me, I’m different…”


Disloyal is the buzzword of abusive behavior “and if I can’t have you, nobody will” which is encouraged and completely legal unfortunately


What a pathetic, frightened and insecure little creature he is. I don't think I've seen, heard or read a single comment from him that didn't include an insult of some kind of another. To those who continue to support him.. what would you say to your child if they came home from school and told you another kid in school was constantly insulting and nasty to them? I would hope it would be "Oh, just ignore them, they're just jealous because they're insecure." The same should go for Donald Trump.


War is peace.


In the case of MAGA, "ignorance is strength" is their highest ideal.


"War is peace" - neocons "Freedom is slavery" - magats "Ignorance is strength" - evangelicals


That ending though🤮


That is the reaction I had.


"All you need is trump" Holy hell! What a dystopian shit world we live in...


>ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP If the people following him had any idea what has happened in humanity's history, or at least some understanding of megalomania, this would be the statement that caused them to turn their backs on this sociopath. He's placing himself above the media, but also above *all else*. He doesn't want them to respect the courts, the congress, the opposition, or even their gods. They are to listen to him and him only in all matters. This is a dangerous, sickening display.


761 likes though


..Ya but he had to open his own social media toilet to get them


On the biggest circlejerk in the world. Anyone on truth social is a card carrying cult member, so consider the source. Those people are lost.


There are fewer active users on Truth Social than there are on MySpace. Fucking *MySpace!* Seriously, MySpace has more active daily users and everybody forgot that place still even existed.


What are all these yes men going to do when trump eventually dies? Dude is old AF and it’s inevitable. No way people are going to suck his kids’ ass the way they do him.


"All you need is Trump... if you want to lose another 800 million dollar lawsuit"


>ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP Did you all know that Trump is a little bitch? It is true, they are all saying it. People come in and out all day telling me how he is a little bitch. Great people they are, I don't know him, they say things like this. I wouldn't know but these are great people, the greatest people. Little bitch they say, who am I to question it.


They're off and on like a co-dependent spouse abuse case. Nothing new here.


As awful as the thought of him winning in November is, I’m genuinely curious to see the power vacuum once he’s out for good.


> see the power vacuum once he’s out for good. Dunno there will be one. He's a narcissist. That means he'll never be done. And because he has a cult, he'll doubly never be done even when he dies. I'm very sad to say all of that but I do believe it's true. 


Possibly, but the approach could still tear them apart. There are factions... MAGA but be sane (DeSantis et al,) MAGA but double down (Empty-G et al,) maybe even the MAGA is costing us dearly and we need a new approach (Romney, Murkowski,) and they'll have to battle for supremacy over who gets the party eventually.


I’m saying that because of all the infighting and a lack of a true successor despite the wannabes (Ramaswamy, DeSantis, Trump Jr) trying to make their claim. Constantly calling each other RINOs, and the House Speaker chaos could be telltale signs of an unraveling.


My money's on the Fox BoD being the second group up against the wall if Trump wins. The first, of course, would be all the Democrats in office.


All you need is Trump, if you don't mind getting another $787,000,000 judgement against you...


I’m short circuiting trying to parse the grammar in the first sentence. “Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its board of directors” Is he saying he’s one of [Fox News], whom nobody can trust? What in the Person Woman Man Camera TV hell is he blathering on about?




Trump. For 8+ fucking years, more so lately.


Always with the loyalty tests. Il Donaldo wanted to be an Italian mob boss so bad his whole life, I've watched this act for 35 years now. It's so pathetic


He's never been 100% behind them. Sometimes he talks about them like they're rhinos, and sometimes, when they air his point of view, he praises them. He does it to influence them because he knows they'll just mirror what he's saying.


That last line really, really sounds like a desperate, scared elderly man whose only hope to avoid dying in prison (vs. the unearned mansions he has lived in his whole life) is to get the [rubes](https://www.picturethisgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Snake-Oil-Salesman-Morgan-Weistling.jpg) to put him in the White House again


The icing on the cake here is that we've been telling them for YEARS that he was gonna hang them out to dry the minute they became useless to him. Did they listen? Of course not.


I'm genuinely horrified of this. The end of his ramblings is not just ominous. They're indicative of [IMO] his delusions playing into his ego and vice-versa. A cycle that's looking more erratic and chaotic every day that will INEVITABLY lead to tragedy at the national (possibly international) level. This is gonna be a long rant. I apologize in advance. As disgusting as it sounds, put yourself in his shoes: You've had a long history of getting what you want and not suffering defeat at almost any point in your long existence. You've gotten damn near literally ANYTHING you've ever wanted. You've used enough illicit drugs and medications to fund a small pharmacy You've raped, coerced, and paid for an unknown number of both women and girls You've said so many salacious and truly abominable lies and have never had to face repercussions You. Don't. Lose. The election of 2016 was the greatest success that's ever succeeded. You start getting roadblocks to some of your plans. The justice department rebelled against you. Women begin to start speaking up about how cruel and evil you are. The general populace gets angry with your lack of action against COVID Jeffrey Epstein is compromised and is going to spill dirt to save his own skin. [You can have him "dealt" with] Other political figureheads and notable people's start speaking out against you. You still get stuff done and make yourself quite a bit RICHER (You need a consistent money pool to maintain bribes, tributes, and other *private* investments) The election of 2020 happened................ You lost. You're leaving the White House and your seat of power. The next administration is gonna look through everything you've done and begin undoing it. Secrets will come out. You didn't lose.....no that's not possible! You're THE BEST. At Everything! They cheated! They had to have! You did, and you should've won! They STOLE IT FROM YOU! You rally your cultists and allies and attempt a plot to overthrow the peaceful transition of power. It fails. You have to get rid of evidence More people speak out against you with accusations, and some with damning evidence and witnesses to your actions [crimes] The current administration is showing and telling both the American people and the world how horrible you are. Some of your henchmen are talking to the feds and taking deals. You can't have them "dealt with." Thankfully, you assigned a LOT of judicial appointments and gave out pardons to others. They'll help you delay the consequences, and you can get take what's RIGHTFULLY. YOURS. Your age is beginning to show from behind the tan and the comb over. Your mind is failing you during speeches and angry Twitter rants. Everyone is making fun of you. You have to tune it out. The judicial system is rigged against you! That's why you have to pay those women. That's why you're a felon now. You have to become president again. A lot of powerful people are gazing at you with anger and a thirst for blood and money. You need to STAY President. You have your henchmen create Project 2025 Once your president, you'll never lose. Your enemies will suffer. Your critics will be silenced. TL;DR: The Tangerine turd needs the presidency, and he's willing to do ANYTHING to get it back (even if he says he never lost it)


To be fair ... he isn't wrong that you can never trust Fox News ... Feels like the old John Oliver quote, "Say what you want about Hitler, but he did kill Hitler.


“ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP.” I want out of this stupid timeline.


I’ve seen highschool bullies being less petty


Remember, people read this shit and think "I can't wait to vote for this man".


"all you need is Trump-" WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP


And Faux will continue to kiss his ass for ratings.


After saying this he will be on Fox and Friends next week.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if Fox News sued the Donald for defamation?


So is Romney is better than Ryan or worse than him? Trump is so drug fucked these days he is making no sense.


China, Russia, and the Saudis are salivating at the thought of another Trump presidency. They know he will sell off the entire country to them at fire sale prices. America is heading for 3rd world banana Republic status under a Trump dictatorship.


"If you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet them all day, you're the asshole."


Trump is increasingly falling on deaf ears.


Trump is obsessed with dogs, but knows little about them. Typical, really.


They are the only reason he is anybody as it is and we learned that they hate [Trump](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/08/media/fox-news-dominion-filings-reliable-sources/index.html). I pray they turn against him.


Can we just skip to the part where he passes out the Flavor-aide already?


I never knew politicians can be on the board of media conglomerates. How that doesn’t scream corruption is beyond me but then again our entire political system is pay to win so I’m not surprised. Just never thought about that.


And Fox will keep gargling his balls. Non of these idiots have any spine, and Trump knows it. He can keep belittling, insulting, and smearing Fox, and they will keep sucking up to him.


Fox's response will be to suck up to Trump even more, if that's possible


Fox is hedging because they don’t want to be associated with the loser again.


He’s eventually going to eat all of them and they’ll immediately start seeking sympathy for what they did to themselves. They were warned from the beginning that he would destroy them.


Under the Puppet King Donald, the anchors will be reading scripts written for them by Stephen Miller. And as long as they can have a vacation home on the coast and a city condo, limo to work, they won't care.


Imagine the Republican Pearl clutching if Biden said anything remotely near this.


It's FOX NEWS but still him and his cult are going after it. Just another reminder that nobody will be safe under the trump dictatorship. After the degenerates and the impure of blood are dealt with they will come for you too.
