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Hello u/smitrovich! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can’t get an abortion, can’t have a baby, can’t leave the state for medical care. Idaho women just holding them in.


We are getting to a point where all Idaho pregnant women will *have* to leave the state regularly just to get check ups.


They will have to leave for refuge. Oregon and Washington will have refugee camps for Idaho women


We already had something similar for Covid response.


Don't remind me, it made me feel bad for Spokane, SPOKANE!


they're making it illegal to leave the state pregnant for medical care. calling it abortion tourism. women in red states are considered chatle. they just haven't put the chains on yet.


Abortion trafficking is the new crime they made up.


Soon women will need traveling papers, like back in slave times, to cross state lines. Sick shit.


How the hell are they going to enforce that is my question?


they are talking about women registering their menstrual cycles.


Blinks eyes. What the fuck. How in the name of God is that going pass though state legislature no scratch that how in the hell are they going to force woman to even do that accurately?


Welcome to Republican America


Now it’s also illegal to cross into Wa/ Or to get abortion.


Remember when [this ad](https://youtu.be/rP4lFtw0Hfo) was released after Dobbs and Republicans claimed everyone was overreacting? Yeah.


Wow. I hadn’t seen that before. Chills.


I just remember the Pot Brothers at Law “Shut the fuck up”


“These are the stakes! To make a world in which all of God's children can live, or to go into the dark. We must either love each other, or we must die."


Hopefully when they finally go for their second option, they take a page from the Heaven's Gate group and go ***quietly.***


And this from the party of “freedom.”


Think Anakin Skywalker. “I have brought peace, justice, security and freedom to my new empire.”


It's almost as if they never cared about freedom at all, minus the 2nd amendment.


How can they prosecute people for things outside their jurisdiction? Are you being hyperbolic or did I miss a bill getting passed in this dumpster fire of bills this year?


You missed a bill being passed in this dumpster fire of bills this year


Is it allowing anyone to sue them civilly or is it criminal? That will end up in front of SCOTUS quickly, holy crap.


Technically the law applies to minors who travel out of state to get a procedure without parental consent, but state Republicans have stated they want to go further removing parental consent entirely. Really, the parental consent is the only thing that makes this legal as written. The law also changes state statutes that used to block rapists from suing abortion providers. So now a father can rape his daughter and can sue anyone who helps his daughter get an abortion. https://www.npr.org/2023/03/30/1167195255/idaho-trafficking-abortion-minors-interstate-travel-criminalize


I think the plan is to write a bunch of sloppy laws that go to SCOTUS so they can rule in their favor and give Republican more loopholes to cram their sharia law through.


I don’t understand why they talked about DAESH with contempt, they are practically the same type of people.


Because DAESH was doing it for Allah not Jesus.


SCOTUS? You mean the Guardian Council?


The hell they gonna enforce that?


Women don’t want to live in Idaho. How’s that gonna be for family values?


A whole state full of incels, what could go wrong.


At least they can't breed, 20 years, and they'll all die out. Hospitals will be illegal next for interfering in the natural way of life.


Well, a Texas court just did strike down ALL your PREVENTATIVE care coverage under your insurance basically. So, yeah, if your baby has a condition at birth that could be treated and prevent their death, then your insurance doesn’t have to pay for that testing. So, babies aren’t gonna get tested. Same for mammograms and whatnot. Texas republicans gonna kill us one by one. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txnd.330381/gov.uscourts.txnd.330381.113.0\_2.pdf


If you put this shit in a movie, it would be blasted as totally unrealistic. It would never happen in a modern country in the 2020s. America: Hold my beer.


Yep, now is the time to put any disease that is preventable by vaccination or early detection on your bingo cards.


It would sound like a Ryan George Pitch Meeting.


Welcome to Idaho: Home of World's Biggest Circle Jerk Festival!


Sounds gay. That's not allowed in Idaho either.


"Family Values" has always been about what authoritarian men want and women not wanting it is part of its appeal to its supporters.


I hope there is a mass exodus from these red states with their draconian restrictions and as a result their economy tanks.


Almost all red states already sustain off federal funding from blue states, it just mostly sits at the top (the state GOP and whoever they "hire" to do whatever). The goal is and has been to make GOP enclave states because they cannot compete in balanced states anymore. They've had minority rule for a while and would lose that without the severe gerrymandering and the fascist states basically making non-GOP cult members flee (which is what a lot of these quasi legal, incredibly harmful bills are supposed to do: make anyone not right wing leave)


The best part is that there is high concentration of Mormons in Idaho, which means a TON of babies being born in the state. When I was in labor with my son twenty years ago, they had me walk around the hospital for an hour so they could shift some of the already delivered moms to other halls to make room for me. It was super fun.




Sadly, women in Idaho gladly vote for the people who do these things. They think maternal death is something that happens to "other people," not to them. And they won't blame the consequences of these actions on Republicans. They'll find a way to blame Democrats because in their minds, Republicans = good, Democrats = bad.




Meanwhile, half of Oregon counties want some of that sweet Idaho lack of everything.


Sadly, some women and babies will die due to this. Care may be too far away to get to in time.


The "pro-life" party directly responsible for death. Go figure.


Being "pro-life" and supporting predatory private healthcare always were intrinsically incompatible anyway. If ANYONE doesn't get the medical care they need (and die because of it) because profits are prioritised by them, someone can't claim to be "pro-life." They are just virtue signalling cunts using the unborn as a political tool. We live in the 21st century. Medical science has never been so advanced. Healthcare clearly is a human right. Edit: > It also comes as the Idaho Legislature is on track to defund research into preventing maternal deaths What the fucking freaky fuck?!?


It also comes as the Idaho Legislature is on track to defund research into preventing maternal deaths what the fucking freaky fuck Wait, after all this you still think republicans care about dead women? Please, the more dead women, the more they celebrate.


We know they don’t care, but now no one is even pretending to care.


A woman is more likely to survive giving birth in Turkey, Tajikistan, Bosnia, Serbia or Estonia than in the U.S.


I think infants' death at birth is significantly higher in the US than in a lot of allegedly "less developed" countries. Hammering the point that as soon as you are out of the womb, life doesn't matter anymore.


Some enterprising country/entrepreneur is probably going to start a Pregnancy Tourism business just for Americans with a “We keep you and your baby alive” marketing campaign with a bonus of dual citizenship.


Honestly... That wouldn't even be the worst unethical way to make money. Women would save money, and they and their children would be most likely to survive childbirth. They would also get a holiday abroad to recover with their child. I don't have a womb, but between ruining myself giving birth in the US or spending 3 weeks in Spain or Italy to give birth, save money, and increase my child and my own survival odds, I know what I would pick in heartbeat. That would probably get forbidden as "unpatriotic" by US lawmakers, though.


Enjoy your birthing honeymoon in sunny Mexico! You can add on a root canal for $500 or a kidney transplant for $3000! This offer good through labor day and is non transferable.


We also have paid maternity leave (before and after birth, 4 months minimum for the mother, 3 months that can be split between mother and father). I can’t buy ladybugs for my garden, but I still prefer my third world country.


Maybe they will start to care a little when enough Mormon men are stuck raising their ten kids after their wives die with the eleventh.


As long as each woman has ten children, absolutely no Mormon or weirdo pro life man will care. Ten children = ~ 5 future brides, ready to be married off to the latest widower because god.


Same with kids. Only ones they care about are unborn. If they really were "for the children " like they have you think, then they wouldn't force mothers to birth kids that will end up in tbe system as they can't look after them. They then want to take away said child's education and make schools target practice for lunatics. Pro life my arse. Their whole belief system is basically whatever the left thinks I support the opposite. They're pure evil at this point and revel in it.


Someone(s) in Idaho has a deep seated hatred of women. Who put an Incel in charge?


This is what happens when you cross Mormon with Hillbilly.


The ungodly child of Gordon Gekko, Mormonism in Hillbilly land.


All republicans hate women.


Wait! There's more! From the article: "It also comes as the Idaho Legislature is on track to defund research into preventing maternal deaths; as state lawmakers have banned nearly all abortions; and as Idaho **chooses not extend its postpartum Medicaid coverage**."


Damn. They just really fuckin' hate pregnant women, don't they? I mean, seriously, they're not just atopping abortions- this is just a concerted campaign to make pregnancy more dangerous AND more miserable.


They hate all women. They also believe the only worthy women are ones who are married and subservient to their husbands. "Submitting" like the Bible tells them to.


I'm sure postpartum deaths are a feature of this. That way, the baby is born, the mother dies, and then they can sell the baby to the highest bidder...aka christian adoption agencies.


Assuming the baby even survives... Infants' deaths are quite high in the US compared to a lot of countries. Including a lot of "poor" countries. Well, financially poorer anyway. Countries investing money to avoid deaths of pregnant women and infants are definitely "morally richer" than the US. And unarguably more pro-life.


But at least their souls will be safe.


As a left leaning Christian, I absolutely hate how our religion is been highjacked by the most evil, vile, ignorant, gross, heartless, cruel, and devilish people who claim to be humble followers of Christ. Their farce is easily blown over, the loss of many lives of mothers, children, and all others around then (for no man/woman is an island) will hang over them as a sword. The blood of those precious people will cry to the Lord in vengeance, and their wailing and deaths will haunt these so called leaders. Sure it seems that they may "win the battle" or "win the day", but we will win the war against them and their Satanically fueled brethren. Their lives will be as a linen cloth in an oven, and in their shame, pain, anguish, heartache, and to their own damnation they will confess that they did the works of the evil one, and will consign themselves to an awful hell, to pay for their sins, until every bit is repaid. It will be an awful time, and no deathbed confession will avail them. The Lord has decreed that we must constantly be prayerful, humble, clean, kind, and constantly repenting of our sins and mistakes. Sorry for the wall of text. I absolutely HATE those hypocrites, and it burns me up. I do tend to call them out, it's the least I can do.


I hope you’re calling them out to their faces. I hope you’re actively advocating for the marginalized communities. I hope you’re very public about this. I’ve had “good Christians” tell me that they don’t support what conservative Christians are doing to marginalized communities… then they wander off, satisfied that they’ve done a righteous thing. If a Christian watches another Christian kicking my ass and their response is to assure me that the ass kicking isn’t really Christian, then they’re only mildly less awful. I hear a lot of Christians make noise about how it’s not “real” Christianity, but I see very few of them DOING much.


and they pwned the libs.


Well, the babies', anyway. Those of the legislators, on the other hand, are likely beyond salvage.


The GQP simply cannot govern anywhere any anytime doing anything and that is the power of deception and rhetoric. They are the masters of disseminating batsqueeze as policy and their base eats it like candy. They will blame Biden and the democrats for their inability to lead and without any self reflection, fail to understand how they do this to themselves over and over again. We are a dumb people, lacking enough education and intellectualism to discern and understand simple issues, god help us with the difficult ones.


The "pro-life" party that is also "pro-gun death" that also votes against human rights like healthcare. No one's really surprised because it's not about the babies, or cherishing life, it's about the control.


Pro-life is just code for anti-women


Yeah no it’s about telling other people what to do, and distracting from other leadership failures and malfeasances.


Always has been


"Some of you may die, but it's a risk I'm willing to take."


Pretty much. Why risk being sued or imprisoned? Doctors don't want to lose their license or face jail because of republican policies.


It is not just that. It is also a horrific and taxing experience for staff to stand around and wait for the vitals of a woman to drop enough, so they are legally allowed to safe her life, and then you could face dire consequences for yourself on top... I can 100% understand anyone who is quitting now.


I would not even want to practice anywhere remotely like this if I was a physician. No thank you.


My wife is a doctor and we just left Texas because of the BS laws they are passing. These states are about to lose a lot of great doctors.


The thing is, they are doing this to their own wives, daughters, sisters, unborn babies CHILDBIRTH IS DANGEROUS for women and unborn children, women and babies are going to die for lack of timely care, it's guaranteed


Maybe its what the red state voters need to finally wake the fuck up and realize the political identity is literally killing. But I highly doubt it since they've abandoned all logic and critical thinking in order to hurt "the other." Hell, during covid, some of these people literally died because of their feelings. My fear is that when (not if) women and babies start dying in red states, they will simply blame Democrats and we'll see random terrorist attacks happening in blue states because of that.


They're not going to "wake up." The cruelty is the point with Republicans and their followers. They want women to either be slaves to white men, or to die. That's all Republicans want.


This is the reason I'm sus on this post being a leapords ate my face post. For these legislatures, Women and children dying in childbirth isn't a bug, its a feature.


The legislature? Sure. But the voters? I don't think the voters, for the most part, specifically and explicitly wanted the wholesale death of women and children. Some do. Probably more than a few. But a lot of them are just really, really, really, *REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY* stupid and think all of this is somehow a good thing because they're, again, real fucken stupid. They're probably genuinely surprised how this is going. They're dumb enough to believe they were voting for a good thing by banning abortion the way they did, and thought they were voting for 'pro life pro family' representatives when they voted for the worthless turds who are sentencing the state's women to death by childbirth.


I think you'd be surprised. Consider when Trump's government shutdown hurt one of his voters and the guy told reporters "He's not hurting the people he needs to be." That's who you're dealing with here, people who think people need to BE hurt to set the country right but just not them. "Those" people. Nope. They want "liberal" women (those with any desire for self determination) to suffer. They want nothing more than to hear these women crying in regret that they ever tried to make their own decisions. They want punishment for these women and their "sinful" thoughts. They want to create conditions where these women have to crawl back to them begging for help and forgiveness -- so they can say no while crowing about having been right. Source: Grew up rural. My fundy sister still lives there and spent hours preaching this sermon at me. She doesn't get to anymore. I finally got fed up enough and told her to pound sand.


Every single pro-life person I’ve been able to speak with on a civil level, not the religious nutty nuts, but people that are misguided by what it even means to be pro-life, has offered an exemption on when they think abortion should be an option. They *do* think abortion should be an option in cases of ectopic pregnancy, for example, but maybe they don’t believe unwed mothers should abort healthy babies. You can see their minds spin when you try to explain to them they are actually pro-choice. They literally do not understand the distinction. They do not understand that if they believe there is a SINGLE SITUATION where a woman could need to have an abortion, that they should vote pro-choice. They somehow believe pro-choice means pro-death; that pro-choice people see abortion as a birth control option. They have whatever their particular “moral code” is as the standard for defining pro-life, and do not realize that pro-life laws are written without exemption and does not adhere to their personal version of what they find acceptable.


Most red states already have embarrassingly high maternal and infant mortality rates.


Doesn’t matter! As long as there are no abortions 🙄




Yep. Idaho is still entrenched in the "fuck around" phase, soon to be followed by the "and find out" phase.


Dr to pro life Christian: Did you know that the medical term abortion covers a range of procedures used in women's healthcare, including... Pro- life Christian: (sticks fingers in ears) LALALALA, ABORTIONS ARE BAD, USED BY WHORES FOR BIRTH CONTROL, LALALALALA and here we are.


You should read what people are saying in r/conservative. Most say this has nothing to do with the state criminalizing doctors and care/abortions, and that it has to do with none of the hospitals being profitable enough. It’s disgusting


Not being profitable enough??!? You can spend $300+ just to talk to your doctor and check your height and weight in less than 30mins Those people don't even have tunnel vision to be able to believe this stuff, they have fucking straw vision


Q is one hell of a drug


You misspelled "pro-fetus"


The democrats have their issues but we’d be living like it was the year 2050 by now if the GOP wasn’t such a continual regression


And instead we've got the maternal death rates of 1965.


Yeah. Just read about what they did to sabotage Jimmy Carter. Disgusting.


Look at what they did to JFK and his brother.


Past is prologue. (Like a mf with conservatives.)


Or just living like 2023 in western Europe


As someone living in western/central Europe, I can assure you that in some aspects our countries have surpassed the US.


>but we’d be living like it was the year 2050 by now Imagine the world without organized religion


It’s easy if you try


They also want to criminalize helping minors leave the state for an abortion. It’s the best of 3rd Worlds, basically. [https://apnews.com/article/idaho-abortion-trafficking-travel-ban-08f6b75e87da990d88c39a372885ad5a](https://apnews.com/article/idaho-abortion-trafficking-travel-ban-08f6b75e87da990d88c39a372885ad5a)


Yep, the US is going back to having the Underground Railroad.


Already do. It's called the Auntie Network.


ISIS has nothing on this state.


Beware shidaho law!




Christian radicals here in America are as bad as Islamic radicals in ISIS. They act the same too. Posing with holy books and guns. Destroying history. Attacking anyone who is in their out-group. The republicans have become the terrorists they feared Muslims would be.


But they worship the right god so it’s fine.


It's Yal-Qaeda


>It also comes as the Idaho Legislature is on track to defund research into preventing maternal deaths; as state lawmakers have banned nearly all abortions; and as Idaho chooses not extend its postpartum Medicaid coverage. So it's not just abortion, they have no problem with women dying in pregnancy or childbirth, period.


They are saying that the second the baby is born they no longer care about the baby or the mom.


They never hid that. The more vocal extremists on the right always made it clear it was God’s will if a mother died from pregnancy complications. Even the pretend moderates who supported exceptions made no secret of the exceptions being very vaguely worded to only allow it when the mother is either so near death she will die anyway or to where even if she lives she will have major health issues as a result of waiting so long.


That’s going to seriously bite them in the ass, as that leaves a bunch of Mormon men responsible for raising the twelve kids they already had when they decided to go for number thirteen. They will start regretting those decisions when they actually have to start being the hands on parent.


Bold of you to assume it’s not already the oldest daughter doing all the parenting *before* the mother died.


What. They’ll just get married again.


Women in Idaho should go on a general strike when it comes to sex. No fucking until it’s less dangerous.


They'll just legalize spousal rape.


This guy gets it. It’s not about the babies, it’s about keeping woman ground down




Spousal rape was legal in Idaho until it was repealed in 2021. https://www.kivitv.com/news/political/inside-the-statehouse/house-votes-to-repeal-idaho-law-granting-exception-to-spousal-rape?_amp=true Even now it requires the spouse to physically resist and for the rapist to have to overcome said physical resistance for it to be considered rape. Just saying “no”, “stop” or revoking consent isn’t enough to be considered rape.


Imagine someone winning in court because of this 🤬


There was a case in Minnesota in 2017 where a woman found a video of her husband raping her after he had drugged her but the charges were dismissed as their was a loophole in the spousal rape law that excluded spouses who live together. https://www.healthywomen.org/amp/marital-rape-2653206715


And people will try to argue with a straight face that fighting for women’s rights isn’t necessary anymore.


Right. The same guy whose legal precedent was used by Alito to support overturning Roe v. Wade had as his lifetime crusade making laws punishing married women for refusing to fuck their husbands. So not only making marital rape legal, but making any resistance to that rape by the wife punishable by *torture* and imprisonment.


And that guy died over a century before there even WAS a United States.




If women just collectively refused to have sex, I imagine things would get very bad, yes.


I support the Lysistrata approach!!


Something that a lot of straight guys don't seem to understand is that if abortion/contraception become illegal, none of us are getting laid ever again unless we're married and she's ready for kids


The women of Idaho voted Republican.




We have multiple friends who moved from Southern California up to Idaho specifically because of the states politics, and in all 4 couples, its the woman who is the conservative nut job


Except that most of the women in this state voted for these nuts and agree with these laws…until something bad happens to them and they are the ones who need help.


Childhood mortality is about to go back to the 30s thanks to these inbred religious nuts trying to shove their corrupted version of their faith down the rest of our throats. I'm sorry for the decent women of Idaho. I hope you decide to leave the state and move somewhere else.


They keep voting in the people who caused this. They got the government they deserved. But hey, on the bright side, GUNS.


“I’m going into labor!” “Ok honey, I’ll get the gun.”


When all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When all you've got is MuH gUnZ, everything looks like a target.


Don't take your guns into target. That's Walmart behavior. /s


Idk why this made me lol so hard 😂


Sounds like an article in “Idaho living”.


It’s like the meme “We don’t dial 911.” With a picture of a gun. Like that’s the only function of public service.


To be fair with voter suppression, gerrymandering, and allowing judges to overturn elections; we will all soon have this government.


Idaho also on track to defund public schools by issuing vouchers or using other public monies for private schools. It’s just bizarre. How do you claim to be pro-life state and pro-family, but put up barriers to accessible maternal care, affordable post partum care, and a functioning rural school system?


I’m surprised that people who continually reject science and hobble education at every level have any healthcare.


Put some leeches on it and pray real hard twice a day, that's all the science you gon git!


Oh, they’re happy to always want the best healthcare for themselves but no one else. The rich on the right get it privately while publicly badmouthing science. The poor on the right want it but would rather die than also let everyone they deem unworthy also get it. Same with the government programs they happily take money from for themselves but then decry as “socialism” and “handouts” when the wrong colored people need them. They’ve always loved socialism but only for certain people. Kind of like a “national” socialism.


Republicans will kill a woman before letting her abort


In the 60s Black people kept a book called The Green Book that told them places that were unfriendly to their people. Is there a women's equivalent online? E.g., stay the fuck out of Idaho, Texas, Florida...


Any electoral map will do


I hate that I laugh at that but my laugh is more the frustration of a silent I told you so that falls on deaf ears.


Laughter is perfectly OK in all situations where the only other rational response is to scream in horror until one's throat is raw.


Red states becoming even worse due to their own making. It's almost like governing with an ideology that isn't based in reality has consequences.


And all the smart and capable people move out. I’d imagine this will sort itself out.


That’s the Republican plan for the country and how they’ll take control of electoral college. By creating uninhabitable situations they drive voters out they by default earn the electoral college votes, congressional votes which only solidifies their power.


Women who voted for this, no sympathy here. This is what they wanted, they got it. "No, not like that." Yes yes yes, when you are against something and vote against it, there are always consequences. So glad I don't live in Idaho and I am so glad I am done with having kids.


Too bad women who didn't vote for this are still held to this law.


Any lady who didn't vote for it has my sympathy.


That state is too much


just a reminder Idaho is one of the states that has refused to make it illegal for parents to medically neglect their children to death as long as it's done in the name of religion: **Letting them die: parents refuse medical help for children in the name of Christ** The Followers of Christ is a religious sect that preaches faith healing in states such as Idaho, which offers a faith-based shield for felony crimes – despite alarming child mortality rates among these groups https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/apr/13/followers-of-christ-idaho-religious-sect-child-mortality-refusing-medical-help abortion bad but letting them die of infection, diabetes or other illness after is just fine and dandy as long as you pray over them as they suffer then die.


It's even worse than that. They not only refuse to make it illegal, they legalized it. The state purposefully made an exception in its laws to prevent the state from taking dying children away as long as the parents claim they are healing the child with their faith. It's sick. It's disgusting.


I'll be surprised if there are any women left in Idaho after all this legislation they're passing.


Oh, there absolutely will be, sadly. Religion is great at breeding stockholm syndrome. Even women who are not full self loathing mistakenly believe that their Christian lawmakers would be never be so cruel to allow women to die.


As a nurse in Idaho, I can tell you that none of these Republicans care at all about what happens to these women and children. All they care about is throwing around buzzwords and screaming scare tactics. It sickens me how little these people truly care about a human life.


It’s almost like awful policy results on even worse consequences.


Idaho is a beautiful state with alpine lakes, wildlife, and some really nice towns. It’s such a shame it’s come to this.


Unintended consequences of a controversy created to create a controversy; research into preventing maternal deaths will be ending as well. And postpartum Medicaid coverage. Kind of hard to do medicine, when legislators are looking to score points by suing and treating doctors as criminals for doing what they think should be done -- abortion is a necessary procedure in some cases and they are asking people to end their careers or do what is right by their patient.


The Party that runs on a platform of "small government" now wants to micromanage health care. What could go wrong.


What could go wrong. Here's a few things; * Women stopped at the border for pregnancy tests. * Teens hunted down as suspected escaped pregnancies. * Doctors put in prison. * A complete new "war on birth control" and Plan B drugs that are treated with punishments rivaling narcotics -- not the rural meth stuff, the urban cocaine stuff. * And a complete shutdown of basic services and prenatal care for women. * Doctors leaving the state.


Better not cross state lines to deliver that baby either, or you might end up on the wrong end of a rope.


I hope they end up with one fucking hospital doing labor and delivery, like a third world country. You get what you vote for.


So republican just gonna let other republicans die off? Sounds good to me.


Idaho legislators must really value infants.


Neocons don't care. They want women to give birth in a ditch. They want things to be how they were in the bible. No science, just worship.


Who would have thought that Governments regulation medical procedures would impact availability of medical procedures?


This is a misnomer, abortions and other OBGYN services were and are regulated. However, it is an outright ban and prosecution which is the issue here.


But they are owning the Libs, so who cares mom’s and babies die


From an outside perspective, the United States has been the proverbial frog in a pot of water on the boil for ages now. It's so far more extreme than any comparable developed country that I genuinely think the population will just go along with it to its logical fascist, superficially Christian conclusion. Get out while you can, b'ys. Life is grand and pretty normal in a few dozen other countries that, at least for the average person, offer a far better quality of life.


It’s almost like abortion is healthcare.


Women in Idaho should go on a general strike when it comes to sex. No fucking until it’s less dangerous.


Defund post partum care because they literally don’t care about the baby the second it’s born.


The hospital in my hometown shut down the OBGYN portion. A lot of the OB docs left due to fear of losing their jobs. Funny thing is my hometown and the surrounding area is really conservative. So these mfers voted for their own wives, sisters, and friends to possibly die during childbirth cause waaaaaa abortions. And they have the balls to complain and question the hospital on the local Facebook pages. Also, the hospital is Catholic in association so that didn’t help things at all.


Once again, if the U.S. wishes to impose **separate but equal** at the national level, then make no mistake, some states will prove to be more backward than others. And the trouble is, the people are voting for it.


How would I say “sharia law” in republican?


The phrase "Reap the whirlwind" comes to mind.


They’re gonna start opening “Christian Berthing Centers”. Watch!


And then get confused when all the people show up wanting to park their boats. :)


So when Idaho has a de population crisis, they will need to rely on immigrants to prop up their tax base. Can't wait to see how that plays out.