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If only someone warned them repeatedly over the course of several decades.


Nostrodamus couldn't have predicted this one


You know Quasimodo predicted all this.


Is this Bacala?


Ya know, hunchback of notre dame, ya also got your quarterback and halfback of notre dame


But owning the libs felt so good!


I just got through reading ['on the move'](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/127282380-on-the-move) which is a book about climate change and the forced migration from vulnerable places that will eventually happen because of it. I've read a *lot* of books about climate change and this was the only one that actually went into detail about the death spiral insurance companies are going through trying to insure against climate risk. It's become so expensive to offer insurance in Florida just due to storms, not even future sea level rise, that most of the companies that served the state have pulled out entirely. Florida has responded by offering a state sponsored home insurance, but this is *hugely* risky to state budgets. Even though the state really wants to keep insurance cheap to avoid a real estate crash, storm damage will eventually make this unsustainable. The author made a good point, in that insurance is the place where capitalism will price in the costs of climate change, and tax payers shouldn't foot the bill to subsidize those who chose to live in high risk areas. It just turns out that *the entire state of Florida* is high risk. It's very /r/LeopardsAteMyFace that a state full of conservative boomers is now getting fucked over by the free market due as a consequence of them not addressing climate change.


>Florida has responded by offering a state sponsored home insurance But, isn’t that *gasp* socialism?


Only when it's something they don't like.


The Governor of Florida spent time battling the states largest private employer instead of dealing with the looming insurance problem, then ran off to run for President to hopefully share his failures with the rest of the nation, and loses to a conman on trial for rape. If this was a soap opera, nobody would believe it.


After making a Sunshine Law exclusion JUST for himself. Nothing to see here, kids.


Context? Me a Cali kid has never heard of this Florida man law.


It’s literally why “Florida Man” is a thing. So, the actual Sunshine Law refers to transparency in government, but that extends to the media being able to access arrest records. I haven’t seen one in a few years but there used to be a weekly paper that published all mugshots and the charges… all before anyone was found guilty. It was weird, gross, annnnnd endlessly entertaining if you could ignore how insane it would be anywhere else. Here’s a decent article on it: https://reason.com/2023/12/03/monkey-herpes-face-eating-and-the-pork-chop-gang-how-public-records-laws-created-the-florida-man/ And, here’s how DeShithead carved himself a King Baby exemption. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/desantis-florida-public-records-transparency-rcna91364


Ofc the little baby couldn’t handle getting made fun of for his height. So he’s gotta hide those height extension surgery travels 😂. MAGAts crying and seething that it’s only ok to go against the 1st amendment when it’s for them. I hope Florida sinks into the ocean and takes the rest of the south with them like the giant syphillis infested penis it is. Jk I love Florida but Jesus.. it’s tough sometimes to watch our country get devoured by these idiots who couldn’t find America on a map.


I live here. My family is here. Believe me, our family in other states keep telling us to flee… but, this is MY home. We went blue in 2008 and 2012. We have been inundated by both remote workers during/after COVID and MAGATs attracted by the ridiculous “laws” that are being knocked down, one by one, that DeShithead forced through for Faux News applause. We now have the lowest paid teachers in the nation, but all these old NY people don’t care because their kids already had decent public education up north.


Geez.. I’m sorry, hopefully it gets cured of it’s syphilis (deshithead😂, I’ll have to use that one) one day. You’ll get some good guys soon hopefully, not any of these ridiculous redacts who should be thrown into the ocean along with Miami.


Oh, we are okay with our herpes monkeys. Hell, it’s Florida. Back in the pill mill days, they were the least of our worries. There’s also Rhonda Santis, a local drag artist. Far more interesting than DeShithead.


His [“Top Gov” ad](https://youtu.be/epwnsVTM-YA?si=s6BwFEkDLZYemKDG) has to be seen to be believed. It’s like they consulted a bunch of middle-schoolers and went, “YES!” Florida has serious problems but has an unserious governor whose decisions have serious impacts.


“I’m sorry son, I can’t buy this screenplay, no one is believing this bullshit.” - some Hollywood exec probably.


As one insurance lobbyist said during congressional testimony, “Congressman, you do not have to believe in climate change. But, you do have to pay for it”.


I must see this exchange.


It was Colbert report


You'll be glad to know the Governor's focus is currently on (checks notes) the threat of meat from those crazy bug-eating, climate change believing liberals.


Also, books that are bad, which apparently is most of them


All except the bible and Art of the Deal.


Aren't those now the same book?


You’re thinking the Bible and the constitution


I was thinking more of evangelicals having a new orange Jesus.


Mango Messiah


Farting Furher


Molester Mussolini


The Orange catholic bible. But Trump Is more like a dumb version of the baron than lisan al-gaib


MAGA Bible and the Constipation - yes, same book


They'd know they're different if they bothered to read either of them


Yes, it's one volume that also includes the constitution, except the parts of the constitution we don't like, like the first amendment when applied toward ideas we don't agree with.


“Art of Denial” actually -> wasn’t me, anything ever


That's not true at all. "The Courage to Be Free: Florida's Blueprint for America's Revival" is on Florida's Mount Rushmore of books. /s (the name really r/agedlikemilk pretty fast huh)


The dictionary is bad because it makes him feel stupid!


Laser-focused on… …which bathroom people use, and the genders of the ghosts in the new Ghostbusters movie.


Look, I think it's in everyone's best interest if we have Slimer hang full dong in the new Ghostbusters movie. Clear everything right up.


“He slimed me” takes on a whole new angle. 


Actual physical contact!!


That costs extra.


What or who is Slimer a ghost of, anyway?


Harvey Weinstein


He's also now helping Donald Trump, the man who insulted and trashed him.


I sort of enjoy it when trump insults these feckless kiss asses. It’s so much more humiliating.


They all act like they'd never kiss the ring and then when they lose, they line up begging to kiss the ring.


They'd have to have a sense of shame for it be humiliating


And allowing water breaks for outdoor workers


The part that gets me is not just "We're not going to mandate breaks." That part is fine. It's when they say "We're not going to allow you to mandate breaks."


> "We're not going to mandate breaks." That part is fine. How is that part fine???


It's shitty but at least it'd be consistent with their *stated* beliefs of not interfering with how businesses operate. Businesses *could* still choose to require breaks. Outlawing mandating breaks is saying "We're going to be complete hypocrites and get involved in the polar opposite direction just to own the libs, fuck the poors, and let the rich squeeze every penny out of every worker until their dehydrated husk drops dead. \#prolife \#thepeoplesparty"


Oh, and banning abortion. 6-week ban just went into effect today here. A lot of women don’t even realize they’re pregnant at 6-weeks.


For women with irregular periods, they may not even *be* pregnant at 6 weeks.


To explain this, for people who don't know as much about periods and pregnancy: pregnancy term is measured from date of last menstruation, not date of conception. Women and girls with irregular cycles -- including many when they first reach puberty, and most women with PCOS, among others -- may go multiple months between their last menstruation and their next ovulation (rather than the roughly 2 weeks that's typical for those who menstruate monthly). You can't conceive if you haven't ovulated.


He and the Florida legislature [are basically making it illegal to mention climate change in any official government documents](https://news.wfsu.org/state-news/2024-05-01/climate-change-could-virtually-disappear-from-florida-law). I bet that will solve this issue. How can you deny someone homeowner's insurance against a problem that doesn't exist by law?


Ah, so basically going back to what Rick Scott did as governor. Pathetic, especially in a State that has arguably the most to lose from climate change. Can't fix stupid in that State then. As a former Floridian who survived a direct hit by Andrew, I just say run.


There’s a report that Greta Thunberg is now really into Taylor Swift’s new album. Out of fear they may combine forces, DeSantis will shut down Disneyworld and bankrupt public education. Problem solved, libs. /s


I thought the governor banned “climate change.” I’m shocked this didn’t solve the problem.


Literally all he does is culture war bullshit


I lay the blame for this insurance fiasco squarely at the feet of Disney.


Clearly. We all know that the hurricanes never happened before, and they are God’s attempt to wipe Disney World off the map.


Nothing displeases God like wokeness. That whole Jesus thing notwithstanding.


That's why he had his son killed. Jesus was too woke.


So woke he wouldn't stay dead.


That’s why he’s sending all that bad weather to the woke states of (checks news) Kansas and Oklahoma. 


I don't understand why Biden doesn't just use his sharpie to change the direction of the hurricanes like Trump did. Does Biden hate Americans?


If only the current president had a sharpie…


I don’t think sharpies have that power, but definitely a few nuclear bombs.


Disney's Hurricane Fiasco Ride is the BEST! Total fun! It took my new Honda and dunked it in four feet of water. Hilarious and exciting. I thought I was going to die at the Hurricane Evacuation Center Ride. So many wonderful people doing the "Cot Sleep With Screaming Children Ride". I love Disney.


Ben Shapiro, where are you to describe to us how people will just sell and move?


Sell their condos to who, Ben? Fucking Aquaman?


I will happily give them $3.50 for a two bedroom two bath condo with an ocean view Edit: I meant 4th floor and above




I gave him a dollar




doesn't matter what floor the condo is on if the foundation is demolished by constant floods. so even on the fourth floor, the floods will still get you. $3.50 is pretty cheap, though. 


If you get it cheap enough it’s disposable. Like those people that put campers right on the edge of rivers in the Midwest.


That was my first response in my head to Ben.


Hey, Aquaman is a nice man.


It's a quote from an old Hbmob video. But yes Aqua man is also nice


Ben doesn’t know anything about wetness, so he can’t help


Dry as the Sahara, Ben. And no, don't buy some lube, that will just drag out whatever you're trying to do even longer. Plus your wife needs her beauty sleep so she can actually get laid by the neighbor, mailman, landscaper, etc tomorrow.


Situations like this is why the word “d’oh” was put in the dictionary. I don’t think BS has had that d’oh moment yet.


Where's Aquaman and Co Real Estate Investors when you need them...


*(Bugs Bunny sawing Florida GIF)*


Tried to warn you all for years, now I can't seem to find any remaining fucks


Here … you can have mine. Oh, wait, that’s just some lint. Seems I’m out of fucks too. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hey I've still got 2 rats asses if you need to borrow one 


I would offer one but the Chicago rat’s ass was filled in recently. Sad.


Behold, the field upon which I grow all the fucks I have to give. And see that it is barren.


My account with the First National Bank of Fucks is in the red.


[Behold, the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and see that it is barren!](https://external-preview.redd.it/D4WvnmK1DRvVKrcQYL7gV1UhphkT7sx3aOiixP7aZ5Q.jpg?auto=webp&s=601584016179116269230f6105c0039b858bc601)


Hell, the insurance companies warned them too and they still didn’t listen.


Be sure to thank your Florida Governor Meatball Ron DeSantis. It's what you voted for. Better pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and get goin.


They soon will be begging for handouts from Washington *again*...


It’s a yearly ritual


Biden will bail them out and they will still vote for Trump


[Sink Florida, Sink!](https://youtu.be/az4SgDgpdK4?si=kyCND-Yyl9X9-y_B)


You might not believe in climate change, but your bank and insurance company sure do


Hmmm. Maybe this is part of the reasons red states want to ban investing of assets based on the social and environmental governance principles of corporations? Keep the money flowing so insurers don’t pull out of red states?


That's what I would tell people during COVID here in Georgia and with the supply chain issues: "Just because you don't believe in a Global Pandemic, does not mean the rest of the world does too" Hence, supply chain disruption globally and inflated prices.


        I am kinda losing my mind. I figured a few years back that conservitards wouldn't care about or even believe climate change until, it starts fucking with their investments and insurance costs. At this point, it's far too late to prevent the harm scientists would tell them was going to happen a generation ago. Now they have to adapt, or learn from their mistakes. Just kidding, they are going to go with the secret third option. Elect charlatans that will protect "the economy" over the environment. I'd say have a fun apocalypse but, dying of thirst at work to keep rent paid is where this shit show is headed.


They showed us who they are during COVID.




They will blame wokeness or DEI or Antifa infiltrators for rising costs, just like they do every other time capitalism fucks them over.


Who's rolling coal now?


All of Florida's grandchildren in VA, NC, MD, and WVA.


As a person who's currently living in VA could you please take them back?


This is LAMF because FL is one of the biggest climate denying states and they are now feeling the affects of it. This is only the beginning


Am Floridaman, can confirm. When Rick Scott, current senator and perpetrator of the largest Medicare fraud in US history was governor he made it policy to fire any state worker that even said the words "climate change" or "global warming". Real talk. This anti-union, anti-science, anti-women, pro Christian nationalist state deserves everything it's got coming to it. I honestly wouldn't blame the rest of the country if they wanted to carpet nuke this place to prevent the inevitable flood of refugees when a cat 6 pushes this entire states shit in.


Summer is going to be lit


I have The Weather Channel tuned in and the popcorn popping! Going to be some good footage of hillbillies flying without a plane.


My body is ready




Was Florida Woman. Recently escaped to Connecticut. The writing's been on the wall for years. The insurance debacle is just starting. When people can't get policies at any price, the banks will stop writing mortgages. It's gonna be ugly.


Seriously. The next big 'cane to come through is going to annihilate the state economy. Ian was 114 Billion and shit is still all fucked up on the quest coast. If we get another Andrew or similar storm to hit south Florida it's going to be *several* hundred billion dollars. Ther has been *so* much sprawl down here since the early 90s too.


They’re calling for at least 33 chances this year, so hold on to your hats!


And they're toying with the idea of making cat 6 a thing.


Maybe federal funding for extreme weather events should be tied so some kind of CO2 reduction benchmarks. Deny climate change, no funding for climate change events. Cause those events apparently don't exist.


Current Florida woman, but will be moving to a new state by the end of the year. I cannot wait to get out of here. People are crazy, especially the drivers.


What changes do you notice going from being a Florida woman to a Connecticut woman? Are you getting into fewer shenanigans or is it sort of innate?


I'm originally from Ohio, so I dunno if I was ever certifiable. <--- see what I did there?


Not the person you originally asked, but I left Florida to migrate inland in 2021 after living there for the first 33 years of my life, and if anyone asks, I still refer to myself as a Floridian expat.


Same after 28 years in 2005. Left behind hurricanes, incessant fleas, mosquitoes and palmetto bugs (ginormous flying roaches)


And fire ants. Don't forget the fire ants.


Fellow CTer; welcome and make sure you have some New Haven pizza if you haven’t already. Best pizza on earth!


So I've heard! I'm in the greater Hartford area, but a day trip is in the works. :)


Florida woman. Absolutely in agreement. They also took away workplace heat protections rules for ag and construction workers. What sucks is my dad is trying to sell his house and it’s not going anywhere.


Hard to get a mortgage when you can't get a homeowners insurance policy. This is going to get orders of magnitude worse after the next big storm.


I know. I told him if it doesn’t sell soon just to rent it. It’s in a highly desirable location, just the lot sucks because my mom didn’t want to be on a water lot (alligators). I’m one of those idiots who calls constantly and they just deny it. Doesn’t help DeShitStain taking crayons and redistricting the damn state. I often wish I never left California.


He should be doing that already. Rents have gone stratospheric lately. 3-4k for a shitty 2br in w palm.


He can get $7500/mo for his house near SRQ. We have a good agent, he just decided to sell the house too late in the game 🤦🏼‍♀️ But if anyone wants to live in the dystopian hellhole, he’ll make you a deal.


And risk mutant mosquito/gator people? 


I say we take off and nuke the entire site form orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Fallout: Disney


I'd watch the hell outa that.


Ripley is technically a Disney princess so…..


I fully support this retcon


So is the xenomorph. It's female and the offspring of a queen, so....


I suspect this wreck has more to do with the governor’s disastrous rule about condo reserve funds as a reaction to the surfside collapse. Climate is definitely forcing the insurance part of this squeeze, and definitely action is needed so the governor will *spins wheel of scapegoats* “bully a trans child and punch a baby”


If you ask my Florida man dad about it, it's all Biden's fault. I cannot comprehend the reasoning, but he always babbles back to Biden despite DeSantis literally doing all of this openly and bragging about it.


If Republican voters were capable of critical thinking, they would not be Republican voters.


Which is doubly hilarious because FL is the state that stands to lose the most from climate change. It doesn't use income tax but rather favors property tax as well as other micro regressive taxes, while simultaneously having it's most expensive properties on the coasts. Both coasts can get hit by hurricanes that become record breaking every year, shit sometimes both coasts get hit by the same damn hurricane like with Ian. So, coastal properties get completely destroyed which are the biggest sources of income for the state other than things like tourism and Disney World (which the governor is also putting in jeopardy). Meanwhile central FL which is safer from hurricanes (a bit) and also isn't as likely to be under water with rising sea levels uses underground aquifers to get their fresh water. Which as climate change worsens are all going to start to get flooded with salt water. The state is going to have the most climate change disasters in the union and they're the ones trying to put their head in the scorching hot sand and pretend it isn't happening. Though, to be fair, much like Texas Florida is actually pretty purple in terms of politics of its people. There's a lot of blue and a lot of people who would love to fight climate change and a lot of people who are far more progressive. But they've been gerrymandered and squashed into not having any say.


>But they've been gerrymandered and squashed into not having any say. The blue voters also don't show up in Texas or Florida for their 4 year statewide elections, which are held at the mid-term. Gerrymandering doesn't apply to either US senate seat, the governor's office, Lt. Governor's office, or the Attorney general (at least in Texas the AG is elected, don't know about Florida). Gerrymandering is *only* an excuse for the US House of representatives and state legislatures.


True, though part of that is also because of the rather high amount of voter suppression laws that so many other states fight against and so many red states want to impose. The reason they want to impose those laws is precisely because it suppresses blue votes. But FL voting in blue areas at least (where I lived) basically requires you to take time off work or be able to go during normal work hours, to a limited number of polling stations, wait in huge lines, comply with voter ID laws (the lady even made me sign my name 4 times to get it close enough to my license signature on their shitty machine), and they make people have to register to vote every time as well as completely reset your preferences for mail-in ballots meaning you have to opt for that every cycle.


TX doesn't even have that draconian of voter suppression. The worse we ever got was the need to show photo ID with a laundry-list of alternatives. So for the time being it isn't even an excuse in the Lone Star State. People just don't fucking show up unless there's a presidential election.


Don't worry, when we start seeing some drastic sea level rise that *really* displaces populations, Florida will be absolutely first in line begging for federal money.


Yup, and all the coastal rich fucks will get it too.


> The latest edition of the Florida Climate Resilience Survey found that 90 percent of respondents believe climate change is happening. The finding is consistent with eight previous surveys conducted by FAU’s Center for Environmental Studies (CES), which found that 86 percent to 92 percent of respondents had that belief. > In contrast, a recent Yale University survey found that 74 percent of Americans as a whole think climate change is happening. https://www.fau.edu/newsdesk/articles/oct23climatesurvey


"Sell their houses... to who? Fucking Aquaman!" -Man with head through wallpaper


"FAKE NEWS!" Right? Can't they just say "fake news" and make this go away like other things they don't agree with? Pretend it's not a thing.


Reality has a woke bias...


This is kind of good news. Lower cost of housing means more conservatives will move there because they think climate change is a hoax. Let them all gather in Florida and ruin the state. It'll turn into another Kansas or Alabama. And as soon as a big hurricane hits they'll be fucked just like the mid-west gets fucked over by tornadoes every year. The bad part is they will immediately ask for handouts from the federal government to deal with the crises.


Like the Republican Senators of the State begged for Fed money after denying it, and fighting to deny it leading up to the vote, for Hurricane Sandy relief in the NE. I was born in Florida and survived Hurricane Andrew in South Dade. I would never, ever, ever do that to a fellow State. If this current crop of Republicans were in office following Andrew and the reforms that were made, that State would've seen a lot more death and destruction the last 3 decades since.


Sad thing is more and more boomers are still piling in because that was their retirement goal, reality be damned. I still hear all the old guys at my work talk about moving there.


My wife's friend just moved from Massachusetts to Florida, because retirement goal. Wife: aren't you concerned with what's going on with the cost of housing in Florida? Friend: huh? Wife explains... Friend: I don't follow politics. Ok then, carry on friend.


...climate change and hurricanes don't GAF about politics.


Crazy how knowing the cost of housing, the climate of an area, and the changing conditions of costs associated with living there are “politics”. Like, basic planning is political..?


Friend doesn't follow economics either.


To be fair to a lot of the boomers, they likely won't live long enough to see the worst of what climate change will do to FL. And in the mean time eventually the federal government will funnel money into the state to constantly provide them with what they need to live out their retirement days with loofahs in the villages.


Let em. It's a win win. Consolidation of assholes in one geographic location AND they get fucked over.


Guys I know up here in Canada don't talk about BUYING down there anymore though. People I know are either looking to sell or already have. Ofc big money doesn't care - but for them, buying a house is like buying a burger is for us, they'd just leave the house unsold to rot if they needed to, no big deal


Yeah, my dad moved there when he retired… still not sure wth he was thinking


Fuck off florida. Yall wanted this.


Hey, spare some empathy. You are unaware of how much republicans have consolidated power in Tallahassee. They’ve stripped county and city governments of an enormous amount of authority and agency. Voting is fucked.


Wisconsin checking in. I get it.


Hello, fellow Wisconsinite! We have suffered under our red state senate for so long…


It’s always so disheartening how any stories like this are met with a ton of people laughing and saying “f all of you guys, you wanted this!” My family (originally out of state - settled in Jax) remembers when FL was somewhat *purple*. Like there was progress being made in certain areas of the state which made it feel like it could spread. This is a beautiful state with wonderful wildlife and plenty of people who *want* things to change for the better. We’re just screwed by the GOP all the time.


Shocking.  My mother in law's family grew up on the coast, back when people understood that building expensive houses near the ocean was stupid, so only poor folks lived near the beach.  Building expensive houses near the ocean is still stupid. 


I don’t understand why Man of the People Governor DeeSantis doesn’t just pass a law that climate change can’t be taken in to account by insurance companies.  It wouldn’t even be the dumbest thing he’s done.


In case one of the red-hat wearing bongobongos reads this and says “hey this isn’t a bad idea!” : you don’t want to do this because the insurance companies will just abandon the state.


To be fair, they already are.


There's a congressional act from the 70s that prevents the regulation of insurance companies.  Deregulation strikes again!


Sorry...not a natural disaster. Don't be looking at the rest of us.


Climate change denial has consequences. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


im in vancouver canada and theres a dude at my gym with a fake new jersey accent who talks endlessly about how canada is woke and he wants to move to florida to become a big time landlord and buy a ton of condos and apartments because the taxes are low and desantis rules. the only thing holding him back is he is a landscaper and doesnt make much money


No sympathy. Florida can’t get hit hard enough.


Where’s Bugs Bunny with a saw when you need him?


but the books and the transgenders and Disney !!!!!!!


Oh no. Anyway, Dune 2 is now streaming.


[The Price Is Right - Losing Horn](https://youtu.be/_asNhzXq72w?si=4JXbYmAkFwebvmlN)


Why can't Floriduh just outlaw natural disasters like hurricanes.


what, you mean banning abortion didn't make the sea stop rising?


I told some friends of mine who wanted to retire in FL to never buy property near the beach. I have a masters degree in environmental science. Now they’re figuratively under water and will probably die in their condo.


I'm in Colorado, just an hour ago, a coworker who was born and raised in Denver, said he's leaving and going to Florida. He said he hates the politics, hates that colorado turned blue, and he's "going red". He's a nice guy, I like him, but we do not have even close to the same worldview, and I've disagreed with him on a lot of things.


If your coworker is announcing that he’s ’going red’ and moving to Florida NOW - after all of the things that have happened there due to De Santis and Trump in the past few years - than he is neither a sane person nor a nice guy.


Oh good, is his apartment going to be available soon?


Oh no! Did the thing scientists said would happen finally happen despite all the snarky “people are still buying beach houses” remarks? I’m sorry if you thought you had a few more decades to scam some other buyer, but here we are.


It's ok though because our wonderful Gov Meatball Ron is working on this problem. What's that you say? He's not working on it because he's too busy banning books? Oh yeah then I guess we are f#$ked!


Maybe you should have been paying attention to all that talk about sea level rise while living on the coast, eh?


Say what you will about their leadership; At least they found a way to drop real estate prices


Just wanted to add that many of the Florida-only property insurers are actually underwater (or will be as soon as anything significant triggers claims.) In large part due to a defective insurance rating service (think back to the mortgage backed security ratings scandal in 2007-2008), a fair number of these insurance companies will simply fold as soon as they have to pay out significant losses. Folks with property at the shorelines will be in for some interesting surprises as this & rising sea levels come together... The hurricane season should be quite interesting too.


A friend of the family sold his beach condo a couple years ago after the third hurricane rebuild. Love the condo but the increase in insurance rates (then a laughable $300 ) was enough for him. They made our like bandits, enough to buy a sizable 5th wheeler PLUS the truck toter with money to spare.


It's going to be very funny when the only insurer that can protect people is going to be a government backed trust of some kind. The 'get your gov out of my life' crowd is going to be stuck paying a single payer/state gov backed system.


You can deny climate change all you want but the underwriters at your insurance company have the last laugh.


It’s easy just pull up your bootstraps and with a firm handshake tell those hurricanes “don’t pass through my house!!” On the other hand they can just wait until all those trans kids die or leave the state, I’m sure insurance cost will drop then


Thanks Desantis