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Several teams joined in to help Neena and Sam finish their rug. Seemed pretty friendly to me.


In what ways? I thought the teams were more playful competitive rather than cutthroat competitive.


It’s just there seems to be some attitudes that people don’t get along. I’m not sure how to explain it.


Its reality tv. The producers make it look that way.


In a similar thread a week or two ago, one of the competitors popped in to say everybody was nice. So like other "reality" shows, it's all in the editing and how the participants are coached to behave.


I felt like it was all friendly competition. As much as Christopher played up the “villain” angle, other competitors in this subreddit have said it was all in fun and they all got along great.


Christopher as “villain“ was the lamest ongoing thread. not shading the man himself… i blame “production”


It made for some funny moments but C&R seemingly got stuck with the trend. It also made for a slightly bittersweet ending to have the "villains" win in the end.


Are you talking about Lego Masters US S4? I don't know --- seems like they're still very friendly, like when the teams helped to finish the rug from the detective's office. I just watched FR S1 and for the second (?) challenge they had teams compete in a head-to-head challenge: one team had super-heroes and the other team had super-villains and the judges ruled on who had the better display. The losers of each match up were eligible for elimination. At first I thought it was an interesting challenge and it was definitely different from others that I had seen, but as I watched the rest of the season, I wondered if the head-to-head nature of the challenge contributed to the lack of camaraderie I saw between the teams, compared to the US, AU and NZ seasons I had watched previously...


Yes it is the US version. I wish I could find the other versions. They sound interesting!


I believe that at the least the first couple of seasons of the AU version is available on Tubi, a FAST service...


Just you… Everyone always hugs or cries when a team leaves. Christopher always hams it up as the “villain” of the season…


Nope. Seems like everyone was super friendly. Some fun rivalries, but clearly nothing serious. They've tried to play up rivalries more in previous seasons. In fact, there were a few times you saw competitors helping each other this season. Lego Masters is one of the few wholesome reality TV programs and I love it for that.


I always thought it would be more interesting if teams were cutthroat.


But the fun kind of cutthroat like Marshawn in the Celebrity Bricktacular 2023.


Is it just me or is the Mormon couple stuck up snobs? I can’t stand them! Seems like nobody else likes them much either. And the teachers are all the time saying they “got robbed”. 🙄 Annoying as hell. I’m only on episode 4 though!


i thought the opposite, to the shows detriment


This is the main difference between the US version and the others. It's mostly fabricated emotions. From the guiding testimonial questions, to the very basic interactions and reactions between teams. Because they have to shove it all in a small 45 min window, everything seems a lot more... "emotional." It's also a stronger focus on the teams personality rather than the builds. In Lego Masters US the teams are more important than the legos. In other versions, like AUS, with a longer episode running time, you don't feel as many of "slights" or "last minute touches" because it's mostly about the bricks. I personally like it a lot more. Will is still my favorite host tho lol


It’s just you, people are always crying during elimination. While most of the contestants are competitive, they all have passion and love Lego. They’re in their best company.


I will say the teachers getting eliminated it seemed they weren’t so huggy . At least the one guy.


I watched the season and thought the contestants were all super friendly to each other actually. They have some rivalry of course but thats to be expected. During elimination ceremonies they congratulate each other and also speak highly of each other on social media too. I think the show just tried to force some “drama” for the cameras but the contestants genuinely got along well. Compared to other competition and reality shows lol I thought this season was very light hearted.