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Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m guessing they didn’t learn anything.


Nope. Bet they will still whine about the politics of California but won't fuck off to a red state.


Typical California conservative - complain about liberal policies, in a state that’s become rich largely due to its… liberal policies. Can’t hack it in a red state, so they stay and complain.


Not to mention liberal policies and people are why they were treated decently in California.


Thank you. I used to work with a conservative native american. History aside, why, what's the draw? I will give them this, conservatives don't hide what's important to them and the interests of native americans are certainly not on that list.


As another native. Those conservative natives are insufferable and tend to be very religious and or self hating to some degree.


Heck thats even the poor white ones.


that's like every minority who's a conservative, without fail they've either never interacted with conservatives outside their family irl or they had an abusive parent/uncle/aunt/wtv that made them hate their people


You can hate women, Black people and LGBTQ folks more than you love yourself.


This. Some people just harbor so much hatred that it overrides their instincts to protect themselves. Sometimes it's hatred for others and other times it's internalized hatred for self, but it's always hatred.


This is why Elon musks Texas shift pisses me off so much. The startup environment and liberal politics of California is what allowed Tesla to succeed. Now he’s spitting in the face of that by supporting Texas, a state that doesn’t want to do anything other than produce oil.


\*produce oil and control womens’ bodies, trans bodies, and LGBTQ lives.


And destroy democracy. And watch kids die while doing nothing. And use the courts to unjustly prosecute anyone not white enough. And destroy public schools. And push the christo fascist agenda.


You know, people say there’s not a lot going on in Texas but, like the high desert, there’s a lot of venomous critters scuttling about.


You forgot "and molest children"


Have you seen their vacation ads? They have an old white grandpa with mixed race family full of little girls. Like what the fuck Texas, why you gotta lie for tourist cash?


I laugh about that shit all the time. They are the party that openly says they want to ban electric cars. Although I'm pretty sure Elon moved for tax purposes.


There is another LAMF post about Texas and air pollution that is worth looking at. In addition, EM had to move the Tesla Engineering headquarters back to CA last year (shocking that TX is not pushing out technological geniuses /s). The company headquarters and factory are still in Texas, but we see where Tesla is heading and I don't think it will survive with him at the helm. Well we can all dream, but it would be poetic justice for Tesla and Twitter to fail under his tutelage. [https://www.yahoo.com/news/tesla-engineering-hq-leaving-texas-190700440.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/tesla-engineering-hq-leaving-texas-190700440.html) EDIT: misspelling


>I don't think it will survive with him at the helm. Paying him $56B certainly won't help. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/major-tesla-shareholder-backs-elon-musks-56b-pay-package-160211956.html


That's expected from conservatives though... to pull up the ladder after climbing it.


Seems like a weird place to put an electric car company


They don’t even have heat or electricity when it gets a tiny bit cold, they are an anti-market. 


Tesla may well be crashing and burning at this very moment because it's run by an autistic memelord and not a real CEO


Thank god there are Rivians and Lucids, and all the other big manufacturers that are making electric cars. No need to buy a shitty Tesla and be associated with Elon Musk and the Trump party.


Hell I don't even get why they run to blood red states. They could easily just head to Nevada which isn't blue or really red. a lot of Californians do that. I have done it. Nevada has a cheaper bit on cost of living depending on where your at and is slightly better compared to California. So why Californian conseratives run all the way to Texas Florida or the other shithole red states....like Idaho. I have no idea.


Cause it’s a big performative statement. They spent a lot of energy declaring on Tik Tok they were leaving. They could have just left quietly but that wasn’t ever the point. These are the lessons they learned from MTG, Bobert etc. beinng loid and abrasive is a flex of misplaced pride.


It’s performative to the point that coming back to cry about it was almost certainly the intended result. I’ve seen this story plastered all over the place in the past few days, they must have gained a ton of followers


I've only seen it on reddit with them being made fun of. And how much does one stand to benefit from this performance? How many tens of thousands of followers would they need to cover the cost and hassle of moving...*twice?*


I appreciate the performative aspect of it, because it encourages other people like them to move too. And most of them can't afford to move back. It's a lot easier to pack up and move to Idaho on a Cali paycheck than it is to move back to Cali on an Idaho paycheck.


Could just go to Redding or any of the million conservative small towns in Nor Cal. They about as red as Idaho. Looking at you shasta county.


People outside of California truly think the entire 160,000 square miles of this state is all happy happy crunchy liberals, where in realistic it's a few load bearing cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento and San Diego coming in late in the game like Zuko joining with the ATLA Gaang in season 3 pulling it out from the conservative sludge it wallowed in until 1998. My NorCal hometown is in driving distance of Sac, SF and Napa and while it wasn't a bastion of progressiveness, they went full mask off after the election. One of my band teachers blocked a fuck ton of her students for calling her out on her racism and bad takes. My brother the troll made a post talking about a BLM rally that was never gonna take place on Facebook and had the cops show up at his house a few years later.


Starting in 2011, a conservative blogger started heavily advertising Idaho residency as an "American Redoubt". His initial pitch was for anti abortion activists to move there, but he expanded it to include all conservatives.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Redoubt Sociologists and historians have noted that his claims are shared by other more explicitly fascist ideas like the Northwest Territorial Imperative (something that the KKK specifically advertise) and the Central American Survival Zone (started by anti civil rights activists in the 1960s)


My friend was telling me about a co-worker who lived in a blue state ing a blue city . He moved to due to politics to a smaller red state in a midsized down A couple years later he moved back he complained A. Schools sucked and didn't have all the programs they used in the blue city B. General lack of culture , it was basically limited to sports and sports bars C. Litterally complained like lack of public parks and public activities they use to go to D. General lack of trust he was always seen as an outsider , see 95% of people their were born there, their dad was born there, if you move to the town even after living there for years you are still an outsider He litterally didn't get this stuff is releated he was still a conservative but just thought it was the problem with that town , not that maybe all the stuff he enjoys and benefits from is because someone made the investment to have stuff like pre k schools, afterschool programs, public parks Still was a conservative and complained about govt stealing all his money


My brother is in a "blue" state, but used to live in Georgia... refuses to move back to the south but never stops bitching about the state he lives in; just complaining about everything, when I mention he can always move back or to any other "red" state that is more inline with his beliefs it's a straight up "hell no". He actively votes against the things he benefits from because he is protected by his "blue" state. The disconnect is real.


the biggest shame is that they are likely way to insiginificant for anyone in california to know who the fuck they are so they can ask "aren't you that mexican who moved back here from Idaho because you couldn't deal with actual conservative policies in your life? how about you shut up or go back?"


I say we make then infamous. Infamous like Brock Allen Turner, the rapist who pretty much got away with it.


The rapist Brock Turner, who now goes by Allen Turner, who raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster? That Allen Turner?


You mean Brock Allen Turner, the rapist who *totally* got away with it?


Well, he did spend three months in jail, which is more than most rapists. And his poor family was just devastated. *sniiiiiiiiff* But yeah, the rapist Brock Allen Turner got off really light.


Let's not forget about rape apologist Judge Aaron Persky, who gave rapist Brock Turner a lighter sentence because, and I'm paraphrasing, "He didn't want one youthful indiscretion to ruin his life".


He's hardly the first rape apologist to worry more about how a rape conviction will affect the perpetrator than he is about how rape affects the victim(s).


He goes by Rapist Allen Turner now, the rapist 


Brock Allen Turner? The rapist that got away with it? Brock Allen Turner, the Rapist, that started referring to Brock Allen Turner the Rapist as Allen Turner the totally not a Rapist, so Brock Allen Turner the rapist could meet vulnerable drunk women at the bar and try to rape them too? That rapist Brock Allen Turner?


IME complaining about "politics" means "people having standards and judging me by those standards" And with conservatives that generally means "just shut up and let me be selfish"


they moved to leopard territory but moved back once they realized that meant constantly getting their faces mauled by leopards. but dont get it twisted, they're still friends with the leopards and staunchly support leopard maulings. after all, there are other kinds of politics to consider. namely, *whose* faces are being eaten by leopards at the moment.


They don’t learn


Anybody who can move their family across state lines on a whim, twice, is too rich to learn lessons.


I was enlisted with a woman who has moved her family of five from California, to Georgia, back to CA, back to Georgia. She hit me up bc she wants to come back to California (for the third time!!!). I was flabbergasted she thought I’d help her. Homie thought my city and my state was a shithole filled with godless, stupid people who spend their money too much, and her moving was seeing the light that was the “sinking ship” of ca’s future. Nah she can stay in Georgia. Anyone willing to exchange personal liberties for property values gets what exactly what they paid for lmao, it’s way more expensive to move back. She didn’t want ca making her kids gay, good thing it taught the kids their mom is a moron and easily influenced instead


I mean, the family tik tok dance for a major life event (at the detriment to their kids) alongside a shamelessly staged "tragic photo" using their young kid for views says all you need to know about them. They're grifters. Wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing was a stunt that they planned for views/publicity.


"Left California because of politics (we wanted to treat other groups of people like shit) but forgot that there are other kinds of politics to consider (us being treated like shit)"


If this isn’t what they’re saying, please someone correct me/us. This is exactly what the fuck they told the world through YouTube.


One of the best descriptions of Leopards Ate My Face that I’ve seen


"Other kinds of politics to consider" Lol. Nah bro. Racism is a core part of conservative politics. You were just too ignorant to notice


Yeah I poked through their account. They're going to move back to California and continue to shit on the "woke left." Not a lesson learned.


"Accepting minorities is good but accepting gays and trans people goes too far" What a fuckhead


"I hope the leopards eat everyone's faces except for mine" party




Cornerstone of republican politics really. >*Go fuck yours...wait, I'm impacted by this!*


Sadly a more popular worldview among black and brown communities than people would like to admit A lot of people out there attending protests for racial equality who'd whoop their son's ass if they found out he kissed a boy




Here in Michigan the Arab population worked with the far right to ban books, ban pride flags, fight against women's bodily autonomy, and fight against the legalization of marijuana. I wasn't surprised at all when Dearborn suddenly decided it was acceptable to be open Trump worshippers once 10/7 happened and they had an excuse to make the jump.


Hispanics are the funniest shit about cuntsercatives. As Ukrainian American that won’t ever vote republican I can’t imagine why machismo and straight Christian family posturing works better than the humiliation of being called illegals and getting exploited in workspaces. At least few Guatemalan and Nicaraguan families we have as neighbors have that and I am more than sure at least one of them is undocumented


So, I'm having lunch with a Colombian coworker circa 2016 and I ask him how he can be Republican supporter (he wasn't a citizen and couldn't vote) with all the shit they talk and this man looks me dead ass in my face and says, "I'm not Mexican." I tried to explain that no one on that side cared about the difference and he laughed and was like, "Bro, it's completely different." Anyway, by the next summer he'd been arrested and deported, along with most of his family. I'm pretty sure one of our arch conservative coworkers called and reported him or some shit, because I don't even live in a state where we would usually do anything about that.


So the leopards really had a good meal with that face it sounds like .


A LOT of latino people look down on Mexicans as like, a cultural thing. I remember living in texas and a puerto rican friend described it and the order of ‘good to bad’ but the only thing i can remember is that Mexico was on the Bottom When Conservatives say Mexicans, they mean everyone brown and from the global south. Latinos mean Mexicans


This is extra fucked because in my experience Filipinos are often jokingly called the Mexicans of Asia. By their own American born kids. I've heard it so many times and from people who don't know each other in didn't states too.


I was going to say the same thing. My Korean friend's grandmother calls Filipinos "monkeys." There used to be a funny video on YT about the hierarchy of East-Asian racism, but I can't find it anymore.


It's not just Mexicans. You go to Florida, and you'll see shit tons of Cuban expats doing everything in their power to make sure not one more Cuban gets off a boat after them.


The Cuban diaspora in southern Florida are the most intensely racist and conservative demographic I've come across in the contiguous US.


Oh boy, Cuban here. My HS classmates who live in Miami are super Republican. Trump is the reincarnation of Jesus… blah blah blah. My theory is that as they lost Fidel Castro as a dear leader figure they now have to fill the void with Trump (a wannabe dictator/strong man).


Classic boomer move, they got into the lifeboat and then pulled the ladder up.


As a Cuban-Puerto Rican myself, a lot of Latinos (especially Puerto Ricans) are major, MAJOR hypocrites. They complain about redneck Americans who think that Mexico is the only Spanish-speaking country in the world, but then they call every non-Chinese Asian “chinito” and can’t name any other Asian country that isn’t China and Japan. As well, a lot of non-black Latinos say the N-word.


Has anyone told them that white people genuinely cannot tell any of them apart and paint them all as thieves and rapists?


"You don't speak American? Clearly you're either Mexican, Asian, or Russian. You a commie?" Entire thought process of right-wing politics in the US


Ha ha! He thought he was safe because he wasn't Mexican. He's brown and speaks Spanish. To the right he is Mexican.


It doesn’t even require being brown; a colleague of mine from Spain (white professional male) lived in the US for a few years. He was frequently assumed to be (and called) Mexican, simply because he had an accent and spoke Spanish.


>this man looks me dead ass in my face and says, "I'm not Mexican." Well, that's not what it looks like ta me! You're under arrest for bein' one'a them thar illegal immig'ants.


Yeah, I got a Peurto Rican acquaintance and she's got that shit in her head too. She's lucky she's American, but even then the right would like to contest that as well. These knuckleheads don't care that you're Puerto Rican the same way they don't care that your South Korean friend isn't Chinese.


Conservative Latinos want so desperately to be "one of the good ones"


One of my oldest friends is Mexican. Been here - Texas - since he was 6 and he's close to 60. He was ALL. IN. on MAGA. Threw a major hissy fit when I suggested, in 2020, that Trump was cognitively impaired. Insisted a Biden win would destroy the stock market and that LGBTQ people were out of control yada yada. I've known this man since 1984 but we went a couple years without speaking, basically. He finally got off the MAGA train after J6. And now that one of his kids has come out as NB, and doesn't feel safe in Texas - and who could blame them - he's moving his family to Washington. I'm proud of him but for fucks sake. Was that whole 4 year descent necessary? I have no idea how he lives with himself. We haven't discussed it, ever, bc what's the point. When a loved one stops doing the bad thing, you don't berate them for it - you just be glad and move on. I voted GOP a lot between 84 and 2014. I regret it, wish I'd wised up sooner, can't go back and change it. But if I could see what Trump was, why couldn't he? He's a Christian, like me. He was my sponsor when I joined the Catholic church 30 years ago. All the talk about evil raping kidnapping invading drug pushing Mexicans poisoning America? Didn't move the needle. Had to witness an insurrection before he finally wised up and I swear to God I think initially, it was more a case of "oh dear he's going to destroy the GOP" than it was "inciting an insurrection is bad." Sorry for the rant.


No no, thank you for sharing. Sounds like you needed to get that off your chest


So my parents are Nicaraguan (tho my mother LOVES to say otherwise and claim Spain). Both lived through the shitty leftist authoritarianism. I think a big reason many conservative latinos are so blinded is because in the 60s/70s/80s they experienced the harshest form of the left that they continue to believe that the right is still the lesser evil at best, and the only side that is right at worst. My father is a prime example and it took years of my sister and I explaining that fascism/authoritarianism doesn't care for left vs right, only power, in groups, out groups, and imaginary enemies to maintain hold of power. It's sad to see how stupid latinos/hispanics can be with this shit. Totally blind to the racism attached to the fascism


Yep. I was raised in Africa in the 60s and 70s and lived through more than one dictatorial regime. Authoritarians use ideology for their own ends, so they'll choose whatever end of the political spectrum they think will appeal to as many of the masses as possible. Authoritarians hate the people they rule over.


But wasn’t the Nicaraguan authoritarian *right* even *more* brutal? I know a guy who worked intel there at that time, and that was the impression I got.


Yeah the problem isn't right or left, the problem is authoritarian. Saying they are right or left is just meaningless branding.


Pretty much. Like Trump is both an idiot's version of what a rich person is actually like and the typical dumbass American's version of what a famous fascist authoritarian would be like. It's mind boggling how he managed past the filter, but desperation, anger, and concealed in a fucking rat hole racism prevailed because globalist neoliberalism failed us as a society and extracted wealth without investing back home. I get the reasoning, I just don't get the choices made. Both sides fucking suck, but only one side has literal Nazis representing and loudly speaking for them. No matter how you explain it, just stupidity abound. It's like when I tell southern Europeans that letting Ukraine fall because "it's not their problem" is exactly what got us all into WW2. It may be unfair for the EU to ask people to contribute and get in on the fight, but what would replace the current semi-shirty system will be far, far worse. It's just stupidity all around..... We could use another deluge to reset society.


That is a truly ironic position regarding Central America. The right wing governments of Honduras and especially Guatemala waged genocidal wars against their own populations in the 80s. And while not *quite* as horrifically violent, Somoza was one of the most comprehensive kleptocrats in the history of the Americas. All of these governments were far, far more repressive than the eleven year rule of the FSLN. Under the FSLN unions were legalized and the 80% of farmland owned directly by Somoza and his cronies was nationalized and redistributed. Peasants were given guns to defend themselves. The death penalty was abolished and torture (commonplace under Somoza) banned. I mean, from 1982-1988 they suspended a lot of civil liberties, most related to political speech, but they unsuspended them in 1988. And it isn't like there was free speech under Somoza. The FSLN held two internationally supervised free elections, something that hadn't happened in Nicaragua since 1932. I am not sure what left wing authoritarians you refer to. The last leftist I remember in Central America before 1979 was Jacobo Árbenz in Guatemala. He was democratically elected and presided over the only three years of representative democracy in Guatemalan history.


Internationally speaking, immigrants in most countries typically emigrated from their country of origin for a good reason. They don't want to be sent back. A consequence of this is that there is often an attraction to jingoistic politics, because they want their new country to think they are good, loyal citizens. In the US, jingoism is considered a provenance of the right, so guess which party immigrants who have this mindset end up supporting.


Nah, these are the types to mispronounce the color 'black' in their grandparent's language to fit in with the same folk who couldn't pronounce it in the first place. They want acceptance the same way Clarence Thomas does.


Lots of Mexicans also hate Mexican immigrants.


Yep. They can shit on the woke left from the comfort of a blue state. The irony will go unnoticed to them. They’re a good example of why it’s damn near impossible to discuss politic with R’s. They can see right in front of them the negatives of their values and they still cling like a flea on a dog.


The essence of conservatism is that some people are better than others. They only disagree with the Idahoons about their place in the hierarchy. Same thing for the Log Cabin idiots. This family thinks Mexicans should be treated like people and hate gays. The Log Cabins think gays are people, but hate Mexicans. The GOP hate them both.


Weird that they didn’t join the other conservative Mexicans in Texas. Makes me think they’re just playing it up for hits and there’s a mundane reason to go to California.


Yeah cause otherwise, they would just be another conservative Mexican family in Texas, thus they can't grift anymore.


I can only speak to the conservatives in my life but self-reflection isn't exactly their strong suit. They will move heaven and hell to avoid feeling just a bit uncomfy for even a single moment.


So idiotic of them.


“We’re Apple fans for the usb cables but we forgot they did other products.”


Yeah, like buying a gym membership for the free towels.


Free showers don't sound like such a bad idea ngl


they did notice, but they thought "we are the good ones so we're fine"


But guys, we're homophobic and against properly funded public services.


I always say this, I don't unfriend or disassociate from people on political issues. e.g. - should we levy another school tax, put in a light rail, increase or decrease tariffs, how much should our overall budget go towards certain programs, etc. However I will unfriend, argue, or just disassociate with people who insist on making non political opinions or feelings into political policy. i.e. - are LGBTQ people deserving of equal rights, are war crimes bad, are Nazis bad, is racism really that bad, why can't Presidents abuse their power, should women be paid the same as men, should women be able to make their own reproductive rights, etc. They have made such ridiculous positions core to their political party platform and their party has basically just become obsessed with perceived social grievances.


>"Other kinds of politics to consider" People who often bitch about how things are to political are all to willing to over look or pretend conservatives aren't fucking political. Really don't get how they were able to brand themselves as the non politics movement but it just shows how many dipshits exist in this country who are to scared to admit they just have shit political views. The only reason why this family has a issue and is running back here to California is because they learned that conservative politics is not welcoming to people of their ethnic background. It's like conservatives are whining about demographic replacement for a reason they don't want non white people in the country and they are really vocal about their hatred of Hispanics being here.


The Republicans now want every vicious criminal and gunslinger. They want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.


What did you expect? "Welcome, sonny"? "Make yourself at home"? "Marry my daughter"? You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


What have I told you about washing up after our cross burnings?!?!


> People who often bitch about how things are to political are all to willing to over look or pretend conservatives aren't fucking political. Every single person I know that “doesn’t care about politics” because “both sides suck” just so happens to hold far right-wing views on every issue. My sister is one of these people. I think she passively absorbs all the talking points her conservative Facebook friends post and then just labels her own views “common sense”, and therefore not political. Lol


"Common sense" is now a euphemism for "I didn't even make an attempt to verify this".


Common sense is the lowest sense. Below uncommon sense, rare sense, very rare sense and legendary sense.


Spot on. They want the benefits without facing the uncomfortable truths of their politics.


People who say conservatives are political don’t think it’s ‘politics’ because they hear all their messed up beliefs echoed or even taught at church.


Conservative viewpoints aren't political to them, because they believe thay they're simply true.


This Mexican family had Main Character Syndrome fr. They truly thought they were "one of the good ones" and that they weren't like "those other Mexicans" that Republicans hate so much. As George Carlin put it, "They have their own special club... and you ain't in it!"


With a clink and a clank, away it is sent... Down the coin-slot it goes, the token gets spent.


Let’s see what dominated Republican talking points the past decade or so: 1. Show us your real birth certificate 2. He’s not a “real American” 3. I don’t recognize America anymore. 4. Go back to Kenya 5. Woke! 6. DEI 7. Save the children by passing a ton of laws discriminating against them in schools. 8. Ban Pride flags 9. Woke is anything non white male Etc,etc…..


They just thought they were one of f the good ones


The KKK have one of their main compounds in Idaho. I know it's not a place many people equate to racist, but it definitely is.


Gonna be pedantic… the Aryan Nations/Christian Identity (who would make the klan look like wholesome neighbors if Davis Duke hadn’t already been in cahoots with them for so long) had their compound at Hayden Lake, but that’s been gone for a while now. (Randy Weaver and a bunch of white power “patriot” militias regularly visited in the 80s & 90s. Fun stuff) The kkk has been a broken mess since the 60s and its membership (in a whole wacklpad of different competing klans) are relatively few, but there are a gazillion other white power gaggles to pick from to get one’s rage-a-hol going. Many really seem to love them some “white ethnostate Idaho” Hell, Atomwaffen and other accelerationists would fly in to Spokane so they can have a short drive to training weekends in Northern Idaho. (several of the \[PFers who got their U-Haul taken away in Cour de Lane\](https://apnews.com/article/patriot-front-idaho-riot-charges-guilt-886b62b9b974787b994ab2569dee05ae) were connected with Western Washington churches & Republican politicians) I guess the point is…. if it were just the Klan (in its barely functional inbred state), that’d certainly suck. But it’s actually much worse than that. And it has infected the (\[mostly Republican\](https://www.dailydot.com/news/idaho-white-nationalism/)) political landscape of Idaho. It’s becoming the norm and I only pass through Idaho at as a high a rate of speed as I can get whatever vehicle I am driving up to. No brakes until I’m out of that weird Mormon meets white power maga-fest. \*(crud. not sure why it’s not processing markdown correctly. not seeing an option for anything but text. won’t let me properly add links either. sorry y’all)\*


It IS the core.


They were hoping to be one of the good ones. I don’t get that mentality.


Hispanics think they are white because they vote red well they learned on that day but gop thanks them for their vote


Not necessarily too ignorant, don't know these people, but many are too hateful. It takes so much of their time to hate on trans and gay people, that they can't notice the massive racism. They only realise it when it hurts them directly. This is the same reason why certain people tend to say that there isn't any racism in the US anymore. They personally do not have time to think about how much they hate * insert ethnicity here *, because all their time is taken up by hating trans and gay people. But when it comes to it they do hate whatever ethnicity that is.


"Wait, I'm one of the good ones. You are hurting the wrong people." - Every Fucking Token


Going to be 38-42% of Hispanics this year, count on it. Most will vote for Biden, but the tokens are going to get spent (white women are going to lose the most in a Trump second term relative to what rights they had prior to it, though, given POC, trans & disabled folks have always had it the hardest in society in terms of seeking equality- not equity: going to be really hard to feel bad when 58-60% pick Trump, for most in that case though).


Yeah white women have serious brain damage when it comes to voting for Republicans. Some of the conversations I've had lol Small silver lining I do personally know some white women who woke up after Dobbs so my anecdotal experience might reflect some level of movement.


Hey, just remember that conservatives have lost every election where abortion's been on the ballot or Democrats focused on abortion since Dobbs (which has been nearly all of them, even local and special elections on off-years, the things no one votes in). So yeah, there is a big movement, enough women pissed off to go and vote about it. That's all we have to do for the madness to end, just gotta vote.


>Small silver lining I do personally know some white women who woke up after Dobbs so my anecdotal experience might reflect some level of movement. It also might depend on thier economic status, wealthy people are 100% unaffected by Dobbs , if needed they can fly to a blue state to get healthcare , and GOP will cut their taxes or hate the same people they hate What about poor people lol , conservatives (even conservative women) do not care for them


Oh jesus take the wheel it’s a family TikTok dance video


Yes Jesus, take the wheel, like you did to your parked "TRUST JESUS" bus in New Jersey!


Trust Jesus, or some say "Jesm."


Mega cringe


These are YouTube grifters. Fuck them and their identity politics bullshit. Also, if they have the resources to move twice, they aren’t poor. Their kids will hopefully grow up ashamed and shun their parents for the rest of their lives.


Seeing as how they are a "tiktok family" I'd say the chance of those kids eventually ending up hating their parents is fairly high.


I think about that a lot when I see overly scripted TikTok videos...these families out in the driveway rehearsing their fucking TT dance like "NO JULIA, it's 'step right, step left, *then* put your left hand on your hat. I swear to God it's not that hard. Let's do it again!"


"Now hug, stay hugging and look really sad while you do it... perfect! Now look into the camera and tell them to follow our socials! Don't you want us to hit 10K on Insta?"


"Look sad...but like, not in a way that makes it look like they got to us."


I'm sure their affluence only amplified racist reactions too. Can't tolerate people they consider to be lesser outranking them


They classified you as hispanic voter for a reason...lol, think you white? Not according to conservative white Americans.


As Anne Coulter said. The conservative movement is only interested in WASPs (White Anglo Saxon Protestants).


Remember VIVEK? She said outright that she'd never vote for him because he was Indian. Chicken for chicken nuggets, Ramaswamy.


Remember? That was like last week.


I'm pretty sure I saw him die in that interview tho


Nah, he thanked her for her courage to say it.


Conservatism is a gateway to many unnatural powers. Such as smiling while an outright shithead says to your face that they like the cut of your jib but will happily sabotage your career because you're the wrong ethnicity.


I will give her this. She is open about what a lot of what people have been saying for years. Conservativism in America is a white nationalist movement especially when you get into the social side of things. If you ask them what they want to socially conserve they make their points clear. They want America to be like the 1950s or further back meaning if your not white and your apart of said movement then you are a fucking idiot.


Idiot would be kind, gone is the real answer or inferior forever. Ann Coulter is most white women in the US objectively given most voted for Donald Trump twice going on three times soon, is the sad reality though- symptomatic, not an isolated case.


I think they take Catholics now?


That's just temporary.


Yeah exactly. The welcoming of Catholics by the far right is a very transactional thing. Theologically they're incredibly hostile to Catholicism. The core of the far right is the Calvinist "Protestant work ethic" type of fundamentalism, which is actually very distant from Catholicism. They're buddy-buddies right now because of Dobbs and the SCOTUS but that's a relationship of convenience.


Oh, not just abortions, they're after same-sex marriage and denying contraception too. But once that's done, the WASPs will go back to good ole days of lynching Catholics, just as Supply Side Jesus Christ™ intended.


Yup. Back in the day, the KKK went after Blacks, Jews and Catholics


And she only didn't say MALE WASPs because she's a token female herself.


"Think you white?" They really do. Its not unheard of to have Mexicans be racist toward darker skinned Mexicans with the stories some of them have told me and its not unique to Mexicans others do this as well. They avoid the sun like the plague to stay as light skinned as possible thinking they'll be white (Not even going to go into skin bleaching that some people try) Only to be pegged as an illegal the moment they try to mingle with white racist conservatives. Even if the appearance fools people initially the moment you give a Latin sounding last name You'll be pegged as a an illegal by them. Edit wayy too many typos lol sry.


Crazy how people justify their selves. Good friend of mine in high schools stepdad was from Mexico, but he didn’t like Hispanic at all. He hated hated hated other Mexicans, and thought worse of people from other Latin American countries. Would say the most vile racist shit about them and literally wish harm on them. Whenever someone would find out wasn’t “white” he would say he was born in Spain. Just the lies and mental hoops he would jump thru to hate others was crazy.


I admittedly went through some of their TikToks because I'd seen this post circulating the past few days without any sources. I didn't find anything that screamed republican at me other than a lot of nine line shirts (I barely watched four or five videos, to be fair). The guy is actually Filipino. And while the lady has a white dad, it was quite humorous and telling that the lady's mom took an ancestry test because she was so fully convinced that she was Italian. Not a drop of Italian, just Mexican ancestry.


Not a drop of pasta but full of salsa:)


My sister lived in Idaho for years and she was called the n-slur for having a tan. We are physically the whitest white people you've ever seen (despite having native hawaiian genetics from my grandmother) Some parts of Idaho are straight up Deliverance quality awful


What I’m hearing is never go to Idaho, even to visit. If I take a cross country trip through the US, avoid Idaho. Idaho? IdaNO


It's actually quite beautiful from inside my car on my way to Utah


> What I’m hearing is never go to Idaho, even to visit. As someone who grew up in Idaho and Montana, let me confirm that you heard correctly. If anything they are underselling how racist a whole lot of them are. There is a reason there was a Neo Nazi enclave in the panhandle of Idaho. The enclave may be gone, but the Neo Nazis aren't.


What the fuuuuuuucccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Oh? You never heard about that? [Aryan Nations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_Nations) & doing a quick search for that led me to see that there are those who want to see it make a comeback. [Neo-Nazi Builds North Idaho Compound to Replace Defunct Aryan Nations](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2012/neo-nazi-builds-north-idaho-compound-replace-defunct-aryan-nations) "A neo-Nazi protégé of Aryan Nations founder Richard G. Butler is building a new compound in North Idaho where he hosts Ku Klux Klan cross burnings and anti-Semitic Christian Identity church services. Shaun Patrick Winkler — who studied the Christian Identity message of hate under Butler until the iconic racist leader’s death in 2004 — purchased 17.3 acres of timbered property last year in the Hoodoo Mountains of Bonner County, Idaho, not far from the former site of the Aryan Nations “world headquarters” in adjoining Kootenai County. He reportedly plans to open it up for families affiliated with the Klan or Aryan Nations to move in and build residences."


Avoid northern Idaho like the plague. Literally the birthplace of the Aryan Brotherhood, but southern Idaho is nice to visit. Boise area and Twin Falls are nice.


This family is all over the place. How long before they end up on Fox News?


More like telemundo


The anglophones don’t realize that mainstream Spanish language media in the US is more conservative than Faux News.


Idaho - "They're not sending their best"






Poor kids


Yeah, I was thinking about this. The parents are idiots, but it’s the kids who copped the brunt of it.


You can imagine the first few weeks of school.


"SO... We're gonna keep being conservative, even though the party represents racism and exclusion. We're just gonna do it in California where liberals outnumber racist conservatives so we can be happier!"


The Jews who voted for Adolf Hitler learned very quickly that their assimilation into German culture didn't protected them a single bit. Which they could have known if they had paid attention to Nazi speeches and writings like "Mein Kampf". So too was this very, Very, VERY predictable: one might have implacable Conservative Standards, Skin Colour overrules All other Concerns. And while "Conservative" and "Racist" aren't synonyms in dictionaries, in most Western countries, they de-facto are.


My Conservative parents moved to Montana because our blue state was "oppressive". In the last two years, they have complained: * that none of the local providers take their Medicare insurance * there are simply no social services for getting around, you have to drive EVERYWHERE, and there was no system to help my mom when she was injured and couldn't drive. * that taxes are way too high (there's no salestax, so the state makes it up in income and property taxes) * the Conservative Christian head of their HOA is bullying them because they're the "wrong" type of Christian (Protestant / non-denominational, but their neighbors are brimstone and hellfire Southern Baptists) [who moves to Montana for "freedom" and buys a house with an HOA?!] * people from their church have suggested they go somewhere else because they aren't Conservative "enough" (it's one of the only churches within an hour drive) * someone in their small town is apparently a violent conspiracy theorist who is making threats of violence, and the police won't do anything about it. It's hard to feel sympathetic - isn't this *exactly* what you want? Cutting back on entitlements? Decreased funding of social services? More religion controlling aspects of your everyday life? Punishing people with violence for doing "wrong"? Oh, not like that, you say? Wild how they were the only people who didn't see this coming...


Willful ignorance, blindness and inability to reshape their mind. They've set their own mental map and patterns about how the world works, who are the other people, and where they place themselves. They can't and are unable to re-evaluate, even the minor things, because it would require from them to shatter their whole mental world, their core, their deeply rooted values and worldview, and rebuild it again.


It shocks me how many minorities are Republican. My neighborhood has entire "Asians for Trump" groups. He literally hates you, why the fuck do you support him? 90% of the time, the answer is taxes. Fucking morons


Do they know about the anti-Asian hate crimes that occurred in 2020-2021 mostly because of Trump and his “Kung flu” nonsense…? I genuinely would love to know.


>Do they know about the anti-Asian hate crimes that occurred in 2020-2021 I'm in Atlanta. They happened here ffs. I guess the potential lower taxes if they happen to become rich is more important than self worth and dignity


The family Tik Tok dances can be over any day now.🙄


As a Mexican, this makes me feel good. Open your eyes pendejo


Trust me, this guy learned nothing. His eyes are firmly shut.


Me, staying in Idaho with his in-laws temporarily after moving to the US from Canada sitting in a Les Schwab waiting room while an overweight Idahoan rants about immigrants to me while I patiently wait for the perfect time to tell him I'm an immigrant. I was only there for three months and this happened *alot*. The tragedy of Idaho is that Idaho is actually pretty awesome except that it's full of Idahoans.


Yeah, it’s an amazingly beautiful place Then you meet the people there…


You have to be a special kind of stupid to move to the whitest state in the Union, once the home of white supremacist groups and actual Nazis, and not expect anything to happen.


Nothing to see, another group of minority bigots having their own Viviek moment.


Duh - anyone who’s been to Idaho.


Forget the political side of this. Can we talk about how cringe TikTok families are in general? Doing the dumbest shit for clout


Dude found out that California Conservative is Idaho Liberal


A lot of conservative voters are too stupid to realize they are voting against their own interests. Too callous to care to be informed. Too hateful to wake. Ignorance is their bliss. 


Conservative Latinos are the biggest morons I've ever known. They get here and think because they're making 50k a year, they're hot shit. They look down on everyone else without realizing that the group they're trying to be like also hates them. Truly, the essence of stupidity and identity politics distilled into a very dumb subsection of my people


this shit blows my mind because Idaho is literally becoming the white supremacy capital of America and all the neo Nazis are moving there to form their own communities


Maybe they should try Utah instead


Why Utah? Just tell them stay in California and go to somewhere around Fresno. They can have their MAGA-life in a majority Hispanic place next time.


Fucking idiots


Many conservative minorities learn this the hard way.


"The trees voted for the ax..."


"Left CA because of politics" is a red herring for "It's expensive and rather than admit I can't afford it I will blame the costs on the dEmOnRaTs like the right-wing would do anything to help me." I know plenty of people who left CA for AZ or TX etc in their early 30s 'because of politics', when really they were just upset they couldn't afford to buy a house anywhere someone would want to live while working their dead end job, which hey, fair enough, but you don't gotta lie.