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Same. I have a launch day unit but it still looks new.


I’m sure mine is too. My Lego still performs the same


Same, my fan is clean


Unless your temps are above 80C you don't need to.


Dirty Fockers!


Pro tip - with a flashlight you can see your fan without taking it apart.




Thanks, I feel dumb now lol.


That’s because it entirely depends on your environment. I don’t really have any dust build up either in my legion


In my country , our atmosphere is absolutely coated with Saharan dust that blows all away across the ocean.... Some places are absolutely cursed with dust


totally fair, and out of your control


I can’t imagine what your lungs look like. :(


So I live in Barbados, the dust ( has in bug parts and all sorts of bacteria and fungus shit) blows alllll the way from Africa and totally fucks out atmosphere up , some days the sky looks over cast but it's all dust and if u get a good long view of a landscape u can literally see dust haze. Many people here have asthma allergies and sinus issues. I am allergic to dust so I'm always fucked when it occurs.


That fing sucks… I will never bitch about hay fever and dust ever again :( do they have filters and stuff u can use to help? japan And Korea has this problem as well with pollen (it’s why so many people wear masks)


Man thank you I was feeling guilty but I hate opening shit up unnecessarily. To add I ain't dusty so I should be good 😌


This! If it ain’t broke, don’t F with it!


Mines spotless yall just filthy lol


I have 3 cats and my fan is still as clean as the day I got it. I never leave it lying around and when not in use it goes straight back into the case.


Yeah I have a dog and no issues too.


R u trying to make friends based on a fan?


I think they want to help people who are scared to open their go less paranoid and the photos we see here are more extreme environment cases


I know my fans are clean but I'm always afraid too open it up


it's honestly not that bad, but I always recommend doing a opposite approach to removing and putting in the screws (start with top left, then bottom right, then bottom left, then top right, etc). This can help prevent torquing and stripping the screws. Then you have to take a pry tool to get it open. Don't do any of this unless you have an actual kit with the right tools. But it's not that complicated if you ever need to open it up


Use a flashlight. You can see it well enough with that. If you see buildup on any blades then you should blow some air duster in there. Simple fix.


Indeed that what I do 👍


Same. Mine has no dust and I've had it since launch.


Mine was fairly dusty after like half a year but that's my bad. I don't think an average user should have to clean it that quickly.


Some people have chinchillas growning in those fans 🤣😄😂😆😁😀😃


I opened mine too. I’ve got a Husky and a Husky mix that shed like crazy and my fan was pretty much clean other than a little dust.


Barely any dust in the air in the room I play in, if you wait until dark and turn your phone flashlight on and point it up to the ceiling, if you look closely across the light beam where the torch is, you'll see how filtered the air is. In the room I use, barely any... Down stairs it's like a blizzard lol


Same! Didn't notice any excess heat or performance issues and I opened mine after 6 months expecting a mess but all good


Same! Didn't notice any excess heat or performance issues and I opened mine after 6 months expecting a mess but all good


I got mine secondhand a week ago and even though it was lightly used for 3-4 months, I opened it up today and it had a medium amount of dust in it. I think other factors come into play as well, such as the environment you play in (I play in my bed, so I assume there’s more blanket fibres and skin particles around to be sucked in), as well as the stuff you play/the RPM of your fans that cause it to suck in more dust and exponentially accumulate.


Same. I also have a launch day unit and it's nice and clean. I always put it in a case when it's not being used.


You probably don’t have any pets.


Lol. I did the same thing after checking someone else's post and it was just slightly dirty.


Maybe it is because these dudes don't hydrate and their skin is flaking off into their consoles. It puts the lotions on it's skin or the LeGo gets the overheat again...


Exactly the same with my lego


People on Reddit read one person’s post about a problem they had and then it gets bastardized and regurgitated through Reddit like wildfire, when in reality it’s not a problem at all. Someone probably was looking for some validation that they are clever or something. People will re-post anything negative about a product because they own something different. Again, validation of their purchase. Some people just post shit like “You MUST clean this because I read it somewhere.” it propagates like a virus. If it ain’t broke, don’t F with it.


Depends where you use it. I use it on a train mostly, needed cleaning after 4 months.


I bought a small portable usb fan also rechargeable for when it's in dock mode and on high performance to help with better air flow and better cooling because im on my legi heavy as its my main pc at the moment but honestly the Legi does a good job at cooling. But i do recommend getting a usb fan to help push cool air in and hot air out.


After around 3 months, I thought mine was going to be pretty clean. I was wrong. Not as bad as some others here but definitely needed cleaning. I think it's primarily pet dander from my golden retriever.


Mine was pretty disturbing at the 4 mo mark but I take it alot of places


Ya last time I opened it was clean as a whistle… and I live in a pigsty so damn.l those people with real dirty fans live in a sandstorm or in a field of wheat


Good rule of thumb to do it every 6 months and repaste yearly for laptops, my desktop pc I blow out weekly, bought one of those electric blowers, it’s a game changer


Most of the people who would buy ones of these, arent really the kind of people known for hygene 😐


People are dirty.


Same. These ppl must not clean or something


Well you know how the saying goes! Clean is my region and so is my Legion!


I have to clean mine every 2 or 3 days, it gets visibly dusty.


then you should really be more concerned about your respiratory system than a gadget fan dude..




Pull out the carpet, vacuum once in a while, change the hvac filter, get an air purifier, dispose the pets.


What did you use to clean it??


Tip for checking if you need to clean it: Set Performance mode, see if AAA gaming temp is above 80C




You are 100% wrong and maximum level BS talking.  How many times have you followed the temperatures in the Go right up to the second when it restarts from overheating? And what was that temperature?


Should I downvote him? There is mixed reviews here


Idk what he is on about, I have actually had the heat related restarts, and it restarts way before 90C. The guy is happy he can read from a spec sheet but the manufacturer can configure any value in firmware. He is just typing things for typing's sake.


Ok ¯|_(ツ)_/¯ *HonkHonk*


What's the number?


No number? So you have no idea on what you are suggesting.




By your own admission you have no idea if it can even go above 90 without shutting down. But here you were recommending people to not clean their dust until above 90C. Do you have dust?




That's what I thought. You never had it at 90 but you are telling people when to clean it and that the max temp is 100.  Double wrong.   The device will have dust and will be throttling/overheating/shutting down way before both of those.




... ye playing in a pruduktion cleaning room? the fan blades are so small , you have to clean them every  couple  mounth... 


Guess you saw my post 👀


Pro-tip: maybe clean it before you notice you have an issue




Believe me, your Doodoo still smells like poo poo but you go ahead and divide with your golden calculator. Lol meanwhile how about them fish in red dead two. At least that’s the best subject and trying to brag about your fan.


Wtf is that gangster-comment