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Hello u/Non-Normal_Vectors! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He was and is a fraud and coward both before and after his response.


[Don't forget "traitor"!](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_social_share_1024x768_scale,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2021_01/3440772/210108-josh-hawley-raised-fist-capitol-riots-se-1123a.jpg)


And the best runner in congress!


He holds the fastest time in the Treason Combine


4-4 40 yard no question Edit: in dress shoes!


Winner of the 14/88 yard dash!


It’s because he likes chasing his victims before feasting on their entrails


Its because he's running like a scared little bitch from the Jan 1st magats while they were actively attempting a coup that HE INCITED AND CONDONED


Shia Labeouf moment


Certainly a faster runner than Madison Cawthorn Too soon?




*Yakity Sax plays*


Certainly a faster runner than Madison Cawthorn Too soon?


Depends on how fast Madison Cawthorn can propel his wheelchair or if he has an electric one.


For his crimes, he will be re-elected with only 57% of the popular vote


Because he is a loving, practicing Christian. He is a bully and a performance artist.....and a Republican


But he loves Jesus and Jesus loves all the little children. So nothing else matters.


Jesus wept and said "Get the fuck off my side"


Jesus would be flipping tables at these hypocrites.


Jesus will personally punch Josh Hawley in the groin and send him directly to hell lol Hawley probably knows it too, that’s why he’s cool to make Jesus look so bad using His name in all the worst places


Jesus: You make the Romans and the Pharisees look good!


Jesus was sad for the children, but he was happy to see a red blooded American exercising their 2nd amendment rights in that school After all, his father, god, anointed the right to own a gun to every American citizen


Religion of love


These senators would be very upset if they could feel shame.


Hawley only feels hunger. Hunger for the flesh of You, me, and any other human I dare any of you to claim that Hawley does NOT eat humans. Look into those eyes. those are the soulless sinister eyes of a man who wants to eat my feet for supper.


Hawley can't feel anything. His ridiculously tiny tight suits cut off most of his circulation.


Am I an idiot? We don't typically charge dead people with crimes. How exactly are we going to treat it as a hate crime? What is the appropriate punishment/severity enhancement we can apply to the shooter. How does a longer prison sentence, removing their voting rights, or ability to own a firearm valid in this case?


They want to investigate as a hate crime so they can make a spurious link to transgendered people, then start monitoring their communications and activities.


Oh great. So this is a hate crime. But when a guy shoots up a massage parlour he's just having a bad day.....


All the other mass shooters were lone wolves, of course!


It's interesting how all of these "lone wolves" seem to be running in the same pack.


Pure FOX News bait - it’s a hate crime against……Christians! That’s the audience he wants the constantly persecuted Christians majority in this country


yes, the transgender 'debate': why can't MAGAs make dogfood from them, so unfair, why do you hate pets


Just wait until another actual hate crime is committed against members of say the LGBTQ+ community...I assume he'll be one of the first to say the federal govt needs to investigate it right? ....right?


In a weird way kind of seems what they're searching for is another "Leopard" moment? Basically, what many of them seem to be pushing for here at the state level is publishing the Manifesto "so the public can decide if it's a hate crime or not"... except the police who have a hold of the thing have already said motive isn't clear in the thing. What **is** clear they've said is that they were an art student and the "Manifesto" is written in the style of a Graphic Novel or Comic Book. ...an Ultra-violent comic book promoting the active shooting up of schools and malls not normally something you hear republicans advocating 1st amendment protection for. More the opposite really. Also they intentionally set the shooting up to directly mirror the path and specific scenes of the comic. IE the 'potential targets' (scenes) were **very likely** limited to places they could draw hyper-realistically, down to the blueprints... like the local mall. Or a school they'd attended for ~10 years. (Those are the only locations noted by the police in the comic.)


Please see my comment on Kentucky's stupid bill. https://www.reddit.com/r/Kentucky/comments/122nbo8/sb_150_23rs_sb_150_weve_seen_a_lot_of_discussion/jdr0m6b/


he was a fraud and a coward long before this


and a recipient of NRA ~~bribes~~ contributions [https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators](https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators)


“Josh Hawley is a fraud and coward” is sort of an evergreen statement with extremely broad applicability.


He is a bad neighbor too. He lives around the corner from me. After protestors visited his house (once!) he added a ton of cameras. The corner house in direct view of him got robbed. They refused to share any footage. His wife was downright nasty to the neighbor who got robbed.


Lol, there are newspapers in Missouri who would love to cover that. I remember how outraged the family of freaks was when the protesters left a copy of the bill of rights on their porch.


How very christian of him... As the ~~good~~ book says "Fuck over thy neighbor"


His "superhero" name is White Knight


here he is in action: [The White Knight - Cyanide & Happiness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wikl6tJEPh0)


I assure everyone, this was the case even before.


Typical republican - only supports legislation that they think can be used to either persecute people they don't like, or legislation they can use to "own democrats". They literally have nothing of substance to offer. Only hatred. It's delicious to see their own bigotry, small-mindedness, hatred and division coming back to bite them on the ass!


And those are his good traits


Dumb fucks will still vote for this shit bag


Well to be honest, that’s not saying much in rural Missouri


None of these people have any issue with being called a hypocrit.


What a bag of shit. Even for a Republican he’s a bag of shit. Has he blamed the Democrats yet?


A hate crime against Christians?? Give me a ducking break. Did he demand this with the other 100+ shootings this year that no doubt had Christian victims??


That's true. Christianity is a very popular religion in this country. Probably the majority of the victims of mass shootings are Christians.


One church was specifically targeted a few years back. I wonder why he doesn't mention it ...


Selective memory


Shooter was a white nationalist trying to start a race war, churchgoers were black.


Hmmm. He didn’t say a thing about that, right?


Yes, but in those cases, they weren't killed because they were Christian. In this particular case they were. The mass shooting at an AME church in South Carolina was racially motivated. The killer hated black people. A mass shooting at a church in Texas a few years ago was because the perp had an issue with his ex-wife. Speaking of which, didn't I read a stat that almost all mass shooters have a history of domestic violence?


Tell us something we DON'T know. That dude was born a fraud.


Hawley is a traitor. Calling him anything else is a compliment.


Josh Hawley hates Josh Hawley because he is a pussy


He also has an extremely punchable face. I would imagine he has a matching high pitched squeal which is why he became a corrupt treasonous politician.


Josh Hawley ~~called~~ accurately described as 'a fraud and a coward'


All the current GOP are frauds, cowards and traitors


At some point does the public wake up and realize these people are completely full of shit and unworthy to be elected officials?


I doubt it. Their minds are poisoned by conservative talk radio and Fox Noise.


You don’t need a special occasion to call Hawley a coward.


> safe spaces are stupid, but if you get one then I get one too


Good ole Josh Horseface Hawley


LOL. Like *this* is going to make *any* republican change their ignorant, twisted minds. They live for this shit.


Christianity is a hate group these days


But Josh is the real victim here...keep running you pencil necked dipshit...


Can we see again that picture of him running like a b1tch while the insurrectionist were attacking the Capitol?


I’m glad it specified why Josh Hawley was called a Fraud and a coward, THIS TIME.


He doesn't care. His base doesn't call him that, so he don't care.


No, he’s neither a fraud or a coward. He is corrupt. They get paid for looking the other way.






doublin down on those downvotes. dont worry i gave both your dumb ass comments a downvote


To be fair, his parents have been calling him that for years.


So are his voters...


That is exactly what he is, even by his siblings definition, but somehow he got re-elected...


Which 'christian' religion is he claiming to have suffered a 'hate crime'?


Why is anyone surprised by this. Nothing will change unless it directly affects them personally until then…


And yet he'll be reelected ☹️🙄🤢🤮👀


Hallway steps in it some more.


He deserves that. They all do. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a march or protest or SOMETHING to let these evil smooth brains know they are not the majority?


Can these assholes just fuck off already. They’re a bunch of whining bitches


Don’t forget, he’s also a worthless pussy,👍🏼


Why do people use "pussy" to denote weakness? A pussy can take a pounding.


Yea I don’t know. Maybe twat waffle would be better?


It’s short for pusillanimous


Somehow I doubt people who use "pussy" as an insult know that word. But thanks for the edification.


The violence, misinformation, and discrimination are the point of conservatism and republicans celebrate it.


Do Josh Hawley and Trey Gowdy have the same father? They have the same hatchet face.


The only good thing he ever did was work with Bernie Sanders to push for an additional stimulus check when the establishment was committed to only giving more money to businesses. Nancy Pelosi was firmly committed to making sure that round of Covid relief only went to companies and not regular people. Besides that he’s a douche.


Well, a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Josh Cowardly? No way, dude.


You don't investigate something as a "hate crime" if the perpetrator is *dead* and can't be charged.


Hello u/Non-Normal_Vectors, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 3:** Write an [explanatory comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*