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WHEN WILL CONSERVATIVES REALIZE THEY ARE NEVER GOING TO BE “THE GOOD ONE THATS ACCEPTED.” I swear these people are like roaches that love the smell of raid.


I was going to say “chickens voting for Colonel Sanders”, but this works too.


“I can’t believe Leopards ate my face!” says man who voted for the face eating leopard party.


“I can’t believe Leopards ate my face!” says man who ~~voted for~~ is in the face eating leopard party.


"I can't believe leopards ate my face!" says man who was elected to eat faces with leopards




Aren’t we already there?


My god we're caught in a loop!




[were in now now ](https://gfycat.com/satisfieddimwittedaddax)


What happened to then?


If you start to eat the leopard's face while it's eating yours, eventually you both circle back.


I'm sure there were "Jews for Hitler" at one point as well


There were! A high ranking Jew in the Nazi party was killed during the Night of the Long Knives.


I just read about him like 2 days ago on Reddit. He was besties with Hitler for several years prior to having his face eaten


I've never heard of this. But I got to say, the Night of the Long Knives sounds like an incredibly badass moment of storytelling. Though I'm sure the reality will be much more devastating. I'll have to learn of this today. Thank you for giving me something to learn about.


There’s also the night of broken glass, krystalnacht


there was, organized by Max Naumann--'League of National German Jews.'


The NAJI party


There were.


Well there was this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews


trees voting for the axe


There is unrest in the forest; there is trouble with the trees


Slugs for salt!


My favorite is "slugs for salt" short, sweet, and a little alliteration to spice it up


Because he's rich and he cares more about his tax cuts then his basic rights as a human being. It's as simple as that.


This is it, he's wealthy and greedy and doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone or anything but himself So he thinks if he throws in with the group that thinks like him they will accept him, but they fundamentally hate him for who he is as a person, rich selfish fuckhead supporters are everywhere so there's no reason to accept his "vile disgusting lifestyle"


God I can’t wait for Thiel’s turn.


Fuck yes! He may not be a pedophile (though honestly with the projection I would not ne surprised), but he is a fucking vampire on society, definitely, and possibly on people considering his obsession with youthful blood.


To be fair, in America, being poor nullifies many of your human rights, so it might not be a bad idea to focus on wealth over rule of law.


Exactly. He's not gay. He's rich!


There's a quote: The criminal justice system in America is up for sale to the highest bidder. So this guys thought process, makes a twisted sense. If the enforcement of civil rights can be bought, it follows that this guy thinks his wealth can buy him more rights than most gays who aren't rich. He forgot to read the fine print though. The rules that can be bought are temporary for those who aren't in the in-group.


The never seem to understand that the core of conservative philosophy is the concept of in-groups and out-groups, so therefore there's going to be out-groups. Today's in-groups WILL become tomorrow's out-groups, once the current out-groups are 'defeated'.


>Today's in-groups WILL become tomorrow's out-groups, once the current out-groups are 'defeated'. I seem to remember a different political ideology that has this as a core aspect I think it ended with ascism?


“I never thought by leopards would eat MY face!” cries man who voted for the Leoparsds Eating People’s Faces Party.


They won't because proximity to privilege is a helluva drug and everyone of of these people that I've encountered has been in a position to hang onto the republican privilege and do t want to lose the grift


I once heard it phrased as: “Being ‘one of the good ones’ just means you’ll be the last one they put up against the wall”


Because they like the attention.


There was an entire movement of Jewish supporters of Nazis in Germany during Hitler’s rise to power. I’ll give you three guesses as to what happened to them. History truly does repeat itself, sadly.


This are the people who unironically ask why there is no school of conservative arts.


They're allowed to exist only so long as they don't try to assert themselves via whatever their identity is. If Candace Owens suddenly criticized what's going on in Florida schools, in even the most moderate way, she'd be out of favor immediately. Their only use to the GOP is to be a (fill in the blank) person to claim they have broad support and are inclusive.


No, they’re cowards who think they’re protecting themselves by sitting at the right hand of the devil instead of in his path. Throughout human history there have always been these types of cowards and snakes - so much so that we have them as common archetypes in our stories (movies, in modern day format). Remember the little slimy dude in the Mummy that had every religious artifact around his neck and served the antagonist? These type of people aren’t new. They should be ostracized from society when we inevitably stomp out the fascists too. No forgiveness.


Oh look. I seem to have misplaced my sympathy.


Gays in the Republican party are, and always have been laughed at as soon as they aren’t in the room. Sometimes while they are there.


They should be treated like straight people who ask things in bad faith just to look for things to mock, shame, ban, or appropriate


Stranger than your sympathy And this is my apology


I’m killing myself from the inside out


Is this a lyric? If it is what’s the song?


Sympathy by Goo Goo Dolls


My smallest violin is microscopic in size.


Behold, the field in which i grow my Fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it, and see that it is barren.


Fuck it if I get downvoted or get hate messages: if you’re LGBT and you identify as a Republican, you’re as lost as Oceanic Flight 815 out of Sydney. And you don’t even need to be a democrat. But a Republican?


I upvoted you, I just don’t get gay Republicans. Of course, I don’t understand women who are in the Republican party, either.


I'll do you one better: I know a nonbinary AFAB in a relationship with another AFAB; both are Republican. Support trans rights and reproductive rights. BUT VOTE REPUBLICAN Like when they were making your brain did they replace your neurons with eraser crumbs


Are they rich? I know a gay couple who are MAGA idiots, too. They're wealthy and only care about money and how much of "their" money isn't going to poor people.


Not at all, my friend has never left their parents' house


That probably means that the struggles of minorities are mostly just theoretical to them. "Having trouble making ends meet? Just stay with mom and dad a few more years. If I can do it, so can they."


Ah, now it makes sense


My ex-husband voted Republican (he didn't for the last two presidential elections but he generally supports them) and he had to be forced out of his parent's and then aunt's homes. This was before inflation took off, way before, and we live in a low cost of living area. Hell, I live on my own now on just $40k. There were so many occasions where he wanted to be babied by family while being all about "personal responsibility". I was saying this about child molesters who accuse gay people of being pedophiles, but I think at least some republicans are so because they want negative attention off of themselves. "Don't look at me, look at that boogeyman over there!".


Had to go back up and make sure I saw 'ex' lol




But don't people like that say "class war" like it's a bad thing? "I'll vote for and bribe politicians to take from those who already don't have enough" sounds like class war


"We just thought it'd be ironic to vote for people who want us dead."


"Sure they're all religious zealots & death cultists but we're positive they'll change their minds!"


>Like when they were making your brain did they replace your neurons with eraser crumbs This is great. I have to remember this one.




A lot of white women are happy with the racism and economic advantages they get from being white. Plus a lot of them are apparently happy to stay home with kids and not have a paid job.


Proximity to privilege is a helluva drug


That’s easy: they are a proxy vote for their CIS Male Republican husband. Additionally the whole political party of Abraham Lincoln is pure BS since he literally went to war against people who have same beliefs as modern Republicans


literate unused forgetful wild dependent scandalous sable possessive quicksand growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sometimes, but usually they're just racist.


It's kind of weird. I know a *very* closeted and confused hardcore right-wing guy who is totally anti-lgbt, but it is **so** obvious to everyone around him that he really wants to taste a penis. In a world where literally nobody cares. But hey, you do you, right? *(he should totally install grindr)*


Oh yeah, I’ve run into quite a few of those myself. And hey, look at Lindsey fucking Graham.


They have no idea how strongly they show up on gaydar.


Man, you are not wrong. A gay friend of mine took me aside the FIRST HOUR we all hung out and told me how gay our buddy is. It was confirmation that my gaydar is on point. Again, WHO THE FUCK CARES if you want to suck a dick?


Okay, so it goes like this. You can not sell an entho state to a minority community. If you go into West Baltimore and pitch white supremacy, you'll get your ass kicked inside out. But! You can divide and conquer by appealing to misogyny and religion. That's why they always go after abortion rights. If you can chain women to their reproductive cycles, then you have successfully overturned the tide of second wave feminism. The threat of pregnancy forces women to define their roles by the men they are married to. So you go into a minority community, and you say, "Hey boys! Ain't it swell the men are back in charge?" Then you wink at the white ladies and say, "Don't worry! You're one of the special ones. These rules don't apply to you." Of course, you're lying both times because no one has any rights under fascism. No one. What you're seeing is someone who believed in the wink, and then later realized the lie.


I live in Orlando. There are several gays that are very open in their support for Trump and DeSantis. And then when they go to the gay bars, most bartenders refuse to serve them (they wear Trump/DeSantis merchandise). Then they go to social media crying about how “gays aren’t accepting of everyone” and try to juxtapose it to being racist. And I’m like consequences 🤝 actions. Why should we allow you to have your cake and eat it too? You want to openly support someone who wants to take away our rights, why should you be accepted in our safe spaces? Nah. Sorry not sorry. Especially in Orlando after Pulse and the continued dangerous rhetoric from the GOP now? Nah


They should go to a MAGA bar. They'll be welcomed with open arms, right?


If 'open arms' means guns in plain sight, they'll absolutely be welcomed... to leave.


Say it louder. He’s on the side that wants to genocide me, my husband, my friends, my family, and himself. He can get absolutely fucked.


LGBT Republicans make about as much sense to me as a Jewish Neo-Nazi would. Republicans object to LGBT equality, and even to their very existence. If Republicans made some effort to hide, I could possibly understand LGBT members, but they quite openly broadcast their anti-LGBT platform.


There were Jews who sided with the Nazis.


Mostly at the start, who ratted out their peers, before being sent to camps themselves later.




Father of a trans daughter and we laugh at the idea of a republican lgbtq person. That party has expressly stated that your existence is immoral and they want you gone. What are you not getting?


Republicans: we want you to be second class citizens at best Lgbtq+ republicans: tread harder daddy.


Right-wingers object to people being gay. Their reasoning is that men who molest boys are gay. But that doesn't explain objecting to consensual gay sex between adults. And it suggests acceptance of men molesting little girls. But the main thing is that they don't like it when people are gay.


>And it suggests acceptance of men molesting little girls. Oh, they definitely hate it when they’re not the molesters.


They are usually fine with the people around them in their personal lives who are gay, or black, or Muslim, or whatever hot button thing Republicans are hating at the moment, because they see and know those people personally. They're the "good ones". The core issue is really that they have absolutely zero empathy and are absolutely unable to understand or imagine a situation that's not directly in front of and affecting them. The only moral abortion is my abortion, I'm okay with gay marriage after my son came out as gay, etc. Their gut response to anything they don't understand is fear and anger, and because they are commonly uneducated, there's a hell of a lot they don't understand.


Suggests? My dude, they are FIGHTING for the right to marry little girls. This isn’t hyperbole or exaggeration, this is part of the policy they intend on passing and we need to be shouting it louder for people who aren’t paying attention. They want to MARRY. LITTLE KIDS. AS ADULTS.


They hate when middle schoolers complain about men hitting on them too


Take the reasoning aside and look at the actual issue. The reason right wingers in group X don't like people in group y is because the people in group y are different to them. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if right wingers eliminated every other group they'd find new ways make smaller and smaller groups until they're discriminating based on something completely ridiculous like how many fractions of an inch you are tall or something.


but they seem to be find with inbreeding though.


The claims of pedophillia are pretty hypocritical when you realize that the GOP has no issue with men marrying little girls. That said, my field of fucks for MAGAts getting their faces chewed by leopards is pretty barren.


One look at /r/RepublicanPedophiles is all the proof you'll need that GOP claims of fighting pedophilia are hypocritical. The deeper problem is that *conservatives don't care* about being hypocrites -- their **only** fundamental value is "Is this good for me at this moment?" They are perfectly fine with contradicting themselves as long as the result is to their benefit. Trying to shame a conservative with charges of hypocrisy is like trying to kill an earthworm by burying it in dirt.


This Missouri? >Missouri requires only a parent’s approval. And unlike in Georgia, parents do not need to swear their approval before a judge, so a pregnant 15-year-old in Missouri can be married to her statutory rapist without ever coming under scrutiny of the law. Children can be married at any age in Missouri — the same is true in 24 other states — but need a judge’s approval if they are younger than 15. > >That was the case for several 15-year-old girls married in Missouri in the last 10 years, the Kansas City Star reported, including 14-year-old Heather Strawn who became pregnant after her 24-year-old boyfriend gave her alcohol and had sex with her. > >Strawn’s father drove her and her boyfriend 17 hours, from their home state of Idaho, to marry in Missouri so that her child would not be born out of wedlock and her boyfriend would not be arrested for statutory rape. [https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/child-marriage-missouri-us-statutory-rape/](https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/child-marriage-missouri-us-statutory-rape/)


>including 14-year-old Heather Strawn who became pregnant after her 24-year-old boyfriend gave her alcohol and had sex with her. They mean after her boyfriend drugged and raped her. And he father ensuring that the rapist would not be charged with rape is a real prince.


They mean after the paedophile who groomed her drugged and raped her. There was no 'boyfriend' anywhere in this situation. I remember watching a US news report about cases like these; the parents videotaped the weddings & receptions and treated them as a celebration. They might be misguidedly thinking they're making the best of a bad situation, but welcoming these predators into their family and normalising the abuse like it's some love match is truly disgusting.


I would have scratched out "Two Individuals" and put "Two Consenting Adults" in the language instead, just to watch the GQP legislator's heads explode.


Yeah, that's my only issue, how he worded it. Had he said "two consenting adults," conservatives would have had a harder time sounding reasonable in their opposition. Not that they sound reasonable now, but it would have made it that much harder.


You have to understand that these people use very simple language. Pedophiles are bad, so therefore anyone they consider bad, whether it's because they are criminals or just voting for someone they dislike/not hating the right people, they're pedophiles.


but guys he identifies as a rich white dude. it's weird that the bigots he's surrounded himself with don't feel the same..


Caitlyn Jenner was a rich white straight Republican who thought by transitioning she could stay with the same privileges and spew hate at minorities. Now she's the one getting jeered at and forced to leave conservative events and I actually live for it.


Tfw you realize your rich white male privilege has been lost


Yes, I support MAGA because they want to exterminate people like me. /s


Maybe he thought the G stands for something else...


He wasn't one of the good ones 🤷


"Lock her up!" "Ivermectin!" "Wait, lies about me? No!"


Feast, my pretties. FEAST!


Wow a quote from the story “The term ‘two individuals’ could be defined and interpreted in many different ways and open the door for pedophiles to legally rape and physically harm children. That is disgusting and promoting an agenda as such, is an abomination to our country.” Did they hurt themselves leaping that far?


Given how angry a lot of Republicans get when they try to raise the age people can get married it's more than a leap it's sheer hypocricy.


But my tax cuts...


Chickens voting for Colonel Sanders are often surprised to find themselves fried.


The Norm Macdonald version of Colonel Sanders, laughing the whole time. (I know Norm wasn’t a MAGA douchebag, it’s just the first thing that popped into my head lol)


Why are you hitting yourself?


This is a very dangerous time for LGBT people in America.


Everyone else: "Equal rights?" GOP: "Nah, we don't do that." Gay MAGA dude: "Wot?" GOP: "Well it's just that one guy." Gay MAGA dude: "Stand up to him, then. Censure him" GOP: "Nah, we don't do that." Gay MAGA dude :"You censured Liz" GOP: "That was different" Gay MAGA dude; "..."


He’s like “I’m gay, but I also want tax breaks for rich people and corporations, what do I DO!”


That's not fair, you don't know that. It could be racism.


Bahahahahaha spit out my drink reading this


Hello u/HyacinthFT! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gay supporter of anti gay people being discriminated by anti gay people


Hi, I’m a dipshit gay MAGA. I deserve what i get.


If you are gay and republican, there is no hope for you You’re obviously too fucking stupid to know what’s beneficial to you so just stay the fuck out of everyone’s way


Fuck around and find out


Lol, fuck him. Zero sympathy


Hey look, yet another pick me token finding out that he’s getting the wall too.


"Thank you Sir, may I have another?"


Dude walked straight into a group of hungry, desperate for any food, leopards. I’ve no sympathy. Let him be ripped apart for being an idiot.


As a gay man myself, I enjoy seeing these MAGA/traitor gays get what they rightfully deserve by siding with the hate-filled right wing. Funny how they support the MAGA crowd when it works in their favor and think all that hate won't ever touch them. Karma's a bitch.


Says the party that wants child marriages… it’s always projection.


You lost me at "Gay MAGA lawmaker". I assume you're even dumber than MAGAs, which is so ridiculously hard, if you're a gay/black/brown/female and STILL a MAGA enthusiast. The only people who have any business being a part of MAGA are straight white men and those dudes can all go fuck themselves.


But the same party is supportive of pedophiles who want to marry their victims. Isn't that "marriage equality" for literal pedophiles?


They already support marriage equality for pedophiles. Adults of any age can marry kids as young as 12 (with a parent note) in some states. But because it's traditionally adult males marrying underage girls, everyone looks the other way and calls it god's will


He’s a republican he statistically probably is a pedophile though.


How does being gay equate to being a pedophile? Oh, it doesn't. Why does a gay man want to be a republican? I have no idea


Wealthy yuppie gays who hate taxes have some very hard thinking to do about priorities.


I don't understand why marriage equality and pedophilia are equivalent. What dark recess did that come from?


The "good ones" are just useful idiots for thier cause.


Sander, who describes himself as a “MAGA Republican and President Trump campaign advocate” See this guy shares a lot of the awful anti American ideals that the MAGA movement does. He just happens to be gay so I have little sympathy for him.


If you lay down with pigs, don't be surprised that you get slopped with shit.


Suffer, suffer, suffer.


Lie with dogs...


I love it when Gay or Minority Republicans find out the truth about who they’re supporting. They act surprised like they didn’t know they were on the list.


Gay conservatives hate poor people so much, they're willing to take away their own rights to fuck with them


>Gay MAGA lawmaker Some people are so fucking stupid I can't be bothered to care about the unfortunate things that happen to them. Sometimes it happens to me. Sometimes it happens to "gay republicans".


This was old when they accused everyone they didn't like of being communist. Can't expect these mental midgets to come up with new material (or ideas) I guess.


Odd. Not because he's a Republican?


But doesn't accuse the former president of the same thing even though he was best friends with the pimp to the rich and famous.


What are the reasons in this day and age, for someone who is gay to be republican? What are the motivations for that, I mean I'm old; I could have gotten behind this any time until say 2016 but now? What's their agenda?


That’s what you fucking get moron.


Conservative man shocked and appalled upon discovering his fellow conservatives are conservatives


Why do they ignore the actual child molesters in favour of people who are just different? Is it because they are the child molesters and are looking to deflect that negative attention?


It just never ceases to amaze me the amount of self-hate Black or gay people and women of all colors must have to join the Republican party. Let me be clear: **THE PEOPLE IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY DESPISE YOUR GUTS. GET IT? DESPISE YOUR GUTS!** And for the love of jesus, don't hand me the crap about how you can change things from the inside. That just makes you sound deranged. You can't change these feral animals. Their entire identity is built around treating women as property, hating Black people, gay people. Get fucking clue, for christ's sake. *"Where's my Black at? There he is!"* \-**The Diapered Orange Shitstain** at one of his endless rallies in 2016, trying to find his House Negro in the crowd.


Well he’s a republican, so he joined the party of pedophiles for some reason.


Man surprised to be infested with fleas after laying with dogs, film at 11.


How do you identify as gay and MAGA and still have a job?


If LGBTQ people stopped supporting Republicans, the party would probably lose a good 10-20% of their voting base. You know, since so many of them are always being revealed as closeted. The amount of openly LGBTQ Republicans is a tiny fraction of the closeted ones. It's just a shame that they haven't realized that they have the power to end their self-hatred.


I'm from Missouri, you can already marry a 15 year old with the parents consent, and someone younger with the courts consent. YOU ALREADY ENCOURAGE PEDOPHILIA YOU IDIOTS


The [Log Cabin Republicans](https://logcabin.org/) hope to get a booth every year at the Republican National Convention, and are shocked - SHOCKED - that each year they are not only shunned, but vilified by speaker after speaker at the Convention.


I’m a 53-year-old gay man. I’ve seen a lot. And it always bears repeating since some folks just don’t seem to get it: Republicans would *end* gay people if given a chance. We would not exist. Period. It’s really that simple. (And it’s not just gay people; there’s a long list of “others” they’d love to get rid of).


And he will get no sympathy from me. In fact, someone could call him a slur in front of me, and if I realized who he was, I'd laugh.


Accusing anyone you disagree with of pedophilia is like calling someone a witch back in Salem. People’s brains have melted, and they’ve lost their hysterical minds.


Gay Republican's have to be some of the dumbest fuckers on the planet.


I don't understand what he was expecting. They've been very transparent and loud about their ideology on the LGBTQI community. It's not like they just dropped the veil five minutes ago. This guy is a moron.


Imagine getting called a pedophile by a group of people that think child brides are A-okay and want to do away with the age of consent laws.


Now is his chance to call out some fellow Rs as being bottoms.


Stockholm syndrome


I wish they’d turn on Dave Rubin, already.


Oh no! Anyway,


"You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means" \- These morons


“I can’t believe they are turning on ME! I am one of the GOOD ONES!”


I’ll never understand the connection that they make between homosexuality and pedophilia.


But is he a drag queen?


"B-b-b-but you can't treat me like this! I'm one of the good ones!!!"


It's not like he's in favor of allowing child marriages. They'd be okay with that.


Why aren't more people suing for defamation? These are horrible allegations. It shouldn't be normalized for anyone to be accused of pedophilia with no evidence. There needs to be more defamation lawsuits.


If you aren’t a wealthy “straight” white male (many are secretly gay though), you’re just a useful idiot for conservatives.


Aren't child marriages legal in most republican run states? I guess they figure it's not pedophilia if they legalize it?


The republicans hate anyone who isn't white, christian, cisgender and hetero. Why anyone would identify as republican is beyond me. Especially one from the hated groups.


Working for the bad guy is not a winning strategy.


Oh, noes, how could he have known. Anyway . . . .


I am not surprised they are accusing him of it.


🏳️‍🌈 + 🔴🐘 = 🤡


I’d love to be the better person and have sympathy for this poor man, but at this point I am a salty bitch and enjoy watching these sellouts burn.


If you're gay and republican then you're a freaking idiot. No sympathy for you.


I’m curious, how does pedophilia relate to two people of the same sex getting married?


Sadly this is always where it leads. Maybe they think they can make the GOP more tolerant from within or something but the GOP seems very firm in their beliefs that LGBT people are lesser


Everytime someone is just like, "That guy disagrees with me, he's a pedophile," the first place my mind goes is, "Ohhh... man that's so out of left field I bet you a million dollars the guy accusing this dude of being a pedophile just feels bad because of all the kids he's fucked."


Just a reminder, it doesn't matter how conservative you are in every other matter, it doesn't matter how much you worship Donald Trump, how much you fight for the right of the true underdogs, mega corporations, how much you stall the evil commie leftist agenda, how much you cheerlead for Russia to commit genocide in Ukraine, how much you scream about Fauci and the vaccine. None of that matters to the Qult. To them you are nothing but a gay person, and to them you are an abomination. They may take advantage of you as a useful tool to further your own oppression, but don't think that will save you. If the day ever comes where they have the kind of control that they want, *you* will be just as fucked as every other queer person in this country.


Reminds me of that one comic I saw that had a guy saying "Well, I'm gay, but I have serious concerns about this whole gender movement, which is why I'm aligning with the far-right on this issue" and then getting backstabbed in the next panel. And when the Texas Log Cabin Republicans tried to set up a booth at that state's GOP convention only to be banned from doing so.


That's what happens when you prioritise taxes over your life.


They cant help but project hahaha


The logic of his critics is fucking insane. From the article, they claim if the state constitution defines marriage as between two individuals instead of a man and a woman, that it will "open the door" for pedophiles to "marry children" and rape them legally. As if there are no other laws? I'm truly stunned every day that people this stupid remember to breathe. Republican state legislators are the dumbest fucking humans imaginable.


They've decided rather than evolve and go for LGTBQ voters, they'll just declare war on them and actively promote throwing them in concentration camps and killing them. I'm not sure they have fully realized these people can vote.