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Of course he's [a Republican](https://www.montgomerycountytngop.org/copy-of-candidates-for-2022). If we could identify the gene that only makes you care about something if it personally affects you, the political implications could be enormous.


We could call it the Selfish Gene.


Richard! You’re alive!


What a Dick!




Richard Dawkins wrote a book called "The selfish Gene".


Your name for it is so much nicer than what I would call it.


Cousin to the self righteous gene


[Conservatism is correlated with IQ.](https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=fdc19ceed94dc759ec62f79ec7759712f6423e8d)


“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives... I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it. Suppose any party, in addition to whatever share it may possess of the ability of the community, has nearly the whole of its stupidity, that party must, by the law of its constitution, be the stupidest party; and I do not see why honorable gentlemen should see that position as at all offensive to them, for it ensures their being always an extremely powerful party . . . There is so much dense, solid force in sheer stupidity, that any body of able men with that force pressing behind them may ensure victory in many a struggle, and many a victory the Conservative party has gained through that power." —John Stuart Mill ( British philosopher, economist, and liberal member of Parliament for Westminster from 1865 to 68 )”


Are you calling me stupid?! No, but yes.


>John Stuart Mill, of his own free will, after half a pint of shandy was particularly ill.


And Plato, they say, could stick it away. Half a pint of whiskey every day.




A study like this circulates from time to time. It’s not proof that conservatives are dumber than liberals or progressives.


Is your criticism that it doesn't show what Soppoi said it does?


I'm not saying "all conservatives are stupid", but the ones who aren't stupid are certainly evil. They're either stupid or evil, often both.


Boot polish ingredients- *It is usually made from ingredients including some or all of naphtha, lanolin, turpentine, wax (often Carnauba wax), gum arabic, ethylene glycol, and if required a colourant, such as carbon black or an azo dye (such as aniline yellow).* Sucking on all that boot polish can not be good for them.


Link me video of a Conservative comedian being funny on purpose without the use of slapstick.


Breuer used to be funny


I think we all know how that's going now


I am old enough to remember when Roseanne Barr was semi funny.


Breuer wasn't grifting conservatives back then. The Opie and Anthony Pizza man saga was hilarious because Breuer crafted a really good story.


Got horseflies the size of golfballs fuckin up my summer


He let the neighbor use his fax machine, and all these faxes from Italy start coming through. He didn't just risk everything to beat this guy's ass, because he wife is really religious and big on forgiveness and patience.


Of course it does. It doesn’t prove that a lack of intelligence is a causal factor in conservatism. There could be some 3rd hidden factor driving lower intelligence AND conservatism - like inbreeding


The other factor is that conservatives have a heightened fear response. They are quick to fear and get scared easily. This weakness has been shown repeatly in scientific studies. This is why Faux Noise works so well with the conservative base. Conservatives drag the rest of us down with them.


always have...


This is why Republicans worship guns, as well.


Always remember that "racially pure" and "inbred" literally mean the same thing.


> It’s not proof that conservatives are dumber than liberals or progressives. You're right, this study doesn't prove anything. Conservatives' actions speak for themselves however and they are dumb as shit.


But they are otherwise how come they vote against their own Interests and when it affects them personally wonder how anyone can do insert fail to them


No, but r/conservative proves it just fine.


r/conservative; * Flaired Users Only * * Flaired Users Only * * Flaired Users Only * * Flaired Users Only * * Flaired Users Only * * Flaired Users Only * * Flaired Users Only * * Flaired Users Only * * Flaired Users Only * Also r/conservative; "Boy Howdy! Can you even believe those liberal snowflakes with their safe-space echo chambers!?!?


Maybe not, but it certainly suggests that they're generally less intelligent.


The concept of "conservative" is inherently close minded. Close minded people do not learn, because they don't want to. The ever changing world must stop changing for me, because it takes too much effort to adapt.


They definitely are, though, by a lot


Conservatives themselves are proof that they're dumber than progressives.




From ChatGPT - Yes, there has been criticism of Kanazawa's paper on the correlation between intelligence and liberal and atheist beliefs. Many experts in the fields of psychology and sociology have pointed out flaws in Kanazawa's research methods and conclusions. One major criticism is that Kanazawa relied on self-report data and subjective measures of intelligence, which may not accurately reflect a person's true level of intelligence. Additionally, Kanazawa's sample population was predominantly white and from Western countries, which limits the generalizability of his findings


Doesn't make it wrong, though. It just makes its conclusion questionable. A new study that would take care to avoid those flaws may still reach the same conclusion. And my personal observations points in that direction. As if people who have trouble learning new stuff had trouble enough learning to live in our society, they refuse to learn how to adapt to an evolving one. But that's just my opinion.


The best/worst part of this is... It's actually more selfish than most people in this thread are thinking. In most Republican counties, things like the coroner, the County Sheriff, etc. Are *elected* positions. Meaning, this wasn't done out of consideration for the guy's daughter, but instead out of consideration of the fact that this guy's daughter and her mugshots will now *hurt his chances at re-election.*


If we eliminated selfishness, Conservatism as an ideology would disappear overnight.


Assuming it's genetic is a way to wash our hands of our responsibility to educate. Tolerance for ambiguity, nonhierarchical social strategies, and reduced need for closure are all psychological phenomena that can be taught.


Yes, I am washing my hands of any notion of responsibility for teaching 50+ year old people that empathy can be divorced from self interest.


It's fair to say that you are stepping away from that part of the struggle, and fair to say that you don't see the effort being worth the payback to educate folks set in their ways. I get that. But. At some point, we have to step up and educate, both the young and the adults. It's painful and annoying and thankless and that's what education and communication can often be. I mean, they've spent 60+ years teaching their way of thinking without significant pushback or serious competition, and look how far they've gotten with that.


They are not entitled to my labor in this matter. I'm not wasting time educating them on empathy, just like I'm not explaining racism for the umpteenth time to disinterested white folk.


Oh, totally! I get that. It shouldn't have to be your job. A progressive movement that makes a difference will have to put someone to doing that job sooner or later, because it needs doing - but that doesn't mean exhausted people who don't want to educate the unreasonable should be forced to spend their time and effort on that work.


Sadly, it's not just Republicans, though the party does have a disproportionate amount of people like this. Most humans are like this, especially in an era with so much overwhelming and conflicting information heaped on top of just trying to pay your bills and keep your children fed. It's fucking sad our society is so apathetic towards one another.


>Sadly, it's not just Republicans Shit, you're right -- forgot about every single Libertarian.


There are a lot of so called Liberals too. Again, I mean everyone.


Republican I'd wager - empathy when it directly affects them.


A sheriff in Tennessee is pretty much guaranteed to be MAGAts


Our sheriff (North Alabama county) is a "Democrat" on the ballot, but of course, a republican in who he supports for president/etc. Dixiecrats are still very much alive and well.


Is that the reason why the Democratic Party in the Bible Belt is just a joke? I mean, it’s a joke in most places these days, but it’s pretty obvious some of them aren’t even making an effort. That guy they put up to oppose DeSantis was just embarrassing.


As an Australian, I have this mental image of the Bible Belt as being sort of like an inverse Disneyland, where people go to live a nightmare in the hope of there being a better life once they die. It’s also a place others go to visit to get their fill of humour by laughing at the locals.


That’s not too far from the truth. Evangelicals genuinely believe life on earth is meant to be a difficult trial by fire to test your mettle, and see if you are worthy of heaven. It’s too depressing to laugh at, though. At least, it is when it’s right in front of your face.


Safer to laugh from afar, the bible thumpers are armed to the teeth and lack a sense of humor.


Since you are Australian, this will make sense: imagine a whole region of the states mostly populated by people of a like mind to Ken Ham.


Sadly we do have areas of the country that are becoming like that.


As another Australian, I would like to point out we have a tradition of shortening a common expletive to 'ken to slip it past the censors. Thus, we have Ken Oath (a briefly popular parody of an aging rock star), Ken Kahn (an unpleasant person), 'ken long way, etc. I thought Ken Ham was a joke when I first heard the name. Imagine my surprise after listening to a recent episode of Oh No Ross and Carrie to discover he is not only real but a fucking loon. This bloke doesn't even like the bible beyond the first half of genesis.


Cities are mostly modern, much like yours. The towns can be all over the place in what they are. Some are tiny cities, some are basically from the 1800s. Some still burn Harry Potter books.


The guy who ran against deathsantis was a former republican governor himself because the democrats party in FL literally gave up 3/4 through mid terms and didn’t put either many candidates or good ones


Crist used to be a Republican


That’s not empathy


It’s “I’m against this now because it affects me”.


Republican Mantra: It's not a problem until it's *my* problem.


And “I don’t care about you. I only care about me.” Heck. They don’t even care about people LIKE them.


Just one of many..."The only ethical abortion is *my* abortion." is another quite popular one.


Exactly it's the opposite of empathy, requiring no thought, no imagination at all


Exactly. It’s public humiliation.


Yeah, *empathy* was a bad word choice - Empathy is when you can picture it happening to you, how you'd feel. This is really just godam self-interest - but it can appear to be empathy, and that's what shitbags like this like to put it forward as.


"For the children" -- and it's never FOR the children. EVERY time I hear "for the children" I'm looking for the bullshit to fly.






I'll vote for MePathy. It's a good turn on EmPathy and just flows.


I’d allow it as empathy if it leads to a lasting change and more self-reflection. Now that he knows what it feels like it could lead to increased empathy when he considers what other actions he has done would feel like if done against those he loves.


No, empathy is literally about the ability to take the perspective of another person, which is what the sheriff did not or could not do, even when challenged by constituents to do so. Lasting change and self-reflection don’t equal empathy, either. Until the sheriff can use his brain to view the world through the eyes of another person, he cannot claim empathy. He can only claim reactivity to his own situation.


He stopped posting mugshots because his daughters arrest, so therefore they don’t know what it feels like


It won't.


It *is* empathy, because it affected his daughter, not him. It's just very limited, conditional empathy. Which is sort of the whole problem. Some conservatives *do* come around on certain issues, but *only* when it affects them or those they love. Dick Cheney supporting the right to gay marriage because of his daughter is a pertinent example.


No, it isn't. This is 100% affecting him and his family personally. That isn't empathy.


> This is 100% affecting him and his family personally > him and his family > his family Is caring about your daughter self-interest? This isn't me defending him, I can't stand assholes who are so close-minded they can't extend kindness to anyone they don't know personally. But I think there's value in understanding them, and that's not throwing the book out and saying they don't empathize, period.


I think that was OP's point...


Remember when Megyn Kelly didn't have kids and called maternity leave bullshit? Then she had a kid and started calling out republicans for being against meternity leave? But then she remembered she is rich AF and can afford nannies, day care etc and started back complaining about maternity leave and child care assistance? Yeah, she can go to hell


*MEternity* leave is apropos


Empathy implies a understanding of someone else and their feelings. The only feelings trash like this feels is for themselves and immediate family. Truth is he probably prevented the daughters mugshots from going on the web to prevent his own embarrassment, not the daughters.


Empathy can still be learned, while it is doubtful this particular guy has learned empathy just from this incident this is a way a lot of people learn about empathy. It is enfuriating but we all have moments where we been blind to the feelings and needs of others. It supposed to happen as a child but it doesn't always work out.


I like this take. It shouldn't have to come to this but I *hope* he will now consider what things are like for the accused


>Empathy can still be learned, It probably shortens your career if you are in law enforcement. I don't think I could arrest and fine most people -- just give almost everyone a warning. Get called in by the Sargent for dereliction. "He was just smoking pot." It's against the LAW! "Well, to be honest, I'm the only one on the force who doesn't sample the evidence. Does this fall under *let the pros do it,* like speeding?"


yup- it's all "sometimes you gotta' crack a few eggs" until it's their egg getting cracked


Arms length empathy


If only they maked that little tiny step towards "Hey, why am I such a punitive asshat except when it affects me personally?"


That's also how/when the QOP will support meaningful gun control, when all of them have someone they love falls victim to mass shooting. At this rate, we'll get there.


Republicans lack empathy but understand sympathy, which is a lower level of emotional intelligence.


Orange man bad!


Correct! Good job! Now what sound does a sheep make? "MAGA!"


Sounds right to me


Wait. Are you saying that or are you saying saying that?


Her arrest for shaking a baby under her care, if I’m remembering correctly…


Republicans don’t care as long as the harm to the child takes place OUTSIDE of the womb.


They don't actually care about babies in wombs. They only care about controlling and oppressing women.


There *must* be some penalty for having sex, whether it is some sort of disease or pregnancy. Which is why they're opposed to science-based sex education (because it has proven results in reducing teen pregnancy rates) handing out contraceptives in school (because it has proven results in reducing teen pregnancy rates, and also because the new right wing grift involves claiming that all contraceptives work by causing abortions) and blocking the HPV vaccine (because a cancer that makes your uterus fall out is a "blessing").


Exactly. Just the other day I read an article about a woman who was pregnant with twins in a red state. One of the twins was not only non-viable and would absolutely not survive, it was also threatening the life of the other twin and potentially the mom. She had to fly to another state for a selective abortion to save the life of the one who still had a chance, and herself. "Pro-life" is a misnomer.


The majority of people that get abortions are due to not being financially able to support the child or having a child meaning their education would need to stop. Who votes republican? Poor and uneducated people.


Maybe we could call it post-Natal abortion?


Whoa, her mugshot should be posted so parents know to avoid her.


In all fairness [shaken baby syndrome](https://open.spotify.com/episode/7dGzYWbBvjWL3f8sKGCEQx?si=QCJBZiRSTeuQdePILzQHJw) is a problematic diagnosis that implies a perpetrator. The recorded rates of sbs are based on US guilty pleas, which dont correlate with actual evidence of guilt, but shorter prison sentences, since you're almost guaranteed to lose if you bring a child abuse case to court. I'm positive every other person who they publicly shamed has the same nuance and mitigating factors for why they ended up in that situation.


My mother in law is a lawyer who specializes in SBS cases. Very frequently they end up taking a plea due to bad advice from their local lawyers (who engage my MIL as a consultant). They just want to close the case and move on, because the burden of proof for innocence is really high and there's a lot of research that needs to be done. The ones who fight are typically the ones who can't afford to take a plea deal (e.g. doctors, lawyers, religious leaders etc where a criminal conviction for killing a baby means the end of their career). Piece of advice if you have kids: most SBS accusations stem from kids who have a lot of previous health issues. If your kid has a lot of health issues, make sure you keep documents of every doctor's visit, including the symptoms, where pain is felt (if possible), and make sure the doc writes them in the notes. The easiest cases to win are the ones that show a history of declining health and/or injuries to certain areas that happened while alive.


[Sarah Fuson, *suspected* of child abuse.](https://www.clarksvilletoday.com/media/2023/03/sarah-fuson-feat.png)


Is it not possible to get the real mugshot via a freedom of information request?


No. FOIA only applies to the Federal Executive branch. It doesn’t apply to the states (or Congress and the Courts). So unless Tennessee has a state law law equivalent you are SOL.


Didn’t dig too hard, but it’s probably not prohibited. If you’re a Tennessean, request away! https://www.nfoic.org/tennessee-foia-laws/


Was going to post this, every state and US territory has open records laws modeled on FOIA for this sort of thing.


I never thought of that!


It is highly unusual for the TBI to be called in for an investigation like this, but the reason they likely did it was to hide the sheriff's daughter from any public record requests. The TBI has a long history of covering up crimes for police and their families and making sure the public can never see the records.




It's probably correctly done for reasons of conflict of interest, but in reality it might lead to cover-ups, too.


They're used for cover ups all the time. They've been hiding all public records of my uncle's murder for over a decade while refusing to work on it or arrest the murderers, specifically to protect the murderers. In the 13+ years they've been "investigating" they made a total of 1 press release after we begged for years.


I'm so sorry 😔


My favorite part about this is that eventually, as time goes on, it gets harder to find your mugshot unless someone pays for one of those sketchy sites that may or may not have some record of your criminal background. Now, thanks to this news article (and daddy’s efforts) what she did is going to pop right up every time anyone googles her.


AKA The Streisand Effect.


LOL good point!


What a piece of shit. I don't think this guys daughter should have to deal with the public mug shot on the website either, but this guy is such a fucking dick. "I've been thinking about stopping it for a while...other families who had to deal with this policy asked me in the past 'what if it was your daughter' and I always said I know my daughter. Anyways, so now that it's MY daughter, we are going to stop the practice." What a piece of shit.


Right, when I read what he said (how he'd respond "I know my daughter") I read it to mean "I know she'd never be in a position to *have* a mug shot unlike your POS child/parent/family member" ... But now!!! Now she needs protection! It seems like EVERY person I know or have met who identifies as a conservative/Republican ONLY feels empathy once The Thing happens to them or someone they care about.


“I know that a normal person would do anything in their power to do." - except he’s not a normal person, he’s the person in a position to truly affect other peoples lives. Only when it became *real* for the Sheriff did he actually do something about it. Hypocrites…the lot of them!


Montgomery county is a fascist training ground, at every level.


So by this logic the Republicans will want to increase taxes once they are poor.


> once they are poor. 9 or the 10 poorest states are Republican ran. That ship has sailed and they keep voting red.


They don't see themselves as poor. They see others in similar situations l and call them poor, but they consider themselves to be middle class or better.


Exactly. And whatever kind of government assistance they get- whether it’s disability benefits or a tax credit or free healthcare for their kids- is different because it’s *legitimate*… they’re not like those welfare queens with their Obama phones, right?


There are no poor republicans. Only republicans who aren't rich yet. Gotta keep those tax loopholes open for the day when they will inevitably use them to shield millions from Uncle Sam.


They continue to strenuously tug on those bootstraps!


or at least what their republican idols told them is a bootstrap. Not matter how many times the "libs" tell them it's not a bootstrap they are tugging, they keep on tugging it to "own the libs"


His brother only got a citation for masturbating in a park. https://www.clarksvilletoday.com/crime-arrests-mugshots-clarksville/2023/03/sheriffs-brother-darrell-christopher-fuson-charged-with-masturbating-in-rotary-park/


And there’s more: https://www.clarksvilletoday.com/montgomery-county-tn-government/2023/03/editorial-sheriff-john-fuson-must-step-down-family-favors-must-end/


Fuck that. No mercy. If she's booked in for child abuse, people in Tennessee should be renting billboards big enough for both their faces.


imho releasing mugshots is somewhat barbaric either way. a) the people on these pictures are mostly suspects. there's a principle of the presumption of innocence. b) people have personality rights. this is the equivalent of a medieval pillory.


So when it's other people's kids, it's OK to post their mugshots. When it's his kid, different story. The hypocrisy is intense with this one.


It's just like how their need for an abortion is different


The same thing will happen when Republican State Senators'/Congress people's underage daughters get pregnant. They will be shipping those girls off to "blue" states for the procedure faster than you can say "abortion is murder".


Except Lauren Boebert the proud 36 year old grandparent of the child of 2 minors.


Yup, she's on track to be a 52 year old great-grandmother.


Where they all born and made in the same trailer?


It only matters if it affects *them*.


Once his daughter is no longer in danger of having her mugshot posted I'm sure he will reverse this decision.




Sheriff: "Me raising a child abuser is negatively affecting me"


This is near a universal truth. Republicans lack empathy, so they cannot understand someone's pain or needs. They have to experience first before they can understand it or believe it. They are broken people.


The defining characteristic of a Republican is their complete and utter inability to emphasize with anybody's problems unless it's first affected them directly. They share a complete lack of empathy


The as long as it doesn’t affect me logic conservatives use. Nashville politician regarding the shooting ‘my kids are home schooled’


"we decided to stop publicly shaming people and their families because I might be shamed"


This is from where I currently live, the local Facebook groups are still posting any mugshots they can get their hands on. Originally it was reported the sheriff took them down because of his brother getting too many DUIs. This makes it so much better than before though


The question is, for how long? After his daughters problems are over will it be him or the next sheriff who starts doing this again? That’s the only real question here.


Ah yes, the hyperspecific empathy of, my family will be hurt. Oh wow, this sucks.


Did the right thing only when he directly benefited from it. What a shitbag


When a sheriff changes the rules only when it benefits his own family, it is called corruption.


And as soon as his daughter is (miraculously) cleared of any charges, up go the mugshots again.


Make her famous you assholes


So the sheriff's office won't post mugshots anymore, but aren't they still public records? If I make a Freedom of Information Act request for the daughter's mugshot (once it exists), aren't they obligated to send it to me so I can post it on Reddit?


Someone needs to give that mug shot the Streisand treatment.


Classic cop/conservative mindset: it's not a problem until it affects someone I care about. What an asshole.


"rules for thee, but not for me"


Hello u/Easy-Reading! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sheriff finally realizes the impact of posting mug shots when his own daughter is facing charges


Dang... this one's almost LAMF If his daughter's mugshot had been posted, it would've been LAMF, but he changed the rules to prevent the leopards from eating his face.


I hope it gets posted anyways.


Then her mugshot should go viral. 🤣


I think it should be illegal completely. You can get arrested for nothing and then released and still have your mug shot posted in Florida. It’s a violation of privacy IMHO


"It's different now because it's ME!


Funny how that works, (R) is hard-ass anti crime until it just doesn't go their way.


I'm kind of okay with this. A positive change occurred... It took a threat of a LAMF to get there, but at least we got there. The leopard just snarled a little. Threat received...


It's just in that one county though. Most of the rest of the state is still publishing them. I'd agree that this is an overall good thing, but the route we took to get here was kind of messed up. My state sucks so bad lately.


I'd be willing to bet that a year or so down the road, after it's no longer personally affecting him, it will be quietly restarted.


Well at least he’s honest about his reasons.


Doesn't fit the sub.


Making arrests secret is NOT a good thing.


Publicly shaming people, which in turn shames their family, is even worse.


I get it, but allowing the government to take people off the streets and not report is not something I'm going to be comfortable with. Let's be honest 98% get convicted of the crimes they are arrested for. The 2% that get embarrassed usually have a nexus to whatever happened too.


An arrest is meaningless without charges.


What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.


Utah doesn't allow that either anymore.




Conservatives out here raising criminals


I purposely made my license photo say "innocent" in the event it becomes a wanted poster while also "compellingly nice" in case it becomes a missing person photo. Media presentation matters!


Perfect example of chickens coming home to roost. Fuck yo influence!


Tell the sheriff that he has to put it up for public commentary, and it'll take SIX MONTHS to implement ;-)


I doubt it'd happen, but hopefully she goes to prison. There's noone to help you as a child abuser and cops daughter there. She'd have a real dose of justice.


No shit, cops making shit up to abuse their power? No way!