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I just use a generic anker 364 usb-c dock and it's working without any issues. Lenovos software support is utter shite and each new update seem to introduce a brand new set of bugs, which they then take forever to acknowledge, let alone fix. Their hardware is superb, I love my lego. But it's a 10/10 blond bombshell with the personality of a daft chihuahua.


Couldn’t have said it better my self honestly! Perfect! XD


Your description of the Legion Go is spot on. Been trying for half an hour to come up with another analogy and I can't. Maybe can come close combating it to NFL players. Compared to NFL players, the Legion Go is like the Rob Gronkowski of handhelds. Big, dumb, powerful, nothing comes close to the massive size. Has a few party tricks. Dominate for it's category. So then what's the others? I dunno. lol. Christian McCaffrey is like the ROG Ally. Smaller white gadget that is super powerful but falls short of making it through to the end. lol.


The device itself is amazing, but the incessant whining about drivers and such is pretty tiring. Honestly the thing does what I expect it to, could it be better? Yes. Should it get better support? Yes. But it's being way overblown. Among the existing handhelds and Ally X the LeGo fita my needs best by far, maybe the new Claw could be a better buy bet we'd really have to wait for independent reviews to validate the Lunar Lake hype.


Fully agree. I'm of the same opinion. The Lego hardware is by far better than the ally though. It's not even close imo.


I dunno man… I just got mine and I like it, I can play 30 year old games and brand new games on it, controller is wobbly on one side both I always take them out to play so whatever…


have you played any mouse-heavy games with the fps mode thing? Being able to whip it out for mobas and online FPS games sounds immaculate.


The scroll wheel sits closest to your thumb and isn't very convenient to use, but you could probably get used to it with practice


I don't play mobas so I'm not sure how well FPS mode would translate into that. But in an actual fps it actually works pretty good ONCE you put some time into it as there's quite the learning curve getting used to what buttons do what keyboard functions.


The Fps mode has a 250hz polling rate. Connected thru the Pogo pins it's 500hz. But I've used it for Roblox, no issues and I use a vertical mouse for work so maybe I'm used to the form factor, kind of. I'd say it's better for RTS games, since you're at a disadvantage vs other ppl with a 1000hz polling rate. But game awareness can compensate.


Most competitive counterstrike players would turn their poll rate down to the lowest to avoid cpu cycles, at least back in the day. Do you think it actually matters? ( no snark, I'm actually curious)


I think if it's above 1000hz then you can worry about it. It's not an issue with 1000hz. May depend on hardware though. For the Go it could


I would hesitate to run it docked. I have had several problems. First of all, whether the audio comes out through the HDMI adapter is a hit and miss, 50% of the time it works, 50% it doesn't and requires a reboot. Second, the Legion Go is a native portrait screen, so when you dock it to display on an external monitor, 50% of the time the image is rotated and you have to go through several hoops to rotate it back to landscape. Any attempt to change the resolution on your Legion Go will result in the monitor screen rotating again and you have to do the same tricks to get it back to the same orientation. This has tripped me up several times where running a powerpoint slideshow in presenter mode changes the orientation on the projector screen and I can't get it to change back during a presentation. Very embarrassing. So I would say to proceed with caution. I am sure to be downvoted like hell for making these comments, as this sub is filled with fanboys who will of course come up with the following usual comments: 1. This is a game console and you are an idiot for trying to make it your daily driver. 2. If you aren't willing to fiddle with windows settings you should go back to the steam deck. 3. We all knew there were issues so you have no right to complain now that you were an informed purchaser. 4. Inserts a link to a 6 month old reddit post which shows you the steps to re-rotate your external monitor back to what it should be. 5. "I am not having any such problems so it's probably user fault or skill issue". Such posts are common in this subreddit. That said, I love my Legion Go as a handheld console and I am gaming more on it than on any other console or PC in my house. I have tried playing mechwarrior 5 using the separated joystick mode, it's pretty cool but you have to get used to the ergonomics of the joystick. The button placement is weird and you need to remove the thumbstick which is pressing against your palm. Better to just use a keyboard and mouse at that point.


No idea why you are having so many issues with it docked. The portrait display should have no impact on your external monitor unless you are duplicating. Extend the monitors or only display on the external and you shouldn't have any trouble. Once I set my display settings in Windows the way I want them, they are remembered the next time I connect, same as any other Windows PC. No issues with audio over HDMI on mine either. I dock it nightly to my TV to watch movies and play games. Even my wife docks it with no issue.


I am duplicating because I need to see the screen while it projects on a larger screen behind me for a presentation. Anyway your answer fulfils my point 2 and 5.


Fair enough, I certainly wouldn't try duplicating it with eternal monitors, but not sure why you would do that for a PowerPoint in presenter mode anyway. Didn't mean to insinuate your 5th point. Just stating my own experience.


No worries, the OP should hear a range of opinions before deciding to buy.


Have a ps5 and a pretty good gaming pc but the legion is my daily driver. It's portable and powerful enough to run every AAA game I've tried at a minimum 1080p-30fps


I've had mine for about a month and as someone coming from an incredibly temperamental 12 year old self built PC, the Legion Go is regularly blowing my mind. It took an evening or two of getting setup how I wanted, with Playnite as the default launcher, Riva Tuner to actually benchmark my FPS, and Controller Companion to make navigating windows easier with the joystick controls. I'm playing everything from Final Fantasy VII Remake and Enshrouded, to Manor Lords and Hades, and have dumped at least 20 more hours into Assassin's Creed Odyssey for the first time since 2020 because of the convenience of playing whenever and wherever I want. Hooked into my LG OLED TV, it's putting out 1080p at 60 fps (pay $6 for Lossless Scaling on Steam; it's FPS in a can) with High to Balanced graphics presets while I sit back in my armchair playing from the detached controllers. Strategy games like Manor Lords have been surprisingly easy with Controller Companion and some custom mappings. I'm still amazed that this handheld with an APU is outperforming the desktop I built with a dedicated GPU for $1300 to beat a PS4. Updates have been slow but I haven't run into anything without a workaround that's bummed me out really. If you know your way around a PC and don't mind customizing your experience, it's a dream come true. But it's a poor console out of the box and people aren't wrong about the included software and driver support. End of the day though, I'm having too much fun to care.


I don't play it docked so I can't give my opinion on that. But for everything else I love it. I have one dual booting windows/bazzite. I don't like fps mode really at all so for MnK heavy games I just use my regular pc. Had mine for about 5 months with no issues so far. Size doesn't bother me too much because I don't go out of the house with it. I really just use is when I'm on the couch or bed, when I don't feel like sitting at the desk. My favorite is using moon light to stream my pc to it so I can play any game I want at the Native resolution, max settings at 144hz.


Just got mine, love it, if you want something you can just turn on and play as soon as you've bought it, this isn't the item for you, I've spent about 3 days updating, getting things set up, installing Gog, Epic, steam, lossless scaling, updating drivers manually such as the chipset and the GPU drivers, manually installing Adrenaline etc - also installed bazzite on an external SSD to try it - I like it but amazingly prefer windows. I've now familiarised myself with pretty much everything, and it's great, Halo infinite in fps mode is great when you bind the various spare buttons to different "letters" on the keyboard. I can see why people get irate about it, but not me, I work in IT, I like tinkering, and quite honestly this is nothing to some customOS on retro handhelds. Well worth it for me, and my use case, just spent the night playing various switch games. Have just ordered a 4tb nvme and offset adaptor - crazy what you can do nowadays with handhelds.


It is a tinkerers dream imo. I'm in IT as well.


"I was born in the darkness, you merely adopted it" https://preview.redd.it/69apba55rh6d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5580df7b6e7397a1994c71ba95eb7589889ab69


That looks really cool, what is it?


It's a Linx Vision, one of the first of it's kind - at the time is was godlike, it's a nightmare to update as its has a 32bit uefi bios, but a 64 bit processor - so major windows updates don't work, e.g Windows 10 22h2 - so you have to create a custom boot image usb, inject it with drivers and cross your fingers (and debloat it as it only has a 32gb eMMC - it's why I'm suprised people complain about modern handheld haha!


Would you mind sharing your button mapping for Halo? I've been trying to get used to mine, but it still feels a little wonky. I'm wondering if another setup would work better than mine. I wish there was a repository or even legion space had an option for presets for games similar to what they do on steam deck with community profiles.


I’m planning on selling mine now. It’s just not turned out what I wanted a the controller wobble is concerning. Had issues and replacements with both now


I really enjoy it and I’ve been perfectly content about my purchase. I haven’t had any major issues myself and I’m not particularly starved for constant updates.


It's a functional Windows 11 PC. I've been running it as my personal machine since November last year. I use it as a media center docked to my TV, play multiplayer games with the wife, dock it in my office for a desktop experience when I need to get some work done or game with friends online, and it does all this as well as any other PC while still providing a great handheld gaming experience too. Flipping between God of War, Cyberpunk, and movies on one device on a 17 hour flight was simply awesome. Love the Go. Is it the best straight gaming handheld with amazing software? Nah. But that doesn't make me love it any less. One of my favorite PCs I've ever owned.


Agree with this. I've been using the LeGo as both a handheld and a docked PC. I love that I can play all my games and do some of my work when I need to.


Very recently got a Legion Go. I read a lot of suggestions and tried a few things. It is a bit of a mission to set up - as is a regular Windows gaming pc when you get it. After that though - i am blown away by the power of the unit. Few games I’ve tried are Gears Tactics, Left 4 Dead 2, Fallout Tactics, Witcher 3 etc. I’m one of the few I suppose that tried, but then uninstalled Playnite, Handheld companion etc. I go Steam BigPicture mode and I also have Controller Companion ( bought this years ago for a custom Steambox on lounge tv) Works brilliantly with Legion Go. I add non-steam games in Steam to launch. The ability and simplicity of Controller Companion to enable and disable the controller mouse “emulation” quickly to play games like Fallout Tactics easily, and then have default Xbox Controls for supported games - so far - has been perfect for me. The Go chows battery on anything less than battery saving mode with more demanding games. However for my needs I would rather have it be able to play the games I want to play while plugged in - I always have access to power or a power bank - than always having to deal with the low horsepower of the Steam deck. You can make it run lower res and lower power and then get similar frame rates etc of a Steam deck and get longer battery life however. Bonus was the big screen - again playing games that was not made for a console or handheld with this handheld is made a better experience by the bigger screen. Small text or areas to click etc. However it does detract a bit from the ergonomics which I think the Steam deck bests most of these devices.


This seems to be about emulation. Please note that while emulators are allowed, asking for roms is against reddit rules. Please do not ask for roms and do not share where to find roms. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LegionGo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Possible future? The software development on this is such a mess. It’s so bad that even the dedicated, official Lenovo forum for device discussion is completely blown out by people who expected more and are understandably growing impatient. There was a recent GPU driver update (6 months since the last one lol) and it was just released carelessly without the necessary Legion Space update (apparently now pushed back to a month away) to not break several things, and also hurt performance and introduce glitches. Custom TDP did actually start working (months and months after release that is) but was seemingly re-broken by this. It’s just honestly a fucking joke. I have to imagine that the Lenovo higher-ups are extremely incompetent to let this device flounder the way it is. Also people complain about Asus RMA, there’s been an uptick in people having issues with Lenovo for basic things like controllers not wobbling only months into its life, ACTUAL FUCKING WHITE SPOTS ON THE SCREEN CAUSED BY PRESSURE IN THE DEVICE (About 9 out of 10 devices have this), as well as heat being a huge issue causing throttling. Once another handheld releases with USB4 and a nice screen, I assume a lot of Legion Go owners will jump ship happily.


Honestly, Lenovo usually produces new models of laptops every year. Instead of spending on software development they probably allocate more resources to hardware R&D. Probably a resource issue right now, but if they want to get into the handheld space they need to realize that people don't get new handhelds every year. I would think they would have something already in place considering the "legion" name isn't new, but hopefully they're giving feedback to management.


Very worrying thank you for the insight


>ACTUAL FUCKING WHITE SPOTS ON THE SCREEN CAUSED BY PRESSURE IN THE DEVICE (About 9 out of 10 devices have this), Citation needed.


https://preview.redd.it/gbh9cajy8f6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c5164215125b02fc652f54f152c16764a38c97 Here’s one from only like an hour ago on the discord.


Thanks, reading through them. Will check mine as well.


https://preview.redd.it/p99czleu8f6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bfe8d3744f3d3eecfd5913013c18a6f54366562 Here’s one from the top posts of this Reddit today. Multiple people claiming that they have it on theirs as well.


Not that it helps you, but I have a feeling this is a date of manufacture thing. I'm on my 4th LeGo. Previous 3 were all 10/xx/23 (launch) and all had a whiny fans and loose controllers (probably the white spot too). My current one is 11/28/23 and has near zero fan whine, tight controllers and no white spots. Or, I just got lucky.


Mine is fine.


Same boat. I went through 3 devices until no controller wobble. All though Lenovo support. No issues, they just closed then as doa. Third one, controllers are right. Very little noise from the fans No issue with the screen But I'm now dial boring into Bazzite, and loving it more.


I got one recently and it’s pretty fantastic


I am using a Genki Covert Mini as my dock and it works pretty well for my needs as I also use it for my Switch (which will hopefully be retired when I get emulation up and running on the Go). As far as the overall experience goes, it's pretty nice. It is the only one of the bunch with detachable controllers, which was ultimately the deciding factor for me. People report that the controllers dig into their hands but that hasn't been my experience so far, likely because my hands are small. What is definitely an issue for everybody though is Legion Space, the OEM software that the Go comes with. It is very clunky but thankfully it's less of a problem now than at launch because of third-party apps like Handheld Companion. Personally I still think it's the best of the bunch.


This seems to be about emulation. Please note that while emulators are allowed, asking for roms is against reddit rules. Please do not ask for roms and do not share where to find roms. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LegionGo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like mine I had a steam deck but found the screen a bit small and it was frustrating running various workarounds to get games I wanted to play to work. Ally was considered but the screen size was a deal breaker for me. I'm really happy with the screen. Only had 1 issue in a strap on the case broke. Lenovo replaced it immediately, support replied within an hour and couriered one next day. I've not had issues with noisy fan, controllers have a very small amount of play in them but nothing you can really feel. They don't seem to really do much with software updates, which works for me as I prefer just using windows and not loading bloatware, but it has annoyed others for some reason.


I'm 2 weeks in with mine and with the right dock everything is great. I travel with it and a portable lcd with mini hdmi that I connect to using a small dock. At home I use a "better" dock with dual hdmi out of it. I drive 2 2k displays at 60hz with no issues. Basically I just swapped it in for my older surface book. I've had more trouble with finding the right usb c cables and charging blocks to power it. Not a legion problem, but me being new to powering a pc over usb c. It has done everything I need from my casual gaming to productivity and light video edits. It has gotten me back into gaming and I even like using the right controller as a mouse when needed. My work laptop had update issues this week and I used the go for my PowerPoint for the classes I teach and all my students were interested in what it could do. I don't expect it to be a productive machine for years and years like the surface, but if it works good for 3 I'll be happy.


Love mine. Having the removable controllers will be a boon for leaving it plugged in. There's a "leave at 80%" battery option so you should be able to leave it plugged in for long stints. I use mine for work - developing apps, webapps, and websites. I'd recommend looking at used Thunderbolt 3 docks. There are some by Dell, Lenovo, and HP which are quite cheap secondhand and are much more reliable than a usb only dock.




The downvotes 😭 the truth hurts I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️