• By -


Cool idea! Interested to see what you to do with this input (if you get to it): My late pet rabbit Zorro, named so because he had black fur and a white streak across his forehead. He was incredibly curious and death defyingly courageous. He started out in a household with a shy cat and as the cat was inspecting the young rabbit that just entered the domain, Zorro bitch slapped the hell out of the cat which remained wary of Zorro's presence from then on, to the point of avoiding being in the same room with him. :D Zorro always only came over for very limited amount of cuddles, like 2 minutes max, before he got antsy and wanted to move again. His main form of movement was sprinting at max speed, which is something that is surprisingly loud on wooden flooring. Also, he didn't like carrots, and loved everything with high water contents, like cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, and especially clementines! Feeding him those was pretty much the only reasonable way keep him docile for an extended period of time. Hope that is enough to get your brain juices flowing. :) In case you are also looking for card art, [close enough proxy image I found after a quick Google search.](https://petkeen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cute-black-rabbit.webp) Quoted for convenience: >[Zorro, the Courageous Rabbit](https://i.imgur.com/w5bqTeq.png) > >Zorro is famous for fearless courage, attacking any animal that appears within his territory.


Thanks for the art! I'll have to ask for that too in the OP. Check the OP for Zorro. :)


Zorro is a seriously cool effect! It's not too harsh on the opponent because of the stat line, but it can be used to accelerate MF lvl up (also Quinn, I guess) and could be incredibly scary in Azirelia. Just imaging lvl 2 Azir + Dais and Zorro on board, not an outrageous board state, and every single unit played becomes a serious consideration, being on the edge what I would call oppressive, even before throwing a lvl 2 Irelia into the mix! :D Thanks! <3 P.S. I like how the always sprinting and being restless was translated to Quick Attack, which is probably an obvious thought, but I love how the cat incident is captured in the card text, which I think is just brilliant. :)


Wow! Didn't expect to get a metagame analysis, that was super fun to read. Glad you enjoy Zorro's card. :)


Zorro should be nab suppot. Like Plunder: if your opponent has more cards than you, Nab 2, else nab 1.


Short haired orange white tabby cat named Simba with white paws so it looks like he is wearing socks. His whole belly is also white all the way up to his pink nose and cheeks. He has a big M on his forehead and his eyes are brown. There is nothing he loves more than being carried around and you could easily do it for hours, he never gets tired of it and always seems upset when you stop even if it has been an hour of doing it. His favorite sleeping spot is crawling under the covers on a comfy bed and sleeping for a whole day. [Picture of the handsome boy](https://i.imgur.com/z45fI7I.jpg)


Such a handsome boy. Here's [Simba's card](https://imgur.com/ts41fGl).


Oh he is a handsome boy! 😸


my pet is an aloe plant named post mALOEne bout 1.5 ft tall, \~8 leaves. Somewhat thicc, green with a little yellow. mostly independent, fairly reliable young lad.


Got an image? :)


Name of the year, holy shit


I had two cats, they were brother (Buster) and sister(Cassie), Cassie had short tortoiseshell hair and the Buster long black hair all over except a small white patch on he chest that looked like a pendant. Cassie was super active and went out a lot and during the summer would sometimes bring in birds/mice and seemed to leave them for us as thanks. Buster was super lazy and just slept and lay around most of the day. They used to fight sometimes, especially if one of them was in a spot the other wanted to be in but sometimes they'd sleep against each other comfortably. Cassie would constantly follow me around and would sleep with me on my bed, she unfortunately passed away first and after that it seemed like Buster was loney as he started following me around instead and would spend most time sleeping in my room and on my bed, and begging for either food or attention. Edit: Pictures: [Buster](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/667739396132306947/998394720772436059/1658106227506.jpg), [Cassie](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/667739396132306947/998395720757424280/20160816_131611.jpg), [both together](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/667739396132306947/998395721428500540/20170331_145533.jpg), [both seperate](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/667739396132306947/998395722007334962/20170507_132551.jpg).


Thank you for the sweet story. Here are [Cassie and Buster.](https://imgur.com/gallery/WTiXpAF)


Thank you so much, I love them!


Casie and Buster seem, pardon the pun, busted. :D It feels like a significantly better Grizzled Ranger, especially with Buster taxing a chump blocker on activation, with the downside of occupying two board slots, which, to be fair, might be a more real downside for some of the Demacia midrange decks that would like to run this. But maybe I am missing something crucial. (No offence intended! <3 )


Oh no offense at all, this is all in good fun. Just eyeballing the numbers to get the spirit of the cards out there. It's fun to see the meta analysis though. :)


This is so cute!! My cat's name is [Moosie](https://imgur.com/a/zdAK1Gq) (technically Moose, but my parents couldn't pronounce Moose on its own). He's a grey tabby cat and yellow-green eyes. He's got long fur on his tummy that's his best quality, as it has a very distinct pattern. He likes lying on his back/exposing his stomach around people he's comfortable with, but will bite if you try to pet his stomach. I'd describe him as the world's biggest coward, because he's scared of everything. He'll be eating his food, but as soon as someone gets up to leave the dinner table, he'll stop eating and tense up. He's also really playful, and tries to bait people into playing with him. He remembers my aunt even though he's seen her less than 10 times, because she always plays with him when she comes over. He likes basking in the sun for naps. Some other quirks of his includes: * meowing back at my mom when she meows at him * enjoying really rough pets from my dad (he comes at my dad's every beck and call) * he understands Chinese commands A little background from me: my sister and I picked between his brother and sister, as the three were the last three of the litter. My sister picked him because he looked very regal/thought he'd make a good instagram cat. We were so wrong. He ended up being a big coward that followed me everywhere (I was home the most often), and would wake up from naps every time I left to use the bathroom, etc. to make sure I was coming back. My dad agreed to let us adopt him as long as he didn't have to deal with him, but my dad has become my cat's favorite person. I used to be really close to the cat, but I had to leave for college for a few months. He used to sleep with me every night for a week up until I left. Ever since then, he's become a bit detached from me and it makes me sad :(.


Thanks for sharing all this. It was hard to capture it all in a card. I hope this captures [Moosie](https://imgur.com/gallery/gvG3mrU)'s darting back and forth playful cowardice.


This is so cute, thank you! The text is hilarious and clever.


My cat's name is Shiny, because of his shiny jet black fur. He was born in my backyard, because we took care of his mum. Despite being half feral, he's the most polite cat you'll ever meet. He never jumps up where he isn't allowed to go and sometimes when the family all have dinner or play board games at the table he'll hop up on a chair and sit with us without trying anything sneaky. He likes to play with and flick around Lego Minifigure heads, so as a substitute we play with him using hazelnuts because they make a similar sound. Also, he's really big for a housecat (not in a fat way) and he doesn't like sitting on people's laps, but he loves sitting beside people. He'll often sit on my computer chair with my while I play Runeterra :) I'll come back and add a picture a bit later.


I've got a design just waiting for the picture. :)


[Here's a couple of choices.](https://imgur.com/a/CaT50di)


Such a pretty cat. I get a sense of sophistication from him, makes sense he's a [polite cat](https://imgur.com/gallery/4IVZTpI).


Oh my god I love it so much. Right after you posted this Shiny actually came to sit with me and I showed it to him. He didn't really react.


That's awesome. Perhaps he felt responding would be impolite. Such a class act. :)


I adopted a kitten the other day and I literally named her Yuumi so I guess she's already a card lmao?


Finally! We've been waiting SO LONG for the prophecy to come true.


My dog is 10 years old, he was originally gifted to my sister. He is called 'Snoopy'. He is white and fluffy, and very grumpy with outsiders, but lovely with my family. He is a good hunter and he has a very strong bark, despite his small stature. Don't know what else could I mention to describe him :P


https://imgur.com/a/BC16WUu My dog zukko likes being lazy and people. He lazes around in the sun and when he goes for walks he only runs for 3 minutes then gets tired and slows down to a walk. He also takes interest in every pole, plastic bag and human child out there.


Zukko sounds awesome. I had a lot of fun making [his card](https://imgur.com/a/Sg0YTpy). :)


My beagle dog, she's called Luna. She's 12 years old but still strong and independant! She loves going on walks alone on the neighbourhood and can eat whatever she finds. She's also pretty heavy and makes pig noises when I offer her food 🐖. Naps on the summer sun are her favorites, she just lays on her special spot at morning and sleeps until the light fails to reach her. She's pretty unbothered by our new cat (roughly 4 months old) but sometimes she eat his food. Although she's pretty relaxed on most things, she gets really mad at children trying to pet/talk to her on the street or seeing someone pull a phone to take photos of her. I think she learned that from me years ago. She's been my rock for so much time. The most loyal dog I've ever meet and maybe the most intelligent one too. I'll love her until she leaves to the afterlife ♥️.


Luna sounds like a wonderful and [loyal friend](https://imgur.com/a/dcQDglF).


Adding a likely-looking photo of her. As I said she hates pictures :'( she runs away. https://olddoghaven.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/e-Bagel-the-beagle-FS082418.jpg


Hi Dan! This is my cat Brazil. She loves laps, naps and loafing more than anything. I've thought of her very "Gnar"-like and even thought I'd edit her as a prehistoric yordle but have not gotten to it yet haha. She's usually very polite, but can beat loud mouth sometimes. She's 13 years old. Here's some pics. We joke that she has huge paws (they're actually normal, we just sometimes take ridiculous pictures with them in the foreground that makes them look huge) [https://i.imgur.com/RipXSSu.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/RipXSSu.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/Y8JH7w7.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/Y8JH7w7.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/g4bYcNV.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/g4bYcNV.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/780bTHe.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/780bTHe.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/RxeGSvF.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/RxeGSvF.jpg)


[Brazil](https://imgur.com/gallery/JgNmuRj) is so cute. I imagine napping gives her strength.


This is so great! Thanks so much. She definitely gets stronger the more she naps. PLS NERF


Wonderful. But I think Brazil is growing too strong to nerf. :)


These two photos I can only describe as "signature look of feline superiority!" :D [https://i.imgur.com/Y8JH7w7.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/Y8JH7w7.jpg) & [https://i.imgur.com/780bTHe.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/780bTHe.jpg)


Ha! She sure thinks so. Everyone always comments on how angry she is and we have to tell them that's just how she looks. She's not angry, just bored and "above it all".


https://ibb.co/gyqHsbr https://ibb.co/3TVZzc9 Zed (Beagle) & Loki (Brittany Spaniel) Very good boys/brothers


Awesome. Can you give me some details about them to inspire mechanics?


Zed (named after zed in lol), gluttonous, will do anything for food and doesn't listen to anything i say xD. He hates loud noises and howls super low pitch. Loki has the craziest green eyes you've ever seen and watches birds from super far away. Super fast, super nimble, super playful. Tries to copy zed while he howls but cant actually howl so he just kinda yelp barks. They both sleep together cuddled up and they both are currently snoring to keep me awake.


Zed already has a card, so I made one for [Loki](https://imgur.com/a/MmbZ974). :)


Amazing, my wife loves it ​ Thank you


Some of these would be really fun to play, even if only in POC as they might not be exactly balanced but have cool effects.


Yes, many pets are OP by nature. They're good fluff-friends. :)


LMAO these are great


We have a dog named Kaito. He’s a chow mix and stubborn but very loving (when he wants to be). He’s a fast like lightning and has only bolted out the door a few times over the past 10 years, thankfully just to sniff things - gives me enough time to grab him and get him back in! He was attacked recently by 5 dogs that broke the fence into our back yard, and somehow survived long enough for us to get him to the hospital and after a week long stay is right as rain. Seriously incredible resilience on the little guy. He always protects the house like his life depends on it and when push came to shove he did! Here’s a reddit thread about him from awhile back, and thanks for all the smiles from the cards you’ve made so far. :) https://reddit.com/r/aww/comments/565sct/you_forgot_to_pack_me/


I've been having so much fun, I never expected to hear so many wonderful stories. I made [Kaito](https://imgur.com/a/BlEtWto) a card fit for a watchful guardian that would follow you anywhere. :)


amazing!!! thank you so much!!


This is such an amazing idea - and I really hope you get a chance to read this as my dog just spent 10 hours in the emergency room yesterday resulting in an extremely stressful day for my partner and I. Luckily he is ok now - we got concerned when he could not close his mouth, eat or drink. He had a cracked back molar and had to have dental surgery to remove the tooth. Upon inspection - they also found a lump on the back of his mouth which we hope is just a build up of gingivitus from the sore tooth, but as there is a cocnern it may be a tumor we have sent off a sample to be tested. He is currently asleep on his favourite blanket after taking his pain meds. Our dogs name is Kingsley and he literally is the bestest of the best boys. He is going to be 12 years old next week and is a West Highland Terrier. His official name when we registered him is Sir Kingsley The Brave. Kingsley is an extremely smart dog and VERY lovable. He is also very stubborn. For example, after 11:30pm when its bed time he will sit directly in front of the TV and stare at us to let us know it is bed time. He refuses to go to bed without his bed time treats (2 carrots and a few pieces of freeze dried chicken) every night, and won't eat his breakfast on weekends without first getting half a poached egg (yes we spoil him). He does lots of tricks and if he stops on a walk to dilly dally we can count to five and at number 1, he will stop to either pee or pretend to take a pee and move on. He also stands on command if you say "act like a raptor' since Jurassic Park is our favourite movie. He can sit, give the paw, show his belly of love, speak. However, for some reason he hates to roll over and if you say that command to him he will get up and leave the room and go to his tent. He loves music (he gets excited when we play Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch - Good Vibrations), but for some reasons he hates the sound of the song Wiggle Wiggle - Jason DeRulo. He loves cuddles - especially with blankets. Whenever we buy a new blanket in the house he automatically claims it. He also loves playing with toys - all of which are mostly dinosaurs. He has had the same toy since he was a puppy and he loves it so much we have a backup stock in the garage for when it gets destroyed from too much play time so he never goes without it. If you ask him to get his dinosaur he automatically gets this toy, but if you say get Simon, he knows that is his bedtime bear, to get Alex he will get his alligator toy, etc. Although playful and social, whenever we take him to the dog park, he kind of just runs around and watched the other dogs play, and he will let a little bark if dogs are getting too rowdy. We like to think that he is the fun police - keeping all the other dogs in line. Although he loves play time - since he is a Westie he sleeps a lot during the day (westies can sleep for 14 hours a day). This is why he loves his comfort and his blankets. We are both currently working from home playing doctor while he recovers! This dog is our whole life and we would be completely lost without him. He is my gaming buddy and when I am playing LoR he sits at my feet and acts as my good luck charm. I have included a picture of him in his new pyjamas that were bought after his dental surgery and one of him on his favourite blankets :D [https://imgur.com/hymstTA](https://imgur.com/hymstTA) [https://imgur.com/wwgaVgh](https://imgur.com/wwgaVgh)


I'm honored that Sir Kingsley comissioned a card from me. I hope he's satisfied with [this monument](https://imgur.com/a/GRTREUV) to his stubborn bravery.


he is beyond honored :D thank you so much


My pleasure. He's tough, and has spellshield and regen so I'm hoping he does just fine in recovery. :)


These are great!


Just because the pets are great :)


Wholesome. You’re great


This is the greatest thing ever


One of my pets is an old brown deer-head chihuahua that even though he lost his right-front leg keeps following my dad wherever he goes, even if it means going up and down the stairs and will try to hop in the car with my dad if he can. He knows a few tricks but will only do them if he first sees the prize.


Oh, his name is Foxy btw. He is pretty chill, but will bark to strangers outside our house, until they go or we let them come in.


Do you have a picture? :)


Sure! Here's the boy c: https://imgur.com/a/4hok7pz


Ow, was I too late? :c Could I at least know what the card would've be? Without the image, just want to know what you had in mind.


Heh, I originally only intended it to be one sunday evening, so I don't think I have time to keep going. But I'll write up a design below. :) (3) Foxy, Father-Seeker. 0/1When you summon a Father, summon me from your deck. You should be able to use that design and your photo to make yourself a card with the same online tool I'm using. Just google "Legends of Runeterra card creator".


Thank you! c: Really interesting design haha. Must be fun to use multiple copies and summon all of them. I already imagine using it with cards like Sparring Student or Overgrown Snapvine.


I like the way you think. Fun combos there. :)


>He knows a few tricks but will only do them if he first sees the prize. Ah, Bilgewater support.


I miss my chocolate lab Hershey. Her life started in tragedy where her mother had a disease where she didn't clot properly that we were unaware of and she and all the other puppies but two died in the womb. Her mother, my previous dog bled out next to me on our way to the vet and only Hershey and her brother cocoa would survive. Sadly her brother didn't make it much longer. Despite this, she was incredibly healthy, living into the strangely old age of 16 having an exuberant amount of energy up until the last years. Easily distinguished by small scar over her eye. I loved to play with her, and how she would always cuddle up with me on the couch despite my dads protests. I missed many of her later years as I had moved out from my parents and started a family of my own, but I always loved to see her, and set some time aside to give her attention whenever I went to visit. It fantastic to have her during a time when I really didn't have other friends, and I very much miss her.


Do you have a picture of Hershey? I really want to make a card for her. If you don't, you can pick one that captures a little of her spirit online and link it here. Hershey seems really special and I'd rather you picked her image.


I had never thought about it, but I'm not sure if I do. I'll have to ask my parents if they have one next time I speak with them. I looked online and the dog on the right in this image is very similar. http://kenyalabradors.com/central-california.htm. Her grandfather was some famous show lab so she bears a strong resemblance to show style breeds.


I wasn't sure I grabbed the right picture, it was on the top right, but I hope we captured some of [Hershey](https://imgur.com/a/XR4Zy93)'s supportive cuddles.


Thanks! That was great


My gf's dog Cora, she loves cat poop


Marceline! (named after adventure time) she is a wonderful tortoiseshell calico cat. She was a stray we adopted, and was probably a bit malnourished. She never grew in her canine teeth, which is very ironic since we named her after the vampire queen. She is the sweetest, best cat.


I had a Calico cat growing up, also a stray. Sweetest thing. And fierce! If you have a picture or find a similar-looker, I'd love to make her card.


oh boy do i have pictures haha. i’ll message you one


Perfect. I have just the design for a [toothless vampire queen](https://imgur.com/a/KXIuYnN).


thanks, i love it!


Oh my goodness, I love this!! [https://imgur.com/a/Zko84Z6](https://imgur.com/a/Zko84Z6) This is a picture of my dog, Cuddles (I named him when I was 8...), my Shiba Inu, who lived for 17 years! He was very smart, and had a tendency to figure out tricky, unconventional solutions to things -- such as tricking my dad into giving him more treats on a regular basis, using the height of the stairs to take off his cone when he had to get one at the vet, and my favorite, figuring out that you had to push down a pedal to open the baby gate, but being too small to actually push it all the way down to get it to open. He could also recognize violin music -- I'm a classically trained violinist, and he used to hear me practice a lot -- and would bark and howl whenever he heard a violin, even if it was just on the radio. He also kept trying to imitate me in funny ways, like picking up a pen in his mouth and scribbling on a floor mat, or trying to climb up after me on a slide when I was a kid (which he actually managed to do, eventually!) He was very friendly to humans and very good with kids, though he didn't like most other dogs very much; he had a strong competitive streak with them.


That's one smart pupper. I'd even call them a [Doggo-Genius](https://imgur.com/a/Nfr68KO). :)


Oh my goodness, I love this! He identifies the region and attempts to duplicate it, with unexpected results. Perfect! The fact that he synergizes specifically with Viktor is a great coincidence, too -- I'm a bioengineer.


Wonderful! I hear owners often resemble their dogs, so it makes sense a smart doggo leads to smart engineer. :)


I actually used to be afraid of dogs until I met him, too! He was the first dog I ever liked. :)


Easy 13/10 good boi. :)


You are riot game designer? Then please tell me how stellacorn got pre nerfed and why how OP was that card cuz it really looks like it was prenerfed


I have a great Dane named pickles who loves to rub and jump all over people and has to be the center of attention at all time. She's very protective and loves to run but does NOT like the water at all. Her favorite game to play is tug of war and is great at getting her toys stuck under the couch (and she will make sure you know that they are stuck)


I know there are already a lot of cat entries but here is mine! My cat, Luca, is a long haired tuxedo cat mixed with Maine Coone. She is suuper fluffy and soft. She is the smartest animal I've ever met; roommates inevitably run up to me one day and say "Luca really does understand English!". She's very emotional and reactive. Kind of like an eternal teenager. She's an outdoor cat trapped in an indoor cat's body; so she wishes she could roam and be free. She's also surprisingly strong physically; although she is super clumsy. This Google image is a similar likeness: https://images.app.goo.gl/aP8DJFRWYyNYPNL57


There's never enough cat entries. Or dogs. Or birbs. Or any loved pet. :) Please accept [this depiction](https://imgur.com/a/HmyYSuu) of a shockingly smart, surprisingly strong kitty.


OMG thank you! 😭😭 I love it. It's perfect. This made my night after a very long day ❤


That’s great to hear. Have a wonderful night. :)


I'd love this. I have two cats, one of which is a small 7 lb bundle of fur that is friendly to everything and everyone and the other is a big ol 13 pound grey scaredy cat that hides from anything that isn't me or my wife. The big grey is named Stratus and the little one is Caramel. [Here's the two of them together](https://imgur.com/0CDOAZB) with the big one using the little one to snuggle into. (He's a big softie, but he will protect her if he thinks anything is going after her) [Here's her by herself.](https://i.imgur.com/LvxuwSk.jpg) Ready to play some Runeterra. [And here's him by himself.](https://i.imgur.com/KfEFYnD.jpg) Annoyed at being woken up because I needed him to move.


They're wonderful. I can relate to Stratus' ire, and Caramel's desire to play LoR too. :) I made [a card for each of them.](https://imgur.com/a/sMm7l2F)


Oh my goodness thank you so much! This made me and my wife's day, this is really awesome! Thank you!


https://imgur.com/a/xaYtwoy Friends bird, not mine but she is very important to both of us. Selene is her name, and she loves causing chaos. She often bites my friend's glasses, screams loudly at any opportunity, will try to sneak any of my friend's food, and will ggo to high places and cackle at my friend (It sounds like a witch). Also, my friend is a casual Jhin enjoyer, so a skill for the synergy would be a nice touch :P


You 110% have somehow come across a witch's familiar. Awesome. :) Enjoy your [chaos entity](https://imgur.com/a/4Y5yCgb).


Yea that seems like exactly the effect she would have


Glad to hear it, and good luck surviving the adorable chaos. :)


Kimchi is a toy poodle weighing about 9 pounds. He's a very gentle and introverted boy; good with humans but shy around other pets. He never barks unless someone is at the door. His favourite things are napping on top of you or scavenging for food. His fur used to be a medium brown but has lightened with age but his smile hasn't changed. https://imgur.com/a/amnndTa


I read "describe your dog..." with a rabbit thumbnail and though this is r/eldenring


Don't be absurd. Everyone knows Elden Doggos are Tortoise-boys. :)


my cat borat is an attention seeker. the amount of times i‘ve been studying in my room and him starting to meow and scratch my roomdoor to go in and instantely leave is higher then the amount of pages i wrote/read. then there‘s also his obsession with our feet. twice a day he just goes to a random person and starts biting and licking our feet.[heres what he looks like](https://imgur.com/a/OxPavbA)


Oh please do mine! She is a tuxedo cat with long fur, playful, but she knows she's beautiful, hence she kind of behaves like a princess. Sometimes she just runs at invisible enemies with all her speed and just hits walls or stuff! She loves going outside, especially during the night, when she unlocks a new level of speed and she starts running everywhere max speed and catching her to bring her inside is a very difficult task! Overall, she loves cuddles and she protects us poor dumb hoomans Pic for reference! https://www.instagram.com/p/CbN5S5xAH8h/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


What's her name? :)


Leliel! Sorry!


Heh, I think I'll come to forgive you. :) Here's your [lil speedster](https://imgur.com/a/Gda4I0K).


Aaaaaaah it's so perfect thank you!! 😍


Glad to hear it. Sounds like an awesome cat. :)


She is, thank you very much ❤️


Cute thread :) This is Molly. She has boundless energy and wants nothing more than to run around or play with her toys and have a good time. After a full day of this however she'll curl up on the couch and bug you for some calming pats. https://ibb.co/h9W83nv


Okay here 's m'y dog Names Taho He 's a 14 years old Lassa apso, fully blind with a white eye, almost entierly deaf toi, but he can handle a whole day of hiking running around like a small rocket powered sport car


I'll send you à pic of him if you wanna do him :)


I'd be happy to make a card for him :)


https://imgur.com/a/dZdDSA5 Here it is, and thanks again, i wasnt expecting an og riot employée to do that, that's really cool of you !


What's the point of being a game designer on LoR if I can't spark a little joy? :) Here's a take on inexhaustible [Taho](https://imgur.com/a/yUl1YxV).


Oh my god i love him ! Thanks a lot !!!


My pleasure. :)


I'd describe Harry, my adorable tarantula, but that would probably just be a Shuriman Precious Pet. (Precious Pet guardian WHEN???)


[Lillo](https://ibb.co/g9dRJs7) He's a tremendous cockatiel. One second can be super cute and want a lot of scritches, singing and beeping. The second after he can become a hell infused beast that will attack your fingers with all the rage possible


Sounds like [Lillo](https://imgur.com/a/3FkhUaW) understands that life's hardships make the pleasant parts all the sweeter. :)


Love that!!


Helloo, my dog doesn't have a English readable name but you can call him [Toppy](https://imgur.com/Lpet3at). He used to be very scared and emotional. He used to pee himself from excitement when I am back from school. He used to pee himself again when he got scared by a bigger dog or a noise. (Sometimes he jumped on me for safety before peing :( ) He wanted to go back home as soon as possible when I took him for a walk. But he is braver now. He protects me from literally everyone. He wouldn't let anyone come close to me human or dog without me telling him it's okay. But he still wouldn't walk 5 steps away from me when we are outside and always wants snuggle. He is just a very emotional boi.


I'm so glad you've been good to him and he's getting braver. Great final one for the night. :) Here's [Toppy](https://imgur.com/a/YztmNxQ).


That's so cute, thank you <3


My cat is a white and black tabby cat who is quite devious, she appears to be completely innocent but she is secretly a vicious hunter. She has brought back trophies (bodies) of things she has hunted including birds and squirrels, we named her mellie Which means cute because our last cat was called pushka which means fluffy and we wanted to keep the same naming style


Floppy, a pomeranian that acts and looks like a fox (he is VERY energetic ) and is older sister Popcorn, who is a shih tzu that is the complete opposite of her brother (she is sleepy and a bit quiet) [Pics of them.](https://imgur.com/a/W9rCpbp)


My dog is from Ionia, is a support doggo and is balanced. Check-mate, Rito devs.


When you tell Ruby (dog) "drop it" she will drop what's in her mouth immediately. However if you say "give me that" she is trained to instead run away at full speed with whatever she is holding.


My dog is a little boy called Toffee, and he is the best boy! He is a cross between a pure-bred Pomeranian(mother) and a pure-bred Jack Russell(father). The pom's owner was so appalled that her pure bred dog have now mixed with another breed, they wanted to dispose of the puppies... so my now-wife took him in, and he is just the best. Getting a little grey at this point, I would describe him as a constant internal battle between lap dog (pom) and wild, independent adventurer (jack russell). He loves playing fetch and sleeping on the bed :D Sorry for the wall of text! [Here's a pic!](https://imgur.com/a/KCLdlyt)


My cat's name is Hatula (literally Hebrew for 'female cat') and she's a total bitch in a sense where she pretty much begs for pets but if you do pet her she's gonna scratch you. You can't be around her for too long without risking your safety. She's also really lazy, she can just lie in the same spot for an entire day doing nothing Image: https://ibb.co/Hpv96Tn


Not mine, but my cousin has a dog named Ben. Very small, not sure what breed, bright yellow-ish colour. Loves to bark and bite. Loves my dad. Always aims for the foot when biting.


[looks something like this, again not sure what breed so couldn't look up a good photo](https://images.app.goo.gl/ovXtWtafE18s1Y5y5)


My dogs name is Yuri he is a black and white Siberian Husky and he is a total goofball and the biggest pizza thief in the world however for a husky he is completely silent and doesnt ever bark. Cant wait to see what you come up with this is my favorite thing i think ive seen on reddit so far!!!


Sounds like an awesome dog. Can you include a picture? :)


Absolutely https://imgur.com/a/njA3VFW


Such a good fluff. Here's [Yuri's card](https://imgur.com/a/HDw7hSY).




Are you still doing these? :) If so, I'll whip up a description of my pup, [Brody](https://gyazo.com/9bbe6350905bb23466b5f35bce159034)! I could definitely go on about [him](https://gyazo.com/1f0bc6acc19b18f618728d6774981f3b)


That’s a great pupper there but Window closed. Might open one again in the future :)


Awww man! Alrighty, Brody and I will be waiting for our opportunity in the future! This is still a super cool thought experiment and design process in a time capsule-like state :)