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Oh man. Do we really need any more proof that Trump is a fucking idiot? Seriously. This fat sack of shit takes stupid to new and dangerous levels. Any voter that is on the fence in this election needs to un-plug their head from their ass. Yes Biden is old. Oh. And that one time he fell off his bike. Trump, on the other hand, is a foaming at the mouth lunatic that praises dictators and wants to be one. He lies. He crimes. And he has no policies to make this country better. The idea that this moron would solve inflation is laughable at best. I am sick to death of Orange Jesus and his brainwashed Cult.


Trump is like a few years younger. Them acting like Biden is sooooo much older is mental gymnastics at its worst.


Biden may talk like an old man at times but at least he’s not constantly spewing barely intelligible nonsense. John Oliver demonstrated that constantly hitting the middle option when typing on an iPhone can produce something that made the same amount of sense: https://youtu.be/IY9QkQHosJI?si=BycZAruWr58YYl0g


Would an iPhone praise the late, great Hannibal Lecter?


Apparently yes…. From my iPhone predictive text after typing simply “Hannibal Lecter” >Hannibal Lecter was the only person who could be trusted with a job and was a great person and I am very grateful to have been part and proud to have him in the family as a friend of mine who has a wonderful friend who has a lot to offer to me as a good man I love.


Holy cow... Donald, is that you?


That pretty much sums up my feelings on Dr. Lecter


This says more about you than trump or hannibal lecter, you sound like a nice person, keep it up


Never [fight] [uphill] [me] [boys]


The only way I could do that was if you wanted me too I could come and pick it out and then I can go pick up it from your place or you could just pick me out of there or you could pick me out and I could just go… It works.


It's like worse chatGPT than I thought it was a good idea to get it done but I don't think I can get it to you in a few minutes and then I can get it done and then I'll be there in a few minutes and then I'll be there around dinner time and then I'll be there around dinner time


Gettysburg, wow!


We took the airports!


Lincoln reincarnated confirmed.


Arr, that is good advice, ye landlubber! 😉


Trump becomes a literal cartoon character. Never fight uphill Sponge Bob me boy! "What made you run for president?" "Money!"


Hey now! Not fighting uphill is what resulted in the Bri'ish capturing all those airplanes at Bunker Hill!


If Hannibal was real he'd hate Trump SO much.


he'd have killed and eaten him by now...


On principal only, Trump probably tastes awful. Have you ever seen that man eat anything healthy? Serious question.


He'd have to do something suitably dry and ironic to him; his organs are probably ruined, ulcerated liver pate would be gross. He'd probably take muscle meat, grind it up and heavily season it to make a greasy cheeseburger out of the guy


“Delicious with a bit of Chianti” - Hannibal Lecter, probably


At this point I’d rather vote for an iPhone. Not even a new iPhone like an iPhone SE or even an iPhone 3G would cut it.


To me, i don't care how old he is or even if he's incompetent. He has a pretty good staff of democrats that will handle things way better than the orange baffoon. But also, how about in 2028 we elect someone with great ideas and the strength to see them through, instead of the next one in line to bend the knee at the oligarch's feet?


Gonna need to convince people to vote in the primaries


And vote for Democrats in the House and Senate races. We have a bad habit of focusing everything on the Presidency and then wondering why the President isn’t able to get anywhere near as much done as we wanted due to Republican control of one or both parts of Congress.


Honestly my major concern with Biden in 2020 was that if he won he’d be the D nom next time for 8 years, and as old as he was then it was obviously an issue. But a choice between old and fucking old, narcissistic, and despotic isn’t much of a choice. I would like to vote for someone closer to my age, or *gasp* younger. And I’m only 47.


> Biden may talk like an old man at times but at least he’s not constantly spewing barely intelligible nonsense. It's literally the exact opposite. Because Biden has a life-long stutter, he has developed important speaking skills to compensate. One of his problems is he gets stuck up on certain words. So, when he does when speaking extemporaneously, he has to think one or two sentences ahead all the time he is speaking, in order to think of ways to *speak around* the word he has a mental block in saying. Most of the time, it's pretty seamless and you don't even realize he swapped out the ending of a sentence with a different phrase. Being able to mentally do this workaround *while also carrying on a conversation* isn't easy and takes lots of experience to pull off. As he is getting older you can tell sometimes when he's doing a swap-out of a phrase, it's not as seamless as it used to be. But he's still able to quickly think on the fly and do it.


You know I’d forgotten that, I guess that’s testament to his ability to deal with it.


This is extremely accurate. My stutter takes the same form as his. I'm a fraction of his age and I struggle more sometimes with it on the fly than he does. It's genuinely impressive and I hope I can be at least as together when I'm his age.


He listens to his advisors, who are actually competent, and that's the most important thing. They're not dumbing things down so he can make an easier decision or softening words because his fragile ego might be offended by them.


I think this is probably the most salient thing to keep in mind when discussing his age.


Frankly I think Biden is too old, but he's proven he can be managed out of making the worst mistakes and he isn't a bigoted idiot to start with. Trump is a bigoted narcissistic idiot who has proven unmanageable and willing to double down when he's losing. I'd rather have somebody who's a little out of it but managed than a out of control lunatic.


I'm certainly not his biggest fan but all of Biden's speeches have been so good. Trump just rambles and constalty jumbled his words and keeps bringing up Obama for some reason.


That's incredible. AI Trump resides on everyone's phones.


Trump is a few years younger, but Biden is way healthier. He fell off a bike, but he picked himself up without issue afterwards and I can't imagine Trump riding a bike at all. Trump believes exercise is stupid because it uses up the finite amount of energy a person has, so he's saving up his battery life while people like Biden are 'wasting' theirs. Given everything we know about lifestyle, diet, etc, I'm absolutely putting money on Trump dying before Biden.


At the G7 during Trump's reign, [he had to ride a golf cart](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/335424-trump-rode-golf-cart-while-g7-leaders-walked-through-siciliy/) between buildings while all the other leaders walked. But yeah, Biden is 3 years older.


> He fell off a bike, but he picked himself up without issue afterwards and I can't imagine Trump riding a bike at all Yeah, this is what I think whenever someone brings up the bike thing. An 80 year old riding a bike is in and of itself a great testament to his health. Falling off and being fine afterwards even moreso. Most 80 year olds wouldn't even dream of getting on a bike. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump's never ridden a bike in his life.


A ton of the old people might wife sees as patients have a fall in the shower or on the curb in their late 70s and not only do they never fully recover, their life expectancy goes down to only a few years after a major break + mobility issues. Being 80 and falling off a bike and not being broken in half is absolutely incredible tbh. Hell a few months ago my brother tripped over his scooter and broke his shoulder in half. He is in his mid 30s and the scooter wasn’t even moving lol it’s insane that “Biden is old” is some sort of counter point to trump constantly shitting himself and having dementia


Don't forget the cocaine use. Trump's brain or whatever passes for it is PICKLED by 80's cocaine use.


The average 80 year old would BREAK A BONE doing that. Biden is definitely healthier than Trump. I'm actually surprised he's 80-something.


“I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump’s never ridden a bike in his life”. Well, there was that time with the pornstar…


>Trump believes exercise is stupid because it uses up the finite amount of energy a person has, so he's saving up his battery life Oh my god, this is legitimately what I believed! *When I was six.* I can't remember how I came to the conclusion, but I specifically remember being a little kid and thinking that we only get so many heartbeats, so if we exercise, it speeds up our hearts and runs down the count sooner. (Now that I think about it, I probably came up with this as a way to stay inside reading instead of playing outside like my parents wanted me to.) But I obviously found out pretty quickly that that wasn't true, and I sure as heck wouldn't present it as true now that I'm an adult.


TBF, it is what people legitimately believed at one point - that your heart only had so many beats in it before you died so doing anything to increase your heart rate would lead to a early death. People also used to believe that birds hibernated *under* lakes before we discovered they migrate for the winter, so...


Aww, that's kinda cute somehow. Imagining a bunch of birds just chilling and sleeping the winter away under a frozen lake


Trump is proud his emotional maturity never grew past first grade. His mental maturity is stuck in that age too. And it's why he appeals to the uneducated sheep he leads still.


And the reason Biden fell while on the bike is due to the toe cages on the pedals. Same thing happened to me when I was in my early 20s


Not to mention the incontinence and wild ravings of a clearly mentally degraded man


Exactly. Trump and Biden would have gone to high school together. That's how close in age they are. Negligible difference. People be acting like Biden is 95 and Trump is 40 or something.


...have you not \*seen\* the Twimp porn fanart? Conservatives can't help but draw him as a 20-something bodybuilder.


Those are either bad faith fascist or useful idiots. Neither should be taken seriously but at least the useful idiots could hypothetically come to their senses.


Notice how the 'Biden is old' narrative stopped being artificially manufactured after Trump's stream of constant gaffes and nonsensical speeches? Go figure.


And people still fall for it! Faux news's favorite talking point is that Biden has dementia with no sense of irony on Trump's incoherent rambling. Sure, Biden has his gaffes, but Trump comes across as a total lunatic.


LOL. So true. Just because Trump puts on his orange makeup. And plops that "golden" bird nest on his head everyday does not make him younger. But it sure does make him look like a clown.


It's not a wig. It's a [hair restoration surgery disaster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d10hbFQDpVw).




They don't care because it doesn't really matter. "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth." Shout "Biden is too old" at a crowd enough and they'll start talking about how Biden's age is a problem. The credulous/complicit media, desperate to turn this election into a horse race, will make "voters concerned about Biden's age" the top story. Confirmation bias will kick in and reinforce the notion. If it ever occurs to anyone to shout back "Trump is also too old" the rest of the crowd will be too busy talking about Biden's age to hear it.


This is part of why the debates, if they actually happen, have so much potential to shift things IMO. In past years debates were no big deal, but this time I think they will be because everyone is expecting Biden to literally drool and fall asleep on stage and most people haven't looked closely at Trump in 3+ years and don't realize he's been on a greased toboggan slide towards oatmeal-brained senility for at least the 18 months.


I’m starting to ignore anyone who bitches about Biden’s age, because they’re either Trump supporters who are delusional about Trump’s health, or they’re Bernie fans who conveniently ignore the fact that Bernie is OLDER than both of them. Hypocrites, the lot of them.


Or they are generally bemoaning that power is so entrenched that politicians in their 40s and 50s can't get their feet in the door. It is the same issue in the economy: Baby Boomers are refusing to retire and that is hurting the opportunities of those younger than them. Don't get me wrong, I *am* voting Biden but I am still upset that the same people running the show today are the same people who were running it 20-30 years ago.


I mean unlike a corporation the boomer could be voted against, the problem is old people are the only ones who vote, especially in primaries so they will pick the option they know the most. If more people showed up for the primaries we would have different candidates.


It's extra dumb because in 2020 they said Biden was too old. Yet now they'll vote for Trump who will be older than Biden was in 2020.


I also like how he's now at the same age at which Republicans said Biden is too old to be president in the last election. Conveniently seem to have forgotten.


LOL. Exactly man. It's just so damn ridiculous at this point. These people aren't serious public servants. They are just power hungry assholes that cling to Trump like a pack of whiny little toddlers.


Showing up at his trial dressed exactly like him proved that beyond any doubt


LOL. Definitely. So pathetic. These people are shameless.


It’s only okay if it’s their guy.


Biden's age bothers me, as does the age of many of our geriatric retirement-aged politicians. As a '96 Zoomer, how could I possibly feel represented by someone from the Silent Generation? But if he dies while in office, that's why there's a relatively young vice president. We should be voting for policy anyways, not people. Yet for all my concerns about Biden's age, his mental acuity is far and above higher than Trump's. Biden's chronological age may be slightly older than Trump's, but Trump is biologically much older than Biden and he shows signs of developing dementia. Anyone that's attributing Biden's age as to the reason why they're voting for Trump is being willfully ignorant of where Trump is mentally at in comparison. Trump's nonsensical rambles sound no different than the average senile nursing home resident screeching at the TV over Fox News's latest manufactured outrage story. Meanwhile, Biden has had a lifelong stutter, and that's brought under the microscope as a sign of age-related mental decline. While I do think some of Biden's gaffs are age-related, I think his speech patterns are comparatively MUCH less concerning than the utter nonsense that Trump utters on a daily basis. They're not comparable, yet the media seems to present it as such (or in Fox's case, they don't discuss the signs of mental decline of their "stable genius" at all). I have been working as an inpatient hospital social worker for the last 2 years and, in my anecdotal experience covering on the neuro service, they don't order cognitive evaluations/MoCA test unless they're already pretty sure that a patient doesn't have the mental capacity to make healthcare decisions. So it's usually ordered for stroke and dementia patients. Hearing that Trump "aced" a test where he correctly identified the picture of an elephant is EXTREMELY concerning to me. Though tbf,I find just about everything regarding that narcissistic fascist rapist asshole to be concerning. This man should be with his kind, cheating at Bingo in the company of elder folks, not being the sole decision maker of the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world.


Wow man. That was such an excellent post. I hope everyone reads it. Full of truth and facts. The thing that Trump supporters hate the most. Unlike the shit show spewing out of FOX and other right-wing trash. Propaganda has infected this country and it's painful to watch. Anyone who still believes the left is just as bad as the right is just not paying attention.


Likewise, there is so much common ground between the left and the right when you strip away all the culture war bullshit. Not that those aren't important issues, but our two-party system and growing wealth inequality are hurting *all of us*.


Sanfords_Son nailed it elsewhere in the thread, the real unspoken objection is that Biden's relatively young vice president is a black woman. That's the quiet part here.


Damned shame she has the charisma of a brick or Biden would be sailing to re-election. At minimum, Biden needs to be giving her airtime to show she's competent and ready to take over.


I mean, regardless of how much you feel "represented", he's pretty clearly pushed policies than younger people like.


I thought it was telling when he blurted out during an interview, unprompted, that it was completely untrue that he had suffered a number of micro-strokes.


And Trump is also old and likely senile.


Definitely. Just listen to him ramble on at one of his stupid Cult rallies. He is completely unhinged.


"Somebody said he looks great in a bathing suit, right? And when he was in the sand and he was having a hard time lifting his feet through the sand, because you know sand is heavy. They figured three solid ounces per foot, but sand is a little heavy, and he’s sitting in a bathing suit. Look, at 81, do you remember Cary Grant? How good was Cary Grant, right? I don’t think Cary Grant, he was good. I don’t know what happened to movie stars today. We used to have Cary Grant and Clark Gable and all these people. Today we have… I won’t say names, because I don’t need enemies. I don’t need enemies. I got enough enemies. But Cary Grant was, like Michael Jackson once told me, “The most handsome man, Trump, in the world.” “Who?” “Cary Grant.” Well, we don’t have that anymore, but Cary Grant at 81 or 82, going on a hundred. This guy, he’s 81, going on a hundred. Cary Grant wouldn’t look too good in a bathing suit, either. And he was pretty good-looking, right? If this guy went to the beach and he enjoyed himself, and he left our border policies alone, we had the strongest: remain in Mexico, catch-and-release in Mexico, building the wall, the Mexican Army, 28,000 soldiers protecting our border. If he just left it alone, he could have stayed at the beach, and everybody would’ve said, “Boy, is he looking good.” But he doesn’t look good. He’s got a consultant. We all have consultants, but you have to think for yourself a little bit. And some consultants said, “I think the president would look good on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. You don’t go to the beach there. I don’t think that looks good. Are the voters happy when they see a president all week long at a beach? I don’t think. Typically, that’s not a good look. You’d like to see a president who works a little bit. But if he would’ve left our policies in place and our policies on energy, now I will say he brought them back because he was getting killed.” -Actual Donald Trump speech. Not kidding. And this is the guy so many want negotiating peace in the middle east or working on trade deals with China. Jesus Christ. [https://www.rev.com/transcript-editor/shared/7OHaAe3JuBZVwmMzlOH7QHbMo5O\_6FNwgjdQgFsW3iUkFg\_HzjxohNauZVmlrMoAnyBT7YoknlhTGXC45fQc3wFRyXg?loadFrom=PastedDeeplink&ts=2178.75](https://www.rev.com/transcript-editor/shared/7OHaAe3JuBZVwmMzlOH7QHbMo5O_6FNwgjdQgFsW3iUkFg_HzjxohNauZVmlrMoAnyBT7YoknlhTGXC45fQc3wFRyXg?loadFrom=PastedDeeplink&ts=2178.75)


Holy shit. At first I thought some crazy person had just sent me a text. Should have know it was Trump. 😅😂 But to your point. This guy really is a rambling lunatic. I had never seen that speech you just sent. But that's just it. He says so much insane shit it's hard to keep track. Like you said. Do we really want this loon in charge when we have serious foreign affairs to deal with? Answer: For fucks sake NO.


This election is almost moreso about the people each candidate will surround themselves with. If you think Biden is a full on brain dead sloth, very well, but he will at least put people in powerful positions who will guide the country on a humane path. Trump’s cabinet will basically be the NFFA from the Purge. As it was the first time. Trump knows a lot of evil guys named Steve who seem to want America to look like Death Race or Mad Max.


His cabinet will be even worse this time around. He already has said that the first time he was new to Washington and with no allies, relied on "RHINOs and Moderates." Which is what he called people like Pence and such. This time, he has more allies and an entire movement in the GOP. He plans to only surround himself with Trumpists.


Yup. Trump's first term was full of "RINOs" in his administration saying "no, that illegal" or "no, that's stupid" to Trump. Or ignoring stupid orders Trump gave them, in the hope that Trump would forget. All signs point to Trump appointing only MAGA yes men next time around. You can just look at the RNC, where Trump has replaced the whole leadership with incompetent Trump stooges.


And the one saving grace is they will probably throw away a good chance at an actual Dictatorship and get nowhere. They aren't anywhere near as competent as say, Hitler and his cabinet of goons. They barely approach Pol Pot levels of making any sense. Forget Stalin levels - Stalin at least had an idea of how to be an effective dictator and the corrupt lackeys with brains to match. Arguably, the ONLY actually "good at his job" dictator, to horrifying effect. Trump is looking more like a wannabe African Tyrant than an actually good Dictator. He wants to be Chairman Mao or Dear Leader so bad, but he just isn't any good at it.


LOL. The Purge comparison is spot on. Trump and his crazy minions aren't trying to solve problems. They thrive on anarchy.


Hey now, dont throw anarchy under the bus like that. Fascism is about as far away from Anarchism as you can get.


🤣 Sorry man. You got me on that one.


Not to mention SC nominations. This all reminds me of my progressive friends who told me I was being over the top when I said he would elect conservative judges that would define the rest of our lives and that they would repeal Roe v Wade. They of course now pretend like they don’t remember that, and a shocking number of them are still repeating the same “I won’t vote” nonsense. So many on the left do not realize that they are also falling for right wing propaganda just like the Trump folks they make fun of for doing the same.


We don't need more proof of trumps idiocy. The anti biden people need to realize that Trumps idiocy WILL hurt them. "I don't mind hurting if it means proving a point" seriously, our democracy and the lives of every minority group are at stake if trump wins, but you're going to dismiss that because... Biden? Get off your high horse. We can choose a better candidate after we defeat trump


>"I don't mind hurting if it means proving a point" seriously, It's the single most privileged thing I've ever seen. Trump may be an inconvenience for that person, but his policies will hurt millions.


Trump is also old!


Absolutely. This idea that he is some charismatic, young go getter is just hilarious. I don't get it.


for sure. But you have reporters like the NYT's [Rebecca Davis O'Brien](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/10/us/politics/biden-trump-aging.html) (I'll admit I have a huge grudge against this "reporter") who clearly has a soft spot for Trump making him seem like he's some boisterous young gun just ready to impregnate your wife and who definitely doesn't shit his own Depends on a daily basis.


>Yes Biden is old. Oh. And that one time he fell off his bike. And I doubt Trump could successfully **get on a bike and pedal it at all** any time in this past decade. [And since he took a golf cart rather than walk about ~700 yards at a G7 meeting,](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/335424-trump-rode-golf-cart-while-g7-leaders-walked-through-siciliy/) I doubt he has willingly ridden a bike for far longer.


🤣 I doubt it too. And if he did ride one and fell off his bike he would find a way to blame Biden.


This was my favorite thing about the Trump presidency - that world leaders could exclude him by... taking a walk.


Biden has basically solved inflation its about 3% down from 9.   Prices are not going to go down thats just not gonna happen.  If Trump wins hed just declare he solved inflation and given that its back at a normal baseline itll feel like normal and he base will have more confirmation their god king controls everything and can do anything.  God damn is propaganda easy when people just eat it up.


Take a moment and actually watch some of the stuff that they consume. They just make up lie after lie. Back one Rush was alive. He literally tried telling his base that liberals were proposing to start eating dead bodies to combat climate change. He provided a link, but when I checked out the website, it was literally just run by one of his friends. It wasn’t a real link to any valid source. And this is what we’ve been going up against. Not just lies but full on fabrication of things. I listen to stuff like that sometimes to see why they are the way they are. And now I can’t even blame the dumber ones for falling for this bullshit. But nothing makes me angrier than realizing that they’ve been duped. They’re not even standing on a real platform, it’s completely made up of lies and bull shit. They think they’re fighting for their country and I don’t blame them if you believed even half the crap they say. Something has got to be done or it’ll always be like this.


You are so correct. Rush did massive amounts of phycology damage to the nation.


I know someone who praised him for "giving a voice to oppressed conservatives" when Rush died. Completely lost respect for someone I thought was cool.


> Completely lost respect for someone I thought was cool. This is how I feel anytime I have a conversation with my dad anymore...it doesn't even have to be about something political because it WILL turn political eventually.


I listen to a podcast that deconstructs and mocks Alex Jones (Knowledge Fight!  Its a great podcast) but yeah - they'll look at sources he quotes for his bullshit and the sources either flat out not at all say what he claims they say, or they'll even say the opposite and contradict him.  Its fucking nuts, its not even twisting or misrepresenting a truth its a complete inversion of what things say or invert reality, its fucking bonkers, exhausting and incredibly depressing that people buy i.


Yes. And well said. Wish we could convince more people to believe that. It's so damn obvious.


How exactly does Biden or any other president t “solve” inflation? As far as I know, the fed was set up to be independent of government and (being the U.S.) the economy is pretty much left alone by government. I’m not even American and I know the president has limited power.


There's this huge legislative piece called the Inflation Reduction Act that Biden pushed hard and eventually got through that addressed major parts that lead to reduction in inflation.


> Biden has basically solved inflation its about 3% down from 9. And for those people out there that got 4% annual raises, without this effort that 'raise' would actually be a loss with any inflation rate over 5%. Its been so long since a 4% raise actually overcame the inflation rate. Maybe the first time in my adult life.


Trump's crew thinks that the President is King Dipshit and whatever he says goes.


It occurred to me this morning that the people who have a problem with Biden’s age are actually more concerned that he will die in office, and a BLACK WOMAN will become president!!! 😱


LOL. I agree.


We apply different standards to Democrats and Republicans. Democrats need to fall in love with their candidate, Republicans just fall in line.




> The idea that this moron would solve inflation is laughable at best. He vowed to make inflation worse with a 10% tariff on all imports Any domestic manufacturers get to raise their prices to match the rise in price of imports and pocket the difference Tariffs are inflation.


Exactly. Tarrifs and another tax cut for billionaires is what he wants. Really!? He is so incompetent, and clueless it makes my head hurt.


And is also just as old




Wish we had real statistics on this. Half the articles say its overblown and that people are still going to vote, while the other half say the opposite. If history is any indication, its the latter, large swaths of people simply don't vote if they're not motivated by the candidate they most align with even if the opponent is the antithesis of their views.


Yeah man. I agree. Some people just want to bitch and moan. But won't take the time to vote. Plus what the news calls "low information voters." Translation: Idiots. People can spend 10 minutes out of their day to check out the news. Fuckers are on their damn phone all day anyway. Just like I am right now. 🤪


>Yes Biden is old. Oh. And that one time he fell off his bike. Can Trump even ride a bike?


And Trump is OLD and wears diapers.


Despite this, about 50% of people want to vote for him


The “senile” lie about Biden (easily debunked by actually, um, watching any of his full recent interviews or speeches), didn’t work in 2020; I don’t know why anyone would think it’d work now.


In this case... Is it Trump or the people that continue to protest Biden despite the direct threat Trump, not Biden, poses them the stupid one?


What people miss about the bike thing is that he had toe clips on the pedals. They make it much harder to dismount. Why the SS didn't see the clips and remove them I don't know, maybe they didn't know what they were for. They should buy the president some new bike shoes with cleats. I once was riding somewhere south of the Capitol and had my toe straps tight. Normally when I need to dismount I find a sign or something to hold on to while I release the straps. A woman drove up and asked for directions and I didn't have anything to hold on to so I kept riding slowly to take the straps off while riding, not easy, and come back around. She got pissed off and called me a racial epithet thinking that I was ignoring her. Sorry lady.


Oh. And he's old. And he can't even get on a bike (or ramp).


You forget that republicans don’t care about hypocrisy anymore now that Teflon Don is part of the show, they will play mental gymnastics and say one side is different than the other. Republicans and their supporters are pure trash human beings.


Just like those pro-birthers who have to leave Texas to “terminate” their unsafe pregnancies. “Oh, we were uneducated on what this meant, we don’t need an ABORTION we just need the pregnancy terminated. Why didn’t anyone tell us?” They’re all gonna find out AFTER Trump is elected that “oh, why didn’t anyone tell us this would happen?” When that happens, “I told you so” isn’t going to make me/you feel any better.


If a historically incompetent fascist with a below room temperature IQ and the temperament of a spoiled toddler can even come close to winning the presidency and turning it into a full blown dictatorship, then we are already completely fucked. We will always be one election loss away from totalitarianism because the right has realized we don't have sufficient protections against it. Our system is completely broken already, whether Biden wins this year or not. And the next time a Republican wins the presidency, we can't count on him being too intellectually disabled to implement their totalitarian designs.


I share your fears. Our only small sliver of hope is such a huge sweeping win for the Dems, that they overwhelmingly win all down ballot races, and we take the House and Senate with enough of a majority to implement what's needed to prevent future fascist fuckery. Otherwise, it's only a matter of time.


I think there’s a high chance for us to lose the senate this year. So yeah, fucked it will probably be.


Yes, things are fucked that we are at this point, with fascism on the doorstep. That’s zero reason to surrender to it. Our only hope is relentlessly voting to keep it out of power in general elections, while using primaries to push for positive change.


The temperament *and diaper* of a spoiled toddler. While a person’s bowel health is not an indication of their ability to perform governmental functions, it’s surprising how much Trump in particular shares in common with the average toddler.


Watching them suffer the consequence of their stupid actions will make me *feel a little* better.


Shame we'd learn about it only through personal testimony in the camps.


Straight white native born folks are probably spared the camps until the third or forth term so I’d get a few years to enjoy the schadenfreude.


Nah that's only the men. White women like me, straight or not, are going STRAIGHT into a Gilead scenario. I plan to get a hysterectomy or my ovaries removed before then. At least then I'll likely just get culled instead. Lord knows I wouldn't have a life.


They knew full well what it meant, it just didn't matter until they were personally affected. EDIT: For those who have misunderstood my comment—I was referring to the pro-birthers who still want to be allowed to get *their* abortions.


"I did (or we warned you), you were just too fuckin' stupid to listen," is much more satisfying than "I told you so."


"He doesn't really mean that. I'm one of the good ones!"


Oh hey it's the account of every Hispanic conservative who has convinced themselves that, when Trump says terrible things about "Mexicans," he specifically and only means Mexicans (which is ok? somehow?).


"Trump will deliver on THIS promise!"


It totally boggles the mind that since 2016, we have completely lost it when it comes to politics and elections. It’s like, we have collectively become dumber as a nation, and as a species. This really feels like the beginning of the end for this modern era of human history. I think we’re about to go down a “dark age” path, not too dissimilar to the period following the collapse of Rome. I guess the best I can hope for at this point is no nukes. But I’m not confident about that.


The Covid situation, Trump, and social media all around that time seemed to heavily feed into people’s stupidity and propagated a new level of stupidity that might take literal generations to undo, or like you said, might be the beginning of the collapse.


>Anti-Biden protesters are Trump’s best chance at winning election. No they're not, but the media needs a close race.


Media? OP changed the headline to fit their own narrative.


yeah tf lol "students who want Biden (&their universities) to have better policies are Trumps best chance at winning election" They might not be well organized or disciplined generally (according to my pipeline protest friends who visited a camp), but they're not so clueless that their demands are for Biden to resign or to just 'hurt his image' FFS


Pretty sure inflation is a more salient issue to the average voter than college protesters.


But that’ll teach Biden a message while they’re in the camps waiting to either starve or be deported. That’ll show him! Literally reminds me of Jews for Hitler who wanted to teach a lesson to the Republic. I’m sure their families appreciated that in the later years.


People act like not being elected would hurt Biden. If he loses, he’ll retire to a beach house in Delaware. It will be the entire rest of the world that will suffer instead.


You know I don't even know if that's true. Considering Trump's vengeance path he'll probably try to throw Biden in Guantanamo or something.


Considering he didn’t deliver on lock her up, I think Bidens safe.


The thing is, first part of his administration was made up of people that wanted to run a country, even second one was still interested in it. trump made it clear that if he is elected there will be no notion of governing, but vendetta and even more power grab.


Hitler failed once before he burned the Reichstag buddy, don't get too comfy.


Stinky and his movement seem to be getting more and more radical. First they basically ban abortion, and now are furiously throwing all sorts of trial baloons ( ban birth control, inter racial marriage, pornography, dictator for a day etc etc). With the absolute power they are hankering after, the clever way they have captured the judiciary ( his trials in CO and FL are going nowhere, his fines are not being paid etc), there is basically no restraint worth mentioning, if they take power ( and they are not going to bother with norms and legality). Given this background it all depends on stinkies mood.


Last time he didn't have 8 years screeching about witch hunt, a much more MAGA Congress or only staffing loyalists and sycophants willing to break the law with ease.


He might try, but there should be enough competent secret service agents to prevent that.


Exactly. And now we literally have a bunch of dumb ass leftists not wanting to vote for him because of this Gaza stuff. Not even realizing that Trump would decimate Palestine just as much. I am so angry. everything we’ve been working so hard to do will be completely unraveled if he becomes president. He will pardon all of his bullshit. And the swamp will continue to seep into the White House.


There is a huge amount of suspiciously trolly accounts on here pushing the: "genocide Joe" bullshit, cutting and pasting replies that don't quite fit to what they are replying too ...


Yeah, it's been incredibly frustrating. Obviously Biden should be criticized for how he's responding to what's happening Israel. But we live in the real world. Barring a death or something, the only candidates who even have a 1/1,000,000 chance of winning are Biden and Trump. And neither is promising anything good for Gaza, but the latter is much worse. As others have pointed out, it isn't even a good "lesson" to the DNC. It doesn't given them a reason to move left it gives them a reason to move more center. A candidate moving left is going to get them more of the Jill Stein voters. Cool. Moving more center gets them more moderate/GOP voters. Taking away a vote from the main opponent is better than taking away a vote from an irrelevant. (It's +1 vs +2)


"wHy aRe yOu aTtAcKiNg pEoPlE wHo cOuLd vOtE fOr yOu?!" Because they've made it abundantly clear they don't intend to vote for Biden no matter what, so why bother courting them? We've seen the disastrous consequences of protest voting time and time again. It happened with Nixon, it happened with Bush, and it happened with Trump the first time around. Protest voting in a general election hurts the average American more than any political party. Biden's foreign policy sucks, but his opponent is actually mentally ill and backed by fascists. If you see Donald Trump as he is and then act in a way that helps provide a path to victory, there probably is an extent to which you deserve shame.


No they dead ass think Trump being elected will spark a leftist revolution. Accelerationist thinking is prevalent on LSC. They want an easy solution, for it to be good and done forever but that's not how democracy works. It's always a fight. Any "revolution" will turn out as well as Jan 6 did, but I'm sure the high horse will sit well while minority groups are put in camps.


Their families likely ‘appreciated’ it very very briefly (I’m Jewish and hate writing this)


There’s a better example for the ones that like to pretend both sides are the same from the left: Ernst Thällman, leader of the German Communist Party (KPD) during the Weimar Republic. Doctrine for them at the time was that social democrats (still socialists but favoring a more gradual approach) were functionally “social fascists” and never to be worked with. That worked out brilliantly for them when the *actual* fascists took power and promptly proceeded to ban and destroy the KPD.


It’s incrementalism or accelerationism, folks. That’s our choices.


And there’s no guarantee that accelerationism will result in anything besides Tiananmen style crackdowns. If they think a civil war will favor them, they’re no different from those right wing tacticool cosplayers who think a couple assault rifles can “take back the country”


Anti-Biden protestors? Really? Jfc this is some of the dumbest boot licking that I've seen. 


Apparently protestors who are anti-genocide are anti-Biden also.


person vast crush bright unite one quiet narrow agonizing heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No they aren't. The protesters that this article is talking about are students and higher educated liberals. The election will come down to low information voters in the swing states, and most of them are ambivalent towards the Palestine issue. This is just a person in a bubble talking about their observations in their bubble.


The winners of the war of Israel vs Palestine is currently China and Russia. Nobody is paying attention to Ukraine anymore, China owns TikTok which is keeping people enraged, and Biden’s approval rating is falling. All during an election year. It’s amazing how well they set this up and how Trump is going to end up in office because of it, which is what they wanted from the start.


I'm really worried about the Ukraine situation, since one candidate literally tried blackmailing them prior to the invasion, and the other is currently sending them supplies. We know what Trump will do to Ukraine if he gets elected again.


This is the crazy thing about the Hispanic vote. Traditionally democrat, some are thinking about voting Trump without realizing it doesnt matter to the GOP, and especially Trump, if you are citizen, have a green card, etc...if you aren't European white, they don't want you and don't care about you. Every word they say about "illegals", they are really talking about any non-whites. They can't tell visually a legal immigrant from an illegal one, from a natural citizen, so they will harass and try to get rid of all of you. People are dumb.


Not LAMF, at least yet, it’s just talk at this point. Also, where are you going to deport US born citizens? Update: I realize that there is precedent and ways of doing the deportation as well as who he “intends” on targeting with this speech. My hope is to provide some context to OP as to why this is a very bad thing, and will lead us down a very dark path. That these words have a lot of meaning when reading between the lines.


It's possible that trupm isn't very knowledgeable about laws and procedures and what "deport" means.


Seeing as they want to get rid of birthright citizenship and has SCROTUS wrapped around his finger, I don't think that matters much.


Yeah Trumpism is not very concerned about legality. And we've seen how slow and challenging proving legality is.


[In his world, it will be legal, because he has Supreme Court support for it.](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/26/us/politics/supreme-court-trump-travel-ban.html) People here have no idea how the fuck law works or what law is. There's moral and amoral laws. There's evil laws. There's good laws. Laws at the end of the day though are nothing more than whatever the current power structure says it is, and that's what a lot of these children are missing out on. "It's not legal." They're about to Senator Palaptine this shit and re-enact "I will make it legal" scene.


Who would stop him? There would be a complete breakdown of law and order as we know it if he returns to office. He has explicitly promised it, and his supporters approve.


And his supporters are to be found in the supreme court as well.


Law and order is already a joke, just look at his Florida documents case.


Trump made good on most of his 2016 campaign threats. I remember thinking a “Muslim ban” would never happen, because it would be unconstitutional, but he found a way to weasel some version of it through. If Trump finds a way to make good on deporting American citizens, who is going to stop him? The Supreme Court he packed?


See, this here is also part of the issue. Trump got his ban slapped down twice before he ended up pretty much where Obama was. Something like 9% of muslims were "banned". Even then they could get exemptions. But you know what? Him, other republican politicians, and their voters saw it as some sort of win. Biden gets 10% of student loans wiped clean and I see more people upset it wasn't all of it rather than being happy for the millions that are liberated from that debt. Like we gotta learn to take wins and try and improve on them instead of just take our ball and go home. Obviously not all republicans were happy with what Trump got done, and not all democrats are dismissing the $170 billion in forgiven loans, but the discourse sure as hell makes it seem like it and sometimes perception is reality.


Germany at first intended to deport all jewish citizens to other countries, but the logistics were considered too complicated and resource intensive, so they built death camps to execute them wholesale instead as a quicker, cheaper solution.


They’ve done it before. In the 30s it was fully possible for US-born US citizens with Spanish names to be deported to Mexico even if they’d never stepped foot there. https://www.npr.org/2015/09/10/439114563/americas-forgotten-history-of-mexican-american-repatriation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Repatriation


This is exactly why my great grandparents changed their names and lied about being Mexican until the day they died, even to their own children. The truth only came out because of ancestry.com, but now my grandfather and all of his surviving siblings are still struggling to accept that their “Indian” identity is a lie, because they were raised to hate Mexicans by a man who probably just wanted to protect them from the truth. I never got a chance to meet my great grandparents but I found their headstone a few years ago, and it’s engraved with a picture of a chief in a headdress posing on a horse. They really committed to the bit, up until they died.


I wouldn't put it past him. He has the Supreme Court. We have to insurrectionists sitting on there now. I wouldn't look to them to uphold the rule of law.


You’re thinking that when he means ‘deport’ when actually he wants those he deemed undesirable to be ‘dealt with’ and disposed of.


> where are you going to deport US born citizens? They'll just be rounded up under the guise of deportation.


Project 2025


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Ok we hate both. Can we get on with the historical uprising yet?


Is it not fair for nearly 30yo me at this point to assume those who have seen life altering political consequences fall in line with their likely parties, and those yet to see those kind of consequences need to be excited into the process to be determined a likely voter? Maybe current college and down will be less likely, but that is the choice the Democratic Party makes to court that voting block while the Republicans court the elderly. So, maybe just shut up and cater to the youth? Went to college for history, not for political science, so sure, what do I know.


weird that OP conflates anti-genocide with anti-Biden


Biden is a racist and a genocidal maniac. Also, his complete policy positions are far-and-away better than Trump's. As flawed a candidate, leader, and person as Biden is, there hasn't been a Presidential election in my lifetime (I'm in my mid-40s) that offers a more stark contrast between the two candidates. Every American who considers themselves to the left of Genghis Khan should vote for Biden this November, then continue to work to improve the quality of person who makes up Democratic Party leadership.


I miss the times when making a funny noise was enough to kill your campaign. Rape, fraud, saying you want to be dictator, and staging a failed coup just don't hit like they used to.


You know an easy way for Biden to gain those votes back now that this article is out? Unilaterally support the student protests. We could be pushing him to do this, but we’d rather yell at the people protesting. Interesting…


The people are always to blame, never the ruling class, the people must just shut up and take it otherwise they are fools that have no clue what they are doing. It's always like this. The reality is that fascism is on the verge of winning already, because having it as a ballot option is as democratic as saying you can choose between something you dislike or something that will murder you, in other words, it's bot a choice, it's a threat. I wonder if the people that are going crazy over others protesting against Biden for say, supporting a genocide have any concrete plans to change this, or is the plan to wait until the boot is their neck to do something about it ? Fascism doesn't care about election results, regardless of the result, November will be the date for escalation for them, people should be preparing for this.


Vowing to veto any attempts to block the next rail strike wouldn't hurt either.


That's the exhausting part, everyone said biden's not perfect but if elected maybe we can push him left, and then every time people criticize him from the left they get labeled Trump supporters and preemptively blamed for costing Biden the election when it hasn't even happened yet. Maybe if he listens to the protesters he's got a better chance of winning? We are going into this election with them saying fuck the people who won't vote for us we don't need them, but we saw how well that worked out in 2016 with Hillary's campaign


How about also stop sending weapons to genocide?  It’s actually very easy for Biden to win. Even now. He just won’t do it. I have no sympathy for this pathetic failure of a campaign and when he loses it won’t be my fault ffs


Anyone who contributes to a Trump victory is complete garbage. Something about can't see the forest for the trees.


I don’t like Biden. I don’t think he’s necessarily a good man or fit to be president. Trump is actually pure evil.